OFFICIAL 2006 Yard Sale Thread

[quote name='MSI Magus']I would offer them $10 and if they say no then say something like I guess I can do $15 but $20 is too much. $20 you could still resell it at a profit if your looking to...but not much of one.[/quote]

Actually, I could resell the system too, since I already have two of those.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Actually, I could resell the system too, since I already have two of those.[/QUOTE]

Well I was including the system. The games arnt really worth much.
My parents went to my local Salvation Army and found a Logitech Attack 3 USB joystick that's in pretty good shape. After a discount, they ended up getting it for just $2.
[quote name='snotknocker']the system, smw and dk1 should yield at least $30 on e-bay[/quote]

So I could get 2 games I want, plus at least $10? Sounds good to me.
Uh, I think next week will be my last for YSing. I've found almost nothing. I just don't think my area is into YS much and when I do find some, they either don't have anything gaming related or just have a few PC games and some beat up copies of Madden 96 for Genesis.
just found this thread...
well last month i got 12 crappy PS2 games for 5 bucks at a garage sale...took it to GS for the extra $10 per 3 trade in myself an awesome amount of store credit for just 5 bucks
Didn't get much today. I none of the sales on my route had any games that I wanted, just some crappy ps1 sports games. I did find an unadvertised sale where I picked up a boxed nes advantage controler for $1. The box is in bad shape though.

I also went to the dollar stor to pick up some qtips for cleaning. That Intellivision 2 find last week yielded more games than I thought. Between 10 and 20. That's a lot of cleaning. :whistle2:|
Got a question for people here. Is it acceptable to haggle at a church sale? Im going to one tommorow bright and early in the mourning....but dont know if its acceptable or not to offer lower then what they have priced.

As far as yard sales, I got up at 9 this mourning because a neighbor was having a sale. Only video game I saw was a copy of Madden for the Gameboy that they wanted $5 for. I asked about other games knowing it was pointless and they lady called her brother who said he would sell me his Xbox and 30 games for $450....needless to say I passed.
I got a Suikoden II guide for $8 today at a pawn shop. It's in great condition too. That thing goes for as high as $69 on ebay. I might re-sell it thought since I am pretty hard up for cash right now.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I got a Suikoden II guide for $8 today at a pawn shop. It's in great condition too. That thing goes for as high as $69 on ebay. I might re-sell it thought since I am pretty hard up for cash right now.[/QUOTE]

NICE FIND! Just realize that the guides are a 50/50 on buyers. It goes for that much but iv found that alot of times you put a guide up and it goes for half the usual price. So just be careful.
I also have the Suikoden II guide. I wouldn't mind selling it but I'd rather trade it for a Valkyrie Profile guide. I rather have a guide for a game that I actually have and need the guide for.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Got a question for people here. Is it acceptable to haggle at a church sale? Im going to one tommorow bright and early in the mourning....but dont know if its acceptable or not to offer lower then what they have priced.

You shouldnt have to, usually sales at a church are really cheap and dont do the whole "well I get X amount on Ebay" thing.
As far as yard sales, I got up at 9 this mourning because a neighbor was having a sale. Only video game I saw was a copy of Madden for the Gameboy that they wanted $5 for. I asked about other games knowing it was pointless and they lady called her brother who said he would sell me his Xbox and 30 games for $450....needless to say I passed.
Unfortunately, this happens all too much. In my area, I tend to see alot of garbage gameboy games like Mary Kate & Ashley, Rugrats, stuff like that for like $5-$10 a pop. And then you get the older brother who comes out and says, "I'll sell you my PS ONE with a few sports games for $200." Garage sales today aren't what they used to be. People are getting greedier and because of eBay more informed of what thigns are "worth". Well what good is a system going to do collecting dust because the owner is greedy, when an at heart gamer could be playing something that brings them joy. Makes me sick. My 2 cents.
[quote name='megaseadramon']You shouldnt have to, usually sales at a church are really cheap and dont do the whole "well I get X amount on Ebay" thing.[/QUOTE]

Ya I figured as much, and most of the church sales iv seen mentioned have been dirt cheap....add to it that this one is listed as "Rummage sale" and that the final day of the sale they are having a deal where everything you can stuff into a plastic bag is $2 and this is probally a cheap sale.

I just know at the same time when old ladies price things sometimes they think well Video games go for $50 in stores so $10 is fine to ask for this. Hehe or if there were a ton of NES games for $2 which is decent if I offered a buck if it would be cool.

