Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Busy night last night.  Finished our last raid for the week.  Switched over to PS4 before reset and got my 7 games done and snagged both shaders, the emblem, and a sugary ghost shell.  Then did 2 of my 3 nightfalls.

Oryx challenge mode this week and I'm hoping for helmets more than guns.  Would love to infuse my Graviton up to 320. :)

EDIT:  Ended up with 5 ghosts (3 Sugary, 2 Crimson) on xbox.  :)

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I need a 311+ helmet in the worst way it's really the only thing holding me back. Once I get the 320 Ghost from doubles I should be a solid 319. I didn't get to play today because the kids were home from school so getting into a good Oryx challenge group fades everyday.
^^^  No joke.  The DoD and FoF communities are eerily quiet this week.  And on reset night to boot!  I still want to keep playing because its fun, but if Garden Warfare 2 is as fun as I hope it is, I may be bailing on Destiny as well. 

Anybody else around here getting PvZ GW2 next week??

If you guys have the Oryx checkpoint maybe I can help too.  I did it on Hard last night and the game was being glitchy as hell.   We basically had to complete it about 6 times before it finally worked.   We kept doing the 4 orbs (per person) and he'd end up with one or two chunks of health left (and one time about half).  Finally we just did TWENTY orbs (instead of 16) and it worked.

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I may have to hold it until Friday, when I don't have to be up the next morning. The thing is, my son was with us up until that point in the raid, and I'd like to get him his first clear. He did an outstanding job for his first time....better than me, and I want him to get some kind of reward. Up until this point he has gotten only a class item.
Hey gang, if you're on tonight around 10 EST or later and looking to raid, give me a shout on XBL even if I'm offline.  I'll see the batsignal on my phone which is always by my side.  :lol:

Do I have the same check point seeing that I got invited into the same fire team before we called it a night? If so I could load up oryx if you tell me how.
Do I have the same check point seeing that I got invited into the same fire team before we called it a night? If so I could load up oryx if you tell me how.
If you just start the Raid without restarting it (which you have to press X or something to do) you should be there.

I can pass it to you if you don't have it.
I'll check to see if you're around at 10. Send me a message when you get on, I'll monitor it on my phone if I'm away from the console.
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I may have to hold it until Friday, when I don't have to be up the next morning. The thing is, my son was with us up until that point in the raid, and I'd like to get him his first clear. He did an outstanding job for his first time....better than me, and I want him to get some kind of reward. Up until this point he has gotten only a class item.
Looks like it didn't happen tonight. I'm fine with waiting until Friday anyway. We need the bodies in any case. On Friday we can have me, you and your son, and 100xp for sure so that's 4. We'd just need to get 2 more (ChubbyNinja and maybe ajh). I may have run it on hard for all 3 characters by then but I'll help even if I do.

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Sorry guys, I had a rough night yesterday w/one of my kids having a meltdown w/potty training, procedure, and trying to explain why he can't wear paw patrol underoos because it's in the hamper now...on top of him being sick.

tl;dr - I passed out earlier than usual due to parenthood.

Just ran the Kings Fall raid on hard in just an hour and fifteen minutes. We only wiped once on the Daughters and also did the Oryx challenge mode. Again my drops sucked no ghost at totems and no helmet at Oryx.
io and I had what I think was the fastest run we have ever done last night.  45 minute run with no wipes IIRC.  That was also having 1 LFG'er.  I love being paired with io on Ogres.  We just melt those bastards :D   Of course I got another 320 primary :bomb:   The brightside was a 320 class item on Daughters.  So now all my warlock needs is 320 arms to hit 320 :D

My buddies and I are so bored we are farming the Nightfall for a Fatebringer rolled Imago Loop and for god rolled Grasp of Malok on Omnigul.   :lol:

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My buddies and I are so bored we are farming the Nightfall for a Fatebringer rolled Imago Loop and for god rolled Grasp of Malok on Omnigul. :lol:
I saw you guys were still on pretty late last night (or I should say this morning). Any luck?

