NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

I say we set up a second CAG team and on team nights we just play against each other until the patch comes out... it will be good practice and will be much more fun.

We should start the stats over also when the patch comes out.
Well, we should reset our stats just so it's still fair for CAG Vs. CAG. We donlt even need to have set teams, we can mix and match.
XD @ at pics
[quote name='DestroVega']I say we set up a second CAG team and on team nights we just play against each other until the patch comes out... it will be good practice and will be much more fun.

We should start the stats over also when the patch comes out.[/quote]

Well, like I said, there's no way to do this with actual created club teams. Getting matched up would be pure random luck. The best we can do is private OTP play and let the captains choose whatever team they feel like using. And as moojuice mentioned, doing it that way, there's no real need to set defined "rosters". People can just join whatever side they feel like (keeping things even of course). I'm just sick of taking beatings from random douchebags. I'd at least like to take a beating from a douchebag I know ;)
[quote name='Panther1484']Anyone want to play a couple league games Tuesday night?[/quote]

what time buddy? I can be on anywhere from around 9-11 EST
I'll probably be on tonight if anyone wants to play some league games. I think I still need one more this week to meet my quota.
[quote name='DestroVega']what time buddy? I can be on anywhere from around 9-11 EST[/quote]

Sorry Destro I wasn't able to play on Tuesday. Had a little family emergency. It's all good now though. I'll be on later if you want to retry. Chunky I'll play you too. I need four games in two days...:drool:
Had a fun time last night with the OTP. Sure my glow moves slow as hell, but at least I could at least add my checking! :D

Is anybody up for playing at around 8 PM tonight? I Gotta start early since It's the wife's birthday and I will be leaving here around 10:30 or so to go to Applebee's and get stupid drunk.
is it you turn to pick up the drunk wife Vulcan? I had that situation the other night... What fun.

Sorry I couldn't get on last night boys, I hope to be on for the OTP tonight, if not I will be on various times tomorrow.

Captain OBVIOU5
[quote name='Captain OBVIOU5']is it you turn to pick up the drunk wife Vulcan? I had that situation the other night... What fun.

Sorry I couldn't get on last night boys, I hope to be on for the OTP tonight, if not I will be on various times tomorrow.

Captain OBVIOU5[/quote]

Nope, the wife stopped drinking after she got sick from too many Long Island Ice Teas. So now I'm the one that gets bombed! :D

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I probably won't be able to join tonight. Got to impregnate the wife![/quote]

ZING! Hopefully that happens tonight after the Strip Club for her birthday. Women strip club. Not the man Strip club. Ok I'll shut up! Lol
So, is anyone going to be there at 10?

If there are only a couple, maybe we could all play some league games or something. I'll have a hard time pulling myself away from skate 2, but I think I'll be able to tonight.
i still need to play like 5 people... I probably can't get on tonight but anyone who is around at any time all day tomorrow until 7ish, lemme know.
Probably won't make OTP tonight again, so here's the motivational speech:

Every time you touch the ice, remember that it was Hans who taught us to fly.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I probably won't be able to join tonight. Got to impregnate the wife![/quote]

So, what are you going to do after those 2 minutes are up?

*ba dum ching!*

Haha, I kid! I kid! Oh man, I've been watching too many celebrity roasts lately ;)
Pretty good.....

We have been trying for a year now. The stars are alligined tonight. The little thing that you stick in to the pee pee thingy says We got to the humpy dumpty thingy.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Pretty good.....

We have been trying for a year now. The stars are alligined tonight. The little thing that you stick in to the pee pee thingy says We got to the humpy dumpty thingy.[/quote]

Haha, well good luck man. May your guys swim silent...and swim deep :)
[quote name='Regian']Where the hell is everyone? I've been in the locker room for 30 minutes now. Epic game or something?[/quote]

Well thanks to some CAG'rs and a unknown person called Acerfan84, I got in a few games before 10:30. I like this CAG's against CAG's really. We all know we won't get bamboozled by a glitch goal or some 99 glitcher's, but you will be checked ALOT by my self as I think I am the Official CAG NHL 09 goon/enforcer :D

I did get home at 1:10 but nobody at all was online. I suppose cause we started early. But all in all, it was fun times.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well thanks to some CAG'rs and a unknown person called Acerfan84[/quote]

:cry:....This hurts.....IT REALLY HURTS.....

