Movie Gallery / Hollywood Video / Game Zone 3.99 PS2,GC,XBOX Preplayed Sale

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63 (100%)
From now until further notice all preplayed PS2,XBOX and GC titles are 3.99. From the Movie Gallery store I work at I picked up 2 copies of Mercenaries 2 and Guitar Hero 3.

Also if your Movie Gallery has a Game Zone all preplayed Wii, 360 and PS3 games are 25% off. Most of the next gen games that are preplayed in the Game Zone sections come as trade-ins so you can generally find good copies its just that the selection wont be as good as a Gamestop.

Edit by Io - For those with Hollywood Videos around note that this sale applies only to stores that DO NOT have Gamecrazy's attached. Also, it is still highly YMMV at any given store. Some don't participate (manager's discretion) and some are just clueless and think you are talking about the concurrent $3.99 movie deal (which requires 2 rentals and only applies to movies $12.99 and under). I've gone to about 6 stores and have gotten about 4 different versions of the deal. There is a code they can scan that makes all these games come out to $3.99 no matter whether you rent or not and no matter what the original prices are - it is just YMMV whether they can A) Find that code and B) Choose to apply it to the games you want to buy ;).
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in Milwaukee i was told at few stores they would be getting about 100 games from game crazy....
the one on 68th st had some good games.. but jame who works there was a complete prick..... a manager at another store told me to report him....

but yeah....
no lego batman yet in milwaukee? anyone lucky? or even WI?
[quote name='GuardianE']Mine restocked on Wii games a few days ago. Pretty worthless. They did get some 360 games and 2-3 PS3 games along with it, but nothing last gen.[/quote]
Same here. I haven't gotten anything new the past 2 days. In the beginning, I scored a Fifa and Mercs 2. Nothing since.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']Same here. I haven't gotten anything new the past 2 days. In the beginning, I scored a Fifa and Mercs 2. Nothing since.[/quote]

I've scored zero newer PS2 games at any Hollywood Video locations and I visited the day the promotion was announced on CAG. They just don't have them. They have them for rent, but haven't converted since the promo started. I've been checking.
Alright well thanks anyways everyone. My stores didn't have Mercs 2 or Lego Batman to begin with so I don't think they would have restocked as of yet. I would like to check but I just don't know.
[quote name='GuardianE']I've scored zero newer PS2 games at any Hollywood Video locations and I visited the day the promotion was announced on CAG. They just don't have them. They have them for rent, but haven't converted since the promo started. I've been checking.[/quote]
Yeah I left a Fifa and Batman for another CAGer... and they were gone. I hope a CAG picked them up or someone is at least enjoying them. :)
[quote name='bug_nuts']in Milwaukee i was told at few stores they would be getting about 100 games from game crazy....
the one on 68th st had some good games.. but jame who works there was a complete prick..... a manager at another store told me to report him....

but yeah....
no lego batman yet in milwaukee? anyone lucky? or even WI?[/QUOTE]

Ha! The 68th St one is where I got my biggest haul of Tales of the Abyss's and Mercs 2/Batmans before the drops.

I used to live right around the corner from there.. Weird.
[quote name='io'] I passed on some Smackdown vs Raw 08's. I get enough looks for the games I bring in, I try to avoid the Cabela and wresting titles ;).

While waiting a Japanese girl brought in a huge stack of games for trading, along with a Gamecube. She had a bunch of PS1 games including FF VII that they wouldn't take. She also traded Pikmin 2. But the highlight was a stunningly mint Electroplankton, complete with unused registration code to My Nintendo. I think with the bonus she got $24.50 or so (each) for Electroplankton and Pikmin 2. As soon as she left I asked to buy the Electroplankton as I always regretted passing on that when it was available online from Nintendo. At the time, though, I didn't want to shell out $35 or so in real cash money to get it. Well, take a guess at what GS sells it for?
An astounding $59.99!
. Still, I bought it. After Cellfire + Edge it came down to
which isn't too far off the original price + shipping from Nintendo. However, I got to buy it with credit this time of course ;). And considering at the next GS I got $84 for just 6 HWV games I think I can take the hit.

