NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

Dang. I don't even remember posting that. lol.

Just wait though Panther, I will be feared again! :D

Looks like I'm changing my name to Fulton Reed and changing my Jersey number to 44 lol
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yes, Gary most definitely went down on Sarah Palin twice last night.


Good thing I didn't name her Monica Lewinsky eh? 8-[
8 o'clock from now one is great for me, I can get about 2 hours in before the woman gets home...

Also, I'm sitting around again today. I need to play S3anAmi, Mr Hockey, Matt Young and Shandy... if any of you guys wanna play, PM me through CAG and I'll get the PM on my blackberry.
Anybody wanna play a league game tonight?
I also just found out that people can trade, I had no idea.
Has anyone actually done a trade yet?
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Yay...two more games and I'm done getting my ass kicked in this league. ChunkyB, let me know when you wanna play, so I can get it over with. I should have as expected as much from the craptastic underachieving Buffalo Sabres. The next time I see Ryan Miller's $$$gety picture, I'm going to break something. I guess I should have chosen the Red Wings for no apparent reason...
Lol, ya Red Wings are freakin' too highly rated and its hard to play against them barely anyone on my team is as fast as their players.
[quote name='moojuice']http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=946759&topic=45508881

A person compiled a shitton of music, took the good parts, boosted the volume, and uploaded it. This has brought new life to my game. I wen't from turning off the music off, to not pressing "A" during breaks to listen to the music. I highly recommend this. If you are skeptical, d/l the Break in Play music.[/quote]

Yeah, I did the same thing awhile ago using this website:


The song packs on GameFAQs are probably better worse, but I gotta wonder...does Edmonton seriously play "American Badass" after a goal??? How does that make sense?
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[quote name='SeanAmI']How do you make the custom playlist in nhl09?[/quote]

You go to the media hub, and then just basically choose playlists you've already created for the different teams and different events (intro, goal, penalty, etc.)
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[quote name='cubs2321']Wow.[/quote]

That is truly the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I guess they like it because it says "cowboy"...and they're all about oil...or something...ehhh...I'm really reaching here. That's just terrible. Maybe they don't know the name of the song?
Wow...nevermind moo. After downloading a couple of those sound packs, I have to say, they're terrible. Whoever made them must have zero experience with audio files. They're all clipping like crazy. I understand wanting them to be loud, but making them sound like shit is not the answer. I think "Zombie Nation" is the worst. From :27 on, it's just unbearable. That's really a shame because it seems like he's got some good stuff.
[quote name='SeanAmI']I found this more specific NHL sound pack thing:

Yeah, I saw that one. That one seems really involved though (not to mention the files are HUGE, haha). I uploaded what I'm currently using in case anybody wants something fairly quick and simple. It's based on that Hockeyist website I linked to earlier (plus a few additions I made myself). It might not be up to date, but it still adds a lot to the game.

Its actually pretty easy and already has all the playlists made. Also, my connection must be fast because it took me all of 2 minutes to download both parts
[quote name='SeanAmI']Anybody wanna play a league game tonight?
I also just found out that people can trade, I had no idea.
Has anyone actually done a trade yet?[/quote]

yeah I had offered you a trade a couple games in.
Did you listen via computer or through your xbox?

Generally, custom music is whisper quiet in-game if you don't touch the sliders. He boosts the volume of the file so you don't have to mess with the sliders. Sounds like ass on my laptop speakers, but perfect in game. As for the skipping, that's weird, nothing like that on my end. Maybe because it's so loud it sounds like its skipping. Ionno.

It's not necessarily going for realism either, but rather something that is more pleasant on the ear but still sounds like a "hockey song." I don't even use the introductions pack. I used my own music instead because I honestly just don't like half of both the actual intros and the intros he used.

Besides, the Break in Play music, what you hear most the time, are numerous. I have about 85 ditties from that guy, and that's after removing 20 or so that I didn't like. Some are from the same song though, just different sections of the song.
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I listen to music while playing so, this for me doesn't really matter...

For MLB the Show 09, I will definitely use real music walk-ups for at-bats and closer intros
[quote name='SeanAmI']Its actually pretty easy and already has all the playlists made. Also, my connection must be fast because it took me all of 2 minutes to download both parts[/quote]

Yeah, I downloaded it overnight. I guess I'm just thinking about the idea of streaming it vs. it being on the hard drive. It would take forever to put all this on my 360 HD, but I read about some people having problems with streaming it during online play.

[quote name='moojuice']Did you listen via computer or through your xbox?

Generally, custom music is whisper quiet in-game if you don't touch the sliders. He boosts the volume of the file so you don't have to mess with the sliders. Sounds like ass on my laptop speakers, but perfect in game. As for the skipping, that's weird, nothing like that on my end. Maybe because it's so loud it sounds like its skipping. Ionno.[/quote]

Yeah, I get what you're saying. It just defies the laws of good audio modulation, haha. My guess is just that in game, the crowd drowns out all the distortion and popping from the heavy bass of these songs. I checked out the pack that Sean linked to. It does the same thing...not quite as bad, but it clips at points.

