NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

[quote name='pete5883']

It's kind of funny that a review can be so high, but not mention the gameplay at all. They've basically reviewed the style and presentation.[/quote]
See Killer7.

[quote name='Kendal']Yeah, but bosses aren't supposed to come out of no where, surprise attack you, knock you off a platform and just kill you before your character can even get up. If that isn't cheap and shitty, I guess I haven't been playing video games long enough...[/quote]

Terrible luck if that combo hit you. Hell, he usually takes ages to jump down after you. If you've only got 4 boxes of health and, likely barely any inventory other than a baseball bat and a handgun, there are a couple of ways the clown could damn near insta-kill you if you get close enough.

If you were going in there regularly with 3 or less health, well, that's an issue of general game design failure, one of Dead Rising's many real flaws, especially for the lack of food around. But the boss was still fun! :(
Yeah, that was actually more poorly written than most magazine reviews, amazingly.

PS: guys guess what song im listening to lol
PPS: its by the stranglers
[quote name='RollingSkull']Terrible luck if that combo hit you. Hell, he usually takes ages to jump down after you. If you've only got 4 boxes of health and, likely barely any inventory other than a baseball bat and a handgun, there are a couple of ways the clown could damn near insta-kill you if you get close enough.

If you were going in there regularly with 3 or less health, well, that's an issue of general game design failure, one of Dead Rising's many real flaws, especially for the lack of food around. But the boss was still fun! :([/quote]

I swear on your life(;)) he knocked me down and teleported(basically) onto my face and swung his chainsaws. I am a rollercoaster fanatic, so when I saw the rollercoaster I wanted to see what it was. I had no idea there was a boss there. He literally raped my face. I also had no idea what I was doing, due to not being able to read shit on my SDTV. Bad eyes and a 27" picture, didn't help. Sorry for going OT.

I need to remember to charge my AAs. I don't want to miss out on any time with this game. Someone call me and remind me tomorrow when I get home from class. :D

What is everyone playing to pass the time?
[quote name='Kendal']What is everyone playing to pass the time?[/quote] I just beat OoT today. I'm also in the last dungeons of Breath of Fire II and Final Fantasy 3, but FF3 pisses me off because the last dungeon is so long without a save point.

But, considering I have lots of physics and Japanese homework due in the next two days, I don't think I have to worry about being too bored waiting.
[quote name='Kendal']
What is everyone playing to pass the time?[/quote]Mega Man Legends, mostly. Awesome game, but the controls are made of sin. It's like Capcom decided that I'm not at a great enough risk of having my hand turn in to a claw, so they decided to make that abomination.

A really neat game, though. Can't believe how fun it still is, more than ten years later.
Fire Emblem. Stuck on the second to last chapter where I save that stupid fire mage, the stupid wussy ass wolf, and the 3 damage per hit bird.

Christ -_-V
Tiger, not wolf.

They were a bit of a pain to manage. It's really a shame they didn't give any of them chances to become real characters. They definitely had potential, but they show up way too late to be of any use.

Also, that is not the second to last chapter.
[quote name='The Crotch']Tiger, not wolf.

They were a bit of a pain to manage. It's really a shame they didn't give any of them chances to become real characters. They definitely had potential, but they show up way too late to be of any use.

Also, that is not the second to last chapter.[/quote]

Oh, I coulda swore it was. bah, too brain dead from fire emblem. It sucks, viki could have been like kick ass, but she comes into the party for what 3 battles then joins 3 chapters later? How sheoty is that.. -_-V 6 damage when my party deals 4-5 times as much damage.. and doesnt have to transform.

Gah -_-V Now tomrod is garbage too.. why didnt they at least level them up properly? Tiger, wolf, same thing, I refuse to use the laguiz, they arent worth the effort.
Yeah, the Laguz got nerfed big-time. I can see why it was done - they had to differentiate the lesser Laguz from the royalty without making the latter overpowered. But dammit, I liked using Ranulf and Lethe and Januff and Ulki in FE9.

Weep, Chibi, weep.
[quote name='The Crotch']Yeah, the Laguz got nerfed big-time. I can see why it was done - they had to differentiate the lesser Laguz from the royalty without making the latter overpowered. But dammit, I liked using Ranulf and Lethe and Januff and Ulki in FE9.

Weep, Chibi, weep.[/quote]

YEAH WTF!? They completely nerfed Januff and Lethe.. Lethe is god awful.

