New EBgames Trade in Deals (UPDATED 9/8/05)


Trade 5 Games get an extra $5.00 for each game

Trade 4 Games get an extra $4.00 for each game

Trade 3 Games get an extra $3.00 for each game

some titles are excluded from trade in, cannot be combined with any other off or promotion. Valid on PS2/XB/Gamecube/PSP/DS games.


Get $50.00 Trade in Credit when you Trade in 5 PS2/XB/GC games towards NBA Live 2006 XB/GC/PS2 *


Get $50.00 Trade in Credit when you Trade in 5 PS2/XB/GC games towards The Suffering 2 XB/PS2 *

ADDED 9/7/05 10PM PST

Get 10% more Trade in Credit when you Trade in 1 or more pre-played game towards the pre-purchase of Burnout Revenge XB/PS2 *NO EXCLUSIONS*

Get 25% more Trade in Credit when you Trade in 1 or more pre-played UMD or DVD movie towards the pre-purchase of Final Fantasy Advent Children UMD/DVD *NO EXLCUSIONS/ ONLY VALID ON PRE-PLAYED DVD or UMD

*exclusions apply, cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion.

ADDED 9/8/05 5:30PM PST

Get another 10% more Trade in Credit for each pre-played game when you present your EB EDGE DISCOUNT CARD. NOT VALID ON PREVIOUS TRADE INS, NO EXCLUSIONS , **3 DAYS ONLY 9/9 - 9/11*** EXPIRED

Get 10% more Trade in Credit when you Trade in 1 or more pre-played game towards the pre-purchase of 50 Cent Bulletproof XB/PS2 *NO EXCLUSIONS*
[quote name='green and white']is buyin xbox,halo2,madden06,sum other ok games,xbox live,2 controllers off my friend for like 150$ a great deal[/QUOTE]
You are seriously retarded.

Stay on topic.
did anybody find out for sure if you can or cant use the games on the POX list? The last time they did this, I game them all kinds of games on that list and they didnt say jack. (but that was last time)
I don't know where to post this, but here we go. If you have a choice, which store would you do the trade in? Long ago I did a trade in a couple games to Gamestop, but I have used all their credits. Anyway, please tell me how much I'd get for "each" of these games. Note: All of them are perfect condition with no scratches.

PS2 - Rise of Kasai (I know this game is still 40 bucks at most store)
PS2 - Project Snowblind
PS2 - Gungrave
PS2 - Psi-Ops
PS2 - Hitman 2 GH version
PS2 - Silent Hill 3
PS2 - Kill.Switch
PS2 - Dynasty Warriors 3

I know that we shouldn't trade in to game store and should sell it on Ebay for more money. However, I can't sell it on Ebay for a reason. I would call in GS or GC, but they don't give me the price over the phone anyway. Please help me out.
[quote name='Epic Wolf']Timesplitters is 18 @ GS if that helps[/QUOTE]

Wow, in the other topic, some kid said he traded in Timesplitters to eb and was only given $12 and with the extra $5 thats still a $1 less than GS, hmm maybe this deal isn't as great as I thought it would be.
I'm looking at taking a few games into EB. The problem is I can probably get more for them at GR - but on the other hand, I've traded a bunch there recently and was looking to spread it around a bit.

Here's what I am considering bringing in, and what they get at EB with the $5 and at GR with the 25% bonus deal:

Game: EB / GR
PS2 Trivial Pursuit: $8 / $8.44
PS2 R-Type Final: $8 / $8.44
PS2 Neo Contra: ? / $10
PS2 Midway AT 1: $8 / $10

Xbox Kung-Fu Chaos: ? / $8.44
Xbox Maximum Chase: ? / $3.75
Xbox Turok: ? / ? (probably $1.50, no bonus allowed)
Xbox Mafia: $7 / $6.25
Xbox Van Helsing: ? / $3.75

GC Baldur's Gate: ? / $8.44
GC Mortal Kombat DA: $8 / $8.75
GC Fairly OddParents SS: ? / $10
GC NCAA Football '05: $9 / $10 (?)
GC Powerpuff Girls: $9 / $15.63 (?)

