Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I have one more character to run through poe and 1 nightfall if anyone wants to run tonight.  Probably done for the week after that.

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I ran a bunch of CoE last night and got some great drops.  i got 3 ghosts (329/330/330) and some 328 armor pieces for infusion (because I hate that PoE armor).  My weapon drops were 329/330/330, but they were all freakin' sidearms...I guess Variks really wants me to use sidearms more.

If anyone is up for a Raid this evening I might try to LFG at least one. I've had decent luck from PoE and faction packages and have 2 chars at 328 an one at 329 without having even done the Raid yet this week. But the one item that is really holding me back is the heavy weapon. I'm still at 320 there, so I'm hoping the Warpriest comes through for me. Really I'd be happy just doing Warpriest and Golgoroth. I've gotten plenty of high level class items so I don't need to go through daughters. And it seems like all my faction packages are giving me 329 or 330 primary weapons now.

Don't forget the Gunsmith. He's pretty easy to level up and he was giving me 330 stuff last night (at character level 328).
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If I'm on feel free to invite me I'll run through it again if you need someone.

I ended up going up 12 points this week from 319 to 331. I got a 335 & 334 Ghosts from CoE plus a 335 Warlock Bond. I also got a 335 Telesto from a 3oC.

So I'm glad I got 2 Raids in at the last minute tonight (finished the second one an hour before reset). I'm also glad I waited till the end of the week. I was hesitant to go back to LFG because it's been a while, but both runs went pretty smoothly and I was able to start at the Warpriest for both.

I had used level 42 PoE (ghosts, class items, primaries/secondaries), House of Judgement rank-ups (primaries/secondaries), Court of Oryx (artifacts), and faction/crucible/vanguard/gunsmith rank-ups (anything) to get myself from 319/320 at the start of the week to 328 by today.

After just 2 Raids, I am able to make all 3 of my guys (if I share the weapons) 323/324. I wasn't expecting such a bonanza from the Raid. And apparently it was even patched such that the normal Raid stuff no longer drops over 320 (though I swear I got at least one normal item at 334). If I had played before the patch I would be swimming in high-end gear. As it was, I got way more than normal from a Raid. On the second run I didn't even have enough moldering shards at Oryx for the extra drop and had really considered bailing before then. But I got at least 3 good drops from that. Many times in the past, I've gotten nothing but shards there.

I only ever did get one 320+ heavy weapon (a 333) - and it came from Oryx, not the Warpriest. But on my second run I got at least 4 335 items (chest, class item, primary, artifact, and maybe one other). And I got an engram that turned into a 335 Telesto.

I really should have kept track of the drops because it was so overwhelming. On Golgoroth one time I was happy with what he dropped (because I got 3 or 4 things just from him) and then, oh yeah, there was the challenge chest too!

Right now the only PvE armor I don't have over 330 is my Hunter's gloves (which are at 328 I think). I can now start working on the PvP gear and some of the Spektar/Taken stuff. And now, all of a sudden, my lowest overall slot is my ghost shell. That used to be my strength with all those 320 ones I got from the second Taken King Iron Banner.

I'm just hanging out till reset to see what I can get then!
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So when i logged in this morning I got a "Expired Elders' Sigil" to pop up when the orbit screen first showed up. I completed my sigil last week with the 30000/90000 did I screw up and not turn it in or something?

So when i logged in this morning I got a "Expired Elders' Sigil" to pop up when the orbit screen first showed up. I completed my sigil last week with the 30000/90000 did I screw up and not turn it in or something?
I haven't signed on yet today, but I don't think you screwed up. There's no way to "turn it in". It's just that the sigil is only good for one week. You buy a new one each week from Variks.
ajh2298 said:
So when i logged in this morning I got a "Expired Elders' Sigil" to pop up when the orbit screen first showed up. I completed my sigil last week with the 30000/90000 did I screw up and not turn it in or something?
Nah - all of mine expired too. You just have to get a new one each week.

So I thought one of the complaints I read online was that it would take 12 weeks to get Taken gear for each character if you didn't buy it. Because you are supposed to get 1 each week and with 4 slots for 3 characters that is 12 weeks..

Well, BS. I opened all 3 of my packages (free one, Level 41 PoE, and weekly crucible) on my Warlock and didn't get a single piece of Taken gear. I did get THREE spectar gloves, TWO spectar bonds, and spectar boots for the Hunter. So that's some grade A bullshit there. I thought I'd get different stuff at least and also one piece of Taken gear.

