Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I probably took the most time out of anybody here and even I don't have much left to do. Still love the game, but it is nice to have a break too.
Got two of my charaters up to Rank 5 today and my rewards on both were something I already had,
312 heavy machine gun, and a 317 Titan helmet. After SRL, and last IB, a helmet is the absolute last thing I need.
I've been lurking the thread for a while simply because I don't have anything to add.  I'm mostly moving on to new games, but I play Destiny at least once a week still.  Mostly HM Kings fall chasing better gear. I love this game, but the way the Year 1 content was discarded means that there isn't much to do if you want to accomplish anything. 

I've been lurking the thread for a while simply because I don't have anything to add. I'm mostly moving on to new games, but I play Destiny at least once a week still. Mostly HM Kings fall chasing better gear. I love this game, but the way the Year 1 content was discarded means that there isn't much to do if you want to accomplish anything.
Flacks and 100xp still want to run VoG and Crota (since they never have) if you want to get in on a CAG run one of these days - for old times sake!

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So quiet...I'm guessing everyone else is playing the Division Beta? hee hee hee.
I'm only after a 320 Ghost at this point. Looks like Crimson Doubles will take care of that. Thankfully I have a few competent friends that I can play doubles with too.

I'm going to go buy ESO today. I need something else to play. My friends keep trying to get me to play Ark but I refuse. That looks boring as fuck to me. Shit is getting so boring that I don't even really bother with Trials any more.

Been taking my time with IB, I'm only rank 3 LOL. Catch up will be easy with Titan and Warlock though. I think I will do my 3 raids next week and take the rest of the week off. I've been playing on PS4 for my fix lately.

I'd very much like to do Vault of Glass. I need to complete that to continue with No Time to Explain.
I can't do those late Sundays this week though. Tonight would be good for me, or I guess Friday night.

Got to Rank 5 on my last character today and got the Sidearm at 314. I guess thats better than a piece of armor that I can't use.
I'll give it a try I guess, and then probably infuse it.
I glad to be done with this, I'm sick to death of Rift.
Cool, we have at least 4.  We can scrounge up another couple of people easy enough. I'll see if Simosaurus is around, he'd be in for a CAG run. 

Got two of my characters to rank 5 tonight.  My first rank 5 package was a freaking Wolf Hunter cloak at 314.  I had already made my other one 320, so that was a big fail.

Then I got the Tormod's Bellows (rocket launcher) at 314.  I had gotten a 319 one way back from the first Taken King Iron Banner so that wasn't too exciting either.

I also had a ghost shell drop from a match: at 310 like the ones you get with the rank 5 package. 

IB has successfully trolled me this time.  I'll still get my Warlock to rank 5 and then play a little more for drops but I'm not expecting much.

I bought the vendor scout rifle and while it is OK, I don't see how other people seem to be using it at auto-rifle speed to kill me.  It fires very slow for me.  I don't get it.

After initially complaining about Rift as Iron Banner, I've actually been digging it. The strange thing is that I seem to have much more success running solo than with a fireteam when conventional wisdom was that Rift IB would necessitate communication.

Got my hunter to rank 5 and got a 318 helm. And right as my Titan hit rank 3, I received a 319 ghost from a post game drop. I will be content if those wind up being my best drops, but I am still hoping that my Titan or warlock will get that elusive 320 primary at rank 5.
Uhh, sorry gang.  I crashed at 9:00 getting my kids to bed.  I woke up at 1:00 AM like "whatza?!  Whoza?! Where am I?!?!.......aaawwww maaaaan!  I missed the raid."  Sorry about that.  My bad.  Let me know if another plan comes together. 

I didn't make it either.
Got too involved in the Barrett-Jackson car auction.

Io, I agree, the Colovance's Duty is pretty unimpressive. I've had one since Novembers IB, and never thought it was very good.

My son got his Titan up to Rank 5 this morning and got a 317 Sniper. Good for him, got him over 300 finally.
What the heck is the exotic primary between Tlaloc and Mida in the Kiosk???
I know it isn't the Jade Rabbit, that should be between TOM and Tlaloc.