I haven't looked recently to see what it fetches on eBay but it is for me to keep in any case. It is now one of the better prizes in my collection, plus, being opened already I can try it out as well. Though I'm sure I could get a ton for it if I managed to snap a pic of the girl as she was trading it in - you know how some people have a fetish for used items from young Japanese girls ;). (She wasn't super-young - in her 20's probably).[/quote]

I've been getting some weird looks from the variety of games I've been getting to trade as well, mainly the Power Rangers and Hot Wheels titles.

Of course, I think I've had a few junior detectives already questioning two things: 1) how I built so much credit so quickly and 2) why I'm not spending any of it yet.

I can't believe that you didn't attempt to buy FFVII off of that girl after they rejected it, but I don't know how your standing with your local GS stores is. Mine have let me make people offers in store, but then go outside the store to complete the trade/deal.

I also would've done the same thing for Electroplankton, since I'd rather pay cash for it at half of what it'd cost to buy from GS. But then again, you got that credit uber cheap, so it may have worked out for you.
Out of the 3 HV I checked yesterday, only 1 converted rentals. Picked up some Mercs 2 and Lego Batmans. At the last HV, I found a copy of Capcom vs SNK 2 PS2. My first thought was that I had hit the jackpot but then I realized that it wasn't Marvel vs Capcom. I still tried to buy it since GS sells it for $29.99 but the disc was scratched to hell. The clerk who was helping me out must have been new since she didn't know how to work the resurfacing machine. She also couldn't find KOTOR 2 (only the OG Kotor).

At the first GS, I saw a GS employee and a friend looking for Mercs 2. :lol: I didn't get a chance to finish my HV run since I had forgotten it was "Poker Night". I'll stop by those HV today and see what I can find. BTW, I got to the final but my pocket 4's couldn't hold up against an Ace/9 off-suit.:bomb:
[quote name='bug_nuts']in Milwaukee i was told at few stores they would be getting about 100 games from game crazy....
the one on 68th st had some good games.. but jame who works there was a complete prick..... a manager at another store told me to report him....

but yeah....
no lego batman yet in milwaukee? anyone lucky? or even WI?[/quote]

in green baby, the HV on lime kiln and Mason had about 3 lego batman's the last time i visited. i picked up 2 copies, so they did have a total of 5.
Well I've hit 3 Movie Galleries is a new store and literally had 5 games total for sale used, all next gen. The other one I hit last night and picked up 5 decent flips. The other I had my sister check back in Indiana, and they had 3 PS2 games total, and not a single decent game for sale. The clerk told my sister they are trying to get some more used games in (maybe from a GC) for the sale.

I'm going to double check the TIV for Facebreaker at an actual Hollywood Video tonight and make sure it wasn't just low at MG. 2 other possibilities, these 2 games showed $25 TIV at HWV as well(on the same flyer)
Mario Kart Wii, is 39.99, or 30 after cellfire and tax, and gets 25
Infinite Undiscovery is 35, or 26.20 after cellfire and tax, and gets 25.

Obviously neither is great, but if you are cashing out GS credit to move back to HWV, you might as well just do those instead if you don't get 1 to 1 when you sell the items you are cashing out at GS. Also, once you factor in the time involved in selling an item, and then going back to HWV, I"d just as soon lose a few bucks moving the credit back. I will also confirm these two TIVs tonight
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I am so absolutely dsgusted. I am done flipping, but stopped at a MG on the way home in hopes of finding games for myself. I happen upon a SMT:DDS1 and ico. I got the 3.99 deal and forot to check the game condition... ico is complete and mint. Dodged a bullet... then I open dds1 and it had the manual... looked at the disk and whatever jaclass rented it last apparently played discgolf with it. Its playable, thus im not returning it.... but really? Why would somebody jack up that game so bad. They normally sell it used for 14.99 too.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I can't believe that you didn't attempt to buy FFVII off of that girl after they rejected it, but I don't know how your standing with your local GS stores is. Mine have let me make people offers in store, but then go outside the store to complete the trade/deal.

