Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='bmsdaddy']my wife pointed out that Rocky Baboa is a Sony movie...............![/QUOTE]
... the plot thickens.
[quote name='bmsdaddy']That is crazy. I wish I didn't enjoy the 360 so much, the failure rate seems to be ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

Mine just bricked on me for no reason at all... as soon as it comes back from Microsoft, I'm selling it, I'll wait until they can build a better system.
you have to wonder it is only a matter of time before something happens to people who are still on their first system
Mine crapped out today after I had it for less than a month. Tried all the fixes and none worked so I contacted Microsoft and they're going to fix it for free, but I have to pay the shipping there. They said it should take less than a week.
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']Mine crapped out today after I had it for less than a month. Tried all the fixes and none worked so I contacted Microsoft and they're going to fix it for free, but I have to pay the shipping there. They said it should take less than a week.[/QUOTE]

Rather than pay to send it in, can't you return it to where you bought it for an exchange?
Well mine died last night. Popped in NHL 07, ready to take the ice and my screen went black. Thought it might be my received so I turned on my PS3 and it was fine. Turned the XBOX off then on, three red lights. Whoopee!!!

Luckily when my launch system died 11/20/06 (two days left on the 1 year manufacturer warranty) I bought the MS 1 year warranty for like $26 to extend my warranty on the system and 3/26/07 this on dies. They wanted my to ship the system, which I should have done in the first place for quicker replacement, but got them to send me a box. Ugh this sucks.
My launch day 360 died. In my 30 years of owning video game consoles this has never happened. I can still plug in my Intelivision, NES, Genisis etc and play them. But the lousy excuse for a console - the 360 died. I didn't purchase the extended warranty and they are charging me $103.94 for the repair. I had to fight with the customer serivce people to get the price down to $103.94 and then call again for a pre-paid mailing box. They originally wanted $149.00 to repair - don't do me any favors MS.

I have been a loyal XBox customer since launch day of the original XBox but this whole experience has left me upset and unsatisfied. When the price of the PS3 comes down, I will probably go out and get one
Hey guys (not sure if this was posted yet), but if you are getting the infamous 3 red lights, try doing the "towel trick" method. So far, it has worked for two CAGs (including myself). Just google "360 towel trick" to see how to revive your 360. I'm not sure how long it will last, but it's better than nothing at all.
Ugh, nearly two months to the day after I get my refurbished 360 from McAllen, the new one is giving me "Unreadable Disc" on everything I've thrown at it out of the fucking blue, with Guitar Hero on the way from Red Octane. Anyone have any luck recently with MS sending a coffin out for free? I got it in June so I should be clear with the standard warranty but I'm not sure how they verify that on their end.

I'm definitely buying an extended warranty from them in May before it runs out, assuming that's possible.
I've got a quick question. My launch unit has died and I am just waiting on my coffin. When I get my system back, do i get any kind of warranty with it? i had to pay 70 bucks for this repair and I don't want to have to pay again if this "repaired" system dies.
[quote name='alexjs2913']I've got a quick question. My launch unit has died and I am just waiting on my coffin. When I get my system back, do i get any kind of warranty with it? i had to pay 70 bucks for this repair and I don't want to have to pay again if this "repaired" system dies.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I think you get 90 days. I know you get some sort of warranty.
I got the red ring of light the other day. I did the towel trick as a temporary fix untill my parents can send my 360 box to my dorm so I can take it to BBY for the replacement plan. It actually friends were all shocked.
Mine just died, costing me $140. How are you getting repairs for $70 and $103??????????????????????? I'm like ezwaffles. I have owned consoles since 1975 (Odysey) and never had one break. My 360 was extremely well taken care of. I bought it a month after launch, never a problem, then died today out of the blue. Now I'm more pissed about paying more for my repair. Any advice on how to pay less?????? even if I alrready agreed to the $139? Seems totaly random and bullshit.
I've seen people talking about getting a 90 day warranty with their returned 360. The woman I spoke with told me several times I would get a 1 year warranty with whatever 360 they send me.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, I think you get 90 days. I know you get some sort of warranty.[/QUOTE]

Is there any sort of document they give you that shows you have a new 90 day warranty?

I'm selling my 360 the day it comes back from the repair place, and knowing for sure it's got some kind of 90 day warranty on it I can prove will make it an easier sell.
I'm on 360 number six and this one is starting up properly 50% of the time. I'm going to try to get it replaced, then I'm seriously considering selling it. This is totally ridiculous.

This next statement is coming from a lifelong gamer...

I'm starting to hate gaming.
Mine finally bit the dust yesterday.

M$ is sending out the box, should be here soon.