Anyways, as you said church sales are usually cheap.

And Soccerstud its true that it seems things are getting worse. However, one really nice thing is happaning! People are starting online yard sales! I really love all the online yard sales iv been finding recently where people just put their stuff in a room, take a pic of it and then toss it on craigslist or some other site. I think this will mkae it harder to find games still....but easier atleast to sort through them(plus no gas expense!).
[quote name='Roufuss']How do you guys find these craigslist scores, what sections are you going into? I check out Electronics, and all I see are unlocked cell phones, and ridiculous prices on ps2 / xbox stuff.

I even put up my own ad about buying old games, and all I got was shitty Xbox deals.[/QUOTE]

I put up an ad that said paying top dollar for new and used video games. Just in the wanted section. I listed all the systems I could think of and I got several several replies. Lots of shitty ones but a few that yielded good stuff. But very few (of like 20 replies, only went and picked up like 2-3 deals). Still those deals were kinda cool: cart only Shining Force for Genesis, cart only FF3, cart only Breath of Fire II, some SNES controllers, etc.
I've put up an add on craigslist and only gotten one offer, but then there is hardly any activity in my city. I'm not paying $150 for an Atari Jaguar.
BTW, is there a way to bump up a post on craigslist?
[quote name='erehwon']I've put up an add on craigslist and only gotten one offer, but then there is hardly any activity in my city. I'm not paying $150 for an Atari Jaguar.
BTW, is there a way to bump up a post on craigslist?[/QUOTE]

I dont think you can bump craigslist posts. And try looking outside your city, I check my city but I also check the one 30-50 mins away from me. For 99% of the deals you get its not gonna be worth it....but tell me you wouldnt drive even 2 hours if someone called you with a lot of PSX or SNES RPGs ;)
Not quite a yardsale, but I saw a whole bunch of stuff near the dumpster when I went to go get my mail and hidden in the corner I saw this

As far as I can till, it's hardly used, the middle blade has 3 dots of dried red something but I can clean it off (not blood, sauce of some sort). They're not sharp at all, but for getting something worth (according to the site) $57.97 for free, not bad at all. I'll keep a look out as to what is thrown out more, there was a stereo and a tv, but I didn't touch those yet.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Got a question for people here. Is it acceptable to haggle at a church sale?[/quote]
why wouldn't it be? i'll haggle the crap outta any church rummage salesman, and i attend church myself. take 'em for all they're worth! :D

by the way, MSI -- do you type "moUrning" on purpose? i just noticed that you consistently spell it that way. no offense, just wondering is all.
[quote name='allyourblood']why wouldn't it be? i'll haggle the crap outta any church rummage salesman, and i attend church myself. take 'em for all they're worth! :D

by the way, MSI -- do you type "moUrning" on purpose? i just noticed that you consistently spell it that way. no offense, just wondering is all.[/QUOTE]

I had pretty much no education beyond the 6th grade so my grammar is lacking at best. ...I just finished Comp 1 today and I heard the same thing I heard last semester. "You come up with amazing concepts in your writing, and your extreamly creative. However, you just arnt grasping the fundementals."

So....ya sadly im typing mourning on purpose. I do it with alot of words.
[quote name='MSI Magus']
So....ya sadly im typing mourning on purpose. I do it with alot of words.[/quote]
fair enough. thanks for the response. i have this thing where i type the "English" spelling of a word, for no reason: colour, favourite, realise, practise... it's pretty stupid and i try not to do it, but i can't seem to shake the habit.
[quote name='allyourblood']fair enough. thanks for the response. i have this thing where i type the "English" spelling of a word, for no reason: colour, favourite, realise, practise... it's pretty stupid and i try not to do it, but i can't seem to shake the habit.[/QUOTE]

Hehe thats different. Id rather have that problem then no education and a learning disabilty though ;)
Got a good list of planned sales for Friday-Sunday probally around 20 which is pretty good for me because i do not like to travel too far. Some highlights include a 75 family church sale and some other various sales that advertised having video games. Some are even within walking distance which is always a plus. Best of luck to everyone this weekend in any deal hunts!
[quote name='jakescape53']Got a good list of planned sales for Friday-Sunday probally around 20 which is pretty good for me because i do not like to travel too far. Some highlights include a 75 family church sale and some other various sales that advertised having video games. Some are even within walking distance which is always a plus. Best of luck to everyone this weekend in any deal hunts![/QUOTE]