The cool thing about that pack though is it has the organ music from NHL94 in it too...plus songs for all the AHL teams. It's really indepth, but if you turn on file sharing through Windows Media Player, you can use the playlists that are already created. How well it works though, I don't know.
Great games last night guys. Sorry SeanAmI (sp? ;) my connection craped out on us, well catch up on that soon. After my lovely wife goes to bed, I'll be on for a few hours tonight. Mr. Hockey If your on we'll hook up.
good games tonight guys.

Vulcan sorry about our last game.
Sean DAMN YOU for our last game :)
Chuncky b sorry about inviting you then not being able to play.
good games tonight Vulcan and Destro

I beat Vulcan in two close 1-0 games. As advertised though, he injured Sedin. Luckily he has a twin brother on the team so we won't miss him too much. ;)

Destro and I split our two games. Although he won the first game with the SLOWEST puck in history haha.

I think I still have to play WPark, Obvious, Matt, Sean, and some one else. Let me know either on Live or CAG if anyone can play tomorrow night.
Good games guys! Always have a blast playing with yall. All I have left on my list is Captain Obvious for league games. Everybody else I have pretty much played. Actually scratch that, I HAVE played everybody else except Captain Obvious. It wont let me play any more league games cause it Tell's me I played the maximum amount of games played with that person! lol

Hopefully we can get a OTP game going sometime this week.
Good games Mr Hockey, Brodeur is a beast.
Too bad someone quit out of one game where I was winning :( , poor sport. I still got the win though.
Yeah I quit out, but I'm not gonna start a bitching match on the board, since it's pretty pointless.

And Shady, we already played our games. I only have two left against Matt.
calling matt young... you are the last team i have to play... let's set a time.

do we have to have 12 teams in to finish this league? also, how many teams make the playoffs?
[quote name='SeanAmI']Ill just quit out if Im losing next time we play.[/quote]

Well I knew I was going to get the loss, so I quit. I don't like spending my time playing a guy who scores the worst goals known to man. Don't get me started on your style of play. I wasn't gonna start shit, so you're big fucking mouth just did.
[quote name='Wpark83']Well I knew I was going to get the loss, so I quit. I don't like spending my time playing a guy who scores the worst goals known to man. Don't get me started on your style of play. I wasn't gonna start shit, so you're big fucking mouth just did.[/QUOTE]

Listen, It's easy to stop Sean. PLAY DEFENSE. Hell every game I played against him went into OT. Honestly, I won't play you again Wpark cause your the one who gets the shittiest goals and has a horrible play style. A man doesn't quit cause he is losing. I fucking stayed and played you when you weree winning 3-0. So man the hell up and quit whining. Hell next league I'll be sure to use one of the All Star Teams
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Listen, It's easy to stop Sean. PLAY DEFENSE. Hell every game I played against him went into OT. Honestly, I won't play you again Wpark cause your the one who gets the shittiest goals.[/quote]

Is that for real? I can't remember the number of teams who have sent me messages after our games telling me that I played good defense. And how do I get shitty goals? I score mostly on wristers, with players who have good wrist shot accuracy. So what "shitty" goals are you speaking of? I'm not using my guy to skate around in front of the crease using only the L stick to deke to make the goalie move across the whole length of the crease before I shoot.

And furthermore, I'm not the only person to have these same issues. And believe me, I have no problem with anyone else in the league. Like you can clearly see in my previous post, I wasn't even gonna bring this shit up. I have my theories, and was going to keep them to myself. But anyone who wants to take bets on who will win the league, I'm betting the house on Seanami, and it's not cause he's the best player. So let's get the betting started.

What's that All Star Team comment for anyway? Cause I'm Detroit? Don't be a hypocrite, you are fucking Pittsburgh. And I was up 3-0, had you wanted to quit, quit. It's a fucking video game, I wouldn't have cared. It's not like you saw me run to this board to bitch about his playing style after I quit the game. No, I took the loss and shut up about it. I didn't quit the first game he beat me, nor did I bitch about the other two OT losses I have to you guys. Plus, I DIDNT START BITCHING ABOUT IT! Go read the fucking posts. I came back and said yeah, I quit, and that's that, I won't start anything. Who started the bitching?
Ya its pretty simple to stop, Vulcan and Mr. Penguin have proven that.
Ya, you got the shit goal against me when it goes off a computer defense man and in and you are talking about shit goals?
Assholes must run in your family. (Destro excluded)
Also, everyone in OTP would appreciate it if you kept not passing, its become a running gag.

Tip: How to not let me do the L deke or whatever. Take me off the puck and don't let me skate around all day.

Vulcan is from Pittsburgh so its his home team thats why he chose them.
[quote name='Wpark83']Is that for real? I can't remember the number of teams who have sent me messages after our games telling me that I played good defense. And how do I get shitty goals? I score mostly on wristers, with players who have good wrist shot accuracy. So what "shitty" goals are you speaking of? I'm not using my guy to skate around in front of the crease using only the L stick to deke to make the goalie move across the whole length of the crease before I shoot.[/quote]

Well, not to jump into this fray...but 75% of the guys on your team have "good wrist shot accuracy". You do have Detroit after all...but that is what it is. You can't expect people to not be upset with you when you bitch out on a game though. It's being a sore loser, no matter how you spin it.