Of course, right when Blockbuster starts renting out GHII with guitar too for 360, and the beta should start soon
Mine just crapped out. I won it from MTV and had it since launch. I called and they told me I needed to get it repaired. I was a little iffy so they gave me a reference number and I'll call back to get my box. I'd rather not pay for a repair. Anyone know an easy way to get it repaired for free?
You will not get it repaired for free. Bill Gates did not become rich by giving anything for free. Here is what I did to get it fixed for $69. File a complaint with the better business bureau in the state of Washington. This will get Microsoft calling you in 2-3 days! Talk to the rep & ask for a supervisor, I spoke to two of them, they came down to $100 pretty quick & said that that was the best that they could do. I told them that it was not good enough and I would persue my case through different means. I then stated that I could see myself paying for half and they should be reponsible for the other half. She then said she would look at one more thing and put me on hold. She came back and said if I completed the transaction at that time she would do it for $69. I gave her my debit card number and that was it. This call will probably take about an hour, maybe quicker since you have all of the details on what to do. Just hold your ground and stay calm. I've heard of people cursing and screaming at the reps and loosing all leverage with Microsucks. They may also ask you to send in the original receipt to get you frustated. I faxed mine in and they stated that they never received it. Just stay calm and count on spending at least an hour on the phone with them. Good luck!
M$ sucks. I just received my bricked system back with a nice note on top saying that I tampered with my console and they will not be fixing it. The thing is that I paid for them to repair it. This was not a warranty repair. So now I had to spend an hour on the phone bitching to them before they finally agreed to send another box out. That means two more weeks with no 360.
[quote name='alexjs2913']M$ sucks. I just received my bricked system back with a nice note on top saying that I tampered with my console and they will not be fixing it. The thing is that I paid for them to repair it. This was not a warranty repair. So now I had to spend an hour on the phone bitching to them before they finally agreed to send another box out. That means two more weeks with no 360.[/quote]What'd you do to your console?
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']I'm on 360 number six and this one is starting up properly 50% of the time. I'm going to try to get it replaced, then I'm seriously considering selling it. This is totally ridiculous.

This next statement is coming from a lifelong gamer...

I'm starting to hate gaming.[/QUOTE]

Don't let M$ get you down man. Start buying your 360's from Costco maybe?? haha.
I took the cover off of it to clean off the dust inside. What pisses me off is that Microsoft is the only ones who fix 360s and now they tell me that I can't even open it up to try and fix it myself when the warranty expires. they act like anytime it breaks down we should gladly fork over the $140 to them to fix it without trying to fix it ourselves and save some money.
My launch 360 has finally bit the dust...I thought it was unstopable, but I was wrong. This is my first system I ever owned that has died on me. My original NES still works fine.

Its weird I am not even getting the red rings of death, but just my games keep freezing with a bunch of static on the screen. Finally after about a week of constant freezing, my XBOX freezed again while I was playing Rainbow six, and the screen just went black. Now it just proceeds to turn black every 15-30 mins or so.

My friend is going to let me borrow his spare 360 while I wait until the Elite comes out, and prob get that. However I am skeptical now of Microsoft after hearing of everyone's 360 breaking.

XBOX 360 is a great system, with good games, and probably the best organized gaming structure out there, but man does their hardware just suck.
lol, my 2nd Xbox 360 just got the red lights. It's been crashing quite a bit recently so i'm not suprised. This phase is all familar to me, the xbox still works if I leave it alone but after awhile i'll get random crashes, etc......

So while it works for the last limp, no chances here, calling support to get the box now.
My 360 just got the fabled ring of death. I've got to say, I don't feel so lonely seeing all the posts in this thread. I tried waiting until they got the kinks out of the system, but I guess that was pointless. Oh, yeah... M$ sucks.
But man I love that retarded opening menu when you call 18004myxbox. I found a solution to get right to a person. Just mash buttons and Yell in the phone "TAKE ME TO A fuckING PERSON" I swear it works.

and I actually got to a non indian Rep the first time I did it.
My Xbox 360 died this week (3 red on the ring, error code 0020), making it 13 months since I bought it, and thus out of warranty. Having read that people have gotten ~$70 and ~$100 repairs, I call and mention that I've read that they have the authority to reduce the repair cost.

Then, the phone rep blows my mind: He tells me that I will receive the discounts on the repairs when I send my xbox 360 in for 2nd and 3rd repairs. But, he said, you can rest easy since you get another year warranty with the $140 initial repair. So I'm thinking, wait a minute, how common are these 2nd and 3rd repairs that they not only have a pricing structure in place, the reps are telling me about them like I should expect to send it in again and again.

That's ridiculous. Wasting my time sending in for repairs a 2nd and 3rd is something I WILL NOT do. $140, I might bite the bullet. But not if it's going to crap out on me on a yearly basis, warrantied or not.

When he put me on hold for a minute or two "checking" to see if he could give me a 25% discount and came back to tell me no, I told him no thanks with the repair.

Xbox 360 really did become maybe my favorite console of all time, but after that phone call, I might never play it again. I'm thinking about taking a hammer to it and mailing the pieces to MS headquarters.
[quote name='mbstuff']My Xbox 360 died this week (3 red on the ring, error code 0020), making it 13 months since I bought it, and thus out of warranty. Having read that people have gotten ~$70 and ~$100 repairs, I call and mention that I've read that they have the authority to reduce the repair cost.

