Movie Gallery / Hollywood Video / Game Zone 3.99 PS2,GC,XBOX Preplayed Sale

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63 (100%)
From now until further notice all preplayed PS2,XBOX and GC titles are 3.99. From the Movie Gallery store I work at I picked up 2 copies of Mercenaries 2 and Guitar Hero 3.

Also if your Movie Gallery has a Game Zone all preplayed Wii, 360 and PS3 games are 25% off. Most of the next gen games that are preplayed in the Game Zone sections come as trade-ins so you can generally find good copies its just that the selection wont be as good as a Gamestop.

Edit by Io - For those with Hollywood Videos around note that this sale applies only to stores that DO NOT have Gamecrazy's attached. Also, it is still highly YMMV at any given store. Some don't participate (manager's discretion) and some are just clueless and think you are talking about the concurrent $3.99 movie deal (which requires 2 rentals and only applies to movies $12.99 and under). I've gone to about 6 stores and have gotten about 4 different versions of the deal. There is a code they can scan that makes all these games come out to $3.99 no matter whether you rent or not and no matter what the original prices are - it is just YMMV whether they can A) Find that code and B) Choose to apply it to the games you want to buy ;).
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[quote name='GuardianE']I just think of hoarding as another variable to deal hunting. If there's a really good deal on a very desirable game, then you're going to be facing tons of opposition in getting that item. This late in the game (and it is late considering how long this deal's been running and the fact that it's been on SD) you'll be lucky to find anything if you have any gamers at all that shop in your local Hollywood Video.[/quote]

Guardian's post kind of summed it up for me. While nobody wants to miss out on these deals, the truth is if you aren't in on one of these crazy deals pretty early, you're gonna miss out. I never see most of the K-Mart & Sears clearance deals, even with multiples of both around me, but that doesn't mean I blame anybody or get mad about horders. I just shoot for next time.

Leaving some on the shelf because you don't want to horde may make you feel better about yourself, and that's good, but don't think that the next person won't grab the rest, because they probably will. I've gone out on too many black fridays to think "I hope that everybody only takes one of these and leaves the rest for other people." Honestly, I'd rather a CAG grabbed all of an awesome deal, than somebody else off the street, because I know with a CAG, it's going to eventually turn into a game for a gamer.

And this is all coming from a guy who wanted a Hot Topic Halo X-Box 360, wanted a 360 HD-DVD drive from FYE when the rebate & 5 free movies were at the same time, wanted the FYE $250 360, wanted the $25 Scene-It at Sears and wanted countless other deals that I missed out on. If it's anything that I wanted that bad, I eventually got one by either catching the next sale, or paying a little more. I don't blame anybody for grabbing them up as a deal, because they weren't mine by right...

Side-Note - It was actually tougher for me to remember the times on CAG that I missed a deal, than it was to remember the times that I found awesome deals...

ETA: Errr... Yeah... What X-Factor said...
A lego batman still remains! I thought it was odd you had 3 and he said there was 4 when looking at your pic. And Amazon finally gave me my money, so... TO HOLLYWOOD VIDEO, AWAY!
The dudes bitching about people flipping are bitter there weren't any games to flip for themselves.

I turned 150 bucks into 950-1000 in credit over at GS and I don't feel bad. Why? I knew about the sale two days after it happened and nobody picked anything up. I went the next day and nobody had touched anything still. Might as well rape 'em for the terrible games you'll never play and pick up titles you'll actually enjoy.
[quote name='tiredfornow']The dudes bitching about people flipping are bitter there weren't any games to flip for themselves.

I turned 150 bucks into 950-1000 in credit over at GS and I don't feel bad. Why? I knew about the sale two days after it happened and nobody picked anything up. I went the next day and nobody had touched anything still. Might as well rape 'em for the terrible games you'll never play and pick up titles you'll actually enjoy.[/QUOTE]
Are you not including tax? Assuming you're not and you bought 37 games, all of them would have to trade in for 26.00 to make a 960 return. If you really did that, hats off to you.
[quote name='Chac']Quick question. Does Gamestop care if the game has a Hollywood Video rental case? Does this lower the value?[/quote]