Is there another way to get a Sterling Treasure per week, or is that it? At least it only takes an hour tops to get those 3 each week.

If anyone wants to run the Level 42 PoE this evening let me know. It might be a little more challenging this week as the bonus is on grenade kills as opposed to headshots.
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Also the middle boss in the Level 42 is a little different. There are three different shielded Psion Flares and you have to take them down one at a time. After you kill the first Flare you can damage the boss a little bit than he is immune till you kill the next one do more boss damage than kill the third than finish him off.
No the real BS is they screwed me out of two of my stinkin' packages.
I only got one this morning, and I did the crucible and 41 poe last week. I'm already over the stupid packages, since all I get is spektar helmets.
I don't want the taken gear that badly anyway.
I'm now 333 1/2 just missing a better heavy, gloves, and boots. Did the raid todayand the only part that trolled me was the Warpriest. I must of had 8-9 drops from Oryx with the challenge mode and 20+ shard bonus.

Flacksguy said:
No the real BS is they screwed me out of two of my stinkin' packages.
I only got one this morning, and I did the crucible and 41 poe last week. I'm already over the stupid packages, since all I get is spektar helmets.
I don't want the taken gear that badly anyway.
You only get one "free" one per week. You should have gotten the PoE and crucible ones as drops on the reward screen of those events - not the following week.

And I just did an Internet search and that is indeed the only way to get Sterling Treasures without paying real money for them.

1) Free each week at your post
2) Reward at the end of the level 41 PoE
3) Reward at the end of your first weekly (or daily?) crucible match

The spektar stuff can be for any class, but IF you get Taken (Desolate) armor, it will be for the class you opened the package on. So I was right to open all 3 of my packages on my Warlock since I had the Taken boots for her already. I was just really, really, unlucky that I not only didn't get a piece of Taken armor, but instead got 3 duplicate Warlock Spektar gloves and 2 duplicate Spektar bonds. How is that for some crappy-ass RNG? Apparently there are ships and sparrows too. Given that the Spektar stuff can be for any class and there are all those other items as well, it was extremely bad luck to get 3 duplicates in 3 packages.
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No the real BS is they screwed me out of two of my stinkin' packages.
I only got one this morning, and I did the crucible and 41 poe last week. I'm already over the stupid packages, since all I get is spektar helmets.
I don't want the taken gear that badly anyway.
You screwed yourself out of 1, apparently. The one waiting at the postmaster was your free one for the week. The people who didn't get theirs at reset last week had it delivered yesterday morning at 10 A.M. Pacific. If you didn't get on and claim it yesterday, it expired.
FYI when you break down a piece of Spektar gear you get a chroma, even if you hadn't used a chroma on it before. I got a yellow chroma back from breaking down gloves with a white chroma slot.
You screwed yourself out of 1, apparently. The one waiting at the postmaster was your free one for the week. The people who didn't get theirs at reset last week had it delivered yesterday morning at 10 A.M. Pacific. If you didn't get on and claim it yesterday, it expired.
No, I got that one yesterday.
I'm talking about the three I was supposed to get today. At reset, I was supposed to get a free one, one for the Crucible and one for PoE, and I only had one waiting for me.
Flacksguy said:
No, I got that one yesterday.
I'm talking about the three I was supposed to get today. At reset, I was supposed to get a free one, one for the Crucible and one for PoE, and I only had one waiting for me.
But yeah, there's only ever going to be one waiting for you. The other two you get when you play those activities. You get the crucible and level 41 PoE Sterling Treasures at the reward screen.

So, yeah, I spent WAY too much time playing Destiny Tuesday night. I started in the early evening doing a Level 42 PoE run with Simosaurus. Then, just as I was about to take a break for a while, Vendetta wanted to do a Raid. That turned into 2 Raids, 3 Nightfalls, and another PoE run. Add in another hour of Vault cleaning and it was a bit too much ;). But I'm going to be pretty busy this week so I'm glad I got that much done.

My Warlock is at 335 and the other two are 334 1/2. I still want to run my last PoE card and do that last Raid but I have lots of time now to get them done.
You screwed yourself out of 1, apparently. The one waiting at the postmaster was your free one for the week. The people who didn't get theirs at reset last week had it delivered yesterday morning at 10 A.M. Pacific. If you didn't get on and claim it yesterday, it expired.
To be fair, giving people one day as a fix for their screw up is kind of shitty.

I managed to get the waning star ship from one of my packages. I was pretty excited to get that. Then just some more helmets...

