Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Loving connection based matchmaking this IB.  I've been on an absolute tear as io can attest to.  My buddy and I were constantly above 3.0 K/D last night after we did a semi marathon on the raid.  Got a Totem CP and ran 2 runs from totems through sisters, and 1 run from totems and beat Oryx.  That was some solid raiding last night!  :D

Got my Warlock and Hunter to Level 2.  I unfortunately will miss Thurs-Sun as I'm out of town.  I do have weeklies done on both though so it should be a breeze with multiplier and stuff to get them up to level 5.  I won't worry about my Titan unless time permitting, I can get some quick work done on Sunday night and Monday.

I know I'm on when I'm melting Doctrine users with Last Word.  I love feelling almost invincible using TLW.  Definitely my favorite gun in Destiny.  :)

Are we running anything tonight? I need to do the Nightfall and the Challenge mode at least this week.
I did end up smashing out all 3 of my Raids with Vendetta's group last night. Like he said we did 3 runs from Totems through Sisters, with the last one including an Oryx kill as well. All of that took, what, 2 1/2 hours? I ended up with 2 320 heavies and 1 320 secondary so that's not bad. I got a 318 class item and another 319 (heavy I think) along the way. I made my Dark Drinker 320 and I think I'll just complete the set and make my Bolt Caster also 320. With the secondary I made my Invective 320 for when I use a non-exotic primary in Iron Banner.

Then I did a little Iron Banner and with some already completed daily bounties and a few wins I already got one character to rank 2. I also finally finished the Smash Titan emblem quest. I only have the Defender and Nightstalker ones left and I'm not sure how much I want to play either of those classes in PvP. If I'm doing Hunter I'd much rather double-tripmine Gunsling ;). I wasn't going to do IB but it was kind of fun last night. I guess I might as well try to get the sniper and rocket launcher. I've gotten two of those rockets from my rank 5 packages in the past but the stock roll on the one he sells is better than the ones I got, at least for PvE - though I do find myself using machine guns for both PvE and non-Elimination PvP these days.

But ajh, if you want to run Nightfalls let me know - I haven't touched those yet this week and with it being Alak-Hul I'd like a shot at that elusive Titan helmet (but watch me get 3 fusion rifles like last time). I'll also help you guys with Challenge mode if you want. Just let me know.

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Well, if anyone is playing IB I thought I'd share some info.  On Saturday, the weekly bounties give almost exactly half a rank (nearly 1200 points) on your primary guy.   Then if you have the catch-up bonus (second/third characters are lower rank in IB than your first), the regular bounties give you a quarter-rank each.  So as usual, it is pretty easy to hit rank 5.

I got to rank 5 on one character and got a pretty good Nirwen's Mercy (pulse rifle) out of it: 316 light, with third eye and rangefinder.  As usual, I only had to turn in one of my weeklies to do so.  I'll be carrying two of the weekly bounties over to next time.   I think I earned these two particular bounties during the second IB of Taken King, and have held on to them through 2-3 more sessions.

I am seeing 310+ ghost shells drop for people (who are presumably at rank 4 or 5). 

I'll be playing tonight to get my other characters to rank 5.  I still need to run 2 Nightfalls if anyone wants to do that.  I used LFG for my first and ended up carrying an English kid through it after waiting 20 minutes for him to try to get his friend to join.  That was not fun.  They really do need to add matchmaking to the Nightfall.

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If I'm still on, I'll do a couple of Nightfalls, I like Alak-Hul.

Got a checkpoint at the Warpriest, so if anyone wants to do the challenge, I'm up for that. I really want that raid machine gun, so I'll do that challenge on all three characters if I have to.

Gotten two characters up to 5 so far, and only got another scout at 317 and another shotgun at 314. I'd like that pulse, thats all I need to complete the set. Got a decent roll on the sniper and rocket launcher, and got gauntlets for all three characters, so just need to level up my Warlock and I'm done.

Oh yeah, and I completed that damn thing with the Imprecation. That gun is a load of shit.
I had to boost with a friend in classic free for all, because that thing is so bad. It still took three shots to the head at point blank range to kill someone.
Dammit - missed the end of the Warriors game to clean up my kids toys.   Argh... Anyway, will be on in a few minutes to do whatever.

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Sorry io, just missed you.
I was on all day, and just couldn't do any more.

Got my Warlock up to 5 today and only got the bond at 318. However, that cool looking ship, and a 319 ghost dropped from the post game rewards. So that wasn't bad.