I just took out the HWV inserts and traded the games in with the blank cases

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Are you not including tax? Assuming you're not and you bought 37 games, all of them would have to trade in for 26.00 to make a 960 return. If you really did that, hats off to you.[/quote]

With the Mercs2, Madden, Fifa, Lego Indy, and other games getting the $18.75 base value, it's easily done...if you find those games
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Are you not including tax? Assuming you're not and you bought 37 games, all of them would have to trade in for 26.00 to make a 960 return. If you really did that, hats off to you.[/quote]I was one of the lucky ones to get the employee to include 360/PS3/Wii games since they work perfectly fine with the coupon. Some of the games I traded in were valued at 42 bucks after the Trade 5/30% promo + EDGE. I think the lowest priced game I had were some Wall-E copies which was 11.xx after promo.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I was one of the lucky ones to get the employee to include 360/PS3/Wii games since they work perfectly fine with the coupon. Some of the games I traded in were valued at 42 bucks after the Trade 5/30% promo + EDGE. I think the lowest priced game I had were some Wall-E copies which was 11.xx after promo.[/QUOTE]
Oh, nice. Good going on that.
I missed out on the TRU B2G1 deal a few weeks back. Lots of people returned 2 to get credit and buy 2 more so they got a free 3rd one. I'm glad this one came along. I haven't hoarded to the extent of 17 copies but I have bought 2 and left 1 LBM, among others. If there's only 1 copy of a game, of course I'll pick it up. I don't want this thread to turn into hating people in the thread because the stores in their area are picked clean. There's no way to tell who's a CAG or who's a SDer. I bought all my games after I went in 1 day and they weren't honoring the sale. A few days later I went back and the games I wanted were still there so of course I bought them.

I think we should make a thread and just post what area we're hitting. That'll give us a better sense if we're stepping on each other's toes.
[quote name='tiredfornow']The dudes bitching about people flipping are bitter there weren't any games to flip for themselves.

I turned 150 bucks into 950-1000 in credit over at GS and I don't feel bad. Why? I knew about the sale two days after it happened and nobody picked anything up. I went the next day and nobody had touched anything still. Might as well rape 'em for the terrible games you'll never play and pick up titles you'll actually enjoy.[/quote]

I can't speak for other CAGers, but I'm not jealous about people flipping, I have not even been near a store that has this sale on (I have over 100 sealed PS2 games still to play, I don't need more games!!!!)

The point I was making is that here on CAG people seem to think that flipping is a socially acceptable practice, yet reselling the games on eBay is not.

What's the difference?

Somebody is still grabbing a lot of games (not to play) and turning a profit on them. Personally, I think hoarding is hoarding (just my opinion, I'm not saying I am right) no matter what you do with the games in question.

Yet a lot of CAGers complain and moan when SD, FW or the dreaded "soccer moms" hoard and they can't get the deals, yet they are more than willing to do the exact same thing, just seems a bit hypocritical at times......

Guess that would be my three penneth
[quote name='tiredfornow']I was one of the lucky ones to get the employee to include 360/PS3/Wii games since they work perfectly fine with the coupon. Some of the games I traded in were valued at 42 bucks after the Trade 5/30% promo + EDGE. I think the lowest priced game I had were some Wall-E copies which was 11.xx after promo.[/quote]

Well, that's just cheating :p. I was guessing you found several Marvel vs. Capcom 2 in your area.
[quote name='Zipomatic2']I can't speak for other CAGers, but I'm not jealous about people flipping, I have not even been near a store that has this sale on (I have over 100 sealed PS2 games still to play, I don't need more games!!!!)

The point I was making is that here on CAG people seem to think that flipping is a socially acceptable practice, yet reselling the games on eBay is not.

What's the difference?

Somebody is still grabbing a lot of games (not to play) and turning a profit on them. Personally, I think hoarding is hoarding (just my opinion, I'm not saying I am right) no matter what you do with the games in question.

Yet a lot of CAGers complain and moan when SD, FW or the dreaded "soccer moms" hoard and they can't get the deals, yet they are more than willing to do the exact same thing, just seems a bit hypocritical at times......

Guess that would be my three penneth[/QUOTE]

I don't think most people think flipping is better than selling on Ebay. I'd love to meet those people because that's a pretty dumb opinion. They're both the same.
[quote name='Zipomatic2']The point I was making is that here on CAG people seem to think that flipping is a socially acceptable practice, yet reselling the games on eBay is not.