I can for the life of me find a picture with that one filled in.
Its bugging me, because I'm close to filling them all in except for the swords.
After initially complaining about Rift as Iron Banner, I've actually been digging it. The strange thing is that I seem to have much more success running solo than with a fireteam when conventional wisdom was that Rift IB would necessitate communication.

Got my hunter to rank 5 and got a 318 helm. And right as my Titan hit rank 3, I received a 319 ghost from a post game drop. I will be content if those wind up being my best drops, but I am still hoping that my Titan or warlock will get that elusive 320 primary at rank 5.
Same, wasn't a fan of Rift in the beginning...after playing it a few days in IB it's grown on me though I'm pretty sure I'll never consciously choose Rift as a crucible game mode should I ever run out of things to do in Destiny.

On the other hand what I'm not a fan of is losing IB consecutively over the past few days of the event, back to back. I honestly think w/out checking since the event I've only managed to win or be a part of a winning match maybe 7 times out of likely 40+ matches. Day 1 was possibly 4 wins, day 2 - 4 was collectively another 2 out of the game then 1 after my rant of going almost 1/18...last night? was getting mercied about 3 times losing matches with scores of 19000 to 1350 or 20500 to 3650. Still rank 3 because I can't clear bounties, especially ones with get kills while your team is in the lead...cause we are never. No gear worth mentioning, highest drop I got was 303 boots.

I'll be lucky if I hit rank 4 today, all it takes is one win and the tempered buff and my 5 marks should carry me but if I run into another losing streak I may just call it a night and play Kingdom of Keflings (j/k).

What the heck is the exotic primary between Tlaloc and Mida in the Kiosk???
I know it isn't the Jade Rabbit, that should be between TOM and Tlaloc.

I can for the life of me find a picture with that one filled in.
Its bugging me, because I'm close to filling them all in except for the swords.
I think it's a pulse rifle called "Red Herring."

I can't confirm this but I speculate since it hasn't been that long since the Black Spindle was discovered or allowed to be discovered, and there's also that other mission w/the dead ghosts and FWC faction I think...I'm going to wager that's as good as guess as any.

In other news: I apparently have been sitting on a near god roll Suros rocket launcher w/Warhead verniers/Hvy Payload/(the missing god perk)/ favor of LMG. That's going to change immediately.

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I'm pretty sure I have every weapon that is currently available and I have two unknown primaries in those spots still as well.

Hit rank 5 on my last guy last night - got my 2nd Tormod's Bellows (RL) from this IB (and 3rd overall).

Maybe its a placeholder,
Its kind of annoying since I already know I can't get Jade Rabbit.

100, you should definately try to get up to rank 5 tonight. You should be so close with todays buffs.
I'd hate to see you miss out on a 310+ item.
Ha Ha Ha,
Got a group together on Reddit, and we farmed the Mercy Rule for post game loot.
It was a blast, we were putting our Halloween masks on and dancing around our rift, sitting around in a circle, waving to the spark runner as they pass. It was great. We were originally only going to do it for an hour, but we had so much fun we ending up doing it for two.
I didn't get anything, but a couple of people in the group got good drops here and there and some exotics from 3oC.

Fun way to end IB.
I have 5 tokens and probably able to cash in 3 bounties if we can actually win a match plus today's temper bonus...likely I won't have bounties saved up for next event though but whatever. So I'll keep playing until RNG finally rolls in my favor or my little ones needs milk.
Tomorrow after the reset we will be back to the Warpriest as the weekly challenge. We should try and line something up this week and at least try and do that part on hard mode. That way you guys will get some 320 loot. Shouldn't be too much of a problem if you guys are 306+ and the 3-4 other guys in the group are 312+.
Not sure I'll be able to do anything as I'm heading out of town Weds and probably won't be playing too much tomorrow - though I wouldn't mind getting some quick Warpriest kills in - don't want to deal with the rest of the raid though.

I played IB tonight until it cut me off at midnight.   I got jack squat except for a fusion rifle on the very next match after I finally bought one.   But the one that dropped has Icarus, so yuck - that got dismantled.  I never got the scout from a drop so I'm glad I bought that earlier as well.  I think I only had the 1 ghost drop from a match (and it was the lowest possible at310).  I'm definitely glad I farmed that second IB when the ghosts were dropping like crazy.