Of course, I need some more EB prices to be sure :D. Mafia is the only clear cut EB trade. I'll probably do Trivial Pursuit and R-Type Final as well. Then I need to come up with 2 others.
I'm looking at taking a few games into EB. The problem is I can probably get more for them at GR - but on the other hand, I've traded a bunch there recently and was looking to spread it around a bit.

Here's what I am considering bringing in, and what they get at EB with the $5 and at GR with the 25% bonus deal:

Game: EB / GR
PS2 Trivial Pursuit: $8 / $8.44
PS2 R-Type Final: $8 / $8.44
PS2 Neo Contra: ? / $10
PS2 Midway AT 1: $8 / $10

Xbox Kung-Fu Chaos: ? / $8.44
Xbox Maximum Chase: ? / $3.75
Xbox Turok: ? / ? (probably $1.50, no bonus allowed)
Xbox Mafia: $7 / $6.25
Xbox Van Helsing: ? / $3.75

GC Baldur's Gate: ? / $8.44
GC Mortal Kombat DA: $8 / $8.75
GC Fairly OddParents SS: ? / $10
GC NCAA Football '05: $9 / $10 (?)
GC Powerpuff Girls: $9 / $15.63 (?)

Of course, I need some more EB prices to be sure :D. Mafia is the only clear cut EB trade. I'll probably do Trivial Pursuit and R-Type Final as well. Then I need to come up with 2 others.
And yet still no word on the trade 5 for RS6 offer :roll: , somebody has to have some insight on this :pray:, already have my non POX stack set aside and the NASCAR flip trick seems like it would be more trouble than I'd really like to deal with...
[quote name='Epic Wolf']And yet still no word on the trade 5 for RS6 offer :roll: , somebody has to have some insight on this :pray:, already have my non POX stack set aside and the NASCAR flip trick seems like it would be more trouble than I'd really like to deal with...[/QUOTE]

I don't know if the Rainbow Six Lockdown deal is going right now. When I was working on Sunday it wasn't in the computer. The only trade in deals ($50 credit for 5 games) that I saw are

NBA Live 2006 XB/GC/PS2
Zelda Twlight Princess GC
The Suffering 2 XB/PS2
Nascar Racing 2006 XB/PS2 EXPIRES 8/31

There will prob be a lot more games added to these kind of trade in deals, and hopefully R6 Lockdown will be one of them.
[quote name='tenzor']I don't know if the Rainbow Six Lockdown deal is going right now. When I was working on Sunday it wasn't in the computer. The only trade in deals ($50 credit for 5 games) that I saw are

NBA Live 2006 XB/GC/PS2
Zelda Twlight Princess GC
The Suffering 2 XB/PS2
Nascar Racing 2006 XB/PS2 EXPIRES 8/31

There will prob be a lot more games added to these kind of trade in deals, and hopefully R6 Lockdown will be one of them.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the Update, I guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed on an RS6 offer, but given the game release's in about a week, I doubt it'll happen :cry: or does EB do post release date offer's ?
[quote name='io']PS2 Trivial Pursuit: $8 / $8.44
PS2 R-Type Final: $8 / $8.44
PS2 Midway AT 1: $8 / $10
GC Mortal Kombat DA: $8 / $8.75
GC NCAA Football '05: $9 / $10 (?)

Of course, I need some more EB prices to be sure :D. Mafia is the only clear cut EB trade. I'll probably do Trivial Pursuit and R-Type Final as well. Then I need to come up with 2 others.[/QUOTE]

I'd add on some of the others that are at least close -- it seems like it's usually better to keep more credit at EB, since it's not too uncommon to be able to pick things up there that trade for 1.5-2x or more at GR than they cost at EB.
[quote name='mgsvr']Okay, so let say if I trade in 5 games (without the deals) then that would be 20 bucks. However, with this new deals, I can get 25 more bucks since it's 5 x 5 dollars. That mean with this deal, my 5 games can be total of 45 bucks credits?[/QUOTE]

Yes, this is the way it works.

About the other question, has anyone tried putting POX games in as well???