What's the difference?[/QUOTE]

There isn't one, at least, I never thought there was. I personally think everyone has the right to spend THEIR money how they want and do what they want with what they buy. If you buy a game (regardless of price), you have the right to do whatever you want with it as it's YOUR PROPERTY now. You can play it, give it as a gift, sell it, or bash it into little pieces if you want. You have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt. If I started saying I would sell MGS3: Subsistence LE on here for like $20, half the people would be like, OMG, I'll give you $30, while the other half would be like, "you're an idiot, sell it on eBay." The point is, there's bad apples among the batch, you just ignore them.

Whenever I miss out on a deal, I never say "OMG THIS fucking sucks." It's more like "Oh shucky darns, I missed out. Maybe next time."
[quote name='Zipomatic2']I can't speak for other CAGers, but I'm not jealous about people flipping, I have not even been near a store that has this sale on (I have over 100 sealed PS2 games still to play, I don't need more games!!!!)

The point I was making is that here on CAG people seem to think that flipping is a socially acceptable practice, yet reselling the games on eBay is not.

What's the difference?[/quote]

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I haven't really seen people complaining about other people selling things on eBay. If I had to guess, you might be referring to online deals that are quickly bought out by hoarders so that they can resell on eBay, but that isn't really a fair comparison. For online deals, there is a much larger pool of potential customers, and, therefor, if someone buys 100, there are 100 fewer available for other CAGs. It doesn't matter if that person intends to resell on eBay, to flip to GS or BBV, or build furniture out of it. With B&M-only deals like this, the number of people who could potentially take advantage of the deal at any particular store is much smaller. If I were to buy all of the Madden '09 at a specific Movie Gallery in my area (not that I've found any Madden '09s, because I haven't), I am keeping a much smaller number of people, and an even smaller number of CAGs, from getting the deal.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I don't think most people think flipping is better than selling on Ebay. I'd love to meet those people because that's a pretty dumb opinion. They're both the same.[/quote]

Agreed. eBaying, or "cashing out," is essentially the same as flipping. It just takes more work and there are actually fewer titles that this works on. The people who generally bitch about people eBaying games are the same people who bitch about people flipping games.
[quote name='Capa']Actually I posted Trophy Bucks, Big Game, and Dangerous Hunts. Then I said fuck it, grab all of the ones from 07 and 08, they all are good flips. My TIV posts are usually full of typos and not always complete, but I'm typing them as I drive to store to store, so you get real time TIV and deal info, without having to wait til I get home each night, but you are going to have to deal with partial titles and some typos[/quote]

thanks Capa, while I have posted (IMO) you post a lil too much info...:roll: lol...I do appreciate the Numerous trade in values and research and such you have shared in this thread and others...again thanks! :applause::applause::applause:
[quote name='MasterSun1']There isn't one, at least, I never thought there was. I personally think everyone has the right to spend THEIR money how they want and do what they want with what they buy. If you buy a game (regardless of price), you have the right to do whatever you want with it as it's YOUR PROPERTY now. You can play it, give it as a gift, sell it, or bash it into little pieces if you want. You have to take people's opinions with a grain of salt. If I started saying I would sell MGS3: Subsistence LE on here for like $20, half the people would be like, OMG, I'll give you $30, while the other half would be like, "you're an idiot, sell it on eBay." The point is, there's bad apples among the batch, you just ignore them.

Whenever I miss out on a deal, I never say "OMG THIS fucking sucks." It's more like "Oh shucky darns, I missed out. Maybe next time."[/quote]

Yeap, that pretty much sums up how I feel.

I could be completely wrong (and to be fair this seemed worse when I first joined CAG) but I always felt that when somebody bought say... 3 games at a bargain price and said they were going to sell them on eBay, they were called "motherless donkey droppings from hell" (or whatnot) yet when people said they were going to flip, the replies were usually along the lines of "cool, how much did you get?"

But like I said, maybe attitutes have changed.

I guess it just comes across as bragging. "Yeah, somebody baked this huge cake, and a sign said anyone could have it, so I ate the WHOLE THING!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Aren't I awesome for stopping anyone else from getting the cake!!!"


