NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

yeah as far as crosby goes, I have one goal with Ovechkin and it was the biggest joke of a goal for my team all year.

Avery is in Hartford... when are we going?
[quote name='SeanAmI']What are you implying then when you say my guys are stronger, faster, and smarter than your players?[/quote]

I'm not implying anything other than it felt like every guy on your team was better than mine. As far as actual ratings go that probably wasn't the case, it just felt like I couldn't do anything.
So I just noticed the OTP swipe at me. Id like to hear everyone else second that. Cause I have more assists than goals since coming back to play with you guys.
[quote name='Wpark83']So I just noticed the OTP swipe at me. Id like to hear everyone else second that. Cause I have more assists than goals since coming back to play with you guys.[/quote]

dude, you guys were arguing, I doubt that's everyone's feeling. Who doesn't think another player doesn't pass enough? everyone.
It's ok Nate. We all want our crotch sharks to be the best they can be. That's why they invented viagra right? Oh wait you're tlking about your guy on NHL...uh, me too... ;)

Obvious I'll look for you online tonight. Hopefully we can get our games in.

I'm calling Detroit v. Atlanta in the Cup finals in th league. It'll be great for ratings. :D

Oh and Vulcan, here's my vulcan.


Nothing like a mythical god with a hammer for a school mascot to get you fired up...
I was thinking about that... picture this all the CAG league cracking a beer talking on the party chat while enjoying an epic battle between "W" and "Sean".

Speaking of things that EA needs to add, how about being able to check your league out online and not have to turn the Xbox on and put the game in. (sorry brain fart, something that was on my mind)
How late do you plan on being on tonight Panther? I see you in the East so we have a two hour time dif. I'll try to be on around 7:30/8:00 mtn.
[quote name='Captain OBVIOU5']I was thinking about that... picture this all the CAG league cracking a beer talking on the party chat while enjoying an epic battle between "W" and "Sean".

Speaking of things that EA needs to add, how about being able to check your league out online and not have to turn the Xbox on and put the game in. (sorry brain fart, something that was on my mind)[/quote]

how about being able to at least see what fucking period someone's game is in!!!!
Yeah, seeing what period someone is in should be easy, too. Madden got that shit done right.

And call me nuts (I'm sure most of you are) but wasn't the whole "watching a game" feature in a past sports game? I wanna say you could do it in one of the football games?

And I'm calling an Atlanta v. Washington finals. I don't think I'd be able to beat either of them in the playoffs, they both have my number it seems.
Damn, this thread picked up steam while I was gone this morning.

Anyways, I have been amazingly swamped by work and school, and have been getting raped by both for the last few days. I'll try to get on tonight to answer your questions Vega. If I can, I'll knock the teams down to 11 so we don't have to wait for anyone else to catch up. If I can't, I'll ask one of my friends if I can "borrow" their live account and try to lose to everyone real quick. Or use a trial card for a new account and try to lose to everyone in 48 hours. We'll figure something out.
[quote name='moojuice']Damn, this thread picked up steam while I was gone this morning.

Anyways, I have been amazingly swamped by work and school, and have been getting raped by both for the last few days. I'll try to get on tonight to answer your questions Vega. If I can, I'll knock the teams down to 11 so we don't have to wait for anyone else to catch up. If I can't, I'll ask one of my friends if I can "borrow" their live account and try to lose to everyone real quick. Or use a trial card for a new account and try to lose to everyone in 48 hours. We'll figure something out.[/quote]

Yeah, I got hot headed and it led to some crazy shit. But in hindsight, I'm going through a rough time right now and I just had a short fuse lit last night while playing. My apologies for blowing it out of proportion and my apology to you Sean for bitchin' out. Hopefully I get another crack at ya at some point.
Be very scared, Edmonton will be the darkhorse of the playoffs... IF we make it?!

Moo, how many teams are making it?

EDIT: sorry Moo, I didn't see your reply.
[quote name='Captain OBVIOU5']Be very scared, Edmonton will be the darkhorse of the playoffs... IF we make it?!

Moo, how many teams are making it?[/quote]

I'm going to try to check when I get home tonight. I can't remember off the top of my head.

I am in my school's library at the moment trying to finish up a paper, because ideally, I would have less distractions working in a library than in my room...so much for that >_
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I say no red wings for next season.[/quote]

But if you do that, you have to ban a few other teams too. There are other teams in the game on the Wings' level.

I think we should do this: Take the final standings from this league. Whoever is in last place gets first pick for a team, and so on. I think it would balance everything out during the second go-round. If anyone decides not to be in it and another team comes in, they get that spot.
[quote name='Wpark83']But if you do that, you have to ban a few other teams too. There are other teams in the game on the Wings' level.

I think we should do this: Take the final standings from this league. Whoever is in last place gets first pick for a team, and so on. I think it would balance everything out during the second go-round. If anyone decides not to be in it and another team comes in, they get that spot.[/quote]

I like it.
[quote name='moojuice']Damn, this thread picked up steam while I was gone this morning.

