Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I'm 1 for 12 as far as getting Taken gear out of the three weekly treasure boxes. All I got so far is the boots and that's it.
I'm 1 for 12 as far as getting Taken gear out of the three weekly treasure boxes. All I got so far is the boots and that's it.
I got lucky and managed to get the gloves and boots I needed this week. I now have a full set. Just need the gear I want to sacrifice to the I fusion gods.

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I caved and bought a few boxes the other day.
Meh, I've been playing it pretty much every day, so I don't mind making a donation towards the next dlc.

I just need the Taken Chestpiece, and I'll have a complete set on my Titan....which is the only set I wanted anyway.

Challenge of Elders is great, I am enjoying the heck out of that. I haven't really had any interest in doing the raid since that came along.
Had a bad LFG experience for the Raid last night. Got in a group at the beginning and it took like 45 minutes just to get started. They were chatting and messing around getting a 6th. Finally we got in there and did Totems and Warpriest after only a wipe or two each time which wasn't too bad. But one guy kept going AFK at the beginning of each part so we'd start, then have to wipe and find out what he was doing. When he would communicate it would sound like he was using his Kinect from down inside a well.

Then, finally, on Golgoroth, we had a wipe followed by what looked like it might have been a smooth run. Then one guy got dropped and two others left so the group broke up. So all in all I spent 1 1/2 - 2 hours just to GET to Golgoroth. At least I got a 335 shell out of the Totems - otherwise it was a complete waste (besides the shell all I got was a 320 fusion and 320 rocket launcher - which were instantly dismantled).

The good news, I guess, is that I have a Golgy checkpoint if anyone wants to run it. I'm not optimistic on getting it done via LFG. I feel like that is the hardest of the 3 challenges to do with randos just because of all the coordination involved.
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I'll be on tonight if you need someone to raid. I've only done the Gogo challenge and would like to do the 3 other main parts. And I don't mind helping out on Gogo if anyone needs it.
Was happy to get three artifacts from Court of Oryx the other day. All were 333, and before that all I had were a 323 and some 320s.
So now all of my characters have a decent level artifact.

Had a blast in a support role with my Hunter in Challenge of Elders, making tons of orbs with Black Hole, Telesto, Skyburners Annex and a sword. We easily went over 90,000 after two runs.
I think I've gotten nearly everything I can get from sterling packages except spektar boots. I even ran Court of Oryx and got a 325 artifact right off the bat. That was followed by a 326. My light is at 320 for now until I get higher chest armor.

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I'm stuck at 329 and need >325 helmet and artifact.  I could use a good crew to run CoO with and I need to get back in with a regular raid crew, as well. 

I'm stuck at 329 and need >325 helmet and artifact. I could use a good crew to run CoO with and I need to get back in with a regular raid crew, as well.
I just hit 322. CoO is super easy this week. Just took two runs. I would like to get a regular group together too. maybe Tuesday nights? I haven't played the raid in ages. It is nice that I can slowly make progress just a little time each week.

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Hit 335/335/334 on my characters after a couple partial raid runs last week and have not played much since then.  I had been holding all my exotics until I was as high LL as possible so I was able to get a number of 335s to help me max out my other characters.  I did have some pretty good RNG luck in raids that helped me max out quickly.  

I only ran CoE the first two weeks and have just dabbled in it since.  Most weeks by the time I got around to playing that mode it was close to reset and I didn't want to bother going LFG route.  

Pretty much given up on getting a full taken set from the sterling treasures.  I keep getting the same spektar drops over and over even when focusing only on my warlock.  I think I have 2 pieces of the taken set after this month...

Are you guys still playing much?  I'd probably be down to do some CoE if people are doing that weekly.

Hit 335/335/334 on my characters after a couple partial raid runs last week and have not played much since then. I had been holding all my exotics until I was as high LL as possible so I was able to get a number of 335s to help me max out my other characters. I did have some pretty good RNG luck in raids that helped me max out quickly.

I only ran CoE the first two weeks and have just dabbled in it since. Most weeks by the time I got around to playing that mode it was close to reset and I didn't want to bother going LFG route.

Pretty much given up on getting a full taken set from the sterling treasures. I keep getting the same spektar drops over and over even when focusing only on my warlock. I think I have 2 pieces of the taken set after this month...

Are you guys still playing much? I'd probably be down to do some CoE if people are doing that weekly.
That's about all I run for now since it is so quick. Then the things to get sterling packages.

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chubbyninja1319 said:
I'm stuck at 329 and need >325 helmet and artifact. I could use a good crew to run CoO with and I need to get back in with a regular raid crew, as well.
Go to Court of Oryx and use an Antiquated Rune and you are guaranteed a better artifact. If you need help with that let me know and I'll run it with you. Hell, the artifact was the very first thing I got at 335 (the first week of the latest expansion) even before I ran the Raid. Or do the Raid next week when it is Warpriest Challenge and get a 335 one.

