NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

For the record Pete5338 has been shitting on this game since the thread started without ever playing the game.

This is weird. I just noticed the case my copy came in isn't an official Wii branded case. It doesn't say Wii on the inside and it doesn't have memory card holders. Is that true of all of them, or did GameStop sell me some weird gutted copy?

It doesn't really matter as the case has no bearing on the game (which I am enjoying so far), but I was curious.
What are these memory card holders? I have over 10 games and none of them, as far as I know, have this fabled memory card holder. My case isn't a Wii branded case and has a little block insignia.

This game rocks so hard! I am not too far into it, but I like it. The driving is stiff and the frame rate drop is noticable, but nothing game breaking. This is a wonderful game. Everything I wanted and more. The cellphone part was great. I hope I am not the only person who held the Wiimote to their ear.
[quote name='Kendal']What are these memory card holders? I have over 10 games and none of them, as far as I know, have this fabled memory card holder. My case isn't a Wii branded case and has a little block insignia.

This game rocks so hard! I am not too far into it, but I like it. The driving is stiff and the frame rate drop is noticable, but nothing game breaking. This is a wonderful game. Everything I wanted and more. The cellphone part was great. I hope I am not the only person who held the Wiimote to their ear.[/quote]

I'm not totally sure if they are meant to be memory card holders, but I've seen people put SD cards in the little clips along the inside of the spine of the Wii case. This case doesn't have the clips. Also, upon closer inspection, it appears to be branded INFINITI.
[quote name='Yaxley']I'm not totally sure if they are meant to be memory card holders, but I've seen people put SD cards in the little clips along the inside of the spine of the Wii case. This case doesn't have the clips. Also, upon closer inspection, it appears to be branded INFINITI.[/quote]Mine is a much tougher case than usual Wii games... the spindle is a lot more solid, for better or worse.

Replayed the first ranked level, kicked ass this time. S in damage!
For those people who didn't preorder did your stores have a lot of copies? I am heading out over the weekend to find this damn game and I am wondering if there is any stores with a huge amount avaiable so I know what stores to try first. Usually I would not care but my roommate just informed me that he promises to literally torture me if I do not get this game this weekend :lol:

[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Nope, me too :) I kept wanting to swing my remote instead of tapping "A"

I sustained a few hits trying to attack by swing the remote and thus not hurting anyone coming at me :lol:
[quote name='botticus']I don't think there's a way to go through it again (not even sure the first area is on the map, but I'm going to be redoing it tonight), but outside of the area right before the boss, I think all you find is some trading cards, health and battery restores, probably some cash. Nothing major unless you're going for 100% and need your trading cards.[/QUOTE]

thats not completely true, you also get a
wrestling move

Also if you are real low on health for a boss, get the health, save it, then a new box of health will be there for you after the save.
[quote name='Kendal']I hope I am not the only person who held the Wiimote to their ear.[/quote]

Nope. I did too. I sat there like an excited little kid thinking "Woah! This is so cool!"
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']thats not completely true, you also get a
wrestling move

Also if you are real low on health for a boss, get the health, save it, then a new box of health will be there for you after the save.[/quote]Sorry if I worded that wrong.. I meant besides the room before the boss (where your spoiler is located), there's nothing really important to miss.

Replayed that level and got an A/S rank (don't remember what the A is for, S for damage received). Opened up #9, I'll tackle that one tomorrow. Too bad it's not the weekend, I'd tear through this tonight.
Working my way through the 8th Assassin and was fighting the henchmen and mid battle I started charging my beam sword, but I guess heat of the moment accidently crammed the wii-mote forcfully into my testicles... Felt the need to share that.

Also goddamn this game is stupidly charming and good.
[quote name='bardockkun']Working my way through the 8th Assassin and was fighting the henchmen and mid battle I started charging my beam sword, but I guess heat of the moment accidently crammed the wii-mote forcfully into my testicles... Felt the need to share that.[/QUOTE]

Your contribution, although disturbing, is appreciated. There's a reason why the game makes you swing the remote sideways to recharge the beam sword...

