NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

[quote name='DestroVega']We shall see... so it looks like they made it HARDER to score... how is that even possible?

At least we can go back to OTP and now it should be fair, uncluding no goalies that are enormously huge... they should cap regular player size limit too, I played a guy who was double the size of my player defending me.[/quote]

There won't be any need to cap skater size without being able to 99 glitch. Actually, before (and still...temporarily, I guess), I saw more guys who were like 5'7" 150lbs who didn't give a shit about being knocked down because they would just LB glitch to get up instantly. Being that small, plus having a 99 in speed, puck control, deking, etc. made it ridiculously easy for them to skate circles around normal players. But now, if you're too small, you'll get crunched. And if you're too big, you'll be slow as hell. It's going to force guys to choose what's more important. If anything, it'll bring a return of the "average size" player.

Also, I don't think they've really made it harder to score. They're just fixing loopholes that created an unfair advantage. The toe drag goal (skating backward and then whipping the puck around), while maybe a "legit shot", is near impossible for the AI goalie to stop. That shouldn't happen. Reducing accuracy is probably the only way to fix it without ruining other parts of the game by boosting the goalie's intelligence.

A top shelf, corner slapshot, a foot in front of the goalie should not blow past him. I could maybe understand it hitting off his pads and squeaking in, but there are far too many clean goals on these kinds of shots (including the wrap around slapper). Again, reducing accuracy is all they could really do.

Other than that, the only other "goal scoring" change I see is just trying to prevent the goalie from flopping unneccessarily (which happens a lot). Really, I see a lot of defensive changes that should make scoring easier as well. For one, they're making stick lifting a lot less effective (slows you down, causes high sticking, etc.). Plus, there will be more interference calls in front of the net. Depending on how well that's implemented, that should make a big difference.

Those two changes should make play in front of the net a lot cleaner. I would worry that this will just help the cross-creasers, but I gotta believe that when you don't have a 99 in passing and a 99 in offensive awareness, performing a cross-crease pass won't be as easy. I'm really interested to see how this patch forces people to adjust their playing styles.
^ well said, but I wish they made the goalies more aware of the cross-creaser and would poke it away like real goalies do.
[quote name='DestroVega']^ well said, but I wish they made the goalies more aware of the cross-creaser and would poke it away like real goalies do.[/quote]

I'm hoping that will be a byproduct of not having 99 passing. The passes shouldn't be as crisp or as dead on accurate. There's only so much EA can do though because they still have to maintain the balance in the game. They can't only increase the goalie's awareness on those kinds of plays. It would affect other areas of the game, and then we'd never be able to score, haha.
- Prevent CPU players from getting delay of game penalties frequently while clearing the puck from their zone.

Yay, no more fucking retarded A.I!!!
[quote name='moojuice']- Prevent CPU players from getting delay of game penalties frequently while clearing the puck from their zone.

Yay, no more fucking retarded Regian!!![/quote]


[quote name='Vulcan2422']Yah Patch! But my weight and height is staying the same. I normally play D so that's what my stats are gonna stay at.[/quote]

Yeah, I think it's smart that the game will adjust your in-game height when you play goalie. Since we're not locked to positions, this is the best way to do it.
I also wanted to post this since the release notes for the patch doesn't mention it specifically (unless that's what "-Fixed some problems that could cause the game to hang or go out of sync when pausing" means). It is the "pause glitch". I suspect this to be the new preferred method for cheaters to try to reach the top of the leaderboards. Just wanted everyone on our team to be aware.

For alot of you, this may be old news but it seems like for most people this is still unknown knowledge...

So, you played the whole game, you're currently winning, there's 20 seconds left in the game. They get the puck, skate around in their zone, trying to burn the last seconds of the game and will inevitably pause glitch it. (I don't want to get into details on how to actually glitch the game and prevent the game from being counted. If a mod would like the info, I can provide the little bit of knowledge I have on how to do it, this is irrelevant in this thread so I'm not gonna give anymore details).

This has nothing to do with the face off de-sync glitch, only the glitch that prevents the game from being counted.