I also would've done the same thing for Electroplankton, since I'd rather pay cash for it at half of what it'd cost to buy from GS. But then again, you got that credit uber cheap, so it may have worked out for you.[/QUOTE]

Well, I just wanted to be sure I was gonna get Electroplankton so I didn't want to mess anything up. But you're right - even if I offered her cash I'm still better off paying $42 in credit than $24 in cash - the credit is actually much cheaper than that. (Let's say it came from a Lego Batman, a PS2 LSW II, and a post-drop Mercs 2 - that's $12 in Gamecrazy credit, which in turn came from just part of a price match to a Blockbuster trade-in price of a game I originally bought from Gamestop ;)).

As for the FF VII, the clerk wanted it really badly and he asked her what she was going to do with it (and some other PS1 games that I didn't catch the names of). I think she said something about giving them to her sister and he was really disappointed and said he was hoping she might just want to throw them away and in that case he'd take them. So, yeah, he was hoping to score them for free and and didn't even ask to buy them :lol:. I suppose, at that point, I could have offered some cash and the GS guys wouldn't have cared - they couldn't take them as part of the trade and weren't willing to buy them either. But I believe it was the second edition (greatest hits maybe?). I'm not sure, but they were talking about that before. I mean, I don't even have the game so it really wouldn't matter if I got a GH, but then again I'm not likely to play it any time soon when I haven't even played FF X or XII yet.
[quote name='jer7583']When you buy multiples you take the risk, especially with HWV since they do NOT give refunds, only exchanges for used product.[/quote]

Not the point of your rant, but this is not true, its up to the stores policy. Some stores will do store credit only, some will give you a refund in how you payed, some will give you back cash even if you used credit. All up to the store's policy.

Also, on the point of hording, I just do a simple thing. I won't buy more then two copies of the same game in a one trip, and even then I have only done that with a single game (Though I have tried to do it about 5 times, the other 4 they couldn't find the second copy). Now, thats not to say I won't keep buying the same game every visit, I have bought Lego Star Wars 2 for the PS2 four times now, and Battle Front 2 three times.
[quote name='io'] but then again I'm not likely to play it any time soon when I haven't even played FF X or XII yet.[/quote]

well just fyi, you don't need to play FFX or FFXII or any of the other FF's in order to play FFVII. None of them follow a chronological storyline from one to the next, all stand-alone games (except FFX-2 Obviously). I could spend a couple hours praising how FFVII is my fav game of all time and why...but i'll spare my review for the sake of staying on subject (at least, for the most part hehe). But in conclusion...IO, if you ever come upon such a situation again...take EVERY OPPORTUNITY to acquire that game! Who cares if it's GH or not...GET IT, PLAY IT, LOVE IT. Truly a gem :whistle2:D

anywayz, back on subject

Will be hitting 2 more HWVs tomorrow and then calling it quits (and this time for real)...I know these HWVs are untouched because both of them are basically in the heart of the ghetto where no one that even remotely knows about flipping or the sort goes. And they're only about 20-30 miles away :whistle2:D joy! then i will post my totals!
Bought some stuff at Hollywood Video for 3.99
GS TIV (base)
All Xbox titles
Star Wars Battlefront 2 $10.50
Star Wars KOTOR 2 $8
Baldur's Gate 2 $6.75
GTA SA $11.75
[quote name='io']
As for the FF VII, the clerk wanted it really badly and he asked her what she was going to do with it (and some other PS1 games that I didn't catch the names of). I think she said something about giving them to her sister and he was really disappointed and said he was hoping she might just want to throw them away and in that case he'd take them. So, yeah, he was hoping to score them for free and and didn't even ask to buy them :lol:. I suppose, at that point, I could have offered some cash and the GS guys wouldn't have cared - they couldn't take them as part of the trade and weren't willing to buy them either. But I believe it was the second edition (greatest hits maybe?). I'm not sure, but they were talking about that before. I mean, I don't even have the game so it really wouldn't matter if I got a GH, but then again I'm not likely to play it any time soon when I haven't even played FF X or XII yet.[/quote]

What a dick that clerk was. The only reason I asked why you didn't even try to make an offer for it was because of it's actual resale value. I know when the one local shop had some idiot(who didn't know the value of that ONE game) come in with FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and some other random games and junk, I was SOOOO tempted to make a $10 offer(the store only offered them $5-7 for FFVII) just to get a copy to recoup some of the money I've spent there.