I remember a game we played in MLB 08 when I no hit you for 6 innings, and you quit, and then bitched me out about not giving you anything to hit. I guess when you beat me in our two games in this league, I should have complained about you not giving me any pucks to shoot? I know nobody likes to lose, but there's a certain dignity and grace that you're supposed to show even in defeat. You have what...one loss in this league? And losing one time makes you act like that?
we all know Wpark is the resident short fuse of CAG haha he gets pretty into these games... just imagine playing sitting next to him! I have great NBA live 95 stories I could tell.

I do think there is a way to defend Sean, but even myself had my jaw drop on a few goals, his CPU players also know exactly where to be. I dunno, I have just been thinking of a gameplan instead of getting crazy about it, but I did think his team was on a whole other level.

EDIT: we shouldn't start throwing personal barbs here either, we are all going to be playing in other leagues etc. it's silly to let it all boil over, after all, it is a game.

I got frustrated in the MLB league because of a certain teams playing style that I felt was unfair due to the way online games are played, and at first I spoke out about it and then just decided it was stupid to do so. You just have to be that much more "on your game" and plan things out.

Also, I don't think anyone can make fun of anyone's OTP play here. lol.
Destro in that one game I just got really lucky. Thats the most goals I've scored so far, while playing this game. Usually my guys fuck up all the one timers. If you want me to not get the one timers and crap, don't sit back and do the lay down thing, come up and check my guy so long as no one else is out of position.
My OTP play is stupid on purpose ;)
[quote name='DestroVega']we all know Wpark is the resident short fuse of CAG haha he gets pretty into these games... just imagine playing sitting next to him! I have great NBA live 95 stories I could tell.

I do think there is a way to defend Sean, but even myself had my jaw drop on a few goals, his CPU players also know exactly where to be. I dunno, I have just been thinking of a gameplan instead of getting crazy about it, but I did think his team was on a whole other level.[/quote]

Atlanta is just small and fast (much like most of the 99 glitchers in OTP). I don't have a ton of experience in real life hockey, but at the very least, speed is a tremendous advantage in this game. I can attest to it from when I had my OTP guy 99 glitching. When your opponent gets to more loose pucks than you and always catch up on breaks, it's frustrating as hell.

I've played Sean several times, both in league play and just for fun...and I think I hold my own. But usually he outshoots me and ends up winning a close game. Lehtonen usually comes up pretty big for him as well. You can't blame him for that...just like you can't blame Wpark for having guys with really great shot accuracy. Certain teams just have different strengths.
Ya, the Thrashers are a small fast team on the first two lines with mediocre skills except for Kovy who is amazing all around. Vulcan and Mr Hockey showed how small they were with them getting big hit after big hit. (Vulcan got 3 injuries on my players). Lehtonhen is also 6' 4" and I realize that helps in this game and he usually comes up pretty big.
Also, in case anyone was unaware...I 99 glitched from 2001 to 2003. You have to understand, it was just the culture at the time. I have no idea how I got into it. I guess I just wanted to be the best Crotch Shark I could be and live up to those expectations. I realize now that it was wrong, and I apologize. I hope my future performance speaks for itself, and just want everyone to know that I am now a 100% clean, non-performance enhanced Crotch Shark. Thank you :)
Listen, losing one time wasn't it. I wasn't looking for a perfect season. And again, if someone had told me Detroit is too good, you can't use them, I wouldn't have picked them. But I get frustrated when every player on a team is stronger, faster, and smarter than your players. And I'm not talking about the star players, every player. Like Destro said, it makes your jaw hit the floor. yeah I quit, acted like a bitch, my apologies.
You're implying I somehow glitched my guys to be good? I don't even know how you do the OTP 99 gltich, regardless anything else?

Also n8 awesome, its ok we forgive you n-rod.
Well this has certainly made me excited to get off work and play some hockey. Thats what I like to see boys, some good 'ol trash talkin'. I think that its good for the league and good fore the story lines, we need villains and baby faces here don't w... oh wait... was that Avery talking :)

In all honesty, the competativness is great, and I can't wait to crack a beer and jump on the ice.
[quote name='SeanAmI']You're implying I somehow glitched my guys to be good? I don't even know how you do the OTP 99 gltich, regardless anything else?[/quote]

I never said that, I'm pretty sure that can't even be done in league play.
I'm not saying more since Nate and Sean covered it all. But all I have is Crosby with 0 goals. Sure he is fast but I don't know how to use him. Nate, I also have to say. I 99 glitched and it didn't do shit for me! B ut I'm back to my Original stats again. 92 checking with everything else crappy.
yeah Sean, I played you totally wrong, I hope to be better if there is a next time.

still looking for moojuiced to shed light on # of playoff teams and if we need the 12th team to play through their games.... cause that could slow things up a bit.

Also, a bump for Matt Young, let's set something up
bread's done