Also, ran through the Warpriest challenge twice and finally got my Qullim's Terminus to drop, along with more snipers and rocket launchers. So really happy to finally have that thing.
My son got two go along with his two hand cannons. Raid drops have not been kind to him.
I needed a break, I've been playing PVZ GW:2 lately, also had some freelance work added to my plate.

No doubt when I jump back into it Xur will be selling something I really want and I will lack the strange coins. haha, bastard.

Iron Banner was a nice diversion this week.   I didn't spend all that much time playing it but easily got all 3 characters to rank 5 (and, as usual, still have 2 weekly bounties left on each character).  I'm glad I did because the Nirwen's Mercy pulse rifle I got from my first rank 5 package is a beast.  It has third eye, rangefinder, and perfect balance.  I prefer it to Red Death and my Grasp of Malok.  So now I finally have a legendary primary that I feel like I can promote to 320 (and it is 316 already).

My other rank 5 items were a 314 Colovance's Duty (scout rifle) with meh perks and a 319 shotgun, also with meh perks.   The 314 primary I can use for any number of primaries I have sitting at 310.  The 319 secondary is less useful since I have a lot of things already at 320 in that slot thanks to the Warpriest challenge.  Though I could use it on the IB sniper I just got, or perhaps another 1000-yard stare.  I finally tried using snipers in PvP again and had some success (including what had to be my first ever sniper double-kill) but I feel naked without a shotgun to deal with people in close quarters.   The nice thing about my Nirwen's is that I was able to outshoot several snipers one-on-one from across the map.  Sure, they probably weren't very good snipers, but it worked nonetheless ;).

I also got my Defender emblem quest done.  The kills with Ward of Dawn were easier than I expected.  It is only 15 kills and they don't have to be multikills, though generally I'd get 2 - 4 each time anyway.   So I only have the Nightstalker emblem left - and I'm stuck on the grenade portion of that since it is so hard to kill people with the Nigthstalker grenades.  You pretty much have to hit people that are already hurt and I ended up dying too many times trying to do that so I switched back to Gunslinger for IB - it is just easier and more fun.

I didn't get a single ghost shell from rank 4 or rank 5 drops but I did see other people get them.  The drop rate is still abysmal though, as I think I only saw about 4 or 5 total with just one of those being a 320 (to the guy who finished 5th of course).  I might play a little bit more tonight for kicks but my Destiny friends list is as empty as I've ever seen it.

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Io - use smoke bombs w/the poison dot, you should be able to get credit for grenade kills for the NS quest in crucible. That's how I got mine. make sure to take the extended duration perk too for smoke/invis effects.

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I just got back into Destiny after leaving from the House of Wolves expansion and the UI and pretty much how things function is pretty smooth compared to when the game first launched. The Taken King seems to have added a bunch of quests after the story missions which is nice.

Just had a few questions that I could not find online. The year 1 exotics I have, I am assuming they are not great anymore? They are currently 160 and I am guessing you can not infuse them to 300, is that correct?

Also, those Ascendant shards and other old upgrade materials are useless now I am assuming.


Three of Coins, has is ever worked out in anyone's favor during crucible matches. No luck for me when I bought a batch from Xur and seems to work better during strikes.

Do exotic bounties pop up anymore either, it seems like were very frequent pre TKK (for me at least) or was that scraped by bungie.

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You cannot infuse Year 1 weapons, but most Year 1 exotics have Year 2 versions which drop anywhere from 280-310 light depending on circumstances. If you have the Year 1 version, you can buy the Year 2 version of that same item from the tower kiosks (located in vanguard master room) using legendary marks.

No exotic bounties, but there are exotic quest lines for certain Year 2 exotics. Basically the same deal as exotic bounties from before, but they don't take up a bounty slot.

Old ascendant materials can be traded at the Speaker for motes.
Hey all, what is going on?  Is anyone still playing?  Haven't been playing at all for the past 6 weeks or so.  Actually haven't been on CAG at all either really.  I had changed my login stuff to an email I never check when the site got hacked so wasn't even getting updates on any threads. Also started a new job where I have been travelling most weeks so really couldn't even play if I had a compelling reason to do so.

I kind of loosely followed what had been going on in the game, but as you all probably know, there hasn't been much at all to report.  Sad they have let it get to this point.  I figured they would have to come out of that month long break around the holidays with something, but the crickets are chirping and the buzzards are circling it seems waiting in vain.

Three of Coins, has is ever worked out in anyone's favor during crucible matches. No luck for me when I bought a batch from Xur and seems to work better during strikes.


