Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I still need the black spindle, so count me in on that Lost to Light group next time it comes around.  Simo and I tried it the last time and that mission is tough!  Well, the mission is fine, but that last room is pretty insane.  Swords and bubbles are the key, maybe a stormcaller or a hunter to pop a tether on the main guy. 

Also, I'm still down for Y1 raids, just send me a note when you guys are planning to get together. 

Destiny must be sensing something...I got my 3rd, 4th horseman and The hereafter last night. Sadly all the exotics I e gotten recently are decrypting at 290 and not 310 despite being 308 light level when I do.

Ironed out some more story missions and quests, got dead orbit to rank 21? Got more shaders and a funky red shader from the crypt arch. Went 6/7 precision kills in control and then the other team suddenly got better. Then 5/7 in rumble. No imprecation for me again. I don't know if I'm getting better at hand cannons or my lobbies are getting worse.

Almost dismantled one of the many treads upon stars scout, I've been using auto rifles too long. I forgot how potent these things can be. No fire fly but it's almost exactly the same state as hung jury. I need to find one with full auto.
Anyone up for Crimson Doubles tonight?

I have a spanky red (God of War) & pink shader (from SRL) if you really wanna go out in style...otherwise I'll likely be sporting one of the gold IB shaders cause the ladies like bling or 50 shades of gray.

I need a ghost made out of chocolate. (more importantly a higher than 310 ghost)

I would but Tuesdays are lousy for me. I'll probably only get to try it out for a little while today.
Later in the week I'd be up for some.

I got on at 4am this morning to save my Oryx checkpoint. I am NOT losing that.
Tried to play a little bit today and just couldn't muster up the effort and after about 15 minutes just shut the game off. Just like with sparrow racing I have no interest in the doubles event.
I just got my son back into playing Destiny with me and this is going to kill it.
We got destroyed in our first 6 games, and only played the seventh to complete the quest, and actually won that one. But even that wasn't fun.
It was just zero fun. Maybe I'll farm losses for a night like I did the last night of IB, but thats it.
I have a 318 Ghost from IB, and I'm not chasing 320 anyway.
Wow the Nightfall is no joke. With the added troops during the boss fight and the void shielded psions with their arc blasts it's near impossible.
5 Games in and got the Valentine Shader.  Got it before I even got the emblem.  I'm destroying people and pretty much carried my partner for most of the games we played.  Saw 2 people with the new ghosts.  One was using Y1 weapons and his ghost was like 299, so I'm guessing people not giving up Y1 guns will pay for it with light level on their ghost.  

Won all games but 3, we should have won the other 2 but I made a tactical error in one and the other was we just weren't able to clutch it after being down 3-0.  We lost 5-4 :(

Guess my week I took off ended up refreshing me because my shots are spot on :D

A pair of radiant dance machines with marginly better rolls but low light dropped for me last night, otherwise without a dance partner nothing else to report.

I suppose dead orbit rank 22 is something to mention but now I'm low on motes of light.

Haha now the Crimson doubles is just like a sad valentines event, if you no have partner you no get any.
Well, I think that is the luckiest I have been in Destiny. On my second game I managed to get a 318 sugary shell. Then after a few more I got a 316 Crimson shell. Didn't manage to win a single game. My cousin has never played destiny crucible before and I am just average. All we did was the seven games for the quest but I'm satisfied. Considering I still haven't gotten the dread shell I feel pretty lucky.
Dead Orbit rank 22.

There's really nothing else at this point that motivates me to do solo but grind faction rep for that cloak. If control is the daily crucible I'll try for 7 headshot spree for imprecation again. I think I got all the dead orbit shaders. I'd like the crucible ship...I saw a color variant of the crazy new Monaco ship the other day. It had green on it so I wasn't sure if it was due to the lighting or if it was a newly issued ship.

If given the option I would swap classes just so I could try a lvl 40 Titan or warlock but I really don't want to spend the time again doing all the missions and grinding rep again. I almost feel subclasses need another super option and not just an altered super option through exotic gear.

On the positive I got a new headset. No more stock Xbox headset. The audio experience for destiny is completely new...holy crap the subtle sound effects I never noticed and firing the hard light sounds awesome...I hope I also means I can hear everyone better and vice versa.

I'll be one the usual time if anyone needs a doubles partner.
I'm back.  So with this Doubles bullshit you don't actually have to win anything to get the loot?  Like Trials it sounds like a pain, but I'll suffer through it for some crap.

Though taking 8 days off Destiny kind of makes me just want to stay off.  I got back at 5pm today and here it is nearly 11pm and I have yet to turn my Xbox on...