So, the game is finally over, you won! Wait a minute... the grades show up right away and you don't get the menu like you normally do. They pause glitched the game and the game will not count if;

1) If you press "A", the game will proceed to "Waiting for users" and keep looping forever.
2) If you go back to your dashboard thinking the game "froze" or "lagged out"

So, to prevent them from getting what they wanted... simply press "Start" when the grades show up (DONT PRESS "A"), it will bring up the regular end-game menu, simply quit out of the game like any other game you would've quit. It is very important that everyone on your team presses start and quits out like a regular game. If anybody presses "A" or goes to the dashboard, you're toast. That game won't count and you officially wasted the last half hour.

This will prevent the game from lagging out and never getting your "W".

Hopefully this will help a lot of people to get their rightfully deserved wins.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Yah Patch! But my weight and height is staying the same. I normally play D so that's what my stats are gonna stay at.[/quote]

From some of the impressions I read over at the EA forums, it looks like hitting away from the play results in an automatic 2. It might actually look like an actual hockey game!:)

Looks like our days of 100+ hits per game are over. At least Vulcan will be setting the record for penalty minutes in a game... ;)

That's IT! I'm selling this game If I can't get over 100 hits a game! DAMN EA STEALING MY MONEY! (Look at the Dr. Pizza thread :p)

Edit: Reading that thread, it looks like you could just dump the puck before you get checked to force the penalty on the other team.
I created a new silver account so the NHL CAG Team can be "friends" with each other without having to friend everyone.

If we all befriend the Gamertag, NHL CAG TEAM, then when you would go to NHL CAG TEAM's friend of Friends the whole team would be there. Think of it as a clan, or team list if you will. I to go pick up my wife but I will start sending out request later, if they haven't been received. I hope this central location friends list will get us playing more of NHL 09 together.
[quote name='Cravin_Taco_Bell']I created a new silver account so the NHL CAG Team can be "friends" with each other without having to friend everyone.

If we all befriend the Gamertag, NHL CAG TEAM, then when you would go to NHL CAG TEAM's friend of Friends the whole team would be there. Think of it as a clan, or team list if you will. I to go pick up my wife but I will start sending out request later, if they haven't been received. I hope this central location friends list will get us playing more of NHL 09 together.[/quote]

Well, there actually already is one of those (CAG NHL 09), but I think PureApathy "owns" it. I haven't seen him play this game in a while, so it probably wouldn't hurt to have a fresh list. There are some guys on that list that I've never seen play this game.

The only thing I'd add to this is try to run ideas by everybody before just putting them into practice. Many of us have been playing since day one, so a lot of times, it'll be something we've thought of, or stuff that's already in place. Having the new guy come in and start taking charge might ruffle a few feathers. Along those lines...there are a few "changes" I would like to implement as well, but I want to wait until the patch is out before I start discussing any of them.

As for the new guys, I've sent out team invites to each of you (taloncarde, cravintacobell, and ronin317). Unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to miss Hockey Night this Friday. My parents are visiting this weekend, so I'll be away from my 360 for a couple days. Hopefully, by the time I'm back, the patch will be out, and we can really move on to a productive CAG Club era. Best of luck to you guys holding it down in the meantime though!
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, there actually already is one of those (CAG NHL 09), but I think PureApathy "owns" it. I haven't seen him play this game in a while, so it probably wouldn't hurt to have a fresh list. There are some guys on that list that I've never seen play this game.

The only thing I'd add to this is try to run ideas by everybody before just putting them into practice. Many of us have been playing since day one, so a lot of times, it'll be something we've thought of, or stuff that's already in place. Having the new guy come in and start taking charge might ruffle a few feathers. Along those lines...there are a few "changes" I would like to implement as well, but I want to wait until the patch is out before I start discussing any of them.

Well since we were told to send to individual gamertags, I figured there wasn't one. I made the account very generic and easily transferable to another person or GM. I understand your point of ruffling feathers, but if everyone is always waiting around for the old guard things new ideas don't flow as freely. We live in a country of innovation and initiative. I apologize if I stepped on toes, but I was just doing what I did in the best interest of the group.

As for waiting for the patch, I don't see why we can't start discussing now. I mean we have a vague idea with the ps3 patch release. An extra week or so of discussion isn't going to hurt things. It will allow more people to get a feel for said "changes" and it will "allow you to run it by everyone" as well.