Haha anyways it was good to play with some cag's again last night. This was my first time playing OTP since around September last year. I also sat around in the dressing room waiting last night until AK was kind enough to invite me into the party. So do you guys just play against each other exclusively now? Sounds like there's a lot of cheating and cheap play on XBL (shocking development there :roll:).
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']how did you guys do?[/quote]

Well, last night, we just played private OTP sessions against each other rather than the normal club play. We had to play unranked so neither the stats nor skater grade count for anything, but the biggest losing margin the entire night was 3 goals. We had several games go into overtime and even had a 2-0 game turn into a 2-2 game, before one team came away with a 3-2 victory in OT.

Overall, it was much more competitive this way, and I think most CAGs enjoyed it far more than being cheated and raped by players with names like "URMOMLUVSCOCK". It kinda sucks that the skater grade doesn't count at all because the only reason mine had dipped back to a C+ is because of these losers who glitch the entire game.

I checked the EA forums and they're saying the patch is 2-3 weeks away. It would be amazing if they could somehow make regular club play like these games. There will still be idiots who go for cross crease passes all game, but I'm hoping if their speed and passing aren't both 99, it won't be as easy to pull off. Anyway, until then, playing against each other definitely seems to be the way to go. I had a good time last night.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well thanks to some CAG'rs and a unknown person called Acerfan84, I got in a few games before 10:30. I like this CAG's against CAG's really. We all know we won't get bamboozled by a glitch goal or some 99 glitcher's, but you will be checked ALOT by my self as I think I am the Official CAG NHL 09 goon/enforcer :D

I did get home at 1:10 but nobody at all was online. I suppose cause we started early. But all in all, it was fun times.[/quote]

Yeah, people were slowly dropping like flies. We played one or two games of 2 on 2, and then somebody else had to go, so rather than play 1 on 2 and wait for your drunken ass to come back, haha, we just decided to call it a night. I'd actually be ok with keeping hockey night earlier (as Mr Hockey initially wanted to).

The main reason I kept it late was for the west coasters. But Matt seems to play more throughout the week, and less on Fridays (and oddly enough...seems to have more availability earlier in the night anyway). The other west coaster (that I know of) was Wpark, but he just moved back to the east coast. moojuice and darktower are in Colorado, so that's what, a 2 hour difference? Would playing from 8-12 make things easier on anybody?
yea I came on at 2 AM expecting some people but alas, nothing.

I also need to play 4 (awaiting the 5th) more people in the league... Marino, Sean eami (haha something like that), mr hockey and matt young.

I'll be around today basically hanging around, if you wanna get games in, PM me and it should go to my blackberry and I'll get it instantly and can hop on. I'm gonna play COD till I get a request.

later fellas
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[quote name='DestroVega']yea I came on at 2 AM expecting some people but alas, nothing.[/quote]

Yeah, well 2 is normally the point we start winding down anyway. When we've played past that it's usually just because we're still trying to win our first game of the night. But by then, most of us are half asleep and generally out of it. I find it mildly amusing that the guy who falls asleep mid-game showed up at 2 AM though, haha ;)
Wait, darktower is in Colorado too?

Playing private matches the last few days has been so much more fun and realistic. Really, the way we were playing is how all OTP games should be played, but hey, it's Xbox live so what can you expect from randoms.

Hopefully they get this next patch right, because it seems like it'll be the last before NHL 10 comes out...at least it seems that way on the EA NHL boards.

As for moving it to 8 EST, I will definitely be late, as that is when I get home from work. I will for sure be on later on in the night though.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well thanks to some CAG'rs and a unknown person called Acerfan84, I got in a few games before 10:30. I like this CAG's against CAG's really. We all know we won't get bamboozled by a glitch goal or some 99 glitcher's, but you will be checked ALOT by my self as I think I am the Official CAG NHL 09 goon/enforcer :D

I did get home at 1:10 but nobody at all was online. I suppose cause we started early. But all in all, it was fun times.[/QUOTE]

Im hurt by the goon comment! Why can't we be the bash brothers. We need to change our names to the mighty ducks characters!

moo can be goldberg
Vulcan is fulton
nate can be charlie can't rember his last name
adam banks or averimen maybe kenny woo????
The cowboy dude?
We need a russ wheeler

Whats the other bash brothers name?

