NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

[quote name='tankexmortis']Doesn't seem to be. And I'd disagree strongly about Zack & Wiki, it just doesn't come close in terms of originality; it was basically a childish, less clever Sam & Max with waggle. Not that I wish it'd done even worse or anything, I just don't think it represents any kind of positive change in the industry.[/quote]

And NMH is just a swearing and violence-riddled hack and slash that is all "lol edgey!"

Please. Zack and Wiki got pretty diabolical in the later levels and when it hit its groove in stuff like the sea monster fight, it hit the ball right out of the park.

Plus, Sam and Max is getting bloated (Ep. 202 was downright dreadful and Ep. 201 managed to squeeze awesome out despite the fact that the game just can't fucking leave last season's dipshits in last season.). Sam and Max is also the only damn point and click adventure out there worth a salt. I'll take a second one if Capcom can provide originality in the way they did for Z&W.
OK, I played through about 30 minutes so far. The beginning lays out the storyline of Travis and then puts you immediately into your first mission which involves a tutorial that you can skip if you want.

I chose to do the tutorial and was surprised at how many different moves are available for combat right off the bat. Pretty fun stuff. It is hard to get used to pushing the A button to swing the beam katana though. Everything in you wants to swing the remote which only ends up in Travis looking like he is doing a crazy dance (he is actually changing sword stances).

The graphics are GC quality for sure, nothing to write home about and the camera system, so far, isn't too hot but at least you can adjust it.

I'm still running through the first level so I don't have too much more to talk about other than it is fun. I chose the Mild difficulty (medium) and I am having some issues against some of the harder guys, but only because I am still learning the combat system.

A note to anyone who has turned the Wii Remote volume off on their remotes. Turn it back up before you play the game or you will miss out on some stuff - and it will not let you adjust the settings during some scenes so you'll need to make sure it is on.
Alright, I've been playing this for a while now, and I'm loving it. I can definitely see it getting repetitive later on, but the humor itself will keep you interested. I'm only on the first level, and I've already laughed quite a few times.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']If you don't mind answering, how did you score both for 74? I am interested in buying both and 74 is an awesome deal for both.[/quote]

Best buy has a coupon for 10 dollars off when you spend 75.

So bought both NMH and Days of ruin, 74 with tax. :)





Sucks I have to go to college.. but holy christ this game is frickin wicked
Not sure if I should pick this up now (I have some RZ certs and a $5 GC) or wait for a deal (after 2/2/08 at least)...

...or I can pick it up at Amazon for a whopping 20 cents + tax in saving, I could probably fish out a couple of bucks from emptying the change drawer in the car too.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Oh my god. Taking a dump to save your game. This just keeps getting better.[/quote] :rofl: now I have to pick this game up
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']"Ok! How 'bout this? If I become number one, will you do it with me?" :rofl:

This game is hilarious. I love the little "assasins rank list" too.[/quote]

"Just once??"

Good stuff. I love the retro-themed status screens and UI. I tried to take a picture of the assassins rank list with my camera but it looked like crap.
I went to my local GS to pick it up and the lady said it got pushed back to Feb 5th. I asked her if she was sure and she said "yes." I called another GS and they said they had it, so I just picked it up.
arrgh! I was hoping to leave work early today and skip the gym to go straight to the store to get this,

but it looks like I gotta meeting at 4pm!! boo~!!!!

anyway, I dont wanna read this thread when I'm playing coz of spoilers n stuff...

but I'ma pull sum speculation out my ass and say

Sylvia is sum kinda final boss / top assassin

jus a wild guess tho... we'll see for real later
Looks like my Best Buy has it in stock (the 28th my ass, where do they get these wacky dates from? I remember they said the same thing about Warioware Smooth Moves.) I'll go down there in an hour or so and pick my copy up.

Glad to see this living up to the hype, nothing is more disappointing than following a game for year(s) and have it end up sucking (I'm looking at you Doom III.)
Initial thought: disappointment in that we do not get badass graphic novel type manual. fucking Ubisoft is the worst with manuals.

Secondary thoughts: I cannot get over the pure style of the game. I happen to like geometric design, so the liberal usage of boxes is aces in my book. And as others have said, the ranking screen is delicious.

