NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

Sorry for my crap play earlier moojuice. For some reason, versus play really makes my left hand cramp up, and it just starts throbbing. I feel like I have fucking carpal tunnel or something. It got progressively worse after the 2nd game started, and I just couldn't do shit.

Plus, my team was making the shittiest passes I've ever seen. Even your AI guys were poke checking everything away. That was a complete waste of time. Should have just pulled my goalie, let you go at it, and went and got a sandwich, haha.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Sorry for my crap play earlier moojuice. For some reason, versus play really makes my left hand cramp up, and it just starts throbbing. I feel like I have fucking carpal tunnel or something. It got progressively worse after the 2nd game started, and I just couldn't do shit.

Plus, my team was making the shittiest passes I've ever seen. Even your AI guys were poke checking everything away. That was a complete waste of time. Should have just pulled my goalie and let you go at it.[/quote]

Why didn't your left hand cramp against me!!!
Well, I definitely felt the pressure that the end of the second game n8, so no worries.

In that OT game Vega, it was like the game wanted me to lose. Can;t believe I got a 5 minute major. Killed most of it, and I thought I was home free for the shootout. Was at a 100% kill rate up until then too.

Great games all around with both of you though. Sorry I didn't play you Sean, one can only play so much hockey at once.
[quote name='DestroVega']Why didn't your left hand cramp against me!!![/quote]

It did...I was just much more fortunate in that game. ;) I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the constant movement with the left stick, or if I'm squeezing the controller too tight because of the intensity, but it sucks, lol.
sent a message to IGNRNT RICK if you wanted to play after you finished up your online game and never got a response then saw you playing another random game after that one finished... get at me sometime for a game.
All right, Wpark and I tried to play a CAG club game tonight, and I just have to ask him something. Why exactly did you want to play with me when you hardly passed the puck the entire game? I'm sorry. I just take issue with this because you chose to play center...which is what I normally play. I don't mind playing another position at all, but when you choose center, and then take more shots than both your wingers combined, something is not right.

I don't know. Maybe I just view the position differently. I think of it like playing point guard, and always look to pass first. I scored our only goal of the game (assisted from 2 AI players, to put us ahead 1-0). And then in the closing minutes when we're down 2-1, you try steamrolling the puck into the zone by yourself and don't even look for me. What the hell was that? It really made me wonder why I was even out there. I guess I can understand playing like that with random assholes, but this is CAG man.
League Notice:

Please have at least 2-3 games played by Friday. By Friday After next, we all should have at least 6 games played. I know many of us have played over 5 games, and I understand some of our hours may not match each other, but we need to stay in the same general range.
Since I've been having the same difficulties in the NBA league, allow me to copy and paste my post from that thread:

I need to schedule some concrete times for games between Wednesday and Saturday since I need 3. I can play pretty much all afternoon on Wednesday, and from 2-3 P.M. Pacific till *uncertain* on Thursday and Friday.
Matt I can play tomorrow with you. I'll be home all day since I'm getting ready to move on Friday. Just let me know when is good for you, I'm on PST.
[quote name='DestroVega']I can play Thursday night after 10 PM EST if you are still around matt[/QUOTE]

I'll be at the gym from 9-11 P.M. Eastern or thereabouts. I can play after I return. Wpark, I'll play you before. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning where I am on standby (I have to wait in the lobby until they can squeeze me in; took 2 hours last time) but I'll message you after I get back home. I'll also post here in case anyone else wants to play.
I ended up being unable to get to sleep when I intended to, so I played 2 games vs. Vulcan, which we split. I would have played Wpark after since he offered, but I have to be up in 6 hours and the first game with Vulcan took forever since we went to 15- yes, FIFTEEN- rounds in the shootout.

I will play Wpark and probably Destro tomorrow, so that'll be the 3 games you requested, if not more.
I have a major beef.... 12 games into the season... ZERO goals with Alex Ovechkin!

the goalies are a little too crazy in this game, you would think that 2 or 3 of my shots, no matter where they are from, would go in at some point.
[quote name='DestroVega']I have a major beef.... 12 games into the season... ZERO goals with Alex Ovechkin!

the goalies are a little too crazy in this game, you would think that 2 or 3 of my shots, no matter where they are from, would go in at some point.[/quote]

You'd think I'd have a couple goals with Crosby at least! I don't know what it is BUT, I hate playing the Canadiens. I hate when you score and that horrible horn sound goes off. For some reason it turns me off to the game (in both aspects). As sad as that sounds lol.