I played six league games tonight all but one went to ot. I lost alot in ot. I want wparks again!!!! beat me twice in ot. One in shoot out! I moved up pretty quick. Do you get points for ot? Like real hockey?

8 would be really good for me. i can only get one to two games in on fridays. My butts in bed at 12.
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Yeah mrhockey, you get the OT point if you lose. And yes, great games today. That first game I think I had the whole way, I missed three shots off the post, one I thought was a goal that didn't get called. That second game though was so tight. Really good competition, and I appreciate you gettin games in already.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']nate can be charlie can't rember his last name[/quote]

Haha, YES! I get to be John Stamos and Joshua Jackson (Charlie Conway was the name). Does life get any better? :D

Although calling moojuice Goldberg is mildly insulting, haha. I think I'd rather be the chick goalie from the 3rd movie than him.

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I played six league games tonight all but one went to ot. I lost alot in ot. I want wparks again!!!! beat me twice in ot. One in shoot out! I moved up pretty quick. Do you get points for ot? Like real hockey?

8 would be really good for me. i can only get one to two games in on fridays. My butts in bed at 12.[/quote]

Yeah, you get 1 point for OT losses...just like IRL. I'd like everybody to vote on the time issue. moojuice mentioned not getting off work till 8 PM EST...so it would be tough for him. The only other compromise I can think of is 9 - 1, but that just feels like a weird block of time, haha.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Im hurt by the goon comment! Why can't we be the bash brothers. We need to change our names to the mighty ducks characters!

moo can be goldberg
Vulcan is fulton
nate can be charlie can't rember his last name
adam banks or averimen maybe kenny woo????
The cowboy dude?
We need a russ wheeler

Whats the other bash brothers name?

I played six league games tonight all but one went to ot. I lost alot in ot. I want wparks again!!!! beat me twice in ot. One in shoot out! I moved up pretty quick. Do you get points for ot? Like real hockey?

8 would be really good for me. i can only get one to two games in on fridays. My butts in bed at 12.[/quote]

I'll be Russ and make the Knucklepuck the most feared shot in the NHL! ;)

I'll try to play you Destructo the next time we are on at the same time. I had to go bowling otherwise I would of played you.

And when it comes to being a goon...Sarah Palin 3/3 in fights last night...:D
[quote name='Panther1484']And when it comes to being a goon...Sarah Palin 3/3 in fights last night...:D[/quote]

I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone, haha :boxing:
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I played six league games tonight all but one went to ot.[/quote]

What. That means the first game where you beat me 1-0, when I held you to only 3 shots, was the only game that didn't go into OT?
Drunken Post of course

Just wait till I get more points. My Player is pretty much the most feared for checking in the CAG League. I know I was getting Nate aggravated cause I kept checking him one game. I do remember Nate saying "You know there are other other players on the ice right besides me right?" ha ha Just wait till I get my shit higher Sarah! Sorry to Acerfan as well! Send me an friend request! Didn't mean to offend ya at all! Havn't seen ya at all around here. If anybody want's to play a drunk Gary at 2 am let me know! I shall be on line tonight hopefully. If I'm playing Castle Crashers that means my buddy is still awake!
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Drunken Post of course

Just wait till I get more points. My Player is pretty much the most feared for checking in the CAG League. I know I was getting Nate aggravated cause I kept checking him one game. I do remember Nate saying "You know there are other other players on the ice right besides me right?" ha ha Just wait till I get my shit higher Sarah! Sorry to Acerfan as well! Send me an friend request! Didn't mean to offend ya at all! Havn't seen ya at all around here. If anybody want's to play a drunk Gary at 2 am let me know! I shall be on line tonight hopefully. If I'm playing Castle Crashers that means my buddy is still awake![/quote]

Five Star Post :D

Also didn't Palin knock you out in two of the three fight? Haha. ;)
[quote name='Panther1484']Five Star Post :D

Also didn't Palin knock you out in two of the three fight? Haha. ;)[/quote]

Yes, Gary most definitely went down on Sarah Palin twice last night.

bread's done