Edit: Oh, great.  To save power I completely turned off my Xbox while I was away and now it wants to do a 3.3 GB update.

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Got my 4th, 4th Horseman last night. It's starting to be roughly an avg of 1 exotic per (5) 3oC's usage per strikes...slightly more in crucible. At least it dropped at 310. Trying to get my black spindle to a respectable LL w/out it consuming my everyday specials.

Played control, failed to get 7 headshots w/this HC quest. I think I got 5 and another match 4 and skunked the rest of the match. The First Curse quest isn't just a clever name.

I think I'm going to spend my strange coins on Hvy Synths for DO rep & 3oC's.

Oh snap...official bungee update regarding future content.

(Can't like because I'm on a crowded train)
I might be unreasonable, but I'm expecting the spring content and the fall expansion to both be free, given what they said last year about no more paid DLCs. If they end up charging for the expansion, then I'm done with this game. With Destiny 2 around the corner (by the time the expansion drops) and so many more new games (like The Division), I'm just gonna wait for D2.

My guess is it'll be like SRL, where the actual event is free considering the current state the game is in right now (ppl getting emails why they haven't logged in for over a month from Bungie) but w/microtransactions in the event i.e. the SRL racing book.

I wonder what the revamped Dreadnaught will be like, not that I've even explored all of it yet...I still have 5 more fragments to get the Touch of Malice to go.

I'm doing some mathes right now and I think I might just have enough strange coins to buy the rest of my DO rep and get dat cloak quest...t'day.

Edit: hahaha, so I'm reading some players are doing their best to kill themselves so the rounds go faster just so they have a quicker shot at the loot screen.

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I'm doing some mathes right now and I think I might just have enough strange coins to buy the rest of my DO rep and get dat cloak quest...t'day.

Edit: hahaha, so I'm reading some players are doing their best to kill themselves so the rounds go faster just so they have a quicker shot at the loot screen.
You want to run some Doubles this evening? If so let me know when you are free.

You want to run some Doubles this evening? If so let me know when you are free.
Should be on usual time 10-11 pm EST until after midnight likely. I figured doubles is probably pretty quick esp if some teams are suiciding.
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I jumped into a control match (the Daily) last night as, boy, did they change everything with that patch or something?  The camera seemed floaty, aim seemed off (way too sensitive), and the characters seemed to have less weight than before - something that I had always appreciated with this game vs. other first person shooters.   They seem to have made it bad.  Or it all could be just due to me not having played in a week ;).

So I noticed some of the bounties for the event are based on kills and such.  What are the rewards from the bounties?  Are they not even worth getting?  If everyone is killing themselves to get to the rewards faster it will be hard to get some of those done.

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Its just the same Legendary armor we've been getting all year.
....and thats all that drops, armor. No weapons.

So basically, you're getting 3 Legendary Marks.
Did you guys see Bungie's latest message?

Have you been playing Crimson Days, but have yet to score one of the Ghosts that we created for the event? Feedback has been unmistakable: the drop rate has been pretty low. We agree. We took a look at the data, and the number of Ghosts awarded has not been what we expected.
That's no way to tell you that we love you, so a fix is in the works.
Check it out:
After the event is over, we'll deliver Ghosts to the Postmaster
Anyone who has competed in seven matches will receive one
You had to actually compete though - no suicide pacts!
Your Ghost will be Chocolate or Crimson - the odds are even
320 Light will be guaranteed - the odds are totally in your favor
Packages will be addressed by account, not character
Qualifying players will receive their Ghost by February 23rd
If you've already put up the good fight in seven matches, you're on our list. If you want in on this, you still have time to earn your reward. Crimson Days comes to an end with the Weekly Reset on February 16th.
Grab a partner and throw down. We'll have something sweet for you when all is said and done - whether you win or lose.

Thats cool of them.
I did my seven games already, but I may finish off the bounties too. Just in case.
Between Io & I, we managed to squeeze 2 shaders (Io) and. Chocolate ghost (100xp) with really good stats according to the mentor. It dropped at 312 though so at least for me that's a minor upgrade and knowing we get one at 320 and events end is good to hear. I think the pulse rifle spare change 2.5 was the common drop of the event, we got 3 between us...some matches we got an empty rewards screen like wha? Finishing up the weekly gives you an emote and a legendary random. I got the swing emote...fitting since I actually do that emote IRL often. Lol

I the highlight of the night was hunting the opponent who had the buff and landing a throwing dagger into his head, followed by a trip mine into his head and winning that round.

The Crimson buff is pretty mighty, once your teammate gets dropped its almost a toss up between rushing them or reviving your buddy.