I got a quick Nightfall in before reset and got yet another Flayer cloak.  I think I've gotten 6 or 7 of them now - yet I can't get the two strike helmets for the life of me.   Oh well - starting to lose interest in the game again.  I'll be missing the first few days of the event next week - too bad they have some unique ghost shells and shaders as I'd like to get those.   If anyone wants to run the doubles with me starting next Thurs night/Fri I ought to be on then.

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Here's how it went down last night on the road to Rank 5, albeit serious shenanigans and RNG.

Matches: 12 or 13 L, L, L, W, W, L, L, W, W, L, L, L, L (it was 1:30 am by this time so give or take one loss)

3oC's used: 10 or 11

Rares: 5 (no infusion material)

Legs: 2 (290 boots) & a dismantle immediately vendor chest

Exotics: 2 (4th Horsemen) & Skyfall Annex (the helmet I forgot the buy from Xur last friday) both 310.

IB Rewards for Rank: 310 Ghost identical to the last IB reward (infused into Kingsfall Ghost) & 315 Helmet (mmm yeah...)

iirc, the 3rd match which was a loss netted me the 4th Horsemen, I switched to that and just shade stepped and shotgunned as much as I could with great results for maps that had a lot of CQC. I read this shotgun isn't very popular due to the lack of range and slow reload speed for the most part but with my erratic CQC behavior sometimes w/shotguns the complete randomness, full auto and change up in tactics seemed to work.

2 out of the 4 wins were handed to us, the other team had players who were dancing and ppl dropped so at few points it was 6 v 3. I even capped once and did it backwards and almost got top overscore until some serious players showed up and yeah, no bounty chance on that one. Some losses were a result of the majority of our team letting them win to farm drops, that was really disappointing because I didn't get the memo until the score was about 17000 to 1650. I think about only 2 matches were actually evenly matched, the rest were staged or mercied. No doubt the concept of farming IB for drops by letting the other team win or lose will throw a monkey wrench into the matchmaking system yet again.

I was only about to complete 3 matches at rank 5 before I had to call it a night. The exotics were the only real reward to the event for me and I'm glad I got the ones I did vs. getting duplicates of ones I already had again. I'm really hoping the Skyfall Annex combined w/the Nightstalker orb machine output and my favorite exotic sword will make for some super happy fun time during strikes and raids.

Last night might have been the most fun I've had playing in months.

Sherpa'ed my friend's buddy through his first raid (normal or hard).  It wasn't too bad and he did the best I've seen out of the many first timers I have raided with.  Cleared Totems, Warpriest, Golgoroth (with him holding the gaze), with ease.  Sisters gave us the most trouble because the first timer kept getting chosen as the runner  :rofl:   We cleared Oryx after 2 wipes.  It was quite fun despite the fact that I got nothing but poop for drops.   :bomb:

That said even sherpa'ing people can't get me motivated to care about Destiny at the moment.  I'm going to finish my 2 raids left and probably going to play one of my numerous backlogged RPGs on PS3 and PS4.  Trials doesn't even interest me at this point.

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I grabbed all the solo crucible bounties and managed to get them all in one control match and a win no less....a smooth daily heroic strike and ironically a double legendary drop decrypting into the same vanguard auto rifle both which got dismantled. It was like having the satisfaction that the gaming experience went well. I'll be on again do some dailies and try for exotics, plus I'm curious to see what arms day has brought.
So I have not got an exotic via a 3oC or a post strike reward for the Nightfall in 8 weeks. At one point I got the Vanguard shell sub 300 4-5 weeks. Today I got lucky and joined somebody at the boss and ended up with some 302 gloves at least I didn't waste too much time on it.

I was lucky enough to get a 318 ghost from the Totems today and a 320 heavy from the Warpriest to get me to a solid 318. The only thing really killing me is my 310 helmet, haven't had any luck with the raid dropping me one.

Damn...8 weeks?