Then, the phone rep blows my mind: He tells me that I will receive the discounts on the repairs when I send my xbox 360 in for 2nd and 3rd repairs. But, he said, you can rest easy since you get another year warranty with the $140 initial repair. So I'm thinking, wait a minute, how common are these 2nd and 3rd repairs that they not only have a pricing structure in place, the reps are telling me about them like I should expect to send it in again and again.

That's ridiculous. Wasting my time sending in for repairs a 2nd and 3rd is something I WILL NOT do. $140, I might bite the bullet. But not if it's going to crap out on me on a yearly basis, warrantied or not.

When he put me on hold for a minute or two "checking" to see if he could give me a 25% discount and came back to tell me no, I told him no thanks with the repair.

Xbox 360 really did become maybe my favorite console of all time, but after that phone call, I might never play it again. I'm thinking about taking a hammer to it and mailing the pieces to MS headquarters.[/QUOTE]

lol, it's true. The console likes to break. what did they say the failure rate was? .5%?

btw why is this thread no longer stickied?
Try this it worked for me!

[quote name='jorgeed']You will not get it repaired for free. Bill Gates did not become rich by giving anything for free. Here is what I did to get it fixed for $69. File a complaint with the better business bureau in the state of Washington. This will get Microsoft calling you in 2-3 days! Talk to the rep & ask for a supervisor, I spoke to two of them, they came down to $100 pretty quick & said that that was the best that they could do. I told them that it was not good enough and I would persue my case through different means. I then stated that I could see myself paying for half and they should be reponsible for the other half. She then said she would look at one more thing and put me on hold. She came back and said if I completed the transaction at that time she would do it for $69. I gave her my debit card number and that was it. This call will probably take about an hour, maybe quicker since you have all of the details on what to do. Just hold your ground and stay calm. I've heard of people cursing and screaming at the reps and loosing all leverage with Microsucks. They may also ask you to send in the original receipt to get you frustated. I faxed mine in and they stated that they never received it. Just stay calm and count on spending at least an hour on the phone with them. Good luck![/quote]
I just got off the phone with microsoft, they are sending me a coffin. My 360 freezes and I get some checkerboard patterns on the screen. Could take like 2 weeks to get back.
So is the warranty for a year no matter what now? I just bought a used 360 two days ago, and the thing has already eaten my DoA 4 disc. The dude said it had a warranty until Nov. 07, and I didn't even think about it. It's also freezing constantly. If I have to shell out $100+, I'm going to be pretty fucking pissed.
omfg!! i cant believe it....

my system is dead again!! wtf man..this is bs..

i was just downloading boom boom rocket and the system froze at 27%.

i rebooted it and it would just freeze at the xbox screen..

now i dont even see the xbox logo and have 3 flashing red lights!

warranty expires next month.. im thinking of sending this one in (again) and sell the one i get back and just get an elite in store at bb with warranty
I just got my coffin, but I'm not allowed to use THIS one. I waited for a week and then called M$. It turns out the idiot who took my call the first time didn't bother entering my serial number or the fact that my system was under warranty. Thank God I called! The guy told me that I would have sent my system into xbox360 limbo and that at best it would just get sent back to me. At worst, I'd never see my system again.

They're sending me a new coffin, so I get to wait another week for it to arrive. Anyone want a limbo coffin?
Just got a 360 back from M$. Funny thing is I sent mine off the day after they made the announcement how they were going to try and get people back their 360 repaied and not a refurb, of course I got a refurb. The woman for UPS even said to me when she delivered it "this is an XBOX repair isn't it". I would love to know what % of these 360s have died. If multiple UPS drivers even know of it, that is saying something.
well just shipped out my coffin today. Wonder how long they'll take it to get back. I have a feeling i'll get another one that will die within another year. Methinks that once you get a dead unit you get stuck in the hellish high % limbo of getting a high risk unit since they basically just send you a refurb to replace the unit you send in. It's a bitch aint it? Onto my 3rd Xbox 360 since launch wheee lol.......... really unprecedented of any home console i've owned thusfar. Microsoft FTW

And once again, why did they remove the sticky on this thread?
my 360 shit the bed a few days ago. mailed out the coffin yesterday.

i swear i could hear taps playing when i walked into the ups store
[quote name='guyver2077']thank god they have never made me pay shipping[/quote]

$17 with insurance :cry: Bastard CSR wouldn't send me a coffin.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']$17 with insurance :cry: Bastard CSR wouldn't send me a coffin.[/QUOTE]

wow you got swindled. They're required to do it now
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']$17 with insurance :cry: Bastard CSR wouldn't send me a coffin.[/quote]

Same with me. $20 bucks to ship it to them. This sucks.
Well, I was getting tired of the frequent freezing, so I called up MS today. The reps were very curteous, and my coffin is on the way (free shipping both ways). I'm relieved I got everything squared away. Getting everything taken care of now, as opposed to waiting for the red rings, is a huge weight off my shoulders. And hey, the warranty gets extended for another year! Woo!
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