Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

They did not say, but my guess would be summer.  April will be the release of the new stuff.  That should tie people over for April, May, and possibly June.  Then June/July is my guess for SRL just as people are getting tired of the grind, and leaves enough buffer until the next content update that will probably drop around Sept/Oct.

I haven't touched the game since reaching 320 back in December.  On April 12, I will probably play through the new story mission, do the new strike, and maybe give the new PoE a few plays.  But I ain't grinding no more.  Not worth the time with so many other games out there right now.  Really enjoying The Division.

Last week was the first week in at least a year that I didn't do the Nightfall. I think all I did was play Control when it was the daily Crucible match and one weekly strike. I didn't even attempt looking for a team for challenge mode. Now that announced the 335 light level what's the point in playing till than.
The new update looks interesting so far.  Not sure I am sold yet though. I will have to see the next couple twitch streams to see what else it has to offer.

I was always torn on PoE.  Part of me liked it because it was a new take on 'horde' mode, but it included too many of the same old issues that pissed people off about the game.  No matchmaking, horrible drop rates on weapons, no checkpoints, having to grind for treasure keys, boss difficulty/cheeses, and the fact that the etheric light and variks armor were the only way to go from 32 -> 34.   It seems that they have rectified most of those issues from what I have seen.  I can't help but think that everything they 'add' from now on will just be more of the same or re-hashes of old content.

I have not really played Destiny for 2 months but for some reason I wanted to do golgoroth CM last night.  Found a team and ran it 3x and did bits and pieces of other raid stuff.   Filled out a few holes in my armor, but I was again reminded that I need class items, ghosts and helmets and there are not that many places that those drop.  Oh well, I guess I'll just build up my legendary marks here and there.  

I did want to do one Oryx CM on my warlock so I have all 50 calcified fragments on one character if anyone has a group that is running that.

Oh yea, almost forgot.... IRON BANNER started today.  Based on the fact that there was never more than 1 other person on my FL online playing I'm going to guess that nobody is that interested in that.

They are fixing infusion, We get 1:1 value now.
Some yr 1 legendaries and exotics, taken armor, and more vault space!!
Man, a lot of stuff coming on the 12th.
Okay, I must have that Rude Gesture emote.  That was fantastically silly.  

Good improvements all around.  Sounds like they finally fixed the infusion mechanic and I'm happy about increasing the amount of action rep you can earn.  The shader/chrono thing didn't seem all that exciting to me, but maybe it was just that it didn't come across all that clear in the stream video.

So, uh, I was planning to play the new Destiny content when it drops, but, um, The Division's new update drops on the same day so, um....yeah... my warlock, titan, and hunter will have to wait til the summer....

Yea, I have to say that stream left a lot to be desired.  I know there are improvements coming and some old weapons being brought back but the entire stream was about a bunch of new ways to play dress up and new emotes to buy.  I mean the taken armor is nice, but I'm not sure faction armor and armor/weapon shaders are doing much for me right now.  

I need to sink some more time into the Division to level up I think.

It's weird they they give the fans two of the main things they keep asking for.

1. Year 2 Gally
2. Year 2 updated VoG and CE
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Finished grinding out Iron Banner. I thought the post game drops were the worst I've seen so far this year.
Might just be my lousy luck though, because again I tried doing the sisters and again my team couldn't do it.
I may just wait until after the 12th at this point.

3 of Coins was barely working for me this whole week too, only got three or four engrams all week. Holding those and some Legendaries until the 12th also. My IB drops were another Sniper at 317, another Haakons Hatchet at 311 and more Boots at 319.

One positive note, I soloed my first Nightfall and got the Imago Loop. (Although I never use Hand Cannons)
Decided to try the Daughters one more time and got in with an awesome group.
We breezed through the Daughters without a hitch, even with me being Torn, and I finally got my shotgun. Then we breezed through the Oryx challenge without a problem. I think it took longer to get everyone in the party then to do the two events.
Yea, I am usually not big on the cosmetics but that taken set does look pretty nice.  The play balancing in PvP and weapon tweaks don't usually do much for me.  

The Light Level grind got boring for me in the past, but it seems like there are more places for high light gear to drop with PoE back.  I'll at least come back on Tuesday to check things out.  

Anyone else planning on making a return?

Yea, I am usually not big on the cosmetics but that taken set does look pretty nice. The play balancing in PvP and weapon tweaks don't usually do much for me.