Again, being new I don't want to start a ruckus. But as I have learned from other groups, opportunities are lost when too many people are patiently waiting for things to be set in motion or happen.
[quote name='Cravin_Taco_Bell']Well since we were told to send to individual gamertags, I figured there wasn't one. I made the account very generic and easily transferable to another person or GM. I understand your point of ruffling feathers, but if everyone is always waiting around for the old guard things new ideas don't flow as freely. We live in a country of innovation and initiative. I apologize if I stepped on toes, but I was just doing what I did in the best interest of the group.

As for waiting for the patch, I don't see why we can't start discussing now. I mean we have a vague idea with the ps3 patch release. An extra week or so of discussion isn't going to hurt things. It will allow more people to get a feel for said "changes" and it will "allow you to run it by everyone" as well.

Again, being new I don't want to start a ruckus. But as I have learned from other groups, opportunities are lost when too many people are patiently waiting for things to be set in motion or happen.[/quote]

Look man, I wasn't trying to come off confrontational at all...just making a polite suggestion (check with the team before making decisions regarding the team...sensible no?). But if you're going to get defensive about it, you'll hear what I think. My problem with your attitude (which again was exhibited in your last post) is that you come in here knowing nothing and act like this team needs to be raised from the dead. We've been having weekly hockey nights with at least 6-15 people every single week for 3 months straight.

You may not have realized it, but you walked right into a steady flow of activity here. The reason you were given individual gamertags to message is because those are the GMs on the team (makes sense to contact the people who have the authority to invite doesn't it?) This is not "most groups". I'm not going to run around patting myself on the back, but I've done my damn best to make sure it doesn't end up that way. There are SEVERAL active members here who have not only made sure the CAG team plays regularly, but that the VS. league that was started runs smoothly as well. I'm sorry if I feel mildly disrespected by you coming in acting like you need to save something.

I realize that you're new, and by no means are we a group of elitist assholes who shun new members. But by that same token of you being new, you have NO IDEA what has gone on here for the past few months, and what adaptations and changes this team has undergone...which is all the more reason to not come in here and shoot off your mouth. I have no problem with taking things in new directions. Many of the dedicated players here have come up with great ideas for a more enjoyable CAG Hockey Night. But we also have the respect to consult each other first. And I'm sorry, as a new player, that respect has to be earned.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Look man, I wasn't trying to come off confrontational at all...just making an obvious suggestion (check with the team before making decisions regarding the team...sensible no?). My problem with your attitude (which again was exhibited in your last post) is that you come in here knowing nothing and act like this team needs to be raised from the dead. We've been having weekly hockey nights with at least 6-15 people every single week for 3 months straight.

You may not have realized it, but you walked right into a steady flow of activity here. This is not "most groups". I'm not going to run around patting myself on the back, but I've done my damn best to make sure it doesn't end up that way. There are SEVERAL active members here who have not only made sure the CAG team plays regularly, but that the VS. league that was started runs smoothly as well. I'm sorry if I feel mildly disrespected by you coming in acting like you need to save something. [/quote]

Again, I asked for your ideas and you rip me. Your getting your feathers all ruffled over a new gamertag that can easily be thrown to the waste side. For all that time you typed that, you could have submitted your ideas for "consult and discussion".

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
I realize that you're new, and by no means are we a group of elitist assholes who shun new members. But by that same token of you being new, you have NO IDEA what has gone on here for the past few months, and what adaptations and changes this team has undergone...which is all the more reason to not come in here and shoot off your mouth. I have no problem with taking things in new directions. Many of the dedicated players here have come up with great ideas for a more enjoyable CAG Hockey Night. But we also have the respect to consult each other the group could improve. [/quote]

Just take a moment to digest the message your sending, I am not an elitist; "But we also have the respect to consult each other first." And I'm sorry, as a new player, that respect has to be earned. "don't "shoot off your mouth" cause your new", establishes that there seems to be a social stratefication, i.e. new people all the way up to decidated players, that even you feel that you have to wait to share your ideas. That's pretty much textbook definition of elitism.