They work, its just that sometimes you will have to use 5 or more before you get something. You will have good days and bad with those things. Definately keep at it though.
Crucible is good, Iron Banner was good for me....especially because you are playing many games in a day.
...and there are a couple of bosses I farm with 3oC. Eye of the Gate Lord (you can kill him, and then go right to orbit quickly and it will save the checkpoint) and there is a boss on the Dreadnaught behind a door that you have to sneak through.
I just do those every once in a while, and I have more exotics now than I need.
I actually just use them for infusion now, because once you reach 311, they are guarateed to decrypt at 310. So any doubles I get become infusion material.

I'm actually still playing. I thought I'd take a break, but that didn't seem to happen yet.
I got my First Curse this week, but I'll probably never use it. Just wanted to cross it off the list.
And then decided to work on the exotic swords, which I now have only to wait for the strike to become available on all three.
I'd also like to collect some of the raid weapons I'm missing, so I may try to get into another Oryx challenge this week, as well as totems for the fusion rifle and daughters for the shotgun.
My buddy started a few weeks back and just got to level 40 so I figured I'd help him bump his light level up, but at this point I'm not even sure the right path to go.  I guess if you stack some strange coins and marks you can get some legendaries and exotics and start pushing them up.   

What is the right pathway now if you are just starting from TTK and have nothing other than a Level 40 character at 200 light (maybe).

Big thing is to equip highest level gear as you decrypt engrams.  It improves your chances of getting higher light gear until you hit the 280s-290s.  At that point your gonna want to raid for higher light gear.

Make sure your buddy plays IB when it's available and whatever next event that doesn't gimp you based on light levels. IB always rewards you with a decent light level ghost and class item. SRL had 320 helmets and class items. S/he could also do some of the Dreadnaught quests, Eris gives a decent level class item as well 300 - 310 I think.

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Yes, Iron Banner !!!
I feel like thats what got me rolling. Getting that ghost and artifact, as well as the Rank 5 reward and all of the post game drops.
Even if he's lousy at PvP, stick it out to Rank 5, buy the shader and emblem, play on Sat and Sun for the extra buffs

Until then, I'd do strikes like crazy. I feel lke that was something else that got me going in the beginning.
Also, get to work on a sword. They are good to have.
Why haven't I been using Bad JuJu????

Reload after kills and recharge your super,
and combine that with Stormcaller whose super lasts a long time anyway, it felt like the whole strike was nothing but lightning.
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Why haven't I been using Bad JuJu????

Reload after kills and recharge your super,
and combine that with Stormcaller whose super lasts a long time anyway, it felt like the whole strike was nothing but lightning.
You should have seen it in year one. Combine bad juju with obsidian mind and void Walker. You'd never run out of supers.
If you are in the 220-280 range the Court of Oryx is also good quick way to get some blue engrams to drop to use or infuse.
Yeah, I was going to say this is the best thing if you are in the 200's. I went and did it the other day just to stack up all my Antiquated Runes. It is also a good way to get those super-scarce armor materials. It was also fun being able to solo most of it at this point (which I essentially did even when there were 2 or 3 other people there - they were pretty clueless, especially with the Tier 3 boss).

I haven't been on in a few days - actually let the Golgy challenge go on 2 of my characters this week for the first time. That is really the only one where I have a lot more stuff to infuse. Though 320 primaries or helmets are always good too. I suppose I'm kind of waiting for the increased level cap at this point. There's little to be gained in maxing out tons of alternate armor sets at 320 when it is all going to change in a month or two.

Despite all that, I'm still around and willing to play - I've just been on my PS4 (playing Dragon Quest Heroes) this week. If anyone wants to do a CAG run or whatever, just send me a message on Live (or post here - though I don't check this daily).

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Got me a brand-new Bolt-Caster and Raze-Lighter tonight.
I didn't remember that strike being so difficult when we helped soul do it. certainly didn't help that in one of the groups I was with, the guy was trying to do all three at once. ( we actually only managed two of the three)
I'll get my Dark-Drinker tomorrow maybe....I can't go through that again tonight.
We had one of each class and my NS was equipped to be an orb factory with that helmet...Io also managed to jump up on one of the lanterns and stay out of harms way for a bunch of it.

Still one of my favorite strikes because it's so different than the typical run and gun. The darkness really adds to it.