DO rep 25...exotic quest and this event do not count towards its progression sadly.

Game on.
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I got a few rounds in with Simo last night.  We had a real good time.  It was the best of Destiny, just hanging out, chatting, strategizing, etc.  We both got shaders and I guess the 320 will be delivered in a week or two which is lame.  But still, we had fun.


First couple rounds with Io after a brief intermission was dead silence...I forgot to toggle the chat volume on my new headset so I thought he was just being quiet. Lol.

I noticed the promo shots for Crimson doubles is kinda misleading, the guardians are wearing new monarcy gear and guns with red shaders so I had hoped we'd get Crimson double red weapons as drops or rewards like iron banner.
Anybody want to do the seven matches with me on Sunday night? I would love the 320 ghost that way I could skip totems also on the raid from now on. I could be on after 10:30 pm est just let me know.

I got a few rounds in with Simo last night. We had a real good time. It was the best of Destiny, just hanging out, chatting, strategizing, etc. We both got shaders and I guess the 320 will be delivered in a week or two which is lame. But still, we had fun.
While I had fun playing with a friend, as an "event", I think Crimson Doubles is pretty weak. I only decided to play after I saw that announcement about the 320 ghosts, otherwise I was intending to pass on this one. I'll be travelling next week so this will force me to take a much needed break from Destiny. And when I return, I can get silly with Garden Warfare 2. :D/

If I'm on and you need a doubles partner...and I'm not already in a group...ill help f'sho.

Crimson doubles does count as elimination quests which I found out last night with a crucible quest.

Edit: just realized tomorrow is v day and tWD season after that :)
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Got a natural 320 Ghost to drop last night while playing with io.  :D :D :D :D :D

Also got a 315 one.  I got one of each now.  I hate the stat rolls on both of them though, so I might keep at it.  Plus as io can attest, I've been pretty much on point.  I was melting people wtih Doctrine of Passing last night :D

They key thing Vendetta told me (unfortunately after I had run with you 100xp) is that you need to be below 311 to get a ghost shell to drop.  Apparently they drop at the next highest tier above your current light level.  So that means if you are 300-310 you get one at 310-320.  But if you are 311-320, as I was at first last night, when the drop comes, it can't produce a ghost over 320 so it simply fails to give you one.  That's some good coding there Bungie!

In any case, despite playing 12-15 rounds or so with Vendetta at 308, I still did not get a ghost.  As V posted, though, he got 2 of them.   We have a friend who played 100+ matches at 311+ without getting one and then as soon as he switched to sub-310 he got 4 within 20 matches or so.

I'll get my one guaranteed 320 ghost I suppose, but I would like to have both of them just for completion sake.  I still have one more character to run through the bounties (you do get the Fall 2015 emote for each character as I have already gotten two: Cower and Evil Scheme) so I will want to do that, at least.  Hopefully while completing the "weekly" bounty I'll also stumble upon a ghost or two.

I did manage to get both shaders pretty quickly last night.  If you put the Valentine one on a Hunter along with the Solar Flayer cloak, you are very red indeed ;).

I also determined that I want to get a Doctrine of Passing.  I would watch the other team's health bars melt away when Vendetta was using that thing.  It was ridiculous.  Though by the time I get one I'm sure they'll nerf it.

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I rarely do LFG, but I got into a good game real late last night.  HM at the Sisters and there was this kid, had to be 11 TOPS, who was actually really good.  He was our designated runner and he killed it.  We knocked out the sisters and Oryx after a few wipes.  Good run and good fun.  I didn't get drops worth getting excited about other than the raid scout at 314.  I'm a big fan of scout rifles, so that was welcome. 

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Sorry I wasn't as on point, I was exhausted. Didn't help we played people that were try harding their asses off. :bomb: :bomb:
Eh, no worries, it is all about the drops anyway. I was fading fast last night as well. This mode along with Trials requires a whole 'nother level of intensity and focus than even hard mode Raid challenges, so it is hard (for me, anyway) to keep going for multiple hours like that.

I do just need one more match to get the Crimson Glory bounty (for the free emote) so I'll be on at some point this evening if anyone wants to run more Doubles. After that, it is just for ghost shell drops and I'm not sure how many more games I can complete with a single blue item reward before just bailing on the event.

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After getting no ghosts from 30+ total matches I joined with another friend late last night and got both of the ghosts on matches 3 and 4 with her.   She got one of the shaders on that 3rd match as well.   She was having the opposite problem: got the ghosts but no shaders in 20 or so matches (which is really unusual).  I actually ended up getting a duplicate shader later but no more ghosts. 