The Light Level grind got boring for me in the past, but it seems like there are more places for high light gear to drop with PoE back. I'll at least come back on Tuesday to check things out.

Anyone else planning on making a return?
Yes, sir. I'm waiting patiently for next week. I'll be back.

if the Division Incursion proves to be impossible w/the group I run with, I'll likely be making a least to sort out some gear and get some easy light levels. I miss in game jumping and my sparrow.

if the Division Incursion proves to be impossible w/the group I run with, I'll likely be making a least to sort out some gear and get some easy light levels. I miss in game jumping and my sparrow.
Sometimes the Division makes me miss having a vehicle even more... ;-)

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if the Division Incursion proves to be impossible w/the group I run with, I'll likely be making a least to sort out some gear and get some easy light levels. I miss in game jumping and my sparrow.
Incursions are supposed to be hard. I expect to complete the normal Incursion at least once, but not the challenge mode yet.

My plan is to do as much in The Division as possible to prepare for the update next month. Destiny is one of those games where you really need people to play with, especially with the lack of matchmaking. Since everyone in the clan has moved on, I'm not as motivated to dive in to the new content so early. Will probably slowly dip my toe in over the months before the fall Destiny update.

Incursions are supposed to be hard. I expect to complete the normal Incursion at least once, but not the challenge mode yet.

My plan is to do as much in The Division as possible to prepare for the update next month. Destiny is one of those games where you really need people to play with, especially with the lack of matchmaking. Since everyone in the clan has moved on, I'm not as motivated to dive in to the new content so early. Will probably slowly dip my toe in over the months before the fall Destiny update.
Of course they are.

Is there a "Hard" difficulty and a "Challenge" one for Incursions?

If that's the case, I'm confident hard mode should be doable w/the group I normally roll with. I wonder if the set gear reward is different between hard difficulty and challenge difficulty.

back on topic: ironically my current interest in Destiny is racing.

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Of course they are.

Is there a "Hard" difficulty and a "Challenge" one for Incursions?

If that's the case, I'm confident hard mode should be doable w/the group I normally roll with. I wonder if the set gear reward is different between hard difficulty and challenge difficulty.

back on topic: ironically my current interest in Destiny is racing.
Yeah, the standard Incursion difficulty is hard, and then there's the challenge difficulty above that. The developers said we're supposed to get geared up by playing on the hard mode first before tackling challenge.

SRL was fun. I did jump back into Destiny for that. Didn't require a team or a huge time commitment. You can easily hop on and play a few races then dip and go play something else. They need to bring SRL back. I'm guessing they will during the summer, after people's excitement over tomorrow's update has waned.

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Destiny's April update will arrive "sometime between 10AM and Noon Pacific [Time]" tomorrow, April 12, according to Bungie.
fuck you Bungie. I would have been all over this at reset tonight. Making it drop tomorrow screws everything up for me since I can't play till night time and probably everyone will have moved on by then ;).

The best thing ever in Destiny was when Crota's End dropped at reset and my old VoG crew was on it right away. We struggled mightily to get up to Crota but it was probably the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer gaming. When shit drops mid-day people are all starting it at different times and it is never quite the same.

I haven't touched Destiny in over a month now. It will be interesting to see how easy it is to get back into it. I've been playing Witcher 3 (on PS4) recently. I still have so much more to do in that and I am really enjoying the freedom of being able to play when I want and not have to deal with LFG/friends list to enjoy a game.

Is anyone here getting Dark Souls III? I'd normally get that on PS4 but if anyone from my Xbox friends list is playing it that might change my mind. I just don't have my PS4 set up for multiplayer (no headset - don't even know how they work on it).

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It not dropping at reset is the dumbest thing ever.
Yeah so I guess that means if you runt the Nightfall at reset you'll get the old crappy rewards but if you wait a day you'll get the new stuff? I would think they'd set the Nightfall to the new strike, as well, but maybe not.

Is the Nightfalll giving the newer higher light level stuff? I thought the Nightfall was the one thing not getting the better higher LL items.
If they took the NF out with this new update would anyone even notice?  I only ran it a few times once TTK came out even after they apparently 'improved' the loot drops.  That is one thing they epic failed on this entire year 2.  Everyone ran it 3 times a week even when it was OmniGhul with Arc Burn and now nobody touches it.

Holding the update until middle of the day is lame.  I wanted to hop on and check things out before work.  They had me hyped up to play and just left me hangin.