Tertiary thoughts: DMK and Zen, I demand restitution. Also I demand that I be given money from some ad agency to sit around and make this kind of shit up. It's too easy.

The gameplay is hectic and fun. Nintendo should just buy Suda's studio, since this is one of those genres they won't touch, but really need to have on their systems.
God damn you people. Now I have to see if I can score a copy without a pre-reserve after work, but before my date. I swear, if I get shut out tonight because I'm late and I have to explain it's because some guys on the internet made me want a video game, I'm coming back to this thread and posting naked pics of Barbara Bush reenacting 2chicks1cup.
Picked it up earlier this afternoon but I'm not gonna have time to try it out till tomorrow night some time. I'm really excited most everyone has good stuff to say about it.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']$10 off $75 or 10% off at Best Buy.

Someone else was buying it while I was there. I was like hi5![/QUOTE]
And I have a $5 reward zone coupon

Hmmmm...... choices.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']$10 off $75 or 10% off at Best Buy.

Someone else was buying it while I was there. I was like hi5![/QUOTE]

I bought Days of Ruin for DS and this together was 74 after tax. Not too shabby :)

I love this game.. sucks im at college right now I wanna be home playing it ---V
wow... before runnign to class i finished the first 2 assasins... I have to say this is the best beat-em-up i've played in years. also, this is the best use of the wii remote i've ever played with.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']wow... before runnign to class i finished the first 2 assasins... I have to say this is the best beat-em-up i've played in years. also, this is the best use of the wii remote i've ever played with.[/QUOTE]

yea i just killed #10, love it, it so over the top with a nostalgic feel
Hope the instruction manual humor represents the humor in the game:

Ranking Battle

We are approximately 120% positive that you will die, but have no regrets, and fight to the very end.


A space of blissful serenity. Save your game here. Take some time to "release" yourself before work.


A tool for radically altering others' impression of you. Indispensable in this town, where you can't let people push you around.
My Game Crazy doesn't have it yet. I called and asked and the kid didn't even know what the game was. I thought all people who work Game Crazy/Stops were overly knowledgeable gamers.
I got it, and am currently rank 9.

This is so fucking awesome!

The fighting doesn't get that repetitive so far because I love doing the various body slams over and over again.
Well, I beat #10, but I'm gonna have to do it again. Accidentally went through the checkpoint near the save point before opening up some boxes. Think I missed
a wrestling mask/move.

The overworld is certainly nothing to write home about, but we'll see how I feel about it the second time through. I'm actually looking forward to going through the first level again, though.
I really want to keep playing this, but I've got a shit ton of school work I need to do. That's what I get for procrastinating I suppose. I'll play some more tomorrow.

[quote name='Puffa469']X-Play gave it a 5/5 last night![/quote]
I miss that show. My stupid cable service dropped G4 :cry:
Stupid Gamespot never stops amazing me at their stupidity. I went there because I had some credit from bb to gs flipping. Like 40 bucks , I thought to myself; I can stand GS so I only have to pay 10 bucks for No More Heroes....BOY WAS I WRONG!

Me: Do you have No more Heroes?
GS: ha..we sold out a while ago
ME: Really didn't you just get it in.
GS: (rolls eyes and smirks) should've preordered it.

Ok first off I have been buying games for myself for over 10 years, and I have never ever pre-order anything ever (not even my launch Wii). Second, why is it my fault because you didn't order enough supply to meet demand? Lastly, why am I being treated with no sympathy and no suggestions or apology for this?

The best part is I called at one to see if it was in, and the GS emplyee said it would arrive that day by 230. I show up at 530 and your sold out! Is it really that extreme of me to think that a new game by UBisoft on the world's 2nd most popular console is not going to have enough copies at the countries LARGEST VIDEO GAME store. Come on........
[quote name='botticus']Well, I beat #10, but I'm gonna have to do it again. Accidentally went through the checkpoint near the save point before opening up some boxes. Think I missed
a wrestling mask/move.

I did the exact same thing. I felt retarded.

But I get to enjoy killing Suda's Ganondorf all ova again.