There was some kind of glitch going around tonight aj.
After we all got booted from the game, we found a couple of other guys, and we did the challenge four times perfectly, only the orbs didn't take away any health at all when we detonated them. There was another time where the shade wasn't taking any damage also.
We finally got it squared away after going to orbit and returning, but it took us a while to get it done.

I was actually just getting the checkpoint from that guy, and I decided to hang around and help hom get it done.
Glad I did because I got a Smite of Merian at 310 which I really wanted, and the Titan chest at 303, which looks pretty sweet. I have plenty of exotic chests I don't need that I can infuse that up to 310.
Got another Oryx clear in tonight, this time on my Hunter. Still didn't get the shotgun from the Daughters, and only got another scout from Oryx. Thats OK though, I was glad for the practice and I'm getting way more comfortable in the Oryx challenge. Only mistake I made was not getting back fast enough after detonating the orbs.

Still want to practice on Daughters a little more. I tried setting up a practice session this weekend, but everyone was on different schedules. I'm going to hang onto the checkpoint I have, and try to do it another time.

Tried The Division last night, and thought it was ok. Fun to wander around familier sights in NY, but not enough to pull me away from Destiny.
If you are ever running anything and need one just send me a message on Live.  I'll see that on my phone.  It's better than posting here which I don't necessarily check all that often.

I haven't touched Destiny in over a week.  I think that has to be some sort of record barring the times I was out of town and thus physically away from my Xbox.  It will hit an all-time record if I stay away from it this week.

I've been on my PS4 all week (anyone here who has one please add me there - "Odibee" like on Xbox).  I've been playing Dragon Quest Heroes - trying to get a platinum in that.  Even though I'm in the "grindy" part of that, now, I ought to have it wrapped up in under 70 hours of gameplay - sure is a world of difference from the Destiny grind ;).

I've checked a few times on my phone and it seems like everyone is playing The Division now.  I saw very little Destiny activity.

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If you are ever running anything and need one just send me a message on Live. I'll see that on my phone. It's better than posting here which I don't necessarily check all that often.

I haven't touched Destiny in over a week. I think that has to be some sort of record barring the times I was out of town and thus physically away from my Xbox. It will hit an all-time record if I stay away from it this week.

I've been on my PS4 all week (anyone here who has one please add me there - "Odibee" like on Xbox). I've been playing Dragon Quest Heroes - trying to get a platinum in that. Even though I'm in the "grindy" part of that, now, I ought to have it wrapped up in under 70 hours of gameplay - sure is a world of difference from the Destiny grind ;).

I've checked a few times on my phone and it seems like everyone is playing The Division now. I saw very little Destiny activity.
I have only played Destiny once this whole week and that was to just play 1 crucible game since Division was down for server stuff.

Gotta say with pretty much nothing worthwhile to do in Destiny and Division coming out, Bungie better put some fuck ing content out soon.

I have only played Destiny once this whole week and that was to just play 1 crucible game since Division was down for server stuff.

Gotta say with pretty much nothing worthwhile to do in Destiny and Division coming out, Bungie better put some fuck ing content out soon.
They did that Matchmaking update....
Got a little taste of Hard Mode tonight when a friend drafted me into a team trying to do the Warpriest challenge.
I srtuggled quite a bit, died a few times, messed up the aura because the adds were hiding and missed the tether twice. It just wasn't my night so I bowed out and let them find someone who had done it before.
Oh well, I had told my friend I didn't feel ready for Hard Mode. I'm fine with Normal.

Just going to try and get the shotgun from the Daughters this week.
New content April 12th. I guess we'll see everyone back on then:
Excited to see new content, but I see the Taken guardians in the picture are all wearing PoE armor Think we'll get to fight a level 45 Taken Skolas? That sounds like fun. :wall:

But really, if they update PoE, VoG, and CE I will be thrilled I'd really love to have a reason to play those again Although on April 12th I will probably still be a bit busy with Quantum Break.

Glad they finally announced something.  I guess we will see how good this new content is in the coming weeks on the twitch reveals.  If they want max excitement they need to bring back the guy who was screaming and yelling like a little girl during the prison of elders twitch reveal before HoW launched...

For some reason I want to play so I might run some stuff tonight with my friend who is trying to get his Light level up.  If anyone is around send me a message.

F'in' Daughters man.....
I don't know what is is about me and the Daughters, but groups that I'm in always have problems with the Daughters.
Got in a group tonight, and all six of us were taking turns making small mistakes that ended up causing a wipe. I mean, we all knew what to do, it was just stupid stuff. Which was exactly what happened on Friday, when I got in another group.