Perhaps you should consider investing in a Cup when you play this game. ;)

BTW - On Assassin #8 and loving this game!
Just took out Death Metal, the first boss. The style is just as plain dopey and difficult to like as Killer7, but it seems fun.

Do the main mooks get less repetitive though? Slicing through them got old fast.
[quote name='Zen Davis']For the record Pete5338 has been shitting on this game since the thread started without ever playing the game.

:lol: I swear I'm not a troll. I actually liked Killer 7 and I'm going to buy this eventually. I'm busy playing Zack & Wiki! Remember that one?

I guess my last post could've used a ;)
[quote name='bardockkun']Working my way through the 8th Assassin and was fighting the henchmen and mid battle I started charging my beam sword, but I guess heat of the moment accidently crammed the wii-mote forcfully into my testicles... Felt the need to share that.

I don't need to have an excuse to do that, like "I was playing a game."

I got it at 730pm at Best buy.

7pm at Gamestop the guy said that all copies were reserved.

Was there any preorder giveaway on this?
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']For those people who didn't preorder did your stores have a lot of copies? I am heading out over the weekend to find this damn game and I am wondering if there is any stores with a huge amount avaiable so I know what stores to try first. Usually I would not care but my roommate just informed me that he promises to literally torture me if I do not get this game this weekend :lol:


I didn't preorder mine and I picked it up no problem. I don't think you should have any worries besides the torture.
[quote name='untouchablemike']Assassin #8 is brutally hard.[/quote]

Yeah, that was the only one that I've come close to dying. I'm currently rank #7.

But, I must stop for the night unfortunately because I must read some biochem and go to bed. Boo.
Should this game sell well, and as I said before, I'm not expecting blow-away numbers for the first week, but I think No More Heroes will have legs, we should probably expect to see similar games like it towards the Christmas season.

Like if this gets to 500k, we most likely will get a sequel at the least.
Gameplay is really good, except for the bike. I really was hoping for better graphics. Looks shitty on my HDTV. I think I might hook my Wii up to my old tube. Killing that first assassin was awesome.
Picked it up at my Gamestop, haven't cracked it open yet. My Gamestop had like a stack of 15 copies and by the time I left half of them were sold/claimed.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Gameplay is really good, except for the bike. I really was hoping for better graphics. Looks shitty on my HDTV. I think I might hook my Wii up to my old tube. Killing that first assassin was awesome.[/quote]
Agree 100%. My HDTV looks like it is vomiting, and I can hear it weeping softly between kills.

The game itself is fun. Looks like shit.

Time to play some more.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Come on we didn't buy the Wii for graphics folks. Its a fact, look it up.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. I think if you pay $250 for a system the graphics should be above the original xbox. I don't expect or want something as good as the PS3/360. I just want something that doesn't looks like utter trash on my HDTV. Like almost every Wii games it doesn't even support true widescreen either.

[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Just to be clear, are you guys playing on component cables?[/QUOTE]
I'm currently ranked 6th. Some impressions.

- Controlling the bike is hard. It's stiff. It took me forever to figure out how to get off the bike without crashing first. (Yes, I'm serious)
- Rank #8 is the only boss I died on thus far. Hardest boss thus far.
- First impression on graphics: "ew". It's really dirty. Not proper 16:9 either.
- Outside of the bike, controls are great
- BEST USE OF the Wii Remote's Speaker BY FAR
- It's Assassin's Creed for people who like a lot of action
- It's Funny

It's definitely a buy title guys. Although, it's not a game you should play with anyone else in the room. Why? Well, they'll surely question your sanity. It also makes you kinda guilty while playing it, despite being so fun.
once you get the running skill, the sandbox sections of the game become bearable.

easily the best Wii game i've played. and don't give me crap about mario, metroid, or zelda. these are the type of games I want to play on my wii.
Rank 5 Assassin now. I gotta say at first run through playing it, I wasn't that impressed, but after the first boss battle got more and more into the game. Also great friggin dialouge in the game and the wii-mote cell phone is a thing of pure genius. I never thought it would extend outside of Warioware's simple mini game, but goddamn bravo Suda51.