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Renegade Moose said:
I managed to get the waning star ship from one of my packages. I was pretty excited to get that. Then just some more helmets...
My 3 sets of duplicate gloves wave longingly at your awesome helmets.
Managed to fill my sigil for the first time. Got a ton of ghosts even though I couldn't get one in the raid. Unfortunately all are under 320. I did manage to get a Queenbreaker's Bow on my last run which seems really nice. And some better boots. All in all not bad and not so time consuming.

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I have been away this week, but would probably be interested in playing tonight. Need to do everything but would do whatever.  Want to at least get a few things done this week.  If anyone is playing let me know.

All I have left to do for the week is one more Raid and weekly Crucible stuff on 2 guys. But I'd be up for PoE farming with you guys. I don't mind getting more House of Judgement rep. I really like the auto rifle from Variks and I've gotten 2 so far - but would like to farm for one with better perks. Would also like to get a better pulse and the scout, which I haven't gotten at all. I'm going to see Jungle Book with my kids at 7 Pacific, but I'll be on after that (so more like 9:30-10 Pacific).

So if you want to farm PoE I'll use a rep booster (that lasts 2 hours). I also haven't gotten a Queenbreaker Bow yet, and could always use more 335 ghosts and class items. And now that you get exp from the enemies in PoE, I can also level up some alternate armor.

I've gotten my Warlock and Titan to 335, and my Hunter just needs to upgrade a couple of slots from 334. So other than that, now my hunt is for good PvP waapons, some gloves that provide different speed reload perk, and all the Spektar/Taken stuff. Oh, and shaders from Crucible/Vanguard. I got my first shader from a Vanguard strike in a long time last night. I'm wondering if you have to play the regular Vanguard list and not the heroic, because that's when I got it. Considering the regular playlist is much quicker to get through and you can also farm exotics and strike-specific items I might just run those from now on when I'm not doing anything else.
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Made 34 1/2 this morning, got lucky with a yellow boot engram dropping at 335 from a random Taken boss on Earth. Now all I need are 335 gauntlets and I will be set.

I finished up 3 raid runs last night.  One nice thing about this new content is that it has brought a lot of skilled players back to the LFG sites. Had no issues getting Oryx challenge mode clears done in a couple runs.  Finally had some 335s start to drop for me including 3 primaries from my last oryx clear, a couple ghosts, a secondary,  an artifact and some legs.  Still need some help with the other armor pieces, but might decode some exotics and hope for a boost there.

Still have CoE, NF and Heroic Strikes this week so those might drop a bump in light.  

Made 335 last night with a lucky 335 exotic glove engram drop via a 3oC during the CoE. But other than that my luck has been crap with the drops. I must have ran 25-30 Level 42 CoE popping a 3oC each time. I might have ended up with 3 exotic engrams. Also for post match rewards I only got 2 Queenbrakers Bows, and one Lord of Wolves.
YMMV as always on an LFG run, though. I had great runs last week on Sunday/Monday getting two Raids done from the Warpriest checkpoint.

But last night I tried to get one in and got in a group with an endless talker (and, apparently, Vaper, if that is the correct word). He was trying to get 2 buddies through who not only hadn't completed the Oryx challenge, but hadn't beaten him on Hard OR even Normal yet. And one of the other randos was the same way. We struggled to get to Oryx from Warpriest - took about an hour and a half. Then we spent at least 2 hours trying to beat Oryx. The frustrating thing was that we got close a few times. One time we had 3 blights stacked up and a guy let his Knight through to eat one of the stacks on the last run, and then he died. One guy kept dying over and over. Eventually, around 4am, I had to bail.

I got pretty much hosed on rewards up to that point. I got an exotic from the chest, but it came at 334 (despite me being a solid 335). Same with some boots from Golgoroth. My only 335 items were a cloak from Sisters and a 3 of Coins exotic drop from the Shade. I got a single 320 heavy from the Warpriest. I really need to make sure I hit that challenge 3 times next week as I have so many more heavy weapons to upgrade than anything else at this point.

But I'd still really like to knock off Oryx since I have 20 shards on this guy (which I did not have when I beat him earlier in the week). I've heard people say they got like 4 primaries from him - I got none last time (though I did get a helmet). I'd really like to get this done if anyone is up for a quick Oryx kill tonight before reset.
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If you can get a decent group together and need a sixth for Oryx send me a invite. I should be on for a little bit tonight and don't mind running it again if it's quick.
Renegade Moose said:
Anybody interested in a CoE run? I'm not having any luck with LFG.
You mean PoE? I'm up for it - but it might be a little late for you now. Just send me a Live message if you are on and want to get it done now. Otherwise I will be on a little after 10pm Pacific and am up for anything (PoE, Raid, Iron Banner, etc).