Renegade Moose said:
I just hit 322. CoO is super easy this week. Just took two runs. I would like to get a regular group together too. maybe Tuesday nights? I haven't played the raid in ages. It is nice that I can slowly make progress just a little time each week.
Are you guys still playing much? I'd probably be down to do some CoE if people are doing that weekly.
I assume when you guys are saying CoO you mean CoE right? CoO = Court of Oryx on the Dreadnaught. CoE = Challenge of Elders in Prison of Elders. That's why I usually call it the Level 42 PoE ;).

Well there's 4 of us if we want to get the old CAG crew back together. Maybe add Flacksguy or Simo or 100xp.

I did my 3 Sterling treasures right at reset (and got a Taken helm for my Titan - so I now have 3 pieces for him!). Then I used LFG to get through one Challenge of Elders. I want to finish the other 2 for sure, but probably not much else this week. There has been a huge dropoff in the number of people I see playing Destiny just the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure what prompted that other than maybe being burned out on it. For me personally, I just started Dark Souls III last weekend and that has been consuming (heh) all my gaming time.

Not sure why you say CoE is easy this week relative to others (unless you really did mean CoO). It has the stupid Cabal guy with his psion sidekicks which, while not hard, is certainly annoying and time consuming relative to other bosses. It still took me and these LFG guys 3 runs, though we did score 40,000+ the first 2 runs.
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Go to Court of Oryx and use an Antiquated Rune and you are guaranteed a better artifact. If you need help with that let me know and I'll run it with you. Hell, the artifact was the very first thing I got at 335 (the first week of the latest expansion) even before I ran the Raid. Or do the Raid next week when it is Warpriest Challenge and get a 335 one.

I assume when you guys are saying CoO you mean CoE right? CoO = Court of Oryx on the Dreadnaught. CoE = Challenge of Elders in Prison of Elders. That's why I usually call it the Level 42 PoE ;).

Well there's 4 of us if we want to get the old CAG crew back together. Maybe add Flacksguy or Simo or 100xp.

I did my 3 Sterling treasures right at reset (and got a Taken helm for my Titan - so I now have 3 pieces for him!). Then I used LFG to get through one Challenge of Elders. I want to finish the other 2 for sure, but probably not much else this week. There has been a huge dropoff in the number of people I see playing Destiny just the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure what prompted that other than maybe being burned out on it. For me personally, I just started Dark Souls III last weekend and that has been consuming (heh) all my gaming time.

Not sure why you say CoE is easy this week relative to others (unless you really did mean CoO). It has the stupid Cabal guy with his psion sidekicks which, while not hard, is certainly annoying and time consuming relative to other bosses. It still took me and these LFG guys 3 runs, though we did score 40,000+ the first 2 runs.
I did mean CoE. I thought it was easy because I did it in two runs and I was only level 320. The second group didn't even have mics. Just jump melee everything. That cabal boss sticks but that's about it.

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If anyone is up for a Challenge of Elders run I still need to get 2 guys through it. I can run it earlier than usual if any of you East coast early sleepers want to get a run in ;). Just send me a message on Live - I can do it any time starting now.
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Got the last piece of Taken gear that I needed today for my Titan. And I was able to get the emote that goes along with it for nothing.
Now we need more Taken looking weapons.
If anyone wants to raid tonight, I am in one and we might need a couple people. We're rolling out at 10 PM est. Let me know here or via XBL if you want in.
The new Destiny expansion that is coming in the fall will be named "Rise of Iron" and features a new raid.  Hoping it's free, but realistically it's probably not going to be.  Always excited for new stuff!!! :D


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The new Destiny expansion that is coming in the fall will be named "Rise of Iron" and features a new raid. Hoping it's free, but realistically it's probably not going to be. Always excited for new stuff!!! :D

I'm guessing it will be like the taken King with an all in one pack or the expansion solo. Probably $40 again. I'm looking forward to more news.

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Can't see them giving us a raid for free.  I'm sure they are generating some revenue from the microtransactions but if Destiny 2 is 18+ months away then they won't be able to go a full year without some type of paid DLC.

I am interested to see more of what they have in store.

Have not been playing much other than a weekly variks/xur visit.  If you guys are ever doing Raid or CoE send me a message on XBL even if I'm not in the game.  I do not receive thread updates any longer so I'm not in the thread that often.  I'm usually still on XBL most nights.

I did COE for the first time last night, haven't played in a while. In three matches I got three exotics, 2x Queenbreakers' Bow and a Dreg's Promise, so that worked out pretty well. Up to 314 light and planning to raid King's Fall tonight for the first time as well (on Xbox anyway).

I'm very excited for Rise of Iron.  It's a bad ass image.  I'm still having fun with this game and I'm up to 333 light on my Titan and 329 or 330 on my Hunter.  I can't believe that I'm still playing and enjoying the game after all these hours, having all the achievements months and months ago and for all intents and purposes having done everything (minus a visit to the lighthouse, but I have my eye on that). 

Would anyone possibly be able to help with raiding tonight? My group only got to Golgoroth last night and only a couple of us are free again tonight.