As I stated earlier, we don't even have to use that tag; especially if there's already another one. I only meant to help improve the group; when your ready to share your ideas, I am listening.
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[quote name='Cravin_Taco_Bell']nowhere did I say that it needed saving, it was a "suggestion" for improvement. Excuse me for being proactive. You want to talk about attitude, I ask for your ideas and you refuse to share them at this moment, instead taking the time to rip me. Again, I'm sorry for "taking your place on the totem poll" as that was not the intention. For all the time you spent typing that you could have shared your new ideas. But alas I am still waiting to hear them. A group member offered their ear, no matter how new they are, and you decide to save your ideas that according to you need to pass through consult and discussion. Instead of taking the time to enlighten me on "group structure" maybe your next posts could be how you think we could improve the group. Not to save it from the dead, just to make it better.[/quote]

I don't agree with you thinking you can make decisions for a team that you haven't even joined yet. I'm sorry. I will not concede that point. It's arrogant and disrespectful to the guys who have been working for months trying to keep this thing going...and make it better of course. And since when is a "suggestion" putting something into practice and telling everybody to follow suit? (To the regular CAG hockey guys having to sift through this BS, I apologize. I realize I'm hammering on a really small point here...but it's the principle behind it.)

And the last time I checked, my ideas are my business. I'll bring them up when it makes sense to bring them up. Right now, the entire Xbox community is awaiting a patch to make this game playable again. Since the thing I've been toying with in my head relates to those new features and how well they work (which I'm not going to believe based off of a 2nd hand, 2nd system account), I'm not going to stir things up just for the hell of it.

I understand Mrhockey responded about your CAG Hockey Team gamertag. I know Mrhockey pretty well (I know how he spends his time before hockey night anyway ;)). My guess is that he was unaware of the CAG NHL 09 tag because hardly anybody uses it. As I said, it was created by a CAG who doesn't play this game much anymore (who is also the OP of this thread).

Again, if you'd read my initial response to you, you'd see I had no problem with implementing a fresh tag with active members. All I did was offer you a suggestion for future considerations. But your comment of "maybe we can play more NHL 09 together" comes off as though you're the one making it happen.

Yes, I know I am making a bigger deal out of this than it really is...but I've been playing this game almost exclusively for 5 months. And with the help of other CAGs, have been keeping this team as active as any gaming group I've ever seen. Your failure to acknowledge that is ignorant and disrespectful to the rest of us. Disagree with me. Teach me the Bill of Rights. I don't care. But recognize, you're the new guy coming into the thread with a confrontational attitude.

If the rest of you guys think I'm wrong on this one, tell me and I'll shut up. I just think he's undermining what we've already accomplished to this point.
Just to end all this crap...all you had to say after my initial response was "Thanks. I'll remember that next time.", and I wouldn't have said another word. Do you not think it's reasonable to check with the people who have been on this team 50 times longer than you before doing anything that changes the way the team operates? That's all I was saying. My problem is not your "innovative ideas". It's your attitude.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Just to end all this crap...all you had to say after my initial response was "Thanks. I'll remember that next time.", and I wouldn't have said another word. Do you not think it's reasonable to check with the people who have been on this team 50 times longer than you before doing anything that changes the way the team operates? That's all I was saying. My problem is not your "innovative ideas". It's your attitude.[/QUOTE]

"It's my attitude", you took "maybe we can" ...which meant I would like to play more than just friday night if at all possible ... into an attack on your very lifestyle. Dude, I just want to play, as I knew some of you did more than Friday nights.
[quote name='Cravin_Taco_Bell']"It's my attitude", you took "maybe we can" ...which meant I would like to play more than just friday night if at all possible ... into an attack on your very lifestyle. Dude, I just want to play, as I knew some of you did more than Friday nights.[/quote]

If it's miscommunication, then whatever. I took what you wrote. If you meant more than that, write more. But if you think, as a new guy, it's your place to make changes to the team, I can't help you. Running things by each other is not some "social stratefication" or whatever other kind of non-conformist emo bullshit you'd like to believe. I call it common courtesy. And for the last time, you didn't make a suggestion. You acted without seeing what the group (that you're trying to be a part of) thought.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']
Running things by each other is not some "social stratefication" or whatever other kind of non-conformist emo bullshit you'd like to believe. I call it common courtesy.[/QUOTE]

No that's not, but this is social stratification...