[quote name='cubs2321']Well, it looks like I am out of commission for a few weeks. Just got red-ringed.[/quote]
Sorry to hear, but it happens to the best of us at some point in our 360's lifetime.

That shootout was ridiculous Matt. But of course we both went away with a win. If only I never pulled my Goalie! :p Probably the only one in the league right now who pulls the goalie in the Third with 40 seconds left and still doesn't get a goal or a goal against.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']You'd think I'd have a couple goals with Crosby at least! I don't know what it is BUT, I hate playing the Canadiens. I hate when you score and that horrible horn sound goes off. For some reason it turns me off to the game (in both aspects). As sad as that sounds lol.

Now I feel bad. I play withe canadiens because I lived in montreal for a few years, and I've never lived near any other pro team. Are they a cheap team to use, or is it just their arena that's annoying. I usually don't play with the sound turned up very loud, so I've never really noticed it (I listen to podcasts while I play).
[quote name='ChunkyB']Now I feel bad. I play withe canadiens because I lived in montreal for a few years, and I've never lived near any other pro team. Are they a cheap team to use, or is it just their arena that's annoying. I usually don't play with the sound turned up very loud, so I've never really noticed it (I listen to podcasts while I play).[/quote]

yeah, I play music through my XBox pretty loud while I play...

I also don't use a mic, don't like a mic when in competition directly with a person on the other end...

Matt, gonna try to play tonight but you might get home too late for me, I have a meeting at 8 a.m. tomorrow so I need to hit the sack at midnight EST the latest... we could play sometime this weekend if not tonight.
Matt, I won't be able to play today. I was under the impression we were gonna play yesterday, but today I gotta pack up my Xbox cause I'm moving tomorrow. So I won't be able to play anyone for like a week. Good luck all.
[quote name='cubs2321']Well, it looks like I am out of commision for a few weeks. Just got red-ringed.[/QUOTE]

I printed the shipping labels rather than having them send me a box, and it only took 8 days total. Try that.

Wpark, yesterday was totally my fault. Well, it wasn't so much under my control, but you're right- I was supposed to play you yesterday. I'm sorry. I ended up not being able to sleep, but before I resigned myself to staying awake until leaving at 7 A.M., you had already signed off for the night.

My appointment was a standby one, which meant I'd get in to see the doctor whenever he had a ago between other appointments. So, having been awake for close to 24 hours already by the time I got to the office, I ended up waiting in an uncomfortable chair in the lobby with crazy people (shared physician/mental health clinic, public for the county- guess I get what I pay for at $37 a year/no insurance) from 7:30 A.M. till almost 4 P.M. Last time, it only took 2 hours. I slept for 15 hours after I got home. It had been a day from hell.

I'll be available today, Destro and anyone else who wants to play. Wpark, hopefully we can play soon after you've got your box hooked up. I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule. Are you moving back to Connecticut?
Yeah, I'm moving back to CT. Once I get back my days will be free for a little while before I can find a job. But yeah I have like four weeks worth of games played already so, I'll get the rest in when I'm home.
Matt, I was going to do it that way but I didn't really have a good box to send it in. Once I get this one back I am going to make sure to keep the box and packing materials so if (more like when) it happens again I can do it with a printed shipping label.
anyone wanna knock out some league games from 8 PM EST- 10 before team play, get at me... I only need to play like 5 more people, all with not a lot of games played... I think one person still has zero played
Consider this to be a "warning"...

If anyone does not keep up with the "3 games per week," that person(s) WILL be kicked to make room for others. I will let this week go by as a grace period-esque week, but next week, everyone needs to have 6 games played. I will also send everyone a similar message on Xbox live later tonight in case they don't frequent this thread.
Good luck with the move Wpark! Be safe!

I think I have more than my fair share of games done in the league actually. Got my 6th goal last night! I always get excited when I score or our team scores in general, cause it's so damn hard in this game. Did you reset your Modem Moojuice? Cause it seemed like you were having some problems last night with it.