Thanks for the answers guys, I appreciate it, as I always wondered why people saw a difference between reselling and flipping, and now I see that they don't. (huzzah!)
[quote name='Capa']Actually I posted Trophy Bucks, Big Game, and Dangerous Hunts. Then I said fuck it, grab all of the ones from 07 and 08, they all are good flips. My TIV posts are usually full of typos and not always complete, but I'm typing them as I drive to store to store, so you get real time TIV and deal info, without having to wait til I get home each night, but you are going to have to deal with partial titles and some typos[/quote]
How much does a subscription cost to your real time TIV service?
Well due to my population density around here..I have yet to find any good games at my local HV and a MG 10 minutes away. However tonight...I convinced my girlfriend that we should go shopping about 45 minutes away at a really big mall (Which has two HV's in the area). I'll probably pay for it with 3 hours of being dragged through stores, but hopefully I'll find a few good ones!
I was fortunate in that I think I was just about the only one doing the flipping. If I would have been more organized originally, I could have made a major profit, but as it is I think I've done quite well. I spent $150 and probably got about $600 in credit at GS, which I am converting into some cash through various deals. I went through about 10 stores twice to get it done, nearly 60 miles round trip each time -- so I put some effort to get the value out of it.

If someone made it before I did, I have no ill feelings. I know there were a number of people that came between my two runs because I remembered the stock of games that was available at many of the locations, and I had hoped for those same titles to be available the 2nd time around and they were not.
If you all find them, Target clearance titles Facebreaker for 360 and PS3, which at some Targets is 12.48, and Pure, which should be hitting 14.98 clearance soon (I've seen it at 29.98, but not 14.xx yet) both trade for $25 at HWV.
So was I supposed to buy every 3.99 game? I just bought the only games that I thought would have more value which were MKDD, SGC, Simpsons Hit and Run, and Lego Stars Wars all for GC They also gave me StarFox Assault for free oddly. Do you guys really buy all the games there or do you buy the ones you think have a good value for trading. After I got my games the ones left were old sports games and lisenced crap. I payed 16 bucks to get 40 credit at GS and got ToS DOTNW so Im happy.
[quote name='snowmint']So was I supposed to buy every 3.99 game? I just bought the only games that I thought would have more value which were MKDD, SGC, Simpsons Hit and Run, and Lego Stars Wars all for GC They also gave me StarFox Assault for free oddly. Do you guys really buy all the games there or do you buy the ones you think have a good value for trading. After I got my games the ones left were old sports games and lisenced crap. I payed 16 bucks to get 40 credit at GS and got ToS DOTNW so Im happy.[/QUOTE]

I used the rule of thumb of something that I would get a 2x ratio on. For example, if I bought something for $3.99 at Hollywood, it would AT LEAST need to trade in for $8 at GameStop after bonuses. Of course, it didn't workout that way as titles that supposedly traded in for that much had dropped since they were posted. I ended with a 2.75 ratio, which ain't bad (about $320 in credit from $111 spent), but not as great as some of the people who only spent maybe $100 and made like $600. A kudos bar to those folks! I cleaned out more store after a few days because no CAGers seemed to be in the area. Granted there weren't MULTIPLE copies of Mercenaries 2, FIFA Soccer 2009, LEGO Batman, LEGO Indiana Jones, etc, I doubt I would've picked up more than a couple of each. The most I bought was 2 of each game (FFXII, Family Guy, and SFAlpha Anthology).
I was just happy to find a Zelda : Twilight Princess for 3.99 + the cost of 2 rentals (~$7). Much cheaper than buying it from GS with 25%off + Edge. Besides, I am still pissed at them for charging me a refurb fee on a game I bought from them ( in the same condition ).:bomb:

GS is gonna make a fortune this xmas with all the stuff we are trading in.. Especially the GC 1st party games.
Yeah from what I've tracked so far, you should be getting 3.5x your investment on any store, assuming you aren't rolling your investment back in (one HWV I went to, I only had $60 on me, so I bought 14 games, flipped those for 2 wii fits, sold those on Clist, then went back and bought the last 32 games that were good flips, and turned those into $550 or so. You could say I went 60-->550, but really I spent 200 to go to 750) The initial flips with the best TIVs are going to be 5x return, but as you clean out the 2x titles, you will end up getting 3.5x return in GS credit from your initial investment over the whole store.
[quote name='spamfree2']I was just happy to find a Zelda : Twilight Princess for 3.99 + the cost of 2 rentals (~$7). Much cheaper than buying it from GS with 25%off + Edge. Besides, I am still pissed at them for charging me a refurb fee on a game I bought from them ( in the same condition ).:bomb:

GS is gonna make a fortune this xmas with all the stuff we are trading in.. Especially the GC 1st party games.[/quote]

Stop getting the rentals PLEASE. Demand to speak with a manager and escalate things politely until you get the deal that's SUPPOSED to be happening.

For any newbies:

I'm sorry for the obnoxious caps, but I hate you guys getting walked over by incompetence.
[quote name='GuardianE']Stop getting the rentals PLEASE. Demand to speak with a manager and escalate things politely until you get the deal that's SUPPOSED to be happening.

For any newbies:

I'm sorry for the obnoxious caps, but I hate you guys getting walked over by incompetence.[/quote]

Our district manager said 2 rentals. I had 2 stores call ... Besides, the whole two stores within a 60 mile radius didn't have much. I did keep Zelda TP, Tales of Symphonia , Pokemon XD .. and Growslanser Generation. Not too bad if you average out everything. I did trade in GOW2.
[quote name='GuardianE']Stop getting the rentals PLEASE. Demand to speak with a manager and escalate things politely until you get the deal that's SUPPOSED to be happening.

For any newbies:

I'm sorry for the obnoxious caps, but I hate you guys getting walked over by incompetence.[/quote]

I actually don't have a problem with 2 rentals, since they had that 2 for 2$ library movie rental thing last week. The one store that insists there's a 19.99 policy was directed to do so by the manager.... so complaining to the manager got absolutely no where at one of my stores.

and some movie galleries posted real signs from an old promotion. If the store is untouched... it may be worth a district manager call... otherwise... it's barely even worth the effort.
Yeah, if you are making 200-300 bucks a stop, just rent 2 movies for a few bucks and turn them right in and go get your games flipped
Hmm, an awful business practice by HV. As long as you didn't just lay back and accept the crap they were trying to feed you and asked about it, then I guess you had no choice. It doesn't really seem like they should be able to do that, though.
Damn Ico for 10 bucks TIV?! I knew I shouldve picked up that one. My store said they convert some titles every tuesday so I guess I will then.
I'm more upset at GS charging me a ($4) refurb fee :bomb: on a game that I bought from them.. At least I got to watch 2 movies ($6.60)and got a good deal on some games for my collection at HWV.
Honestly, this crazy ass promotion should have had more benefit for them. The whole point of the promotion should be to create more rental accounts and generate more rental business. I'm glad they chose not to, but given the incredible value they're offering, I would have no ill feelings against them if they decided to do that.
I now have a HWV manager who gives me the inside scoop on this whole thing. He was looking for a kOTOR 1 for his personal collection, and I knew the HWV by my house had one, so I bought it for him since his store is like an hour away. The rental conversion sheet shows up every Sunday. It's up to the individual store to get off their asses and get it done. His particular store does it on Sunday, since he is there, and he does it. I should be able to call him Sunday and get the list of what swapped, and I'll post it here for yall.

Another local store has a manager who is off Sunday, so they do it Monday and it's typically out on Tues. This week, she was sick Monday, and off Tues, so it should have been done this afternoon
As a funny aside, while I was searching through the games today at HV a customer came and was attempting to work his magic with the female manager. The guy didn't know I was in the store because he came in after me. He didn't say anything bad or anything like that but it was CLEAR that he was interested. The end of the conversation was painfully awkward because it dragged on for minutes unnecessarily as he tried to pick his moment to ask for her number but he just couldn't seem to muster up the nerve to ask for it (I think she would have given it to him). It ended with him chickening out and going with the old: "Well...I um, guess I'll see you again."
[quote name='Capa']I now have a HWV manager who gives me the inside scoop on this whole thing. He was looking for a kOTOR 1 for his personal collection, and I knew the HWV by my house had one, so I bought it for him since his store is like an hour away. The rental conversion sheet shows up every Sunday. It's up to the individual store to get off their asses and get it done. His particular store does it on Sunday, since he is there, and he does it. I should be able to call him Sunday and get the list of what swapped, and I'll post it here for yall.