If they took the NF out with this new update would anyone even notice? I only ran it a few times once TTK came out even after they apparently 'improved' the loot drops. That is one thing they epic failed on this entire year 2. Everyone ran it 3 times a week even when it was OmniGhul with Arc Burn and now nobody touches it.
I used to do the NFs on all 3 characters for the exotic drops. Once I had everything, I only did it once a week. Then when the game kept trolling me with ghost shells that were lower light level than what I had, I said screw this. Haven't touched NF since. Lol. Seems like it's only helpful for people to level up. After a certain point, it just becomes a waste of time and is unrewarding (unless you enjoy playing it for fun or challenge, which is ok...).

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Yep Nightfall is even more worthless now after the update. I ended up using about 400 motes to level up my faction rep for FWC and ended up with 3-4 324 items that I infused right into my current gear. I had 4 exotic engrams that all decoded at 325 which I also infused. Only thing I need is a better special to infuse into my 320 Black Spindle, Ghost, and artifact. I also ran a Level 41 PoE and ended up with crap from the chest at the end. The 1/1 infusion is really sweet probably the best thing to come out of the update so far.

I'll be on tonight to play a bit.

What is the best path to run stuff now to get light level up?  Sounds like everything scales to just decrypt a few points above your current light level.  

Also when does the hotfix that has HM drop 335 gear hit?  Is that later this week or sometime in the future?

I'll be on tonight to play a bit.

What is the best path to run stuff now to get light level up? Sounds like everything scales to just decrypt a few points above your current light level.

Also when does the hotfix that has HM drop 335 gear hit? Is that later this week or sometime in the future?
I hear 335 stuff is dropping now on HM Oryx but the enemies haven't been scaled up yet.

Also the 320+ artifacts are dropping from the tier 3 Court of Oryx so I guess thats relevant again.

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Ran my Warlock a bit this afternoon.  The basic PoE  with matchmaking is a cakewalk.  That will be an easy way to earn our sterling whatchamacallit every week.  Beyond that, the only thing interesting I got was a 323 artifact from COO.  A lot of  rare and legendary items dropped in the 300-310 range, too, but I dismantled most of them for parts.  I agree with ajh that the 1-1 infusion is the best part of this update.  

I'll be on later tonight if anyone is looking to run anything.  I'm not sure if my normal raid team is going to re-surface or not.  

I hear 335 stuff is dropping now on HM Oryx but the enemies haven't been scaled up yet.

Also the 320+ artifacts are dropping from the tier 3 Court of Oryx so I guess thats relevant again.
Ok yea, I just saw that they were able to make that available in this patch.

I should run some CoO as I have a billion runes saved up for no good reason...

Yep Nightfall is even more worthless now after the update. I ended up using about 400 motes to level up my faction rep for FWC and ended up with 3-4 324 items that I infused right into my current gear. I had 4 exotic engrams that all decoded at 325 which I also infused. Only thing I need is a better special to infuse into my 320 Black Spindle, Ghost, and artifact. I also ran a Level 41 PoE and ended up with crap from the chest at the end. The 1/1 infusion is really sweet probably the best thing to come out of the update so far.
No it isn't. My buddy got an almost god rolled 1K to drop at 326 I think? Plus you still get faction rep, though I do need to try it with that consumable for increased rep to see if it does anything. Until you hit max light there is no way it anywhere close to "worthless".

I got a 322 Skyburners that I will put into my Taken Helmet that I got today.

My package from Variks was a nice welcome back after taking the month off of Destiny. :D


Triple Tap, Quick Draw, Hidden Hand with a Longview Scope. Yes please. :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

I made a big post this afternoon with my impressions on the update and I don't see it here. And I didn't see any of this discussion which would have answered a few things for me. I'm thinking I must have put it in the PS4 thread or just some random other thread on CAG ;).

In any case, Destiny was pretty disappointing for me Tuesday despite the fact that I played much of the day. I never could get much going multiplayer. Chubby and I did a little and then later ajh and I did some stuff - but I never could even get 2 others for the PoE let alone the Raid. My old Raid crew is not interested in coming back. I guess it is either LFG or nothing. And being away for so long, I dread wading back into LFG. I'm definitely coming around to the idea that Bungie either needs to add matchmaking to everything or at the very least incorporate some sort of in-game LFG-type system.
God damn it. Yeah, I didn't even put it in the PS4 thread. I posted to a stupid deal thread about Destiny. Dumbass...