I got one run done via LFG right after reset last night. It is melee kills this week and not too hard either.

SO I opened all 3 of my Sterling Treasures for the week on my Titan this time (as opposed to the last 6 that I opened on my Warlock). I finally got another piece of Taken gear, but it was the stupid boots for the Titan. I also got the Spektar helm and another pair of Spektar gloves for the Titan (which I also got last week). I only ever got like 2 extra things so the game was even stingy with the chromas and stuff this time.

So in 9 packages I've gotten Warlock boots and Titan boots for Taken gear - that's it. And no ships or sparrows either.

On the flip side, I did finally get the Walkabout shader from a Crucible match. It is a perfect match for the Void flayer cloak.

I still have 2 PoE runs, 3 raids, and a whole lotta Iron Bannering to do this week - starting tonight. I'll be on late as I have to take my Mom to the airport at 5:30 and I'm not going to bother going to sleep before that.
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Thanks for the offer. I did manage to get it done after trying to find a group for an hour and a half.

I still have one package to get/open. Managed to get my fourth spektar helmet for my warlock. At least I'm not having your luck.

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Had a frustrating run of Iron Banner matches last night where I lost 4-5 in a row by scores of about 10000 to 9800. I also noticed, as I played until 5:30 AM Pacific, that the competition started off super sweaty in the middle of the night, then got progressively easier as it started to be morning on the East Coast. I was steadily moving up the board in each match. The problem was that my teammates, of course, became steadily worse, so it never seemed to make much difference in the final scores. At least in the later matches I felt like I was making a difference (and definitely doing more than my share) and could have pulled out a few of them if, for example, my last second Fist of Havoc hit all 3 of those guys instead of just 1...

I really need to try to play mid-day but I have a lot of work to make up ;).

I have already gotten a 335 rocket launcher and 335 boots as drops, though, in about 10 matches. I've seen others get the class items and auto rifle. So stuff is definitely dropping at a decent rate well before anyone ranks up much. I've also seen the Crucible shaders drop (a last place guy in one match got Yesternight - grrrr), which I'm pretty sure hasn't happened in Iron Banner before.

In any case, if you are looking to gain light levels, it looks like IB is a decent way to do it, at least for those particular slots (heavy, primary, boots, class item, and whatever the other armor piece is). Presumably ghosts drop, too, though I didn't see any last night.

I still need to hit rank 5 to get that stock Haakon's Hatchet - that thing looks like a beast.
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I've played about 20 matches so far and got a 335 pair of boots that are sniper/rocket which are perfect for me. Also had 3 bonds drop at 335 each and 3 rocket launches one at 335 and two at 334. 

I've played about 20 matches so far and got a 335 pair of boots that are sniper/rocket which are perfect for me. Also had 3 bonds drop at 335 each and 3 rocket launches one at 335 and two at 334.
Good lord - 7 drops in 20 matches is fantastic. The one spot I am lacking in 334-335 stuff is heavy weapons, so hopefully I can get that many RLs to drop - got all those swords and stuff to upgrade ;).

I suppose I should LFG a few Warpriest challenges too - don't need to bother with the rest of the Raid so much. The ability for exotics to drop at 335 makes trolling Oryx for high-level primaries and helms much less necessary. I like it. I may only bother with Oryx on challenge weeks.
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I might have stretched that 20 number a little bit but I know I haven't played more than 25. It kind of angers me now when things drop at 334 and not 335. 

Also I got a "Final Duty" pulse rifle to drop out of a Variks package at 334 with Outlaw and Spray and Play as the main perks and with Perfect Balance or Braced Frame in the third row. Tried it out a little bit in IB and dont know if I like it or not. It seems to melt if I land all head shots but even with the stability maxed it seems to float to much.

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Aside from some Crimson stuff and SRL, I haven't played much since December.  Yesterday was my first time doing a raid again in 4 months.  It was awkward because my timing was off (like during the second jump puzzle) and I had forgotten a lot of things (like what the Warpriest challenge was), but the drops were so much more satisfying.  Should've been like this from the start.  It's so nice not getting a 303 ghost shell when you are already a 317.  Makes so much more sense to get things that are mostly higher than your light level.  I did get one awkward drop though at the daughters -- it was a 310 when I was playing as a 320.  At every other checkpoint, the items were all > 320 (iirc) so not sure if this 310 was intentional or a glitch (I was doing the hard raid).