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
But if you think, as a new guy, it's your place to make changes to the team, I can't help you.[/QUOTE]

You can't help me because I am not "respected" enough, fine, but I have called it as it is.

Since it would follow your advice, I will let the account go dormant until others such as yourself discuss if you want to use it. When you figure out what to do with the new people let me know, as this is the way it has always been... I will acquiesce to your "suggestion"; however what I believe isn't "non-conformist emo bullshit", as you previously stated.
I don't think the tag would be useful. For other games, it never got use outside of a few days, because everyone just adds everyone else to their personal friends list. You have 20+ people saying "Oh, I'll add the GT, just send me an invite", but over 1/2 will never accept an invite/actually play the game. Hell, look at the "Old" list of members, and compare that to how many of us post in this thread.

Besides, almost everyone who is a regular has several other regulars on their lists, and new people are rarely (if not ever) forgotten. Take panther1484 for example. He only became active last month, but is already "one of the guys."

Though the argument has taken off further than it should have, nate does have a point. It is common courtesy, and probably common sense, that a person that hasn't even played with the group should toss around ideas first. If you go to a job interview and get hired, do you immediately tell others what should change in a business before you even walk out the door? It's not about stratification, a hierarchy, or profiling. It's a matter of being familiar with things before you suggest changes.
Yeah, sorry for the incredible length and off-topic nature of the last several posts. I just felt like I had a point, but had somebody who just wanted to argue. Plus, I'm just naturally protective of this team. I feel like we've really grown together as a group. Anyway, I'd be cool with deleting all my OT posts to clean the thread up and return the focus to hockey.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']wow, to bring this thread off of it's subject, Am I one of those members Nate? :D[/quote]

Look at that achievement in your sig and then tell me you're not one of the core members of this team, buddy ;)
I See I See. :D

Wish the 360 was in the bedroom, I'd play with ya but It's in the living room. But you know me Nate. Always up for NHL any day of the week. It's a shame that we have some GM's that don't even play the game anymore. Alan your league was awesome, good job on that. Nate you really did help bring this back again.

Slick, Destro, Matt, Regian, Glock, Sean and Nate are the Veterans pretty much. I mean, we need some more active GM's instead of just Nate. This isn't a knock on you Nate, so don't take it that way. But I bet it would be nice to just have a few more active GM's who can help out as well correct?

LOL, looks like I sorta brought it back from the dead but Nate really took it over and ran with it. I guess that's why I'm there every single Friday night playing heh.

http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191445&page=32 Post #636
Just wanted to post this before I go to sleep, cravintacobell and I squashed our beef like Shaq and Kobe. We played a club game together tonight and really held our own. He played RD, and I took my usual Center position. I really wasn't expecting great things from the game considering we were outnumbered 4 to 2, but we grabbed a surprising 1-0 lead early in the 1st off a quick John Stamos to "Some AI Dude" pass, who beat the goalie pretty easily.

We even held the lead until late in the game when the team of 4 mounted a decent offensive charge and got a fat rebound for an easy tap in. After that, I was robbed on about half a dozen different scoring opportunities. The goalie must have known how much John Stamos HATES the glove. There was plenty of glove, but alas no love. cravintacobell did a really good job setting me up for plays too, I just couldn't put anything home.

The game went to OT, but we ended up coming up short. We definitely weren't outplayed though, and the other team should be embarrassed that they were taken to OT by 2 guys. Hats off to cravintacobell, and welcome to the team!
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Im a GM as well Vulcan, but I don't add people based on random Xbox Live messages. I can't tell you how many random people have sent me messages and I respond post in the thread so I can make sure they're an actual CAG.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The goalie must have known how much John Stamos HATES the glove. There was plenty of glove, but no love[/QUOTE]

The goal play by their goaltender saved them, the other three would have been beaten without his play in goal. I thought Nate had the angle on the glove a couple times and the goalie swiped it up like it was nothing.

I don't know about the Shaq and Kobe thing though. I mean I am not saying that my skills, patch or no patch, will lead the CAG team to a title by any means. But there's a resolution at least.
N8 - "Taco.... tell me how my ass taste!"

haha Kobe and Shaq... gotta love those two.