Anyway, here's what I posted:

I had to do some downloading for work today so I was able to start up the new Destiny stuff a little.

Some observations:

- My "free" package (whatever it is called - forget the name) consisted of Arms (at light level 3) and 2 chroma thingies (one red, one yellow I think)
- I got another package with boots and one chroma and something else (maybe crucible rep boost items?) when I did the lower level matchmaking PoE.
- The lower level PoE is cake. Very easy.
- So is the new strike, which just takes place on recycled areas of the moon. I got a new Taken-themed sword (at 320) for finishing that so that was kind of cool.
- Blues are now dropping above 300. I got several between 302 and 307.
- The artifacts from Court of Oryx only seem to drop at 4 light levels beyond what you are now. I say that because I did it at 320 and I got FIVE of them at 324. I had saved up a bunch of antiquated runes and kept hoping I'd get a 330+ artifact but each time it was 324.
- I decoded an old exotic engram and got 322 Purifier Robes.
- Storage got boosted by an extra page for each type! Wow - I didn't even know that was going to happen. That was nice as I was pretty much full up. Now I can store those 305-ish blues for later infusion. However, with the infusion now going to 100% I guess I don't really need intermediate ones any more.

Between my 322 Purifier Robes and 324 artifact I'm at a whopping 320-and-a-half ;).

with this follow-up:

OH, also make sure you have 4 or 5 slots open in your left general inventory when you open the special packages. I think I lost 2 chromas on my Warlock because I was nearly full there. I just fired up my Titan and got 4 chromas with him as opposed to the two that filled up my Warlock's slots.


Now with impressions from my later play. I guess I got 3 of the special packages so far: one in the mail, one for the first level 41 PoE run, and one for Mayhem Clash. All of these seem to be once a week per account and not character. Is there any other way to get them each week?

I went back to Court of Oryx with my Titan at 321 and got artifacts to drop from 325-327. But like I said, at 320 I got 5 of them all at 324. SO there is some sort of scaling above what you currently are but it doesn't appear to be a simple "4 levels higher" like I thought earlier (except maybe at 320). Key thing though seems to be to make absolutely sure you have all your best gear on when decoding engrams and such - it seems to be even more important than before. With exotics before all you had to worry about was being 310+. Now it seems like a finer-grade scaling.

I'll be on Weds after the Warriors game. Hopefully there will be some people that want to run the PoE if not the Raid. What no one here has posted is what they got from those activities (and I know a lot of you were running the Raid ;)). What level stuff are you getting from the Raid? Is it new gear, or just the same stuff at higher level. What do you get in the 42 PoE? Are the Chromas going to be rare? It doesn't seem like anyone is using them. And yet I see people will full Taken gear even though I only got a single piece (dumbass boots of course) across all 3 characters. Does that stuff drop from PoE or Raid, or did they buy the Eververse packages to get it?
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I had forgotten I have a physical version of Destiny so when I did the trade in for the Quantum Break Xbox at GS, I failed to realized I never installed the disc...yet.

Once I get the incursion weekly from the Division out of the way I should have more time to do short  Destiny runs while juggling 2 kids.

OH, also make sure you have 4 or 5 slots open in your left general inventory when you open the special packages. I think I lost 2 chromas on my Warlock because I was nearly full there. I just fired up my Titan and got 4 chromas with him as opposed to the two that filled up my Warlock's slots.
Did you check your postmaster? My special package gave me arms and 3 chromas. I didn't have space for all of that so two chromas ended up at my postmaster.

I didn't realize you only get one package per account. If I had known, I would've opened that package on my Titan instead...

Yea, sorry io, I wanted to make sure I was over 320 before I tried out the new challenge mode PoE.  I decided to lfg for a raid group figuring I could at the very least improve my ghost and class item and get right up to 319-320 range.  Well after 2 runs I got enough gear to get all 3 of my characters who were stuck at 318 up to 320+ range.  324/323/321 now and still have some infusion to do on my titan.   If this isn't just some built in 'first raid' guaranteed drops then you should be able to add some light levels quickly via the raid.  If you are looking for that 335 drop though you will have to do PoE.  The raid drops are guaranteed higher LL than what you currently have equipped, but they also are capped.  So if you are 320 you are only going to see drops 4-5 points higher than that.  Personally I like there being some guaranteed progression even at a slower pace than hoping for that 1-2% change that the 320 ghost or helmet would drop from the raid before the update.  