Another local store has a manager who is off Sunday, so they do it Monday and it's typically out on Tues. This week, she was sick Monday, and off Tues, so it should have been done this afternoon[/QUOTE]

Yeah, someone already posted similar info. He said the stores receive the sheets Sunday and have until Wednesday to get it done. It explains why the stores differ on the days they convert rentals.
The manager at my one Hollywood Video said that she can't sell the last copy of any rental or she'll get in trouble. Do they convert last rentals never? Is that their policy? When you guys have seen conversions, were they just extra copies or all of them?
[quote name='Xfactor4']First off, it is unfair to blame other CAGS for ALL the hoarding going on. There is no way that anybody can specifically blame a CAG vs a SD user vs. non-forum gamers etc..[/quote]

I am not blaming any one group for ALL the hoarding that is going on, nor did I even imply that. But for those that come out and brag about the hoarding they have done, they can be blamed because they are openly bragging about it. I don't have to wonder if they did. They said it themselves.

It just goes to show the mentality of this place is pretty much exactly the same as FW or SD. You decide for yourself if you find that a problem or not and if you are a person that is contributing to that or not. I am not pointing out anyone and saying 'X person is being a hoarder'. I see people that get upset about hoarders on FW and SD, saying that is why they come here. What really is the difference though?

For the record, I am not mad because I missed out on any game. I went and picked out a few titles I had been wanting to get. I couldn't be happier with getting FFXII and Twilight Princess for a combined 8 bucks.

I just see more greed than there needs to be. I said it before, I don't mind if someone uses the games to flip. But do you need to buy all six to flip? Or four even? I don't necessarily think that there is a thousand dollars of new games that someone needs to buy and play right now. If you are looking to buy a few new titles, you can still certainly achieve that via flipping and still leave a decent pool of games for others to buy.

I didn't mean for this to be rant. For those that still take offense by what I said, I apologize. I think some people are just being a bit greedy. Do they have the right to be? Sure. Does that mean you should be though?
Curioser and curioser. My other HWV in town finally pulled their Sun. rental conversion. it matches the one from LAST week at the other store. She let me take the sheet and mark what i wanted, then she went and pulled it for me.

Merc 2 x 2
Dark Alliance2
Family Guy
Mx vs Atv
I say when it involves store credit, all bets are off.

When you buy multiples you take the risk, especially with HWV since they do NOT give refunds, only exchanges for used product.

It's entirely possible I could have been stuck with 2-3 Mercs 2's that stores wouldn't take, if they were savvy.

Some of us are in college full time and have nonpaying internships, so when there is a chance to do some flipping we either take advantage or miss out on games.
[quote name='GuardianE']Stop getting the rentals PLEASE. Demand to speak with a manager and escalate things politely until you get the deal that's SUPPOSED to be happening.

For any newbies:

I'm sorry for the obnoxious caps, but I hate you guys getting walked over by incompetence.[/QUOTE]

Well, I've still got one store sticking hard and fast to these restrictions. When I first went in they said there was no such deal whatsoever and could not find the bar code anywhere. Then, after clarification from their manager they confirmed it as rent 2/$12.99 limit... According to them every store runs different promos and thus what all the other stores are doing doesn't apply. I haven't escalated it to the DM because I just don't have time for that, but it is highly annoying.

Anyway, I'm hitting up a rural HWV tonight, hopefully. We'll see what they have (and what creative terms they come up with for the deal :roll:.
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[quote name='irishsoccermbw']Greedy?

Some of us are in college full time and have nonpaying internships, so when there is a chance to do some flipping we either take advantage or miss out on games.[/quote]

amen to that man! :applause: (being a college student myself of course)
Just bought up 22 copies of Mercenaries 2, 39 copies of Madden 09 and 19 copies of LEGO Batman. I'll be eating steak and shrimp tonight. Feel free to eat my dingleberries, Yanksfan.
fuck, TFN is a pro.

Capa is a lifer, though. ;)

I just flip enough to pay for the big holiday releases and december's rent.. lol.
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