I know they were really unbalanced, but sheesh. They get one attack per round, yeah you could solo the game with them, but damnit -_-V

Instead of trying to let you build up the Laguz in the wii version, youre forced to use the good ones, who come in over leveled -_-V Booo
fuck Janaff - they nerfed Ulki to fucking hell! He used to be the stronger, slower one - he comes in weaker than Janaff this time around!

And yeah, Lethe's nerfing really sucked. She was actually pretty good in Path of Radiance. She became a little antiquaited when you got Ranulf, but she could hold her own all the way through the game.

EDIT: Yes, you. Fire Emblem Man strikes yet again.
[quote name='The Crotch']EDIT: Yes, you. Fire Emblem Man strikes yet again.[/quote]

I have no reason to weep. I'm a fan of the Fire Emblem series (obviously not as much so as yourself). It doesn't bother me that you have the uncanny ability to turn threads around to Fire Emblem no matter what the original topic. It amuses me more than anything, so carry on! (Although, I do expect to see "Fire Emblem Man under your user name when you gain the ability to change it or there will be significant weeping)
[quote name='The Crotch']fuck Janaff - they nerfed Ulki to fucking hell! He used to be the stronger, slower one - he comes in weaker than Janaff this time around!

And yeah, Lethe's nerfing really sucked. She was actually pretty good in Path of Radiance. She became a little antiquaited when you got Ranulf, but she could hold her own all the way through the game.

EDIT: Yes, you. Fire Emblem Man strikes yet again.[/quote]

No shit, the battle where you are forced to use her and her other girl laguz, I had to rescue her ass, she died in two-three hits while in transformation. It was like.. wow. I restarted that battle at least 4 times, computer controlled AI is just stupid.

Freaking Ulki is garbage. He does less than Laura. Thats depressing. Why force us to use Janaff/Ulki when they are just god awful? Id rather use meg.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']No shit, the battle where you are forced to use her and her other girl laguz, I had to rescue her ass, she died in two-three hits while in transformation. It was like.. wow. I restarted that battle at least 4 times, computer controlled AI is just stupid.[/quote]I don't remember that. I do remember the first fight where I got to control Lethe and Lyre, though. I sent the two of them after three Beorc. Thank God Ike was somewhere near-ish, 'cause they would have been dead without him.

[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Freaking Ulki is garbage. He does less than Laura. Thats depressing. Why force us to use Janaff/Ulki when they are just god awful? Id rather use meg.[/quote]It took me about ten years to get Laura to a point where she could actually attack, so I'll have to take your word for it.

[quote name='ChibiJosh']I have no reason to weep. I'm a fan of the Fire Emblem series (obviously not as much so as yourself). It doesn't bother me that you have the uncanny ability to turn threads around to Fire Emblem no matter what the original topic. It amuses me more than anything, so carry on! (Although, I do expect to see "Fire Emblem Man under your user name when you gain the ability to change it or there will be significant weeping)[/quote]I've had the power to change it for months. It was originally "A bit of a dink". Then it was... "Viva la Crotch!" I think. I decided to go with "CAG Newbie" after a while. If I could link to your post in the user title, I would definitely change it right now.
[quote name='The Crotch']I don't remember that. I do remember the first fight where I got to control Lethe and Lyre, though. I sent the two of them after three Beorc. Thank God Ike was somewhere near-ish, 'cause they would have been dead without him.

It took me about ten years to get Laura to a point where she could actually attack, so I'll have to take your word for it.

I've had the power to change it for months. It was originally "A bit of a dink". Then it was... "Viva la Crotch!" I think. I decided to go with "CAG Newbie" after a while. If I could link to your post in the user title, I would definitely change it right now.[/quote]

Im trying to rethink what battle. It was one of the first of the Ike Chapters. The battle was a tiny map.. You were against soldiers.. you had to go north to open the door so Skirmish and Ranulf could get in. But the soldiers were in the dark, you had to proceed north into the darkness and the rest would appear.

Trying to remember.. Chapter 3-1 I think.. both of the cat's join you :)

SORRY FOR DERAILING THE DAMN THREAD. its always my fault, once a thoughts in my head.

Go no more heroes!
Blame it on whoever it was that asked what we were playing to pass the time 'til No More Heroes come out.


And I thought that was you.