Also, it's not cheap to use the Canadiens Chunky, it's just that damn horn sounds that annoys me. But It's life and I'll deal with it :D
[quote name='DestroVega']anyone wanna knock out some league games from 8 PM EST- 10 before team play, get at me... I only need to play like 5 more people, all with not a lot of games played... I think one person still has zero played[/QUOTE]

I can play then.
[quote name='Matt Young']I can play then.[/quote]

ok man cool, see ya tonight then

and no teams are "cheap" to play as.... cept the Red Wings.... BWAHHAHAAHA
Not that it really needs to be posted anymore, but I kinda like keeping track of how many we've done. So here's a friendly reminder that tonight is:

CAG Hockey Night #10 - TONIGHT!!! - 10PM EST - 2AM EST

CAG Hockey Team Active Roster
# 2 Vulcan2422 (Vulcan7905) - Right Defenseman
# 9 DestroVega (DestroVega) -
Left Wing

#11 ChunkyB (ChunkyBasty) - Right Wing
#13 Pure Apathy (Pure Apathy) - Left Wing Dangler or Sniper
#14 SeanAmI (S3anAmI) - Right Defenseman
#16 Regian (Regian) - Right Defenseman
#17 lordwow (Wowous) - Right Defenseman
#19 AK85 (AK85) - Right Wing
#21 moojuice (moojuiced) - Goalie
#26 Mr_hockey66 (Mr hockey66) - Right Wing
#26 Wpark83 (Wpark83) - Center
#27 GLOCKGLOCK (DRUNKZ 27) - Left Defenseman
#28 emg28 (emg28) - Left Wing
#37 Matt Young (X Matt Young X) - Center
#39 n8rockerasu (n8rocker82) - Center
#51 fieldkillah (fieldkillah) - Right Defenseman
#93 slickkill77 (NinjaPenguin777) - Goalie
#?? Azumangaman (Azumangaman) - ??
#?? Flyersfan (PsychedelicRock) - ??
#?? Captain OBVIOU5 (Captain OBVIOU5) - ??
#?? Panther1484 (ShadyMarino) - ??

Injured Reserve
#18 cubs2321 (DarkTower80) - Right Defenseman - Red Ringed
I probably won't make any club games... my girl will be home early tonight and I bought BUZZ! for us to play... I'll be on shortly after 8 EST to play anyone who wants to get some league games in, Matt said he should be good to go so anyone ready after we play lemme know
[quote name='DestroVega']ok man cool, see ya tonight then

and no teams are "cheap" to play as.... cept the Red Wings.... BWAHHAHAAHA[/QUOTE]

Ahh, crap. I forgot that the Lakers game starts at 8 Eastern (earlier than usual since they're in Minnesota) and I have friends coming over to watch. Any chance you can play earlier?
[quote name='Matt Young']Ahh, crap. I forgot that the Lakers game starts at 8 Eastern (earlier than usual since they're in Minnesota) and I have friends coming over to watch. Any chance you can play earlier?[/quote]

sorry man, headed out to the gym right now... we can play another time though...

I'll check around 8ish if anyone is on to play... or maybe if people are on early we can play a few early club games.
[quote name='moojuice']Consider this to be a "warning"...

If anyone does not keep up with the "3 games per week," that person(s) WILL be kicked to make room for others. I will let this week go by as a grace period-esque week, but next week, everyone needs to have 6 games played. I will also send everyone a similar message on Xbox live later tonight in case they don't frequent this thread.[/quote]
After I added about 3/4ths of the league to my mass Xbox message list, my connection decided to time out, so I manually sent individual messages to the members who are behind in games to check this thread, so I am bumping this post (hooray for run-on sentences).

Anyhoo, got my router reset and everything, so hopefully there will be no problems tonight. And man, those were some stupid goals I gave up last night.
so thats what happened...no for the mystery of Vulcan's shopping excursion...

After last nights slaughter, something came up: What if we did private CAG matches against each other, rather that against randoms. Usually, we have a turnout of 10-12 people, so we could easily get games going against each other. We can still use our own characters, and we would be guaranteed a cleaner game. Anybody interested?
[quote name='Flyersfan']Couldn't make it last night guys. How'd we do?[/quote]

We didn't win a game last night pretty much because we were overmatched in each game. It's hard to do anything when each team you play is stroner, faster, and have laser beams for shots. A couple gams had the scores of 8-2, 7-1...closest game was before I was there. 5-3 I think.