One of my first EB trades was same this deal 18 months ago . . . only that time POX games were included (as I recall).

It was funny, because at that time I was trying to do a trade-in deal (my second one). But I didn't know anything about POX and PO (I had just heard about CAG). My games wouldn't work but the clerk pointed out the extra $5 deal. I know I traded in Manhunt (PS2 was going to get the Xbox version anyway) for $2x plus $5 and then a collection of other crap. But I walked away with $80 and an Edge card (I think you need an Edge to get the full bonus).

Then I learned about and the discount codes . . . since then I have done most of my gaming business (other than buying $5 games anywhere and the great Target rainchecks last year) with EB.

That deal turned me into an EB customer.
Yes, this is the way it works.

About the other question, has anyone tried putting POX games in as well???

One of my first EB trades was same this deal 18 months ago . . . only that time POX games were included (as I recall).

It was funny, because at that time I was trying to do a trade-in deal (my second one). But I didn't know anything about POX and PO (I had just heard about CAG). My games wouldn't work but the clerk pointed out the extra $5 deal. I know I traded in Manhunt (PS2 was going to get the Xbox version anyway) for $2x plus $5 and then a collection of other crap. But I walked away with $80 and an Edge card (I think you need an Edge to get the full bonus).

Then I learned about and the discount codes . . . since then I have done most of my gaming business (other than buying $5 games anywhere and the great Target rainchecks last year) with EB.

That deal turned me into an EB customer.
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to the kid that said that tell me wut the discount cdoes are
[quote name='green and white']shuld i sell ts3,mgs3,and battlefront to this kid for a total of 50$ or trade it in? wuld i get more trading em in?[/QUOTE]

you'd be stupid not to take the $50...;)

MGS3 easily found for $15 new, BF2 is $20 now & Eb gives $12 for the math and please be kind, use a spellcheck...
[quote name='green and white']
to the kid that said that tell me wut the discount cdoes are[/QUOTE]

LOL - Schultzed is hardly a "kid" :D. But clearly someone else is...

Back on topic - I am going to try some POX games right now - will report back in a few hours.
I attempted to trade in POX titles (Astro Boy and Blowout for the PS2) and they didn't work for the trade in deals. I was told I could still get the Nascar deal. The clerk also told me I couldn't change my pre-order should I get one with one of these trade in deals, so YMMV on that one.
[quote name='TimPV3']Does anybody know if the Nascar 06 deal is still going on, concidering the game came out today?[/QUOTE]

Did it come out today? I was in the EB where I have my preorder and they didn't mention it to me.

Anyway, I was able to do the trade 5+ deal today. They DID NOT take the one POX game I had. However, I'm still not convinced it doesn't work because they removed it from the total BEFORE they hit the promo deal for the $5 bonus. I was hoping they'd do them all and then try the promo and see what happens. So if someone can get their EB to do that it would tell us if some POX games will work or not. (Sway - just noticed your comment - did they try to ring them up or just tell you they wouldn't work because they are POX?).

I traded the following 7 games for $60 credit (cash cost of these games was about $35). Prices are without the bonus applied:

GC Fairly Oddparents SS: $6
GC Powerpuff Girls RR: $4
GC Mortal Kombat DA: $3
PS2 R-Type Final: $3
PS2 Trivial Pursuit: $3
Xbox Kung Fu Chaos: $4
Xbox Mafia: $2

So the bonus took my credit from a pathetic $25 to a respectable $60. This is a WAY better method to build up credit than the preorder and cancel tactic. It cost me 2 more games (say than using the NBA Live 2006 preorder), but also got me $10 more credit, and more importantly, saves the hassle of doing the cancel or return. And of course this is totally legit, no questions (unless they start getting like some GR stores and thinking that trading in new games you bought other places is somehow bad).

I will probably try to do one more set at another store and see what they do with the POX title. I'll try to have them ring them all up at once and then just take the POX off after if it doesn't work.