As for the FF games, I have nothing but disdain for them. I can't understand WHY the hell they have such a following. Now if the combat was more akin to Diablo, Dark Alliance or Marvel Ultimate Alliance, I'd have bought and owned each of those games.
wheee. finally A MG success/

they even had a copy of rpg maker. and got my first copy of ps2 final frame
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Now if the combat was more akin to Diablo, Dark Alliance or Marvel Ultimate Alliance, I'd have bought and owned each of those games.[/quote]


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What can I say, I like repetitive games, much like a good portion of the gaming community.

If we all didn't like repetition, there would be a bigger number of new IP's, rather than a ton of sequels coming out.

While games like Little Big Planetmay bring something new to the table, it's nothing that we haven't seen or done before. Little Big Planet owes some of it's appeal to 16 bit games like Cool Spot, which had the cutesy mascot-ish character catergory sewn up years ago.

Either way, I like what I like(action games and sandbox games mainly)and anything turn based is pretty much dreck to me. But, if you like them, that's your thing.

For the record, I also hated Oblivion with a passion. To me, RPG's are supposed to be third person games. The third person perspective in Oblivion felt 'wrong' and broken.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']What can I say, I like repetitive games, much like a good portion of the gaming community.

If we all didn't like repetition, there would be a bigger number of new IP's, rather than a ton of sequels coming out.

While games like Little Big Planetmay bring something new to the table, it's nothing that we haven't seen or done before. Little Big Planet owes some of it's appeal to 16 bit games like Cool Spot, which had the cutesy mascot-ish character catergory sewn up years ago.

Either way, I like what I like(action games and sandbox games mainly)and anything turn based is pretty much dreck to me. But, if you like them, that's your thing.

For the record, I also hated Oblivion with a passion. To me, RPG's are supposed to be third person games. The third person perspective in Oblivion felt 'wrong' and broken.[/quote]

i still think it's a bit unreasonable and unethical for you to try to offer someone $10 measley dollars for a game(s) that (for some at least, obviously not you) are some of the most well-made RPGs to date! I'd offer AT LEAST $30 for the GH of FFVII and $60 for the black label version. Don't care if you love it or hate it...have respect for it dammit! :cool:
[quote name='Capa']Well I've hit 3 Movie Galleries is a new store and literally had 5 games total for sale used, all next gen. The other one I hit last night and picked up 5 decent flips. The other I had my sister check back in Indiana, and they had 3 PS2 games total, and not a single decent game for sale. The clerk told my sister they are trying to get some more used games in (maybe from a GC) for the sale.

I'm going to double check the TIV for Facebreaker at an actual Hollywood Video tonight and make sure it wasn't just low at MG. 2 other possibilities, these 2 games showed $25 TIV at HWV as well(on the same flyer)
Mario Kart Wii, is 39.99, or 30 after cellfire and tax, and gets 25
Infinite Undiscovery is 35, or 26.20 after cellfire and tax, and gets 25.

Obviously neither is great, but if you are cashing out GS credit to move back to HWV, you might as well just do those instead if you don't get 1 to 1 when you sell the items you are cashing out at GS. Also, once you factor in the time involved in selling an item, and then going back to HWV, I"d just as soon lose a few bucks moving the credit back. I will also confirm these two TIVs tonight[/quote]

Did the AD mention how long the TIVs will hold?
I seen Rez(Minty w/manual), Disgaea-Hour of Darkness(Good cond. and disk only) and Odin Sphere(Great cond. disk only). Are any of these worth picking up or keeping? Also, there was a Leisure Suit Larry for the Xbox that was disk only.
[quote name='animemaniac14']i still think it's a bit unreasonable and unethical for you to try to offer someone $10 measley dollars for a game(s) that (for some at least, obviously not you) are some of the most well-made RPGs to date! I'd offer AT LEAST $30 for the GH of FFVII and $60 for the black label version. Don't care if you love it or hate it...have respect for it dammit! :cool:[/quote]

Sorry, but the flipper/potential Ebayer in me wanted it ONLY for the sake of throwing up on Ebay to make $60+ off of it, so $10 would be MORE than I'd even want to pay. But I wanted to outdo the offer from the local shop at least, so $10 was over what they offered.

