NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

Okay, seriously, the cash grind between levels is boring. Objectively boring. I don't think I'm going to beat this one if I have to grind lawn mowing all fucking game.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Okay, seriously, the cash grind between levels is boring. Objectively boring. I don't think I'm going to beat this one if I have to grind lawn mowing all fucking game.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, is it that bad? I'm at Rank#3 and haven't had a money problem yet. Just do all the missions and you should be fine. Pump some gas, shouldn't take you more than 4 minute and you'll get some good cash.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Okay, seriously, the cash grind between levels is boring. Objectively boring. I don't think I'm going to beat this one if I have to grind lawn mowing all fucking game.[/quote]

I can't believe you're still playing it, you know with all the bitching you've done so far.
[quote name='yukine']I can't believe you're still playing it, you know with all the bitching you've done so far.[/quote]
I've been trudging through dull repetitive and uninteresting games to get to good boss battles my entire gaming career, why stop now?

I don't see how this is a 9.0 worthy game at all, unless we're talking the Gamespot that gave Halo 3 a 9.5 rather than the one that gave Contra 4 an 8.0.

I like it enough to keep playing it, but there is simply no way this is comparable to 9.0 games.
I just beat it. Overall I liked it quite a bit, but was disappointed by the ending. Without giving anything plot related away, I'll just say that I felt it was too goofy. I know the whole game is a comedy, but I was hoping there would be some weird serious undercurrent to it all, especially with the epic feel the game has in its' final chapters. But alas, in the end its' just very silly with a lot of meta humor.

That being said, it is still really funny, and I laughed several times during the final cinemas. The final boss battle is ridiculously hard and requires a lot of patience, but is also extremely satisfying and a worthy final foe, so the game scores points for that. I'll post more about the ending (with spoiler tags) once more people have beaten it. And I'm sure many people will be satisfied with the end as it is very funny, but I was left wanting more.
I hope I can play this today. Weather sucks and it looks like I could beat it this weekend. I'm hoping to tackle this and Galaxy. Feels like a good weekend to be a hermit.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I've got all the balls except one... where the fuck is it?[/quote]

Have you checked your pants?
He could check other people's pants until he finds one. Keep searching.
[quote name='Chacrana']Probably ain't in there.[/quote]
[quote name='hero101']He could check other people's pants until he finds one. Keep searching.[/quote]

Here comes lilboo.
look no further:

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I need russian balls as the game seems to tell me.. so I can't find em on myself sadly.[/QUOTE]
If they're Russian balls... won't they find you?
^^^:lol: at this page.

Amazon frucked me. Chose 2 day shipping through Prime, ordered on Sunday, game probably got to them on Tuesday or Wed, but I get it Monday :(

I'm considering using some BB credit to get the game there today so I can play it this weekend.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I've been trudging through dull repetitive and uninteresting games to get to good boss battles my entire gaming career, why stop now?

I don't see how this is a 9.0 worthy game at all, unless we're talking the Gamespot that gave Halo 3 a 9.5 rather than the one that gave Contra 4 an 8.0.

I like it enough to keep playing it, but there is simply no way this is comparable to 9.0 games.[/quote]
From what I've played so far, I'd probably agree with you. I think the crappy overworld is what really stops this game from being awesome. I'd give it something like an 8.0 if I reviewed it.

But keep in mind I didn't think Bioshock was as good as it was reviewed.
[quote name='yukine']From what I've played so far, I'd probably agree with you. I think the crappy overworld is what really stops this game from being awesome. I'd give it something like an 8.0 if I reviewed it.

But keep in mind I didn't think Bioshock was as good as it was reviewed.[/quote]

I've only defeated the first assassin and I'm on my way to the 2nd one, but the overworld is pretty crappy. I would have been happy not having to actually navigate around the city on the motorcycle honestly.

I do like the game though, it is really fun.
[quote name='Apossum']^^^:lol: at this page.

Amazon frucked me. Chose 2 day shipping through Prime, ordered on Sunday, game probably got to them on Tuesday or Wed, but I get it Monday :(

I'm considering using some BB credit to get the game there today so I can play it this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Yup then return to BB on Monday after it comes in... its the same UPC of course.
You guys are insane. This game is a masterpiece. It has a
!! Nothing will ever be as cool as that.

Also it's just insane amounts of fun. Yeah, the overworld isn't built in the same style as games like GTA, but it's built well for its purpose, which is to make the game flow reasonably and for us to have access to side missions and such. It's not painful by any means. Also, without it we wouldn't have "Tyranamarket REX".

A few more thoughts before I go back to playing:
1. This has the most fun combat of any game ever.
2. This uses the wiimote better than any other title, including Nintendo's games.
3. Because of the game's punk sensibilities I feel like the occasional game design issue is practically required, due to the whole aesthetic of punk. Sadly/luckily, none of these issues are actually bad enough to make the game less than fantastic.
4. I really think this game was designed just for me. From the
Miike references
to the
surprise shmup level,
everything in this game fits my tastes exactly. I would kill for a sequel.
5. A fuckING
Jesus, number eight was hard! It took me five tries to beat it. The previous four times I had her down to about three of four more hits, and I'd get caught in the (basically) one hit kill move.

I fucking love this game. I've been playing it for the past five hours. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Brawl delay might actually have been a good thing. If it wasn't for the delay, I would've been too excited for Brawl to pay much attention to this game. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite games.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Jesus, number eight was hard! It took me five tries to beat it. The previous four times I had her down to about three of four more hits, and I'd get caught in the (basically) one hit kill move.