Interestingly enough, the Fairly Oddparents game (with bonus) resulted in MORE credit than GR gives. Same with PPG.
you and i have almost the same games trading in:lol: (i wonder why)

I figure i have about 13 powerpuff girls left so im gonna see what i can do to utilize this deal as long as i can (back to TRU i go for some Mortal kombat, trivial pursuit and R-type:) )

Can you imagine if i was behind you in line at the ebgames with the same stack:lol:
[quote name='io']
So the bonus took my credit from a pathetic $25 to a respectable $60. This is a WAY better method to build up credit than the preorder and cancel tactic. It cost me 2 more games (say than using the NBA Live 2006 preorder), but also got me $10 more credit, and more importantly, saves the hassle of doing the cancel or return. And of course this is totally legit, no questions (unless they start getting like some GR stores and thinking that trading in new games you bought other places is somehow bad).


I might have to take a look at this deal a little closer now... seems at least as good as what I was getting out of the preorder deals at GR. Didn't think it had as much potential, but I might be wrong.
[quote name='botticus']I might have to take a look at this deal a little closer now... seems at least as good as what I was getting out of the preorder deals at GR. Didn't think it had as much potential, but I might be wrong.[/QUOTE]

With this deal, and some careful game selection, you can get about the same credit as you get at GR. The problem, of course, is that you do not also get to preorder a $50 game for $30. So GR kicks EB up, down, and sideways in that respect. But I am building up some EB credit for 2 reasons. 1) I have been doing WAY too much trading at GR recently and want to spread it around a bit. 2) EB gets games that GR doesn't (such as Atlus titles and many DS games).
I just checked to see around how much I would get for these 5 games WITH the $5 bonus. I would get around $50.65 for:

Zelda: Four Swords (GBA)
Castlevania: CotM (GBA)
Fire Emblem (GBA) (Getting FE: PoR for GC)
Advance Wars 2 (Getting AWDS for DS)
Ghost Recon 2 (XB) (Not gonna have an Xbox come Wednesday)

I'm looking forward to getting an Edge card! How much do they cost?
[quote name='aoLat']I just checked to see around how much I would get for these 5 games WITH the $5 bonus. I would get around $50.65 for:

Zelda: Four Swords (GBA)
Castlevania: CotM (GBA)
Fire Emblem (GBA) (Getting FE: PoR for GC)
Advance Wars 2 (Getting AWDS for DS)
Ghost Recon 2 (XB) (Not gonna have an Xbox come Wednesday)

I'm looking forward to getting an Edge card! How much do they cost?[/QUOTE]

Not to ruin your plan or anything, but I don't think GBA games get the $5 bonus. Bring them to GR - you will get the 25% bonus with them there.
[quote name='io'](Sway - just noticed your comment - did they try to ring them up or just tell you they wouldn't work because they are POX?)[/QUOTE]

Good question. The clerk checked to see what was PO and what was POX first so I assumed the POX wouldn't work with the deal. POX might work if he didn't sort them out first.
Metroid Prime 2 got me $7, plus $5 bonus for trading in 8 games. $12 for a game they sell for $34.99. Someone tell me again why I did not just keep it? And for anyone with these...

Viewtiful Joe $2
Nightmare of Druaga $2
Crash: Wrath of Cortex $3
LotR: Third Age $4
LotR: RotK $4
Sonic Mega Collection $7
Xenosaga $4

$73 credit spent on Makai Kingdom and Katamari Damacy. In retrospect, probably should have just kept some of those, but I have a back-up of about 10-12 games as it is, and I really have been wanting those two, so trading in 8 'eeeeh' titles for two I really want is probably worth it. Thanks OP for the trade-in deal topic.
The $5 deal is looking better all the time - it appears that EA Sports is lowering the prices of all their Fall games to $39.99. That is great for people who want to buy those games, but not great for the preorder deal EB has running - now you have to trade 5 games to get a $39.99 game. I'm definitely glad I used the $5 bonus deal today.
[quote name='green and white']how much wuld i get for bf,ts3,and mgs3[/QUOTE]

Shut. the. fuck. up.