Though I gotta say breezing through it this quick makes me realize this game is shorter then I imagined. Which isn't bad considering the backlog at work right now...
I'm a about 3.5 hours into it and loving it so far. I was a bit worried that the game would be too easy, but I just got to the third boss and she's been kicking my ass for the better part of an hour. Lots of fun though. I keep trying to analyze her patterns and what moves work well on her and when. I'm sure there will be a simple strategy to taking her down, but coming up with one on my own is among my favorite pleasures in videogames.

I don't even mind the "open-world" (i.e. unnecessarily giant hub) that much. I kind of like riding around on my bike and taking on odd jobs. On their own they're not as good as the main missions, but they're so well paced I don't mind at all. I'm confused why people say that this looks worse on an HDTV? Shouldn't it look better, assuming you have component cables? I'm playing on an HDTV and admittedly Santa Destroy doesn't look so hot, but isn't that more of a problem with the game's graphics in general versus playing it in HD or not?
Hate to chime in with a me too post, but this game is just too cool to not comment about. I love the art style, so it really is a shame that the game looks like crap overall. Still the game takes advantage of what the Wii is capable of beyond the looks department, so I guess I can't complain any more than that.
Well, I'm enjoying precisely what I expected to enjoy. The boss battles are enjoyable when the meaningless chatter stops and the beatdown finally begins. Unfortunately, most of everything else is just poor. Open world hub is crap. The oddjobs I have taken so far are tedious minigames, and the mook combat is button mashing pure and simple. I'm doing the tedious training button-mash/waggle games if only to cut down on the amount of tedious button mashing I do in NORMAL combat.
I also think this game has the best use of the wii remote speakers...

-phone calls
-reverbing sound when you turn on the saber

and more...

fuck I love you suda again.

anyone else notice the little reference to killer 7? the slot machine "7"s :)

supposedly there's a few more killer 7 references lying around.

Also, Travis has some of the best dialogue i've heard from a main video game character in a while.

again, combat gets better when you learn more moves like the nunchuck shake to do the jump slash.
One minor disappointment- the lack of gore when you run over pedestrians with your bike. You can hear them scream, but that's it. I want them to explode cartoonishly like everything else in the game. Beyond that, the game is fantastic.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm currently ranked 6th. Some impressions.

- Controlling the bike is hard. It's stiff. It took me forever to figure out how to get off the bike without crashing first. (Yes, I'm serious)
- Rank #8 is the only boss I died on thus far. Hardest boss thus far.
- First impression on graphics: "ew". It's really dirty. Not proper 16:9 either.[/quote]

Took me forever to learn how to get off the bike as well. Don't worry.
Rank 8 has a one hit kill attack apparently.
I like the graphics, but then again I'm kinda against games getting better and better graphics. The screens I've seen of RE5 makes me not want to play it because I don't like the look, it's too real (and it's too dark which made it impossible for me to tell what was going on in half the screens.)
The graphics in the overworld are mediocre - even on my HDTV, I'm pretty oblivious to jaggies unless I look for them, and why would I be looking for jaggies while I'm playing a game? - but I think everything looks pretty good within the levels.

Yay, finally caught up in the thread, only took me 4 hours and 2 CAG crashes!
[quote name='Zen Davis']Like if this gets to 500k, we most likely will get a sequel at the least.[/QUOTE]
For a reference point, a typical $50 PS2 game needs to sell 50,000 copies to break even. A publisher will usually greenlight a sequel if sales exceed 100,000-150,000.

Given that Grasshopper Manufacture is a low-budget studio, I think Suda51 would go for a sequel if NMH breaks 100,000. If it breaks 500,000 he'll feel like Travis doin' it with Sylvia... ;)

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: travis cracks the fuck outa me sometimes.[/quote]

I can only imagine what kind of conversation him and the Dante brothers would have.
bread's done