Most of my exotic drop from crucible, I think I've only gotten 2 exotics from night falls and raids. One from kings fall the one time w did it and another mid strike downing some giant taken 2 exotics in the last 8 weeks from strikes and raid seems accurate. (Come to think of it I've only done 1 NF and 1 Raid)

Aside from the super cell and maybe the last word there isn't any exotic that I'm really itching to have, but I won't turn down exotic is they drop or stop using coins to try and get them. If anything I just need to get my light up so raiding will be easier.

I think today I'm going to try and clean up more story quests.
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320 chocolate ghost shells in Crimson doubles? I'm in...
Is it a guaranteed 320 or just a chance at 310-320? I won't be back on Destiny until next Friday most likely but I'll be in for that if you want to run it then or over the weekend. Hopefully most of the try-hards will be over it by then or playing Trials and it won't be so bad ;).

Got my fourth Treads Upon Stars today and it was finally a good roll with Firefly and Explosive Rounds.
Funny how Year 1 was so bad for me and weapons, but Year 2 has been so great.

I would love to do something this weekend, either Vault of Glass or whatever you guys want to do in Kings Fall.
Is it a guaranteed 320 or just a chance at 310-320? I won't be back on Destiny until next Friday most likely but I'll be in for that if you want to run it then or over the weekend. Hopefully most of the try-hards will be over it by then or playing Trials and it won't be so bad ;).
It looks to be like SRL so a chance for 320 gear, the hosts just happen to be Valentine themed.
Got my fourth Treads Upon Stars today and it was finally a good roll with Firefly and Explosive Rounds.
Funny how Year 1 was so bad for me and weapons, but Year 2 has been so great.

I would love to do something this weekend, either Vault of Glass or whatever you guys want to do in Kings Fall.
Nice. The 2 heroic strikes that I keep running into is the Rasputin one and Rocket Treads Upon Stars rolled, Triple Tap/Perfect Balance or Injection Mold/Outlaw. I think, that's the best rolls I've gotten for this wpn so far and I've gotten it a lot recently in crucible drops and the strike. I don't know how it holds up to vendor bought Hung Jury though, these rolls are definitely more PvP spec'd.

Decided to infuse my Skyburner's Annex up some, now at 314 (helmet not me), this thing does some work w/Razelighter. Did the heroic strike with the really tall fallen guy who calls you out and the gravity lift where you fight the tank and hordes of spawns. 1 Hvy synth and it felt like I saw beating the orbs of light out of the fallen every other swipe. I only wish the weakest link in our random party didn't die on a ledge out of reach from the both of us mid tank battle or the strike would have been over probably 10 mins sooner. Final Boss fight, he went down so fast I thought it was glitched. This may be my 1st 320 infused up exotic for PVE. I will miss the Don't Touch Me gauntlets though but why be reactive when you can be proactive. :beer:

Other: I think I need some help w/the last part of the Sleeper Stimulant Quest, I've tried matchmaking w/the special mission and no one seems to be doing it. I'll be on tonight w/out any restrictions (aka modified baby sitting schedule) if anyone is around. I think we stand a much better chance 2 manning at least it considering our light is easily 305+ at this point.

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Anyone interested in getting together a CAG clan group to knock out the Raiding Party and Epic Raider achievements? We'd need six people that are in the clan, and we can go back and do Crota's End on Hard, shouldn't be too tough at this point I would think.

Nice. The 2 heroic strikes that I keep running into is the Rasputin one and Rocket Treads Upon Stars rolled, Triple Tap/Perfect Balance or Injection Mold/Outlaw. I think, that's the best rolls I've gotten for this wpn so far and I've gotten it a lot recently in crucible drops and the strike. I don't know how it holds up to vendor bought Hung Jury though, these rolls are definitely more PvP spec'd.