I'm definately going to have to check this deal out. What happens if I trade in seven? Will I get the $5 bonus for all of them or just for five of them? I'm still confused a bit on how it all works (but I do realize they cannot be on the exclusion list).
[quote name='Scorch']
I'm definately going to have to check this deal out. What happens if I trade in seven? Will I get the $5 bonus for all of them or just for five of them? I'm still confused a bit on how it all works (but I do realize they cannot be on the exclusion list).[/QUOTE]

Scorch, have to give you some of your own medicine - look at my post on this very same page (post #67) :D. I traded 7 and told all about it.
[quote name='io']Scorch, have to give you some of your own medicine - look at my post on this very same page (post #67) :D. I traded 7 and told all about it.[/QUOTE]

I know this, which is why I used 7 games as an example. It's too late/early to do math, but i'm guessing you got the $5 bonus for each one.
so i was called about nascar 2006 being in, so how do I exchange it for something I want. I recall something about waiting 48 hours until they have sold it and then asking for a refund. Does this work ?
[quote name='stoned99']so i was called about nascar 2006 being in, so how do I exchange it for something I want. I recall something about waiting 48 hours until they have sold it and then asking for a refund. Does this work ?[/QUOTE]

It's YMMV, I went in today and cancelled mine, took the $50.00 on my edge card no problem, no hassles, out of there in under 1 minute.

Here's what I traded in

Game (Price with Bonus $5 per game)
Jax & Daxter 1 ($6.50)
Fable ($12.00)
Bards Tale ($8.00)
Sly Cooper 1 ($8.00)
Terminator 3 Redemption ($8.00)
Rygar ($6.00)

Got $48.50 in credit and put it all towards Xmen Legends 2. Thanks for the tip on this deal, OP!
So.. I've been wrestling with my conscience all week about dumping off a ton of games that I don't play to this deal to try to get a DS. I figured if I traded in 25 games, I could have a base of around $125, then the values of the games themselves. Most of the stuff I traded in were games i'll probably never play again. My bro swung by and picked them up so I don't know the exact value yet, but i'll have a receipt when he drops the stuff off later. Here's what I traded in, though.. all XBox:

Amped 2
Armed & Dangerous
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Dynasty Warriors 4
Freedom Fighters
Full Spectrum Warrior
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Hulk (the first one)
Kung Fu Chaos
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (I intend on buying this one again)
Midnight Club 2
Mortal Kombat: Deception Kollector's Edition (it was Melina, easy to find, no reason to keep it.. if it was Scorpion or Raiden, I would've kept it)
Ninja Gaiden (since NG:B is coming out soon)
Otogi (Sorry Puumba.. I played it for a while and it was just.. well, weird)
Outlaw Volleyball
Outrun 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta (I considered this for a while then decided it's not as "rare" as everyone says it is, hell, it's preowned for under $10 ac on the site)
Rallisport Challenge 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Sims: Bustin' Out
Soul Calibur 2
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Unreal 2
Urbz: Sims in the City

Unreal Championship, even though it was not on the pox list, is excluded, as well as Outlaw Golf: 9 More Holes.

My credit before promotion: $86

My credit after promotion: $212!!

Needless to say, I chose a DS, the Chihuahua version of Nintendogs, and Kirby's Canvas Curse, and I have an edge card with $26 on it left over. Not bad! Thanks OP!!!
Hey Scorch, please let me know what the values were on those games...I have at least half of those and I'm looking for credit for 360..

Thanks man
[quote name='stoned99']so i was called about nascar 2006 being in, so how do I exchange it for something I want. I recall something about waiting 48 hours until they have sold it and then asking for a refund. Does this work ?[/QUOTE]

The manager a cool guy named Joe, swapped my Nascar for Pokemon QD (don't laugh, my kids love pokemon & I love my kids)
[quote name='alive741']Hey Scorch, please let me know what the values were on those games...I have at least half of those and I'm looking for credit for 360..

Thanks man[/QUOTE]
I second this. Please hook us up with the individual values if you can.
[quote name='alive741']It's YMMV, I went in today and cancelled mine, took the $50.00 on my edge card no problem, no hassles, out of there in under 1 minute.