As was said before always make sure you have your highest light level gear on when decrypting and I would make sure you have your max light gear when defeating raid bosses and picking up your loot drops from the bosses.  

If you want a quick LL boost run Totems, Warpriest and do Golgoroth Challenge this week on all 3 characters. Might as well get the exotic chest and and daughters as well for a chance at a high class item.  You should get a 320+ ghost and a couple 320+ artifacts from the CM and hopefully you score some regular 320+ raid loot drops as well.

I should be on tonight if anyone wants to do another raid run or try out that 42 PoE. 

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Ha Ha Ha: "You want him alive? What happened to kill them baaack?"

BTW, I'm one of the unlucky ones who never got the package from the postmaster. Seems to be quite a few of us.
Bungie says they're looking into it.
Ha Ha Ha: "You want him alive? What happened to kill them baaack?"

BTW, I'm one of the unlucky ones who never got the package from the postmaster. Seems to be quite a few of us.
Bungie says they're looking into it.
Me too. And the package I did get from the crucible gave me a hunter helmet... When I opened it with my warlock. Some things never change.

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gogomo said:
Did you check your postmaster? My special package gave me arms and 3 chromas. I didn't have space for all of that so two chromas ended up at my postmaster.

I didn't realize you only get one package per account. If I had known, I would've opened that package on my Titan instead...
I did not have anything in my post. For the previous events, when you opened packages that put things in that left general inventory slot, if you were full you just lost them. But maybe they fixed that. It might have just been a coincidence then that I had only 2 slots open and just got 2 chromas. The reason I thought I lost 2 was that when I got another package (from the PoE or weekly crucible) I got 4 chromas. But then I noticed it says "up to 4" additional items. So I guess I just got unlucky that first time and only got 2. I still haven't used a Chroma - I'm scared they will be rare like the mask upgrade items for the Festival of the Lost. Back then I used one immediately then and didn't realize I wouldn't get any more without paying. Is it only the modified vendor armor that uses them, or does stuff from the lvl 42 PoE or Raid also use them?

I'm up for whatever tonight. I am available starting now - just send me a message on Live and I'll see it on my phone and stop working and go play Destiny ;). One caveat - I'd like to watch the Warriors game at 7:30. But I have 2 hours till then! Maybe I'll just hop on and see what's up.
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Did the Level 42 PoE with Vendetta last night and then two-manned it with someone else, getting the high score thing done as well. (I was actually tried to solo it for a while which I think is definitely possible. I just screwed up at the very end of the second round and died and didn't want to start it over again).

Wow, I didn't realize it would be so easy - I was expecting a Skolas-level challenge (back when Skolas was hard). It is also seems to be by far the best way I've seen to level up in the 320's (though I suppose the Raid is the best place for armor). At level 323 or so I got 2 327 ghost shells and a 327 class item from the end of the PoE. Then I got a 326 scout, a 328 shotgun, and, from completing the score card, 328 Greaves for my Titan. All of that stuff was better than anything I had gotten before save one 327 artifact from Court of Oryx.

If anyone else wants to run it this evening or tonight let me know. It was pretty easy to two-man. Drunkz - no need to grind the Raid to level up for PoE. We could have just done it right off the bat the other night.

I still have one character that hasn't touched it at all and another that needs to get another 60,000 points so I'm up for 5+ runs (it is also much faster than the level 41 PoE with only 3 boss rounds and no objectives to complete other than the score). Plus it seems you can get the random end-reward multiple times. I saw some other people get the House of Wolves exotics there.
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Thanks io,
Challenge of Elders was way more fun than level 41 PoE.
We got another guy after you left and did a third round to get to 90,000. I will definately do this on my other two characters.
Got better stuff in the three rounds of CoE, than the whole rest of the evening that I was playing.
Flacksguy said:
Got better stuff in the three rounds of CoE, than the whole rest of the evening that I was playing.
Yeah, I had about 45 mins free earlier and saw you on and figured we could smash a few rounds out. Having the third guy just made it super easy.

I got another 327 ghost shell (so that's 3 so far) on the first one but nothing, actually, on the second run, which was odd. I guess you aren't guaranteed a post-game drop.

I got a 327 Warlock helm from my card package. I still have to run it on my Hunter, so I will be on in a bit to do that if anyone is up for it.
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bread's done