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Ryuukishi said:
Would anyone possibly be able to help with raiding tonight? My group only got to Golgoroth last night and only a couple of us are free again tonight.
Yeah, maybe. What time?
Like around 10 pm Central? (After Game of Thrones basically. :) ) I think we have three people who want to run tonight already so I need three more.
That might work for me - as long as no one talks about the episode. I'll be watching it later tonight.
Cool, well if I see you online and we need someone, I'll drop you a line. No-spoiler policy will be in effect. :) Thanks!
I probably won't be online but if you need one send me a message on Xbox Live and I'll get it on my phone and can hop on.
I probably won't be online but if you need one send me a message on Xbox Live and I'll get it on my phone and can hop on.
io, thanks so much for the help dude! We made it all the way to Oryx, and got a few practice rounds in. Hopefully I can get him done tomorrow.

That was good fun last night, Ryuu. Happy to help and I was glad we had Irish in there, he's solid.

Next up for you is hard mode!! Get 'dem harrowed drops.
That was good fun last night, Ryuu. Happy to help and I was glad we had Irish in there, he's solid.

Next up for you is hard mode!! Get 'dem harrowed drops.
I still haven't done a full run on hard. Maybe we need to set up a cag run... having said that I'll probably end up super busy now and not able to do it.[emoji6]

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I am now 1 for 21 with getting Taken gear from the 3 free weekly sterling treasures.
Ouch. I was having bad luck early on, but the last two weeks I got one more piece each for my Titan. So going into this week I had the full set minus the class item. So I figured I'd go for it again on my Titan to get that and then be able to get the Taken emote. Well, I got TWO ships in my 3 packages, but no class item. I guess that is OK. I didn't even know there was another ship (besides the Taken version of the Vault of Glass ship). I kind of like the other one, actually.

If anyone wants to run Challenge of Elders let me know. I'll be on Dark Souls III all week but can jump over to play that if needed. Ditto with a CAG hard mode raid.
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I still haven't done a full run on hard. Maybe we need to set up a cag run... having said that I'll probably end up super busy now and not able to do it.[emoji6]
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I'd definitely be in for a CAG hard mode raid run. I'd suggest a Friday or Saturday night.

I am now 1 for 21 with getting Taken gear from the 3 free weekly sterling treasures.
I'm with you. One pairs of desolate boots after many, many sterling packages. I was happy to get a full set of Spektar gear.
Had a Soulsealers Claw drop from Variks last night with Perfect Balance & Persistance. Seems like it will be pretty good in Crucible.
I'm usually strictly an auto rifle guy in PvP anyway.
Really hope we get Iron Banner next week now.

BTW, there is a patch coming sometime today to fix the Clown Cartridge thing.
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I'd definitely be in for a CAG hard mode raid run. I'd suggest a Friday or Saturday night.

I'm with you. One pairs of desolate boots after many, many sterling packages. I was happy to get a full set of Spektar gear.
This weekend and next wouldn't work for me. Got a wedding and then future mother in law is coming.

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Bungie started Iron Banner today after the update.
Yeah this was surprising. Decided to play since I need Arms and Chest Pieces like a boss to make my exotics 335. Had quite a few of them to drop. Wish there was a primary instead of 2 special weapons though. I have too many things at 334 :bomb:

I've been playing a lot of crucible lately. This meta has me hooked on PvP once again. Though the amount of doctrines is getting absolutely annoying. That gun needs a nerf to range. It should be effective at close and not as effective at mid range -_-

Also I've been playing quite a bit of Titan and loving it. Been playing so much I forgot how to Warlock :wall:

Did you all see that there apparently was a glitch for infinite supers? Bungo says that whomever found it let them know. Thank god for those people. Crucible would have been unplayable.

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I played some IB last night and was quickly reminded of one of the reasons I don't like multiplayer. We're winning this match. I jump into a control zone and kill one of the 3 guys there and some guy I didn't see hiding behind a pillar (on Widow's Court) kills me then proceeds to teabag and flash jazz hands for several seconds. OK... Later on in the match we're winning by even more. I go into a control zone and Nova bomb their bubble, kill 2 guys, gun down a third, and once again the same guy sneaks up from behind and cleans up his teammates kill (since I was already hurt from taking on the other 3). Teabags and flashes jazz hands again. Utter assholery.
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At least you're winning the matches. I go on streaks and lose 6-7 in a row and be on the top of my team each time which should never happen. What stinks is I really have no interest in either of the weapons and I already have a complete 335 set of IB armor I like. So I don't even know why I am playing this time around.
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I've never really liked competitive multiplayer, but for some reason I really enjoy IB and after a match or two to warm up, I can hold my own.  I was wrecking fools today.  All I care about is that I walked away with a 335 chest piece. 


Made IB rank 5 today and my reward was a 335 chest piece. It sucks that the reward was something that was already in the post match reward loot table. I ended up with 3 sidearms, 3 fusions, 2 arms, and 3 chest pieces.

This also the first week I had no luck with getting the weekly raid challenge done. Every time I looked for a group there might have been only 2-3 other people looking on
I got to rank 5 on my Titan and Warlock today. Got another Colovance's Duty and and helmet, but at least both were 335.
My Hunter is very close to 5, but I just couldn't take any more pvp today. I'll finish it tomorrow.
Didn't get very many gauntlets or chests, but did get four 335 sidearms & a 335 fusion.
bread's done