We threw around the idea of playing against each other next week instead of the random gams. Something different, but at least the games would be competitive and fun.
It's just so messed up...with an A.I goalie, people were just blasting shots clean past our goalie. He would watch a guy skate with the puck, wind up for a shoot, and just watch as the shot zipped over his shoulder or just blasted past his side. Playing goalie, minus the shitty goals during my warm up games, *cough* , I was a rebound giving machine. I stopped mostly all the breakaways, gave up 2 or three cross creases all night, stopped all the wraparounds, but still managed to give up 5 goals a game. Ironically, that is just as good as an A.I goalie, only when I am in goal, our team likes to score on ourselves ;)
[quote name='DestroVega']sorry for falling asleep mid-game again... I guess it was sort of inevitable.[/QUOTE]

Again? I figured you fell asleep and didn't have a stroke. Score one for me!

How would we play against each other, moo? I say we should try that tonight.
[quote name='moojuice']It's just so messed up...with an A.I goalie, people were just blasting shots clean past our goalie. He would watch a guy skate with the puck, wind up for a shoot, and just watch as the shot zipped over his shoulder or just blasted past his side. Playing goalie, minus the shitty goals during my warm up games, *cough* , I was a rebound giving machine. I stopped mostly all the breakaways, gave up 2 or three cross creases all night, stopped all the wraparounds, but still managed to give up 5 goals a game. Ironically, that is just as good as an A.I goalie, only when I am in goal, our team likes to score on ourselves ;)[/quote]

Yeah, this is exactly what I was going to say. Not only could we not win a game, but we couldn't win for losing either. When the AI was in net, he'd just "miss" pucks that were hit seemingly right at him. And when you were in net, you would block their laser shots, but the rebounds were fatter than the new Jessica Simpson.

Even with me 99 glitching, it doesn't matter because even I'm not fast enough to make up for the 5 guys on the other team who are doing it. The online play in this game has gotten to a point where everyone on the team HAS to 99 glitch, LB glitch, and be 5'7" 155lbs to stand a chance. I think we ran across one team all night who didn't abuse glitches...and that was the game Destro fell asleep during (I was yelling "wake up!" into my mic), which resulted in an all game penalty kill and something like a 4-2 loss.

As moojuice mentioned, these red-headed stepchild beatings led us to thinking about splitting the CAG team up and just playing against each other each week so we'd be guaranteed fair play and a good time. Obviously, I'd reset my stats so I wouldn't be 99 glitching anymore. We joked about "drug testing" the CAG team to make sure nobody was "juicing", basically by taking a screen shot of your stats. Ultimately, this led to jokes about having a friend take a screen shot for you, or even purchasing a screen shot on the internet, haha.

As far as I know (thanks to moojuice's brainstorming), the only way to get it to work would be to go to the online team play community, set up a private game, and then invite people to it. You then just choose your side and play as normal. You still get to use your created skater, but the teams would be just the normal teams, so no stat tracking there.

I've tried researching if there's any possible way to do it within actual club play, and the only response I've gotten is to make sure the captains of each club have the same rating, and you'll have a higher chance of being matched up randomly. It's kinda sad that that's the best method EA has. You'd think a "Challenge Club" option would be great, but at least we can still do the private game thing.

Anyway, what does everybody think of this? Honestly, it may not even be very necessary for long depending on when the next patch comes, and how effective it is. It's just at a point where you can't even enjoy hitting/lying on the ice/fighting even when you're losing because the other team is so fast they can skate circles around you and STILL glitch goal anyway. At least this way, we can have a good time, knowing that your opponents aren't trying to bend you over the penalty box like Miss America...well, unless you're Gary ;)

Speaking of which...


Oh, and also...


(you have no idea how many upskirt shots of Emma Watson and Paris Hilton I had to go through before finally finding a decent pair of jeans) :lol:
[quote name='Matt Young']LMAO at the Crotch Sharks pic.

We can do private games, but there's no need to dissolve the regular CAG team.[/quote]

Thanks ;) And yeah, I wouldn't want to unless there was a guaranteed way of setting up matches. I enjoy it for the stat tracking, team trophies, etc. But it's really not worth it just in the hope that you "find" each other when randomly setting up a match. I did think it would be cool to have a CAG Draft though. Maybe we'll see "club challenge" as a feature in 2010.
Sorry I left like 3rd game. Wife wanted to watch Hell's Kitchen and I had to abide since she bought me Wendy's and of course, food shopping night. Thanks for the pic Nate! SAVED! But I'm on all week as you guys know if you wanna do OTP or League.
bread's done