On the patch note, why does Microsoft have the stupid 10-day rule... isn't that a bit long for something like this?
Wow I'm glad to see this thread is thriving! I had no idea so many CAGs played NHL 09 online anymore, especially team play and EASHL!

I was going to come in here and complain about the lack of interference calls from my last two games but it looks like it's already been discussed and possibly fixed by EA. I'm still going to bitch about last night for a few moments, so stick with me here.

We were the Red Wings (not my call) and played against the Sharks. My teammate was simply horrible. I tried including him in the play on many occasions but he would simply take it in and get crunched. After a while I started doing a dump and chase that was working. Numb nuts couldn't put the puck in the back of the net even though I fed him beautiful pass after beautiful pass in the slot. However, that's not my gripe. My gripe is that there were literally no penalties called until 2 mins left in the third period when I decided to embody Sean Avery and start being a dick. I got an interference call after nudging a guy that was not too far from the puck. The other team, on the other hand, was absolutely getting away with murder out there. They were popping guys at the blue line, forcing offsides, absolutely raping me in front of the net, and nailing every guy that barely crossed the blue line, puck or no puck. Not one call was made. So this was all fixed in an upcoming patch?
Oh yah, From the PS3 impressions, if you even nudge a guy with out the puck it's a penalty. So I'll try one game as RD and then if it doesn't work, looks like I'm going with goalie. I gotta say, Alan is a great goalie and I inspire to be as good as him one day. :D

Looking back at like page 20, seems like alot of you guys got pretty pist cause of the whole "Cliques" thing and you guys were just left in the locker room for no reason. Pretty Interesting reading old post's like that heh.
Can't wait for the patch to come out, I am getting close to unlocking the next level of my player card, so playing some games that will count toward my next rank again will be awesome.
FWIW, I like where the league/otp is at now. We have a good group. I would be down with doing some legit OTP when the patch comes out, but I still think I like playing against people I "know" sometimes.

I won't be there this friday, so hopefully by next friday the patch will be out.

And, Vulcan, it is pretty interesting to go read those old posts. It's also funny because Cheapy actually used to post. I'm glad we don't have any cliques going (or maybe I'm just not in them so I don't know about them).
patch will probably be there to download next friday exactly... i also like where the league and OTP are at right now... the league can even be done soon if my brother can sort out of connection issue and Matt Young can get a bunch of games in quick. Everyone else only has 6 games or less to play. In that case, we could even run another league next month!
This Friday is looking good. The Grandmother is taking my daughter for the night, and my wife is working the night shift so I got my beer and my box to CAG with all night. Hope I can finish off my league games, and we can get into some playoff action soon.
[quote name='DestroVega']patch will probably be there to download next friday exactly... i also like where the league and OTP are at right now... the league can even be done soon if my brother can sort out of connection issue and Matt Young can get a bunch of games in quick. Everyone else only has 6 games or less to play. In that case, we could even run another league next month![/QUOTE]

I can play during the day Friday, until I leave for the hockey game at 5:30 Pacific. I've just been so busy with shit these last few weeks, plus school started yesterday, complete with an hour and a half long commute (3 buses) each way.
[quote name='Matt Young']I can play during the day Friday, until I leave for the hockey game at 5:30 Pacific. I've just been so busy with shit these last few weeks, plus school started yesterday, complete with an hour and a half long commute (3 buses) each way.[/quote]

oh, I wasn't targeting you or anything man, it's cool.

a bigger issue is my brother... I have tried to play him 5 times to start his league games, and the game goes into skip mode and eventually just goes back to the opening faceoff... he said the same thing happened with him and N8... so he basically can't play a game and make it past the 5 minute mark.

I don't know if the patch could possibly resolve this, but in his other league, it's never happened. Moo... what shall we doo?
Has he tried to play anyone else? Restart all his stuff?

If the patch doesn't fix it, and it ends up being an issue with every game with everyone else, could it be because I initially kicked him? I hate to say it, but in the interest of moving the league forward, we may have to let him go if games can't get played. Of course, he will be welcome for League V2, and hopefully there won't be connection problems since his other league works fine.
bread's done