After my amazing luck of pulling a 320 ghost (as well as my first ever Hunter hard mode helmet at 318) from the Raid before that, I didn't get much to speak of from this one. I got my second 320 primary of the week from Oryx. I'm just a 320 helmet short of being able to make my Hunter 320 (already have my Warlock and Titan there).

I used 319 and 320 Raid weapons to make my First Curse 320. I still have 3 or 4 320 primaries left over from Oryx challenge mode. I'm not sure what else to make 320. I might do my Grasp of Malok and my Haakon's Hatchet (though I'm still hoping to get a Doctrine one of these days). My Grasp doesn't have the best perks but I seem to be able to use if with some success at least. And at this point I might as well make my Touch of Malice 320 just for that extra couple of points of damage - though as you pointed out we hardly need it ;).

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Holy crap, 45 mins?
You guys are out of this world.
I didn't keep track of the time but I know it was damn fast, and, yeah, I guess we did do it without wipes. And granted, we started at the Totems, so we skipped the portal/ship jumping part. But still, that probably wouldn't have added any more than 10-15 minutes tops.

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I saw you guys were still on pretty late last night (or I should say this morning). Any luck?

After my amazing luck of pulling a 320 ghost (as well as my first ever Hunter hard mode helmet at 318) from the Raid before that, I didn't get much to speak of from this one. I got my second 320 primary of the week from Oryx. I'm just a 320 helmet short of being able to make my Hunter 320 (already have my Warlock and Titan there).

I used 319 and 320 Raid weapons to make my First Curse 320. I still have 3 or 4 320 primaries left over from Oryx challenge mode. I'm not sure what else to make 320. I might do my Grasp of Malok and my Haakon's Hatchet (though I'm still hoping to get a Doctrine one of these days). My Grasp doesn't have the best perks but I seem to be able to use if with some success at least. And at this point I might as well make my Touch of Malice 320 just for that extra couple of points of damage - though as you pointed out we hardly need it ;).
I didn't get a single Grasp :bomb: or an Omnigul bond. Kept getting legendary engrams.

Loop farming, I keep getting them but with complete shit rolls. Trix got an Outlaw one with your favorite floating perk ;) DOA keeps getting undying mind cloaks :lol:

Anybody try The Division? I don't want to bash the game because I think it is very solid for what it is. But I just feel like Destiny is more fun. I just can't put my finger on it.
I played the Closed Beta and now the Open Beta, when it's not crashing on me I'm enjoying the Division a lot...but I don't compare it to the Destiny experience.

Cooperatively Destiny has been a lot more fun but that's mainly due to the fact the amount of content available and the CAG community, plus Destiny is just a happy fun times place with space cowboys shooting it up. the Division feels a bit more like Gears of War but set in modern day w/not as fluid cover mechanics. Still, because it's set in NYC and I can identify with most everything it's a big draw for me. No doubt I'll be all in once the game releases in March but I'll want to do Destiny events like Iron Banner, SRL, and raids. After seeing some other class video walkthroughs I kinda want to level up a titan (and not even for sun bro'ing) but that's not happening anytime soon.

I saw in the Division where you can go inside Madison Square Garden, and it looked pretty acurate.

As for tonight, I'm hoping I can get this guy who has been Sherpa-ing us through the raid to join if we need another hand.
He's really good.
I saw in the Division where you can go inside Madison Square Garden, and it looked pretty acurate.

As for tonight, I'm hoping I can get this guy who has been Sherpa-ing us through the raid to join if we need another hand.
He's really good.
What time tonight? I guess I can be a Titan and take care of the ogres. If this guy you are talking about can run the relic then we should be set. The other 4 guys won't have much to do but hop on plates. It being Friday night I won't have a lot of time for this so hopefully we can do it quickly.

As for The Division, I have some former Desiny friends (the people I used to Raid with) trying to convince me to get it for the 4-player coop aspects. I guess I'm just not really interested in the real-world aspect of it and New York does nothing for me considering I've only been in the real place (as opposed to passing through JFK or something) once and it was nearly 40 years ago ;). If the shooting/cover mechanics aren't as good as Destiny then that makes it even less likely for me to want to play it.