However, in order to keep the peace and not have them blackball me from there, I decided to not offer anything. I don't view the game as the second coming, I don't even like the damn series. I just wanted it to make some money off of. Period.:booty:
[quote name='Collectorguy00']I seen Rez(Minty w/manual), Disgaea-Hour of Darkness(Good cond. and disk only) and Odin Sphere(Great cond. disk only). Are any of these worth picking up or keeping? Also, there was a Leisure Suit Larry for the Xbox that was disk only.[/QUOTE]

I picked up a disc only copy (couple scratches) of Leisure Suit Larry for PS2. Anything special about it besides the fact it's got "mature" content?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Sorry, but the flipper/potential Ebayer in me wanted it ONLY for the sake of throwing up on Ebay to make $60+ off of it, so $10 would be MORE than I'd even want to pay. But I wanted to outdo the offer from the local shop at least, so $10 was over what they offered.

$10 was too much even though you were expecting a $50+ profit for selling one game? Doesn't make much sense to me.
[quote name='Lethal04']$10 was too much even though you were expecting a $50+ profit for selling one game? Doesn't make much sense to me.[/quote]

Isn't selling 'rare' or sought after games about making as much as YOU can? That's what I was going to be attempting to do there. Plus, $10 was enough to 'outbid' the local shop's clerk and the guy selling the games seemed happy with whatever he could get for them.

I guess I was supposed to offer them $50 for a game I have no interest in just because I KNOW some of you would? If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, since I bet some of you would offer them even less than the $7 they willingly accepted and not even bat an eyelash.:roll:

Then, you'd all come on here to brag about how you 'got this game for so cheap and you're now going to Ebay it for 60-80 or whatever'. Bunch of hypocrites on here.
[quote name='david12795']So I think everyone here should take a picture of their hauls.[/quote]

The majority of posts would be of 'edge' cards :cool:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Isn't selling 'rare' or sought after games about making as much as YOU can? That's what I was going to be attempting to do there. Plus, $10 was enough to 'outbid' the local shop's clerk and the guy selling the games seemed happy with whatever he could get for them.

I guess I was supposed to offer them $50 for a game I have no interest in just because I KNOW some of you would? If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, since I bet some of you would offer them even less than the $7 they willingly accepted and not even bat an eyelash.:roll:

Then, you'd all come on here to brag about how you 'got this game for so cheap and you're now going to Ebay it for 60-80 or whatever'. Bunch of hypocrites on here.[/QUOTE]
To be perfectly honest, I'd only low-lowball if I was going to keep it for myself and I knew I wouldn't reselling it. If I was to try to get one for resale, I'd offer the guy 20-25 bucks. Still a lowball, but at least he gets a decent cut. I'm not necessarily faulting you, but just saying what I would do if a hypothetical situation of this nature was extended to me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Isn't selling 'rare' or sought after games about making as much as YOU can? That's what I was going to be attempting to do there. Plus, $10 was enough to 'outbid' the local shop's clerk and the guy selling the games seemed happy with whatever he could get for them.

I guess I was supposed to offer them $50 for a game I have no interest in just because I KNOW some of you would? If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, since I bet some of you would offer them even less than the $7 they willingly accepted and not even bat an eyelash.:roll:

Then, you'd all come on here to brag about how you 'got this game for so cheap and you're now going to Ebay it for 60-80 or whatever'. Bunch of hypocrites on here.[/QUOTE]

I AGREE 100%!!!!! 1337!
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']To be perfectly honest, I'd only low-lowball if I was going to keep it for myself and I knew I wouldn't reselling it. If I was to try to get one for resale, I'd offer the guy 20-25 bucks. Still a lowball, but at least he gets a decent cut. I'm not necessarily faulting you, but just saying what I would do if a hypothetical situation of this nature was extended to me.[/quote]

I'm working from this position 100%. If I'm keeping a game, that's lost income. I'm not getting it back. I have a new game, but I don't have the $25 I spent to buy it. I'm not willing to pay nearly as much for something if I'm keeping it rather than if I KNOW I can sell it for a reasonable profit.