Anyways, I have been amazingly swamped by work and school, and have been getting raped by both for the last few days. I'll try to get on tonight to answer your questions Vega. If I can, I'll knock the teams down to 11 so we don't have to wait for anyone else to catch up. If I can't, I'll ask one of my friends if I can "borrow" their live account and try to lose to everyone real quick. Or use a trial card for a new account and try to lose to everyone in 48 hours. We'll figure something out.[/quote]

How to Lose in 48 Hours...sounds like a good movie. ;)

And I'll be on around that time Obvious. Your Oilers are going down my friend...or le you'll kick my ass. Whatever happens is cool with me... :D
Pretty sure it's best of three. There is a whole bunch of info if you scroll right on the league list once you access the League option from the Live menu. Didn't know about it til today.
I think Wpark has the perfect solution, all teams available, last team last "season" gets first pick in the "Draft". Classic hockey rules, it works for me. Obviously ;) I'm in for year 2. As we talked about Moo, I do think that it would be good to have a separate thread for the league, so guys can come on and trash talk each other as well talk about the ucoming games, and scheduale. I like the idea of best of three, if it's already set up like that, great.
this group of guys is obviously hardcore... I don't know about Matt Young, but I do know his schedule is kind of crazy... If Matt can't do another, a ten team league of these guys would be awesome, we could probably even do TWO more seasons
Can you see wins/ loses??? I wanaa see the standings! I want the number two spot now. I only have chunky b and matt young left though!

Sorry I couldn't join on the otp play. im going to bed before midnight tonight!
We got down at about 11:30 with a shit goal from me at the blue line from the face off! :D

I think that's a good idea for the league as well. Or we could always do AHL :p. I Guess I'm gonna pick the Devil's next league who ever scoops up the Penguins.
Ooooooooooooook. :whee:

So...I have no idea how many teams make the playoffs. In fact, I don't think I can even check if it is best of x games. I pretended to make a new league so I could check the options, and it doesn't even give me the option to pick how many go into the playoffs.
And I for sure can't lower the number of people. Hopefully it will let us advance if all 11 finish.

Sorry guys. For season 2, I'll pay more attention. :wall:
[quote name='moojuice']Ooooooooooooook. :whee:

So...I have no idea how many teams make the playoffs. In fact, I don't think I can even check if it is best of x games. I pretended to make a new league so I could check the options, and it doesn't even give me the option to pick how many go into the playoffs.
And I for sure can't lower the number of people. Hopefully it will let us advance if all 11 finish.

Sorry guys. For season 2, I'll pay more attention. :wall:[/quote]

Well, in my experience with creating leagues (and this is based on MLB 08), the number of playoff teams is usually dependant on the number of teams in the first place. For my MLB league, we had 12 guys spread out across 2 divisions, and only 2 teams from each division moved on to the playoffs. Not sure how it'll work with one big group of 12, but I really wouldn't expect more than 4. Even with 8, I wouldn't have a chance in hell of making it though, haha.

But I definitely want in on a 2nd league. Not sure which team I would want, but I need to prove to myself that I'm better than my record. I really feel that Miller screwed me out of a lot of games. There were at least 2-3 I was winning before he just fell apart and gave up numerous goals in the 3rd period.

Oh, also, sorry to everybody that I wasn't around tonight. I was playing GHWT with the wife. It's not often that she's in the mood to play video games (well, ones I like anyway). So, when I get a chance to have it count as "spending quality time together", that's an opportunity I don't let slip by, haha. Seems like you guys made a lot of progress though. I'm getting on now in case anybody wants to "tussle" (no Gary...that doesn't mean what you think it does! This isn't Boogie Nights ;))
[quote name='moojuice']Are one of you tootsieroll69?[/quote]

my other brother is, I just had him sign up for the site and the league... he will play his games fast, he is on basically every night.
[quote name='SeanAmI']He was kicked out of the OTP before wasn't he?[/quote]

Eh... he wasn't signed up on the site and Apathy told him it was only for people on the site, and I didn't know that or I would have had him sign up first.

He is registered now and it shouldn't be a problem, he plays the game almost every night. I'm sure he could surpass a few people in games played by the weekend.
Lol, that doesn't surprise me...you think I'M short tempered...my saving grace is not dropping an N-Bomb every five minutes. Welcome to the family.
[quote name='Wpark83']Lol, that doesn't surprise me...you think I'M short tempered...my saving grace is not dropping an N-Bomb every five minutes. Welcome to the family.[/quote]

I say this in jest...but it's amazing the 3 of you are all still alive, hahaha ;)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I say this in jest...but it's amazing the 3 of you are all still alive, hahaha ;)[/quote]

haha what?!

I'm as straight as they come, cept for falling asleep playing on LIVE a few times.

I dunno if things "got nasty" with him and Apathy. He should be fine in this league setting, or we could just get someone else, but the longer we wait the longer it's gonna be slowed up and I know he's gonna take it seriously.
I love listening to Sirius. Howard's my fave. But yet the lifetime Subscription fine print is so crappy.