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11 eastern work for everyone? Thats what, 8pm on the west coast?

I see that Doctrine of Passing is the Trials reward this weekend.
I've never done Trials, but I guess I need to start some time. I may give that a shot this evening.
I can understand where you're coming from, you like dinosaurs and grappling hooks! That's a good time! Later for this real world aspect stuff.

Try the beta and decide for yourself, I was crack addicted to destiny until I started running into the light levels wall and imprecation I'm crack addicted to the beta and it's a buggy beta.
What time tonight? I guess I can be a Titan and take care of the ogres. If this guy you are talking about can run the relic then we should be set. The other 4 guys won't have much to do but hop on plates. It being Friday night I won't have a lot of time for this so hopefully we can do it quickly.

As for The Division, I have some former Desiny friends (the people I used to Raid with) trying to convince me to get it for the 4-player coop aspects. I guess I'm just not really interested in the real-world aspect of it and New York does nothing for me considering I've only been in the real place (as opposed to passing through JFK or something) once and it was nearly 40 years ago ;). If the shooting/cover mechanics aren't as good as Destiny then that makes it even less likely for me to want to play it.
40 years ago?! And here I was thinking you were close to my age...
11 eastern work for everyone? Thats what, 8pm on the west coast?

I see that Doctrine of Passing is the Trials reward this weekend.
I've never done Trials, but I guess I need to start some time. I may give that a shot this evening.
fuck. I really want that gun, but really didn't want to play Trials this weekend. What is the map? If it is Widow's Court I may just have to pass - I really hate that map. Keep in mind you have to get to 7 wins for the weapon, too, which is no easy feat. I've struggled to get to 5 for the armor in the past without two really good teammates. What is the armor this week? If it is chest armor and Doctrine I may have to give it a shot even if it is Widow's Court.

Edit: OK, looked it up. Map is Exodus Blue, armor is boots (one of the two pieces I already have). Still, for Doctrine it is worth a shot. Now if I can just find a team... As the thread on points out, now everyone will be running Doctrine in Iron Banner next week. So everyone gets to look forward to that.

40 years ago?! And here I was thinking you were close to my age...
Well, I was very young at the time so I don't even really remember it other than a cab driver ripping my mom off (charging us like $50 to ride into the city when it should have been a fraction of that). That is pretty much my sum total memory of New York.

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My first crack at Trials didn't go very well.
Got slaughtered in pretty much every game, and watched while my teammates got high level weapons from their bounties, while I got a 304 artifact !!!!
Thanks aj for helping us try to take down Oryx, those other guys didn't hang around very long or I'm sure we would have gotten it.
My first crack at Trials didn't go very well.
Got slaughtered in pretty much every game, and watched while my teammates got high level weapons from their bounties, while I got a 304 artifact !!!!
Thanks aj for helping us try to take down Oryx, those other guys didn't hang around very long or I'm sure we would have gotten it.
I'm available now if you want to try it again.

Whoo Hoo,
Got our Oryx kill done today. Went really smoothly too.
My son officially has worst luck than I do though, for his first Raid weapons he got two Hand Cannons, a 300 and a 310.
And of course, its the 300 that has Firefly.
Its ok though, he was proud of himself for doing so well, and he earned his emblem.
My luck was only slightly better: also got the 310 HC, a second scout (304) and another cloak (303)

Looks like Iron Banner is going to be Gaunlets, Helmets & Rocket Launchers. Thats fine, I have helmets, but not the others.
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Whoo Hoo,
Got our Oryx kill done today. Went really smoothly too.
My son officially has worst luck than I do though, for his first Raid weapons he got two Hand Cannons, a 300 and a 310.
And of course, its the 300 that has Firefly.
Its ok though, he was proud of himself for doing so well, and he earned his emblem.
My luck was only slightly better: also got the 310 HC, a second scout (304) and another cloak (303)

Looks like Iron Banner is going to be Gaunlets, Helmets & Rocket Launchers. Thats fine, I have helmets, but not the others.
If you and your son are 307+ we can probably knock out the Warpriest challenge this week on hard to get you guys some 320 drops. I would be available Wednesday and Thursday night if you want to set something up. This goes for you also 100xp just let me know if you guys want to give it a try. Also if you just run it on normal I would also be availble to lend a hand.