Did around 10 games of Iron Banner and got 2 good drops -- the auto rifle and class item.  Both immediately infused into something.

Moving forward, they should keep the way drops work right now (> than your light level).  If they want to keep people grinding, then just increase the light level gains between updates.  So instead of 320 -> 335, make it 320 -> 350 or something.  It accomplishes the same thing (pulls people into playing every week to level up), but with drops being ~5 levels over your current light level, playing feels a lot more satisfying.

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gogomo said:
At every other checkpoint, the items were all > 320 (iirc) so not sure if this 310 was intentional or a glitch (I was doing the hard raid).
That's odd. I've gotten 320 stuff, which is disappointing enough, but it is the "Normal" mode items dropping in hard (like I got a 320 ghost shell from Totems last night).

In other news, I'm trying to buy enough for free shipping in the Best Buy sale and I'm tempted by the $7.99 Destiny for PS4. Yeah, it is the plain vanilla game. I'm wondering how that would even work now. What do you get to do in it? It must be an odd mash of original story levels plus newer gear. Like do you get the Sterling Treasures with vanilla Destiny? It's so odd that it is even a thing any more. Too bad Taken King isn't that price - I'd be all over it ;).
That's odd. I've gotten 320 stuff, which is disappointing enough, but it is the "Normal" mode items dropping in hard (like I got a 320 ghost shell from Totems last night).

In other news, I'm trying to buy enough for free shipping in the Best Buy sale and I'm tempted by the $7.99 Destiny for PS4. Yeah, it is the plain vanilla game. I'm wondering how that would even work now. What do you get to do in it? It must be an odd mash of original story levels plus newer gear. Like do you get the Sterling Treasures with vanilla Destiny? It's so odd that it is even a thing any more. Too bad Taken King isn't that price - I'd be all over it ;).
I'm pretty sure sterling packages require the taken king.

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You really want to do the grind again on PS4?  I have to admit I thought about it a couple times, but that was a long time ago.  I always came up with excuses not to do it and glad I didn't.   I am enjoying the expansion though.  

I have had decent drops in iron banner so far.  Is the rank 5 drop a guaranteed 335? 

Man, by the time I get my last character up to Rank 5, I am DONE with multiplayer.
I haven't been turning in the weeklys though, so its been taking a bit longer. I am holding those in case of a week where I can't find the time to play, and I can just turn those in on the last day and still get my stuff.

So the part of the weekly where you have to get the highest score out of everybody....Got it on my Titan and Warlock no problem, but I've had those bounties since Jan, and still haven't gotten it on my Hunter.
Last night, I'm playing as a Gunslinger, and I'm having one of those games where everything is going right, and I'm like almost a 1000 points ahead of everyone with 2 mins left, and we're closing in on 10000.....
Yep, I lose contact with Destiny servers. The ONLY time all week I've lost connection.
...I give up.

Finally got Nirwins Mercy so now that completes my Iron Banner collection, and also got two snipers. Was nice to get some of the rocket launchers and auto rifles and class items after matches. The drops were really good, and leveling up my crucible rank got me some good drops also.
Can you also hold on to and turn in the IB daily bounties the next time it rolls around? I am already at rank 5 and still have the three weekly plus the 3 dailies from today.

I got a ton of bonds at 334-335 and a lot of 334-335 Rocket Launchers. I think I got 2 AR's one at 334 and one at 335 both with crap perks. I also got two sets of 335 legs. My rank 5 reward was the sniper at 335 with the worst scopes and perks.

I did buy the IB vendor AR and I can't get the hang of it to use it good enough in the crucible.
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Finally had a Iron Ghost Shell drop for me as a post game reward during IB at 335. This isnt just my first shell drop this IB but its the first I ever had in all of them that I played in.

Also beyond annoyed when things drop at 334 now and not 335 when your character is a solid 335. I must have used thirty 3oC this IB and every exotic I got was either for another class at 334 or a weapon at 334. Also it really sucks when you play only as a warlock and you get an exotic boot engram 2-3 times. I only use two pair of boots the IB ones I just got with sniper/rocket ammo and my raid boots for the agility bonus when you run the relic and they are both 335 already

Also I have had no luck all week in getting in a LFG group for an hard mode Oryx clear. Even on Tuesday there were never enough people looking for a group or the people looking were only missing a titan and couldnt use me. I did do the Warpriest challenge with no problem but the group I was with fell apart during Golgroth. It seems now with the groups I find nobody wants to take the gaze or they screw up trying to drop the pool orb and grap the gaze at the same time. Also people always screw up when they get the unstable light and dont leave the pool. I hate to see how hard it will be to get a good group to run the Gogo challenge mode this week.