Doing the same thing as you tommorow and also have a church sale + few block sales/sales mentioning games. Iv got a really good feeling about tommorow!
[quote name='allyourblood']wish anyone did any sales on Fridays out here. we don't get jack until Sat.[/QUOTE]

I find most of our sales are Saturday but this week there was ALOT of Friday sales so im getting up at 8 in the mourning and out the door by 8:30 to hit em all. First stop is just a few blocks from me they have Nintendo listed in the add!
If anyone comes across a secret of mana and can hook me up I'll pay up to $10 for cart only + shipping. I'm a cheapass but I got the cash so if ya can do a brother a favor.
[quote name='snotknocker']If anyone comes across a secret of mana and can hook me up I'll pay up to $10 for cart only + shipping. I'm a cheapass but I got the cash so if ya can do a brother a favor.[/quote]

I had one but just put it on ebay today.
I didn't get much today.

bunch of GBA boxes and instructions Free

The first sales I visited were a bust. I dropped by the neighborhood next to mine and picked up the gba. I tried to CIF with $5, but she wouldn't go down that far. I did get her to $7 since it is scatched up on the top and didn't come with the battery charger. So, does the gba sp have a rechargable battery or can it use regular AA or AAA batteries?

The next sale I hit up had some games. I remembered the guy there from high school. I didn't buy any of the games since I didn't need them, but he did give me a bunch of gba boxes and instructions since his games were stolen.

I got to go out early tomorrow since one sale listed snes games. I'm really wanting to track down some snes rpgs and I'm hoping I can get lucky with some good finds.
Meh, I hit up 8 or 9 sales in my area and only one had a few old PC games like Stronghold and Medieval: Total War for about $10 each used. I didn't find a thing all day.
I got skunked today too. The SNES I got off Craigslist was nice, the box was in flawless condition and it came with like 5 more games then the girl origionally stated....but the garage sales we hit sucked.

I got a copy of MVC 2 for DC as well as Mortal Kombat and Streets of Rage 2 for Genesis complete for $3 at one sale and a copy of Myst and Sim City 3000 for a $0.50 together at another sale....but that was it all day.

I found one sale where I was about to shit a brick because there was a bunch of SNES stuff including a Super Scope in Box...but then the guy told me none of it was for sale that that part of the garage was off limits. Annoying thing is that I think that he got it all at the Chruch sale this mourning. My fiancee ran late so we got there at 9(opening)instead of 8:30 and I think that guy just beat me to them.
[quote name='MSI Magus']NICE FIND! Just realize that the guides are a 50/50 on buyers. It goes for that much but iv found that alot of times you put a guide up and it goes for half the usual price. So just be careful.[/quote]

I finally took a pic of it.

I actually would rather keep this (since I do have the game, two copies actually), but if I have to I'll list it. Either way I am sure I can get more than I paid for it.
BTW, could someone finally tell me why National Geographics are listed as scores here? I found a giant like 50 pound box of them at a GS today for free and brought them all home...however on ebay they only seem to be selling for $5 which wouldnt be bad cept 9/10 arnt selling.
[quote name='MSI Magus']BTW, could someone finally tell me why National Geographics are listed as scores here? I found a giant like 50 pound box of them at a GS today for free and brought them all home...however on ebay they only seem to be selling for $5 which wouldnt be bad cept 9/10 arnt selling.[/quote]
Not everybody buys things just to resell. ;)

People all have their own quirky things that they like to collect or buy. For us, it's Legos. It just so happens that Legos sell for a surprising amount on ebay, but that doesn't affect our decision to buy them. We just like having a huge supply of them at our disposal, for the inevitable day that we end up building a house with them.

I'd guess that the people buying NG's do so because they enjoy having them. Or maybe they work for a non-profit organization that deals with children. The possibilities are endless.

But really, who doesn't like animals!?
[quote name='evilmax17']Not everybody buys things just to resell. ;)

People all have their own quirky things that they like to collect or buy. For us, it's Legos. It just so happens that Legos sell for a surprising amount on ebay, but that doesn't affect our decision to buy them. We just like having a huge supply of them at our disposal, for the inevitable day that we end up building a house with them.

I'd guess that the people buying NG's do so because they enjoy having them. Or maybe they work for a non-profit organization that deals with children. The possibilities are endless.