Oh well, good practice though.

I did level up my Sunsinger all the way, so now I just need to finish my Bladedancer and then Voidwalker, which I haven't even started.
F'in' Daughters man.....
I don't know what is is about me and the Daughters, but groups that I'm in always have problems with the Daughters.
Got in a group tonight, and all six of us were taking turns making small mistakes that ended up causing a wipe. I mean, we all knew what to do, it was just stupid stuff. Which was exactly what happened on Friday, when I got in another group.

Oh well, good practice though.
I hate nights like that, but I've had many. There have been a lot of times when my group is just cruising through the raid and then we just seem to get stuck. Sometimes it's at the Daughters, sometimes it's someplace else. A few weeks ago, we got hung up at the WarPriest, of all places. We made 4 attempts and every time, there were a series of stupid mistakes that left everyone dead. it was weird, but we just decided it wasn't our night. Same group got together the next night and we took WP down on the first try. It was strange.

I am travelling for work this week so I figured I'd stop in here to see what people were saying about the twitch stream today.  Then I realized it wasn't until tomorrow. :beer:  They are spamming me with emails about it.  Hope they bring something good to the table tomorrow. 

No one's mentioned it but here's some info on the update

New strike-taken archon priest

New questline-Malok

Max light of 335

Level 41 PoE-gets you up to 320 and has matchmaking

Level 42 PoE-gets you up to 335, no Matchmaking

KF raid rewards getting upgrades

Normal gives 320 gear

Hard gives 330 gear

Court of Oryx-dropping 335 artifacts.

I'm pretty happy with the news of the update.
I liked Prison or Elders, and I like that they're going to do away with keys for the updated version, and let you loot the chests as manh times as you want. Everything sounds great, looking forward to the 12th.
I'm not super excited over this update, but I suppose it's good enough.  The new strike is welcome, but PoE isn't a huge draw for me. Maybe it will be more fun than I remember.

I'm not super excited over this update, but I suppose it's good enough. The new strike is welcome, but PoE isn't a huge draw for me. Maybe it will be more fun than I remember.
If it had Matchmaking I'd be more excited. The Division has spoiled me with how easy it is to join another group for a task.
Renegade Moose said:
If it had Matchmaking I'd be more excited. The Division has spoiled me with how easy it is to join another group for a task.
Level 41 PoE (for 320 light level stuff) has matchmaking but the level 42 one doesn't.

The other thing mentioned in the more detailed write-ups I've read is that the PoE will be non-repeating challenges over 4 months. So it might be possible to miss out on things. We'll need more details on that to be sure.

In any case, I'll fire Destiny up when all this stuff drops - but probably not at all before then. After getting a platinum on Dragon Quest Heroes, I've moved on to The Witcher. I was just going to start playing Witcher 3, but then I saw that Witcher 2 was a BC title on Xbox One and at some point I had bought the digital version. So I figured I should play that first. Man, the graphics are hard to take, but I am having fun with it regardless.
Level 41 PoE (for 320 light level stuff) has matchmaking but the level 42 one doesn't.

The other thing mentioned in the more detailed write-ups I've read is that the PoE will be non-repeating challenges over 4 months. So it might be possible to miss out on things. We'll need more details on that to be sure.

In any case, I'll fire Destiny up when all this stuff drops - but probably not at all before then. After getting a platinum on Dragon Quest Heroes, I've moved on to The Witcher. I was just going to start playing Witcher 3, but then I saw that Witcher 2 was a BC title on Xbox One and at some point I had bought the digital version. So I figured I should play that first. Man, the graphics are hard to take, but I am having fun with it regardless.
I know, but as of right now The Division has Matchmaking for EVERYTHING. Well, except dark zone I guess. It makes grouping up so much easier when you have limited time. If Bungie were to add that it would go such a long way for me. I still enjoy almost everything else better in Destiny.

The Witcher 2 was a games with gold title a while back and then they just gave it away for no reason recently. If I ever find time I'll probably go through that too.
Renegade Moose said:
The Witcher 2 was a games with gold title a while back and then they just gave it away for no reason recently. If I ever find time I'll probably go through that too.
Yeah, this was after I bought the Enhanced Edition physical copy (cheap: forget where or how much though), and then bought the digital version for like $10 I think. So I kind of felt that I needed to play it at some point and when I saw it was BC that cinched it.
did they mention of SRL was coming back anytime soon? not sure why I enjoyed that so much, I have mario kart and that's one of the best racing games for me :D

bread's done