I fucking love this game. I've been playing it for the past five hours. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Brawl delay might actually have been a good thing. If it wasn't for the delay, I would've been too excited for Brawl to pay much attention to this game. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite games.[/quote]

PLaying on mild?
[quote name='Zen Davis']PLaying on mild?[/quote]
I can't remember what the two options were called, I know I chose the harder one though. Auto-block = too easy.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I can't remember what the two options were called, I know I chose the harder one though. Auto-block = too easy.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure Sweet = easy, mild = medium, and bitter = hard (unlocked after completing the game)
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I just beat it. Overall I liked it quite a bit, but was disappointed by the ending. Without giving anything plot related away, I'll just say that I felt it was too goofy.[/quote]
Did you beat it on the "hard" (hot) difficulty? Because that's the only way to get the real ending...

[quote name='ananag112']Nice to see a No More Heroes ad on the front page of GameSpot...[/QUOTE]

I was waiting for one of these.
[quote name='tankexmortis']This uses the wiimote better than any other title, including Nintendo's games.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely... I think it's largely due to the game only using the motion sensing and not the built in infrared.
How the hell do you equip things on your beam katana? I bought some sensor thing for buried treasure, and I'm not sure how to equip it, unless it already is and I haven't run over any treasure yet.

Just unlocked the rank 8 fight.
[quote name='Rocko']How the hell do you equip things on your beam katana? I bought some sensor thing for buried treasure, and I'm not sure how to equip it, unless it already is and I haven't run over any treasure yet.

It equips automatically, the treasure is just hard to see on the mini-map. It shold show up as little dots.

My only question regarding the treasure is: how the hell do you dig it up?
It equips automatically, if you check your minimap you'll see little orange dots. That's where buried treasure is at.

Edit: Grr, beat me by a few seconds. You just press A over the spot where it's buried.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']It equips automatically, the treasure is just hard to see on the mini-map. It shold show up as little dots.

My only question regarding the treasure is: how the hell do you dig it up?[/quote]

you just get onto the grassy area and starting hitting A and your sword will do the rest.

Also Travis needs to watch some Spaceballs after what happened with #7
Thanks, I see the dots. It's annoying as fuck trying to find where exactly they are, however, and I hit A like 50 times before I dug something up.

That whole overworld just sucks. :/

About to go into the Rank 8 boss fight.
Hi :wave:
Everyone stop saying the game is good great fun awesome because I want to get it.. but can't quite right now. Damnit.
Got my copy today although those fuckers at EB Games carded me.

I am 21 years old too, fuckers :lol:.

Oh well now the wait till sunday till I return to my dorm so I can play this.

At least my ethernet is not working on my home network to keep me busy :lol:
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Got my copy today although those fuckers at EB Games carded me.

I am 21 years old too, fuckers :lol:.

Oh well now the wait till sunday till I return to my dorm so I can play this.

At least my ethernet is not working on my home network to keep me busy :lol:[/quote]

I got carded and I'm 23.

Rank 2!
No More Heroes sold out at my local gamestop on the day of its release. I hope thats indicative of its overall sales. Awesome game. Going for my second round on Bitter.(hard mode)
I just beat it with the "real ending" and I have to say that it has to be the best, most hilarious thing ever. This game may make my top 10 of all time list. It was just so out there and my type of humor. And, it never got boring.

Here's praying for a sequel.

I missed two fucking cards though. I assume they'll be there in new game +
[quote name='Rocko']Thanks, I see the dots. It's annoying as fuck trying to find where exactly they are, however, and I hit A like 50 times before I dug something up.

That whole overworld just sucks. :/

About to go into the Rank 8 boss fight.[/quote]I'm not digging the buried money (bad choice of words - let's say I don't much like it), but the map works well enough for picking up balls. I'm feeling better about the overworld now that I've spent some time wandering around it, getting familiar with the bike controls and learning Dash. Still don't think it's good, but it's passable.

I was surprised that he made the training into a minigame too, pretty slick. Got all three upgrades at the gym, the two new upgrades from Naomi, and finished off #7 (which was pretty awesome). Time for another circuit of earning money.
Number 8 was a bitch. I died twice.

Any opinions on which Lovikov (or whatever it is) technique is the most beneficial? It seems I only have enough for one of 'em, and none of them really seem all too useful.

I hate the minimap and overworld. I can never tell where anything is. It definitely makes the game less enjoyable for me.
[quote name='Rocko']Number 8 was a bitch. I died twice.

Any opinions on which Lovikov (or whatever it is) technique is the most beneficial? It seems I only have enough for one of 'em, and none of them really seem all too useful.

I hate the minimap and overworld. I can never tell where anything is. It definitely makes the game less enjoyable for me.[/quote]Getting Dash is useful if you despise the bike. You run almost as fast with much easier controls. I use them in conjuction.

There are technically enough balls around to learn all the techniques, I believe, so you don't need to worry too much about it. Besides Dash I picked up the extended grab range since I've found myself too far away from stunned enemies on occasion.

The jump slash is apparently cool (activated a la the Zelda spin attack).
[quote name='botticus']Got all three upgrades at the gym[/quote]

You know you can go back every time you move up a rank and do them again (although the first one sometimes requires getting a new weapon)
I don't really think that's any sort of actual spoiler, but better safe than sorry.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
You know you can go back every time you move up a rank and do them again (although the first one sometimes requires getting a new weapon)
I don't really think that's any sort of actual spoiler, but better safe than sorry.[/quote]I figured it'd be ilke that or something added, but good to know. Nothing new popped up at Naomi's shop over the last rank increase though, hopefully she'll have something new now that I'm #7.
Damn, I never preorder games or trade in games for credit, but I did both for this game. The problem is the Game Crazy I reserved at never recieved shipment.
bread's done