But really, who doesn't like animals!?[/QUOTE]

I understand buying weird or quirky things. We wanted a Jesus action figure but it cost way to much, and I today bought Shaqs rap albumn just for shits and giggles. Legos also kick ass and I always hope to find them. National Geographic I simply cannot understand why anyone younger then 40 and not a nerd would collect ;)
[quote name='MSI Magus']I got skunked today too. The SNES I got off Craigslist was nice, the box was in flawless condition and it came with like 5 more games then the girl origionally stated....but the garage sales we hit sucked.

I got a copy of MVC 2 for DC as well as Mortal Kombat and Streets of Rage 2 for Genesis complete for $3 at one sale and a copy of Myst and Sim City 3000 for a $0.50 together at another sale....but that was it all day.

I found one sale where I was about to shit a brick because there was a bunch of SNES stuff including a Super Scope in Box...but then the guy told me none of it was for sale that that part of the garage was off limits. Annoying thing is that I think that he got it all at the Chruch sale this mourning. My fiancee ran late so we got there at 9(opening)instead of 8:30 and I think that guy just beat me to them.[/QUOTE]

$1 for MVC2 for Dreamcast? Total score, I can't believe you say you got skunked today. I would kill for that game, one of the few great fighting games missing from my DC collection.

Also my theory about the National Geographics is that they are nice magazines. Great reads and even better pictures.
[quote name='Zon27']$1 for MVC2 for Dreamcast? Total score, I can't believe you say you got skunked today. I would kill for that game, one of the few great fighting games missing from my DC collection.

Also my theory about the National Geographics is that they are nice magazines. Great reads and even better pictures.[/QUOTE]

Meh I just have no intreast in MVC2 for DC. Bought it thinking it went for about $30 on ebay. Games case is cracked and its got a few minor scuffs. Now if it was a mint MVC2 for the PS2 id have said I had an amazing day. Anyways, considering that I spent $20 in gas, had to wake up 3 hours earlier then usual and gave up half my day 1 decent game seems skunked ;)

Ah well, heres to hoping one of the few people I pushed my number off on get back to me. Id say its about a 10% chance but one person did program my number directly on to her phone and said her husband was looking to get rid of more games, and another sale im positive they wont get back to me but she said her husband comes home from a trip on the 14th and then he is getting rid of his PSX games0.
MSI, I would like to say that you found a good score on that box of National Geographics. I wish I could have that kind of luck.

Anyway, the reason I collect National Geographics is because I like reading about various countries, cultures, and histories. I like reading about those things, so I decided to stock up on those magazines. They are cheap, and offer good reading. They also have a lot of decent photographs.

Anyway, my yard sailing both today was a waste of time, but I found a couple of things. Yesterday, however, yielded two pretty cool things at one sale.

PS2 Memory Card (1st Party): $1 talked down from $3.
Doll of Stewie from Family Guy: 25 cents.
Dick Tracy and Yogi Yamma (printed in 1946): $1.50, my coolest find so far this week.

That was I all I found yesterday.

Today, I didn't come up with much; I went to about 12 sales, and this is what I found.

Conker's Bad Fur Day: $3 talked down from $5. I know I paid a little much, but I need to complete my N64 Rare collection. I just need Killer Instinct now.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Second Edition: 25 cents.

And that is all I found for today.

I am going to a big indoor church sale tomorrow, so wish me luck.

[edit] Sorry about the image quality; this is my first time doing so.
[quote name='doctordoom1974']MSI, I would like to say that you found a good score on that box of National Geographics. I wish I could have that kind of luck.[/QUOTE]

Might be willing to send them to you if you want them. They arnt worth anything, and I have no intreast in them. Im gonna mention them to a family member or two and if no one wants them and you pay the S&H id gladly send them to you.
a little late for last weeks finds but i happy
8 nes games and 2 sega gen games for a dollar
sega genesis 2 games for 5 dollars

no games really of intrest
ms pac man gen
rampart gen
topgun x2
dont remeber other 2
[quote name='evilmax17']...For us, it's Legos...[/quote]

my wife and i are Lego Maniacs, as well. you should see some of the amazing stuff my wife creates. she builds stuff with them that i wouldn't have thought of in a million years. well, not the things themselves, but the creative ways she finds to use the odd piece here and there, making buildings and castles and junk (she's going to school to be an architect). i just build dopey stuff: robots, cars, etc...