Also: Playing with kitty FTW!

Also: Can someone explain to me what "Strawberry on the shortcake" means? I google'd it and it seems like....nothing but some odd manga. It's completely over my substantially handsome head.
[quote name='Strell']I did the exact same thing. I felt retarded.

Also: Can someone explain to me what "Strawberry on the shortcake" means? I google'd it and it seems like....nothing but some odd manga. It's completely over my substantially handsome head.[/QUOTE]

pretty sure its his version of a catch phrase, like "its clobbering time"
The Overworld is ass. Everything else is top notch. Can anyone tell me how to retry Free Fights?

as an aside, in response to the person whose gamestop employee told them "shoulda reserved it," as you may or may not be aware, your local GameStop's initial shipment of games, unless it's a blatantly obvious platinum hit, is gonna be based on how many preorders they received on said game. Whether that practice is idiotic or not is up for debate/opinion, but that's how it works. Good luck finding NMH - I can't put it down.
I have only beaten #10, and while I did pick up some stuff before the battle, I think I missed a hallway or two. Anyone know if you can go back through places yet or do I have to fight the whole thing over again? No big deal either way.

I am surprised how many people didn't know about this game coming out. The gross slobs that work at the local gs didn't even bother putting it on the shelf. After finding it he told me the only reason anyone is going to buy it is because it's the first and only m-rated game that will be released for the wii.
[quote name='untouchablemike']The Overworld is ass. Everything else is top notch. Can anyone tell me how to retry Free Fights?

as an aside, in response to the person whose gamestop employee told them "shoulda reserved it," as you may or may not be aware, your local GameStop's initial shipment of games, unless it's a blatantly obvious platinum hit, is gonna be based on how many preorders they received on said game. Whether that practice is idiotic or not is up for debate/opinion, but that's how it works. Good luck finding NMH - I can't put it down.[/quote]

If by free fights, you mean the side jobs, you just go back to the place and select the job again it seems.
overworld isn't that bad. I enjoy the searching. it breaks up the action and slows things down so that by the time I'm bored of driving around town I already am killing people.
[quote name='squid']After finding it he told me the only reason anyone is going to buy it is because it's the first and only m-rated game that will be released for the wii.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Neither of those things are true.
No, no. The Free Fights are something different entirely. They appear as "M's" on the overworld's minimap.

Edit: And the fact that the Overworld is ass has nothing to do with breaking up the fights, in fact, it just adds monotony to me -- the Graphics on the overworld are sub-gamecube, with pop-up everywhere, the collision detection is botched at best, among other things. However the 'meat and potatoes' of this game are really fucking stellar.
[quote name='untouchablemike']No, no. The Free Fights aresomething different entirely. They appear as "M's" on the overworld's minimap.[/quote]

Oo, I saw one of those and didn't know what it was. Thanks, I'll have to check it out.

Did anyone buy the accelerator? It says it's supposed to alert you to buried treasure or something like that, but I'm not sure how it works.
[quote name='botticus']Am I the only one who spent the first level flicking the remote near boxes trying to break them open Zelda-style?[/QUOTE]

Nope, me too :) I kept wanting to swing my remote instead of tapping "A"

The free-roaming is okay. It doesn't bother so much right now, but 10 hours in and I'm probably gonna want to take that statement back.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I have to say this is the best beat-em-up i've played in years.[/QUOTE]
That doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment. The beat-em-up genre nowadays consists of... Dynasty Warriors?
[quote name='squid']I have only beaten #10, and while I did pick up some stuff before the battle, I think I missed a hallway or two. Anyone know if you can go back through places yet or do I have to fight the whole thing over again? No big deal either way.
[/quote]I don't think there's a way to go through it again (not even sure the first area is on the map, but I'm going to be redoing it tonight), but outside of the area right before the boss, I think all you find is some trading cards, health and battery restores, probably some cash. Nothing major unless you're going for 100% and need your trading cards.
I actually ended up getting a chance to play this tonight after all and it's fucking sweet. My girlfriend sat and watched me play through the first assassin and she thought it looked cool too, she can't wait to try it now. :D
bread's done