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Yeah, that would be awesome, thanks aj.
I think norrmal would be fine with us though, especially for his first time with it.

I was going to try to do Oryx again on my Titan tonight, but theres something wrong with Xbox Live. I'm not able to access any Taken King content. Happening to some others, but not everybody.

....this is why I don't like to wait until the last day to rank up in Iron Banner.
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I didn't get a chance to run Trials this weekend and so I missed out on a Doctrine.  And now I don't want to play IB because I'll be up against 3 of every 4 people using the damn thing against me.  So I think I'll just pass on Destiny this week.  I don't see anything good dropping from IB anyway.  It was good the first few times but sucks now. (It dropped 310+ stuff the very first time before that was readily available from other places, and 320 ghosts the second time before they nerfed the drop rate).

Not to mention with the level cap being raised soon, I'm not getting much out of acquiring extra pieces of 320 gear when I'll just have to replace/infuse all that stuff again soon anyway.

But if you guys want to run a CAG raid (King's Fall or even VoG or Crota) I'm up for that.

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I got the chocolate ghost, what did you guys get?

Already enjoying the heck out of Iron Banner.
For some reason I can do this, but can't for the life of me do Crimson Doubles or Trials.
Tried out my Haakon's Hatchet, and did really well with it. I usually use a exotic primary, so it was fun to use different exotic specials and heavies for a change.
I totally forgot about the ghost.  I'll get it eventually I suppose.

What is IB this time?  Control again? 

I'd totally be up for helping you guys through a hard Warpriest challenge clear.  It really is no different from Normal.   Someone needs to get the checkpoint, though, as the Totems are significantly harder than on Normal.

I got the chocolate ghost, what did you guys get?

Already enjoying the heck out of Iron Banner.
For some reason I can do this, but can't for the life of me do Crimson Doubles or Trials.
Tried out my Haakon's Hatchet, and did really well with it. I usually use a exotic primary, so it was fun to use different exotic specials and heavies for a change.
Xbox: Needed a sugary, (had 3 Crimson, 2 Sugary already) and get a Crimson :bomb:

PS4: Had a sugary, needed Crimson, got a 320 Sugary INT/DIS :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

RNGeezus must have been mixed up :bomb:

Can't decide what I want to do.... I don't really need shit from the raid and I'm gone Thurs-Sunday so I don't have much Iron Banana time.... Could do a quick totems, warpriest, golgi, and exotic chest 3 times.... I still have nightfalls to do as well

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Got the Crimson she'll with better stats than the sugary one...light is 309 now from 308. Sigh...once I get the exotic faction cloak that should help I think.
Can't decide what I want to do.... I don't really need shit from the raid and I'm gone Thurs-Sunday so I don't have much Iron Banana time.... Could do a quick totems, warpriest, golgi, and exotic chest 3 times.... I still have nightfalls to do as well
If you want to run all 3 quick tonight or tomorrow I'm all for it. I'd like to save a Warpriest checkpoint for the CAG group if possible. Maybe I can bring a char back in who already did it and save it there just in case (while also knocking out all 3 Raids for myself in case that's it this week).

You'll get 25 Marks for each of the 3 weekly bounties when you complete them.

....or you may get one to drop after rank 3 in the post game drops.

I'm looking for some gauntlets, just to complete the armor collection, so I'll be taking my time going through Rank 2 hoping to get some good ones to drop.

Edit-actually I need the sniper and rocket launcher too, so I'm hoping for those to drop as well. Whatever doesn't drop, I'll buy on the last day. After this weekend I'll have all of the IB weapons except the pulse rifle.
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Hmmm...I forgot about that, IB bounties are pretty decent in terms of rewards.

I got the black spindle for raid bosses.

The normal raid sniper for adds.

Stillpiercer for crucible.

Not sure if I'll have the same perseverance this time around if I get into another losing streak on IB matches. 1 win ever 4-5 losses is a real downer and time sink.

bread's done