i just realised how goofy that sounds. we're just a couple of Big Kids.
oh, and it's not really a yard sale find, but i bought 2 copies of the DS Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt Demo, both with manual for under 7 bucks. they're not rare, and they're not worth anything, but that's just it -- ppl on CAG usually charge 10 bucks for one, so it was nice to pick up one for myself, and one for my pal for very little money. i have the full version (which is up for trade, wink wink!), but i wanted the demo to add to my collection.
[quote name='doctordoom1974']Conker's Bad Fur Day: $3 talked down from $5. I know I paid a little much, but I need to complete my N64 Rare collection. I just need Killer Instinct now.[/QUOTE]

$3 is very good, I don't know what it goes for on eBay (probably about $10ish if not alittle bit more) Good find even if it's not complete insanity like some of the stuff found Yardsaling mentioned in this thread :)
Here's a handy little resource for online newspapers in your area:[YOUR STATE ABBREVIATION]/newspapers/

So for us, it would be:

It lists all of the ones that I know about in all of the towns that we go to, so it seems fairly ok on the completeness front.

I've noticed that a lot of online newspapers use the same classifieds company, which is disappointing because you get the same listings for a bunch of different papers. Not all of them do though!
Went to 6 sales today and not one video gaming thing to be found. Did find Star Wars trilogy on VHS for $2, Heavy Metal for .50 and Fast times at Ridgemont High for .50.
Went to 3 advertised and 1 unadvertised sales today. Nothing of interest at the first sale wont even bother mentioning. At the 2nd which we stumbled upon on accident (unadvertised) didnt see much besides a few decent dvds and older pc games but ended up leaving with a microsoft sidewinder joystick with a usb adaptor for $2. Next sale almost everything was at 25c to 5$. Ended up only getting a leather dog leash for 25c. As we were leaving i saw a roll of bills lying on the ground with a total of 30 some dollars. As my good turn for the day i turned it into the garage sale officials and went on my day.

At our 4th and final sale we rolled into the most promising looking of the day. They had a star wars special edition n64 for $20 and some 3rd party controllers for $3 a pop which i passed on. There were also some overpriced cart only gba and gbc games (Rugrats, yugioh, and pokemon) at $5 each that i passed on. I was about to leave when i saw a black case that said "game system" i opened it to find a mint sega game gear system with 3 games (nba jam, ristar, and super columns.), and a wall adaptor (thank goodness for that because it takes 6 AA batteries otherwise.) They wanted $10 but i CIF for $5 and they took it. Everything is in great working condition and now that im warmed up im ready to go for saturday where i have some big sales lined up.

Friday Loot:
*Microsoft Sidewinder w/ usb adaptor $2
*Game Gear, 3 Games $5
*leash 25c
I had a great haul today.
The people at the first sale I went to were selling bags full for $1. I got a Panasonic 3DO in it's original box complete with controllerand power cord. The box is full of game manuals as well as a 3DO Buffet Sampler Disk,Wing Commander 3, Soccer Kid, and Space Hulk. I also got a Sega Genesis (1st model I think), Sega CD, 4 controllers, RF Unit, the following Genesis Games: Barkley Shut Up and Jam, Samurai Show Down, Chakan, X Men, and the following Sega CD games NBA Jam and Heimdall. All for $2. I hooked up the 3DO and it works perfectly. The Genesis and Sega CD only came with one power cord between them (it is torn in two) and the power cord from my newer model Genesis won't fit, so I don't know if they work or not.

Several sales later I found two stacks of Gameboy, GB Color, and GB ADV games marked $3 for each stack. I got both stacks for $5. Stack 1 included Pokemon Silver and Game and Watch Gallery for GB and Championship Motocross 2001 with Ricky Carmichael and Metal Gear Solid for GB Color. Stack 2 included Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Namco Museum, Classic NES Series Legend of Zelda, and Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem all for GB ADV.

Several sales later, I got an almost new pair of Nike golf shoes and a pair of Foot Joy golf shoes. Both pairs for $9.

$16 for the day. Not bad, eh.

My 5 year old nephew got a bag of about 75 Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars for $3. Most are in good shape. He also got 5 Ertl semis/trucks with trailers for $1.25.

For the whole family we got a patio table with 6 chairs for $25. These are the heavy green coated wrought iron ones Wal-Mart used to sell for $50 a chair.

EDIT: What is required to play Sega CD 32X games? I now have a Genesis, a 32X and a Sega CD. Is that it or was there an additional Sega CD and 32X contraption?
bread's done