If I'm selling it, as long as it's a decent turnover/flip, I'm willing to pay a little more because I know I'm getting it back and then some. But in terms of lowballing being unethical, I really don't get it. Lowballing is just a part of negotiations. There's nothing unethical about it.

And in an even more tangential rant, FF7 is clearly worth $10. It's really just not subjective at all. I abhor Oblivion and I would pick it up for $10 easy.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']To be perfectly honest, I'd only low-lowball if I was going to keep it for myself and I knew I wouldn't reselling it. If I was to try to get one for resale, I'd offer the guy 20-25 bucks. Still a lowball, but at least he gets a decent cut. I'm not necessarily faulting you, but just saying what I would do if a hypothetical situation of this nature was extended to me.[/quote]

I only had about $12 on me at that point, so even if I wanted to(and I didn't)I couldn't have offered the guy more than those twelve dollars. As I keep saying though, he appeared to be very happy with the even more meager offer he was made for his stuff, so why give him more than he would be happy with? Out of kindness?

Sorry, I'm out to make money on stuff that's 'rare' and/or sought after, not be a compassionate and giving human being.

It's like many people I've dealt with on Craigslist before. Even after I've told some of them what some of their stuff is worth, they're still content getting what they priced it at. Of course, on the flip side, there are people who will take that information and then OVERprice their stuff in a new ad.

Oh and Guardian, a friend on here told me that a local TRU had Oblivion for sale(with a slashed case) for $8-9 and I DID pick it up. But then I immediately traded it to another CAG for a copy of Godfather: Don's Edition.
Well, to answer your question: yes, out of kindness if you still stand to profit from it. Like I said, that's just how I would do it. I know I'm in the minority.
After dealing with lowballers here and on CL, I know how it feels, but if someone is content with getting 1/6th(or less as the local shop did to that guy) of what something is worth and they don't even try to ask for MORE, then whatever I offer is good enough.

I know the main reason many are going back and forth over how much the game is worth to them is because they're fans of the series. I AM NOT a fan of the series. I think it's the most overrated piece of garbage ever to come out, aside from Halo(and 90-95% of the other shooting games out there) and Oblivion.

So, why would I force myself to lessen my own profit potential, just to give the guy more money when he was obviously oblivious to it's actual value?

I'm sorry to the TC and the other posters for further derailing this thread, but giving more than you personally feel something is worth and/or what someone is willing to accept is rather ludicrous.
Well, to further derail the thread, I don't see what's wrong with the "humanitarian" side of things. I don't see it as ludicrous, especially when I think of how many times people have picked up clearance games for me at cost and shipped them. No profit in that, but people do it out of kindness. I don't think the pawnshop trying to turn the very best profit possible is bad, and I don't think you're bad for trying to either, but I can't believe you don't see the middle ground of doing something kind just to be kind.

It's sort of like Pay it Forward. I like that movie because they kill off Haley Joel Osment and that was cool.
Well, I went back to my local store and there were still 2 copies of Lego Batman (after I left them there 4 days ago). I bought one along with KOTOR 2. I figured at this point they are more than fair game. If the other one is still there tomorrow I'm snagging that as well.
[quote name='io']Well, I went back to my local store and there were still 2 copies of Lego Batman there after I left them there 4 days ago. I bought one more along with KOTOR 2. I figured at this point they are more than fair game. If the other one is still there tomorrow I'm snagging that as well.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I've been doing that. I go once during the week and once during the weekend. I take a proportionate amount, leaving plenty for others and no one ever buys them. So I just buy them. But, when we saw the foreshadowing of Mercs 2 dropping to 8.00 TIV, I headed in to grab the Mercs that were left over because that was just a waste letting them degrade in value like that.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Well, to further derail the thread, I don't see what's wrong with the "humanitarian" side of things. I don't see it as ludicrous, especially when I think of how many times people have picked up clearance games for me at cost and shipped them. No profit in that, but people do it out of kindness. I don't think the pawnshop trying to turn the very best profit possible is bad, and I don't think you're bad for trying to either, but I can't believe you don't see the middle ground of doing something kind just to be kind.