Another fool proof way to switch your $50 credit to another game is to simply ask for a gift receipt (I always just say its a b-day gift if they ask why) when you pick up the game upon release. Then just wait a day and go back to any Ebgames with the still sealed game and the gift receipt (not the trade in receipt) and you won't have any hassle getting your $50 to use towards another game.
I'm lookin', I'm lookin'. I had the receipt laid out in front of me but it magically disappeared. The only ones I remember off the top of my head were DOA Ultimate was $6, MK: Deception was $10.. both before the $5 bonus.

EDIT: Found it. It was folded up underneath a notebook and car manual (wtf?).. here's what I got, before the extra $5

Soul Calibur 2 - $3
kill.switch - $3
DOA: Ultimate - $6
Ninja Gaiden - $5
Metal Arms: GITS - $3
Midnight Club 2 - $3
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - $2
Outlaw Volleyball - $2
MK: Deception Kollector's Edition - $10
Kung Fu Chaos - $4
Full Spectrum Warrior - $3
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - $3
Rallisport Challenge 2 - $3
Unreal 2 - $2
Dynasty Warriors 4 - $6
Otogi - $3
Panzer Dragoon Orta - $2
Freedom Fighters - $2
Urbz: Sims in the City - $4
Sims: Bustin' Out - $4
Hulk - $2
Outrun 2 - $4
Armed & Dangerous - $2
Amped 2 - $2
Guilty Gear X #reload whatever the hell it's called - $4

Total before promotion: $87 or so

Total after promotion: $212 even

After seeing how much just a few junk titles got me, i'm seriously, seriously considering taking about 75 of the 97 XBox games I have left and doing that and completely paying off a 360 preorder and get a few games with it..
Yeah. I'm going to wait until the last few days of September, then I'm going to probably offload my entire lot of XBox games at EB.. and why not, I thought about charging $10 per game but this trade-in deal brings up a lot of values to MORE than $10. I'd come up a few bucks short of what i'd have if I sold them seperate, but I think I could live.. besides that, i'll be busy with Lockdown, XMen Legends 2, Burnout Revenge and Far Cry: Instincts until the 360 comes out.. if I could dump these now and get a 360 premium bundle with some games, I think i'd definately do it.. I'd hang on to the collector's edition of games and a few other games like Riddick and San Andreas, but other than that.. I could live without a lot of them...

Thanks again, OP. This deal is insane. I'm lovin' it™!
[quote name='stoned99']Pryzm and MGS II (both Ps2) are now POX.[/QUOTE]

Damn, stoned, sorry - I hope these aren't used games you got at GR after I posted that they worked... Though MGS2 was on the list I have (I had used MGS2 for Xbox on Aug 9th - along with the PS2 Pryzm). So far I have been lucky not to get stuck with a single game I bought for EB deals. Looks like we need another updated POX list, though as NFL Street for PS2 has gone off, and Pryzm has gone on - who knows what else has moved...

Today I did another 5 games, netting $42 credit for about $23 spent.

Nothing earth-shattering, but an update nonetheless (before bonus):

Xbox Mafia - $2
PS2 Bad Boys - $4 (and my Best Buy just got about 10 more of these shelved - I picked up 3 today before heading in to EB)
PS2 Trivial Pursuit - $3
Xbox Kung-Fu Chaos - $4
GC PPG - $4

Also GC NCAA Football 2005 gets $3 and PS2 Neo Contra gets $4, but I didn't use those as I think I can make better use of them at GR.

I also did the gift receipt return deal on the NASCAR I picked up the other day. I felt sort of bad about that so I put a preorder deposit on Katamari. At least the store that took my return will get a preorder credit (and I will pick it up too!).

Now I need to figure out what to do with my EB credit :D. Thinking of getting Grafitti Kingdom, and saving the rest for DS titles GR doesn't get in (Pac N Roll is one example though I'm holding off on that for now).
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Wow..PPG on the cube is down to $4, that bad boy was bringing in $17 back in June.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it dropped at Gamerush around the same time as well. Went from $18 a few months back to $6 now. Of course, it dropped at TRU from $10-$11 to $5-$6 during that time as well :D.
bread's done