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Can you also hold on to and turn in the IB daily bounties the next time it rolls around? I am already at rank 5 and still have the three weekly plus the 3 dailies from today.
I've been holding on to two of the weekly bounties on all 3 characters for several months now. The only weekly I turn in is the 7 wins/13 completions one. Like Flacksguy I keep them in reserve for an IB week when I can't play or don't feel like playing. That was not this week.

I like the more frequent post-match drops. I got enough RL's to buy THREE of the vendor ones and immediately infuse them up to 335 with the post-game ones (which all had worse perks of course). I really hate switching items around, especially with the app not updating in real time like it used to.

However, my rank 5 rewards were utter garbage. On my first two, I got boots and the class item. I feel like they should exclude that week's vendor/game reward items from the rank 5 package. That should be for other random items only. I really, really don't need boots as I already have multiple 334+ for each char. And there's really only a need for 2 pairs of boots on each guy (one with machine gun ammo perk and one with RL ammo perk). I could use more of just about every other armor type though.

My 3rd reward was a crappy perk shotgun at 334 (even though I was 335 when I redeemed it). So, yeah, 335 is not guaranteed even if you are 335.

I didn't get a single ghost shell from any post-game drops. But then I got a 335 one from Totems on a late-week Raid run last night!

Also beyond annoyed when things drop at 334 now and not 335 when your character is a solid 335. I must have used thirty 3oC this IB and every exotic I got was either for another class at 334 or a weapon at 334. Also it really sucks when you play only as a warlock and you get an exotic boot engram 2-3 times. I only use two pair of boots the IB ones I just got with sniper/rocket ammo and my raid boots for the agility bonus when you run the relic and they are both 335 already

Also I have had no luck all week in getting in a LFG group for an hard mode Oryx clear. Even on Tuesday there were never enough people looking for a group or the people looking were only missing a titan and couldnt use me. I did do the Warpriest challenge with no problem but the group I was with fell apart during Golgroth. It seems now with the groups I find nobody wants to take the gaze or they screw up trying to drop the pool orb and grap the gaze at the same time. Also people always screw up when they get the unstable light and dont leave the pool. I hate to see how hard it will be to get a good group to run the Gogo challenge mode this week.
Yeah, it seems to be about 50-50 that you'll get a 334 vs. a 335 once you are 335.

As or the Raid, we did one late last night and had to LFG for 2 spots. It went pretty smoothly all things considered. I had almost given up on getting my 3rd one done for the week. I am getting tired of raiding though. I'm hoping we can just knock out the Golgy challenge 3 times in a row early this week and be done with it. Like I said earlier, there's much less need to beat Oryx now that you can get exotic helms and primaries at 335.

I really do feel my play time decreasing once again until they come up with more content. I'll get the Sterling treasures each week as I only have 2 total pieces of Taken gear (from 9 packages). I'll also probably do the level 42 PoE to complete the Variks armor/weapon set.

Beyond that, the only other thing I'd like to do is collect the Trials armor and make one lighthouse trip. But I haven't done Trials in a long time - got no one to do that with. It is frustrating, though, knowing that a lot more crappier PvP players than me are getting carried to the Lighthouse. I'd need to be carried, make no mistake - but I feel like I can contribute to it at least somewhat! My one and only attempt to make a run being carried was with a guy trying to do a double-carry. We got to 7 wins before losing, so I know it ought to be possible with 2 really good players.
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Finally got another piece of Taken gear on my 3rd Sterling treasure for the week after getting Hunter Spektar boots on the first two (which I already had from a previous week). So that makes 3 pieces of Taken gear total in 12 Sterling Treasures. If I had spent the $2 per treasure on those I'd be pretty pissed.

On the flip side, somehow I've gotten a complete set of Keeper's (Variks) gear for both my Hunter and Titan. Unlike the Spektar stuff, that seems to be guaranteed to be different every time as I have yet to get a duplicate piece. I'd probably have the full set for my Warlock, too, but I think I used a helm for infusion the first week - definitely wish now that I hadn't done that.

Looking to run Golgy challenge x 3 as quick as possible tonight and be done with stuff for the week other than maybe some Crucible for kicks (and the weekly Crucible bounty).
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bread's done