It's sort of like Pay it Forward. I like that movie because they kill off Haley Joel Osment and that was cool.[/quote]

I was one of the people picking up clearance games and shipping them at cost to do other CAG's a good deed before. However, once the shoe was on the other foot, no one would 'pay it forward' to me without requiring an arm, a leg and part of my torso for ONE game.

So yeah, I'm done being a humanitarian. Besides which, if Gamestop can profit off of stupid people, why can't I?
[quote name='dyeknom']I am so absolutely dsgusted. I am done flipping, but stopped at a MG on the way home in hopes of finding games for myself. I happen upon a SMT:DDS1 and ico. I got the 3.99 deal and forot to check the game condition... ico is complete and mint. Dodged a bullet... then I open dds1 and it had the manual... looked at the disk and whatever jaclass rented it last apparently played discgolf with it. Its playable, thus im not returning it.... but really? Why would somebody jack up that game so bad. They normally sell it used for 14.99 too.[/quote]

You might want to get it buffed anyway, I've heard the scratches make the laser work more and wear out faster. You also haven't played the whole game so you don't know when a scratch is going to screw up your game when you are doing something important.

I have the 5 buffs for $5 cards and I got some discs buffed today. They really look like new now. Since you bought it there, they will probably buff it for free.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I was one of the people picking up clearance games and shipping them at cost to do other CAG's a good deed before. However, once the shoe was on the other foot, no one would 'pay it forward' to me without requiring an arm, a leg and part of my torso for ONE game.

So yeah, I'm done being a humanitarian. Besides which, if Gamestop can profit off of stupid people, why can't I?[/QUOTE]
I didn't say you couldn't. I think going for absolute profit or giving the guy a break are just as acceptable. You're the one who thinks that giving the poor sap about to trade his valuable game away a bigger cut is ludicrous. =p Anyway, if you ever need a Target clearance game, you know who to ask.

Anyway, back on topic. I have some serious problems. I'm thinking of going to a Movie Gallery 50 miles away from me. This sale needs to end.
[quote name='shoe478']You might want to get it buffed anyway, I've heard the scratches make the laser work more and wear out faster. You also haven't played the whole game so you don't know when a scratch is going to screw up your game when you are doing something important.

I have the 5 buffs for $5 cards and I got some discs buffed today. They really look like new now. Since you bought it there, they will probably buff it for free.[/quote]

The only thing with buffing, is that you notice a whitish 'haze' on the disc, since that's the residual grit from the solution they use in the grinder/buffer to eliminate the scratches. I've noticed it on more than a few of the 'new' condition discs that I've bought for flipping.

Mind you, that doesn't matter to me, since I'm not keeping them in the first place. But if I were, I think those streaks from the solution look pretty ugly.

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I didn't say you couldn't. I think going for absolute profit or giving the guy a break are just as acceptable. You're the one who thinks that giving the poor sap about to trade his valuable game away a bigger cut is ludicrous. =p Anyway, if you ever need a Target clearance game, you know who to ask.

Anyway, back on topic. I have some serious problems. I'm thinking of going to a Movie Gallery 50 miles away from me. This sale needs to end.[/quote]

If I were planning on keeping it, I would definitely give the guy a bigger cut. But since Ebay is so flaky with prices, who's to say that I don't pay him $25 and I make $30 at the end of the auction.

Oh and I'll let you know if I need any Target clearance games.;) I was actually looking for Eye Of Judgement for PS3, but once they dropped the price, the bundles disappeared QUICK from my local stores. I only wanted it for the camera, as the game was going to Gamestop or Blockbuster in trade. :lol:
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