Decided to infuse my Skyburner's Annex up some, now at 314 (helmet not me), this thing does some work w/Razelighter. Did the heroic strike with the really tall fallen guy who calls you out and the gravity lift where you fight the tank and hordes of spawns. 1 Hvy synth and it felt like I saw beating the orbs of light out of the fallen every other swipe. I only wish the weakest link in our random party didn't die on a ledge out of reach from the both of us mid tank battle or the strike would have been over probably 10 mins sooner. Final Boss fight, he went down so fast I thought it was glitched. This may be my 1st 320 infused up exotic for PVE. I will miss the Don't Touch Me gauntlets though but why be reactive when you can be proactive. :beer:

Other: I think I need some help w/the last part of the Sleeper Stimulant Quest, I've tried matchmaking w/the special mission and no one seems to be doing it. I'll be on tonight w/out any restrictions (aka modified baby sitting schedule) if anyone is around. I think we stand a much better chance 2 manning at least it considering our light is easily 305+ at this point.
I can be in tonight to help run that with you
Anyone interested in getting together a CAG clan group to knock out the Raiding Party and Epic Raider achievements? We'd need six people that are in the clan, and we can go back and do Crota's End on Hard, shouldn't be too tough at this point I would think.
Count me in. I'll change my clan back to CAG and we can knock this out. Do you have flawless? That's pretty easy on NM (probably HM too) CE at this point too. Just let me know when you want to run this. A little advanced notice would be good, if possible.

Count me in. I'll change my clan back to CAG and we can knock this out. Do you have flawless? That's pretty easy on NM (probably HM too) CE at this point too. Just let me know when you want to run this. A little advanced notice would be good, if possible.
I would be in to as long as my schedule lines up.

I've never done either of the yr 1 raids, but I'd like to give them a shot.

Got in a group tonight by chance, and we ended up 5 manning Totems and the Warpriest. Gave it a good shot at Golgoroth, but our 5th got disconnected during the second orb. Came pretty close though.
I got the taken ghost and two more snipers, so I have three of those things now.
Had a pretty frustrating start last night w/Rumble and trying to complete the Imprecation quest for the First Curse quest. No chance in hell I'll get 7 headshots w/this thing the way matchmaking has been currently. First 3 matches were Blink ninjas w/shotguns who defy spacial awareness. I changed up wpns towards the end of the match to a auto rifle or shotgun because it got stupid and tried to make the most of the match competitively vs handing kills to ppl.

They put me in a lobby with lesser skilled players by the 3 or 4 match but that didn't net any more headshots since there was a lot more cross fire activity mainly be being in crossfire...I couldn't even loot 1 hvy ammo crate because one guy was always sniping the crates or titan bubble. Yeah...I did manage to get a Revelator HC with presumably favorable perks as a consolation prize.

I lucked out w/the Sleeper Stimulant strike because right before I decided to say F this noise and go to bed, I tried matchmaking and got pulled into the last 2 minutes of fighting the end boss w/2 other players. Grabbed the weapon frame and now the proud owner of said hvy fusion rifle.

...but wait there's more!

Decided to try a heroic strike before turning in, popped 3oC, put on my Skyburner's Annex and sword...light orbs for days. Alak-Hul didn't expect to get tethered back to back to back. He went down, boom. Crest of the Alpha Lupi. woo hoo!

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Count me in. I'll change my clan back to CAG and we can knock this out. Do you have flawless? That's pretty easy on NM (probably HM too) CE at this point too. Just let me know when you want to run this. A little advanced notice would be good, if possible.
I don't have Flawless either. I'd be down anytime, tonight is all about Lost to Light though and trying to grab dat Black Spindle. :)

I'm down for Lost to Light if you need a 3rd. I'm still trying to get dat black spindle.
Actually, yeah, I think I've got two and we will need a third. What was your GT again? I am terrible at remembering who's who unless it's in their sig.

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CAG people still looking to set up a Y1 raid soon?  Since I got Bungie'd out of my Flawless achievement, I'd love to run CE normal again for another attempt.  A couple weeks ago we ran it with 6 people over 310 and it only took us 25 minutes.  Crota was down on the first sword.

When lost to light comes around again I'm down to help anyone.

Did it last night despite dropping link exactly at the same spot when Io and moose tried to help me with but luckily flacks guy friend and his other friend were waiting for their supers and were able to invite me back. Got the black spindle, the ship, and my 2nd 4th horseman, sadly it dropped at 290...another 310 would have been awesome but it's still a shard.

Now to level up this sniper rifle for kings fall.

I'd be down for Y1, Y2 anything...I might be available for uninterrupted play tomorrow or Monday night.
bread's done