Wait, what?

Anybody up for some CAG Practice tonight? 8:30 PM EST? (Gotta Watch My Name is Earl at 8)
Gotta go to my great uncle's veiwing in Youngstown tonight otherwise I'd be on. I might be back around 10. I'll jump on and see if anyone's playing.
[quote name='Panther1484']Gotta go to my great uncle's veiwing in Youngstown tonight otherwise I'd be on. I might be back around 10. I'll jump on and see if anyone's playing.[/QUOTE]

My Condulences go out to you and your family. If ya need something, just pm me. I'm pretty sure we'll still be playing
Crotch Sharks Vs. NYR: A Tale of victory and punishment.
By moojuice

The game started just as any other, with both teams taking to the ice and the benches. All signs indicated that this would be a great, fun, fast pace game. The ice was smooth, the beers were cold, and players from both sides took their respective positions as the crowd cheered. The signs were wrong.

As the referee approached the face off dot, a foul odor hit the air. As the puck left the referee's hand, the source of the foul odor became apparent.

No, Palin and Lohan remembered to shower. And Russel washed his hands when he was done. Anaya looked around and spotted it. The NYR's left winger, #14 reeked of 99 Glitch. He was fast, and he was nimble. But that would be the cause of his demise. The Crotch Sharks quickly caught scent of the fish, and they set their sights. #14 became a marked man.

And they were relentless.

As NYR won the opening faceoff, they slowly worked into the Crotch Shark's zone. Seeing an opening in the slot, #14 quickly began to skate from the wing to the center. Russel would have none of that. He quickly steped in front of #14, but #14 kept skating forward. "Fine, if thats how you want it," said Russel. Both of Russels fists pierced through the air, straight into #14's shoulders, driving in stright into the ice. The crowd cringed, but still keys their eyes on the action as the Crotch Sharks cleared the puck from their zone.

Play continued as normal. Normal for everyone but #14. Whenever he was in striking range, which was nearly every second, a Crotch Shark would zero in on his prey. Anaya hit him along the boards, Palin and Lohan threw elbows, while Russel just dominated.

Though the Crotch sharks payed for their physical play through power plays, they made up for it by checking #14 every chance they got, effectively removing him from truly playing the game.

At the end of the 1st, the Crotch Sharks took a bite ou of NYR as a team. They worked the puck deep into he NYR corner as the timer counted down from the last minute. As the puck was poked loose in the corner, a NYR player pick the puck and attempted to clear the puck. Lohan stopped the puck at the point, and fed it to Russel. Russel blindly backhanded the puck from the high left slot.

Time slowed as the puck flew undisturbed towards the goalie. After what seemed like an eternity, the puck made it to the goalie. It his him in the right shoulder. As the crowd began to groan in disapointment, they saw that the puck was not stopped. In fact, the puck had continued to travel towards the goal in a knucle puck fashion. As fast as it began, it ended. The puck hit the white strings of the net, and the horn sounded off. 0.9 seconds remained after Russel's goal. Not only was #14 getting pummeled, but NYR gave up a last second goal going into the locker room. The Crotch Sharks cheered, entering their own locker with both the lead and the momentum.

THe second period continued much like the second; #14 was on his back most of the time, and members of the Crotch Sharks spent time in the penalty box. #14 was rendered completly ineffective. He looked more like an ice rink decoration than a hockey player. It is a sad story, when a player with all the power in the world is reduced to nothing by four determined Crotch Sharks.

As the end of the second approached, #14 had enough. #14 and Russel had a few words, and the gloves came off. #9 of the NYR would have none of that though. Before #14 and Russel could do the bare knuckle dance, #9 took #14's spot. "Enough is enough!" said #9. You've been hitting #14 all night, and now you'll deal with me! It made no difference to Russel. Two hits was all it took to put #9 in his own little world. Both players would have to wait until the third to set foor on the ice again.

The seconded period was uneventful after that, and quickly ended. Again, the Crotch Sharks went into the locker room with the lead, but this time had even more momentum. They accumulated exactly 80 hits in the first two periods, with over 95% of those on #14.

The Crotch Sharks showed no mercy in the third. There was only one way for #14 to avoid their hits: stay down on the ice. As the puck dropped at the begining of the third, #14 was pushed to the ground. Her got up, and was hit to the ground again. He skated over the center ice line, and was immediately hit. He crossed the blue line into the Crotch Shark's zone, and was immediatly greeted by Palins elbow. As soon as #14 got back up, he was hit again by Anaya. Lohan showed #14 the door by checking him into the boards and out of their zone.

This continued throughout the third as well, and the Sharks Maintained their lead. When all was said and done, the Crotch Sharks emerged victorious. They compiled 130 hits in those 60 minutes of action. Or in #14's case, 60 minutes of hell. #14 went home with icepacks all over his body. The Crotch Sharks celebrated as the parted ways that night. They know that night as the night they beat the 99 glitcher.

bread's done