[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Im trying to rethink what battle. It was one of the first of the Ike Chapters. The battle was a tiny map.. You were against soldiers.. you had to go north to open the door so Skirmish and Ranulf could get in. But the soldiers were in the dark, you had to proceed north into the darkness and the rest would appear.[/quote]fuck, that fight was easy. Rolf and Shinon on the balistae double-teaming mages = win. Just keep a steady advance, take out the mages, and let Skrimir cover his side of things.
Anyone think there's a chance this will show up at Gamestop or something tomorrow?
I only have one class tomorrow as opposed to the 4 hours on Wednesdays which would make me a lot less likely to get up there. [insert more random whining]

[quote name='The Crotch']Blame it on whoever it was that asked what we were playing to pass the time 'til No More Heroes come out.


And I thought that was you.[/quote]
It was Kendal, but let's face it, you would have got us here with or without that prompt.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']WTF people... this aint the GGT. go talk about that stuff somewhere else. this thread is Suda 51 love breeding ground.[/quote]

Lmao. Someone didnt eat their wheaties today.
I'm really on the fence about this game.. so I'm just going to stick around and wait for everyone's impressions of "OMG THIS IS AWESOME" and I'll be picking it up.. :lol:
People all seem to go gaga over Suda 51, but what else has he done besides Killer 7? Has he done anything else that was even released stateside? (I know Grasshopper was behind Contact, but heard Suda had little involvement in it). I'm not bashing, just curious. I mostly liked Killer 7, but one game isn't a lot to go on.
Someone needs to sticky a Fire Emblem thread just for The Crotch.

I came in here all expecting "No More Heros" and it's more like "No More Fire Emblem".
his commercial stuff:

Blood +

and Samurai Champloo


also Shining Soul II

take note also the Silver Cases will probably hit US sometime this year as well as Flower, Sun, Rain.

don't forget the new snatcher.

overall, he's the artistic face of gaming now IMHO. Tetsuya Mizuguchi has kinda pittered out with starting Q? Entertainment and has stepped more into a producing role than directing. Suda51 is just awesome. nuff said.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Someone needs to sticky a Fire Emblem thread just for The Crotch.

I came in here all expecting "No More Heros" and it's more like "No More Fire Emblem".[/quote]

Only cuz someone asked what we were doing until no more heroes came out.

Damn off topics -_-V
I always wanted to play Michigan. Saw a short EGM bit on it way-back-when, and it looked really neat. Never got released in North America, did it?
[quote name='The Crotch']I always wanted to play Michigan. Saw a short EGM bit on it way-back-when, and it looked really neat. Never got released in North America, did it?[/QUOTE]

it was translated to english for a euro version, but still no stateside release.
overall, he's the artistic face of gaming now IMHO. Tetsuya Mizuguchi has kinda pittered out with starting Q? Entertainment and has stepped more into a producing role than directing. Suda51 is just awesome. nuff said.

Artistic face? He's done the same damn graphical style for at least three games now. Reusing the same damn style is not artistic, dammit.

Especially when his resume isn't exactly the most shining thing out there.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Artistic face? He's done the same damn graphical style for at least three games now. Reusing the same damn style is not artistic, dammit.

Especially when his resume isn't exactly the most shining thing out there.[/quote] There's a lot more to the art of game design than visuals. Personally, while I don't think he's the best designer out there in terms of actually producing good games, I think he has more artistic vision than anyone outside of the indie developers.

Also, he compared HIS OWN GAME to a big, steaming shit. Compared it in a positive manner, mind. That's gotta earn some points.
I have no idea if I'm going to actually like No More Heroes or not, but I like Suda just for the fact that he does his own fucking thing and his ideas are way the hell out there.

I still haven't finished Killer 7, and although the gameplay is really jacked up, the style and the way it tells a story is just fascinating to me. The gameplay itself gets in the way of the experience, and I kind of think NMH will be the same way, but I at least want to experience it.

I figure I'll give it a week (playing an hour or two at night) and if I don't like it, I'll at least get a decent trade-in value for it.
[quote name='InuFaye']Do I need to play Killer 7 before this game.[/quote]Unrelated in all but visual style and a character named Travis.
You guys all fail. My phone is on and no one called me to remind me to charge up my batteries! Any westcoasters find this game yet? I can't wiat to hear from real people how they like the game.
The Gametrailers review was the last straw. I was laughing at various points; now I must have this game.

I'll wait until the weekend to buy it, though. Hopefully GS gets some extra copies, as I have credit to burn.
bread's done