Both of mine were at 315 which is OK.  I wasn't really looking for 320 - just wanted to have both since I'll only get one at 320 at the end.  But my sugary shell has awesome stats.  It is Int/Disc with a 32/23 roll at 315 which is pretty much the best I've ever seen.  On the other hand, my Crimson shell stats are crap.   So hopefully I get a good 320 Crimson and then I may put one of my other 320's into the Sugary Shell.

I have some nice videos that I am trying to edit into a little montage but as usual Windows Movie Maker is being a buggy piece of crap.   I wish I had thought to capure videos of all my Titan punch kills.  I don't think I've ever gotten so many in Crucible before but for whatever reason people kept running into my T-Rex arms last night ;).

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I want to thank Flacksguy with helping me run some Crimson Doubles this afternoon. I think we ended up running 9 sets of matches and I think we went 6-3 or 5-4. I ended up with a 310 Bad Juju from a 3oC drop and between the 5-6 purple engrams I got from bounties and post match rewards two turned into 310 exotics. After the first match where we lost 5-2 we did pretty solid the rest of the way. I would say about 60% of my kills were from my sticky grenades I was really wrecking with them. I had a sweet double kill with one during a match on Black Shield that was a blind throw around a corner. 

Playing the doubles has me a little interested in trying some ToO one weekend. 

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Anytime man,
That was actually way more fun than when I played earlier in the week, even though I was still pretty bad.
Would have been nice to see some ghosts drop for us.
Playing the doubles has me a little interested in trying some ToO one weekend.
If you guys want to run Trials some time I'd be up for that. There's always the chance of getting something good (armor or Doctrine of Passing) from the gold tier reward - though it always seems to give me useless artifacts instead. You don't really need to win all that often to get the bounties completed, which is a big plus from the Year 1 Trials (which didn't have the bounties). I haven't played Trials in several weeks though.

Just keep in mind that it is much more sweaty and difficult than this event. I had decent success in this event and was able to go positive K/D for the most part (except when I was playing with Vendetta as I assume we were matched up with tougher players). In Trials I rarely do that. But did they add the skill based matchmaking for Trials as well? If so, then it might be more fun than it was in the past.

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Ran one Raid late Monday and got a 320 ghost shell - my first ever from the Raid, actually.  Then I got another 315 Crimson shell (so that makes 3 at 315).

Besides the spider tank and maybe a shank or two only because they look straight out of Ghost in the Shell/Appleseed they kinda look bad (the starter ship does look cool though)...why did it take this long for them to produce toys...and releasing later this year no less.

Here's the link for anyone who's interested or just wants to see.

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*throws money at screen*

Looking forward to these. My son and I have a pretty substantial Halo Mega Bloks collection, so we will be very interested in these when they come out. Glad that Mega Bloks got the Destiny account and not Lego. Nothing against Lego, but their minifigures look like crap, and Lego sets are way overpriced. MegaBloks minifigs actually LOOK like figures.

We had another snow day today, so I got in a group this morning and finally did Vault of Glass. It was a blast. We had three guys who were experts, and three who had never done it (myself, my son & his friend) and we did it in just about an hour.
So that got me to finally finish the quest for No Time To Explain. Glad to have that done, and really fun to use it. Brings back memories of the Strangers Rifle.
....which I used quite a lot in year 1 because I rarely got good weapons back then.
If you guys want to run Trials some time I'd be up for that. There's always the chance of getting something good (armor or Doctrine of Passing) from the gold tier reward - though it always seems to give me useless artifacts instead. You don't really need to win all that often to get the bounties completed, which is a big plus from the Year 1 Trials (which didn't have the bounties). I haven't played Trials in several weeks though.

Just keep in mind that it is much more sweaty and difficult than this event. I had decent success in this event and was able to go positive K/D for the most part (except when I was playing with Vendetta as I assume we were matched up with tougher players). In Trials I rarely do that. But did they add the skill based matchmaking for Trials as well? If so, then it might be more fun than it was in the past.
Actually trials at least when you start your card should be the most casual as they changed it Connection based until you get to like 6 or so wins on your card. :D

I bought a ton of WoW Megabloks sets when they went on fire sale clearance and TRU. Stuff that was $100 were clearance down up to 90% off MSRP if you could find it. My son is going to have a field day when he can appreciate lego sized pieces in the new future.

I didn't think Lego would have been interested since they have Marvel/DC right now and probably spent all their $ on the minecraft IP. Plus Lego seems to keep to more kid friendly models. COD, Halo, WoW, and now Destiny all have guns, big weapons, and zombies.

Did they say when we're going get our 320 Crimson Double's candy ghost shell? I'm hoping today after reset.

bread's done