Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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Welp, my 360 was supposed to be delivered today, but UPS decided not to knock, and just left one of their notices that they tried delivering.
well here's some insight on why our 360's are all breaking =)

One a side note, we all had a good belly laugh here at the shop when we saw Microsoft's most creative measures to minimize the dreaded Xbox 360 3 flashing red lights "ring of death" error caused by poor BGA connections of the CPU and GPU. It seems that that the good ol' a dab will do ya methodology applies here. Take a look at the epoxy surrounding the CPU and GPU which is intended to prevent the BGA connection from popping as the board warps. This has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Will it do the job, I have my doubts, but it will remain to be seen. It certainly seems like taking the easy way out instead of fixing the real problem.

looks like the elite has a sort of fix... lol
well.....the 360 officially died today.....i was playing lost planet yesterday and it kept freezing at the same spot. today i was playing luxar 2 and it froze. tried turning the console back on and got the 3 red lights of death.

i bought it 8 months ago....the thing is i cant find the receipt. i coulda swore i put it in the box but its not there. any suggestions? this really sucks.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Well, I was getting tired of the frequent freezing, so I called up MS today. The reps were very curteous, and my coffin is on the way (free shipping both ways). I'm relieved I got everything squared away. Getting everything taken care of now, as opposed to waiting for the red rings, is a huge weight off my shoulders. And hey, the warranty gets extended for another year! Woo![/QUOTE]
When they send you a refurb I thought you only got a 30 day or 90 day warranty, do the give you another year? I am wondering because my 360 is starting to die. When I started it up last time I got a distorted picture, I reseted it and it was ok but this is not a good sign for the near future of my console.
Well my 2nd 360 died. I'm close to the 90 days since I got it back from MS. With my luck it'll be like 92 days and they'll want me to pay the money to fix it (With over 60 retail games and around 39 XBLA games, the HD DVD drive, the vision camera, the wireless headset, 4 wireless controllers, and my live subscription doesn't run out till dec 2009, not to mention 2 original xboxes and over 120 games for that, I think I've spend enough money so fuck them if they try and make me pay).
My 360 scratches discs slowly, but surely. Besides that, it's working fine...I'm hanging onto it for as long as possible though.
Ugh my 360's been fine for the past year, but it started acting really weird today. It froze while playing GH2, so I restarted. Then it froze at the 360 logo. After that it would always freeze after playing GH2 for a few minutes.

Then I got the 3 red lights, which went away after a while (I didnt even try the towel trick). So I tried Earth Defense Force instead and managed to play through missions 2 to 6 flawlessly. GH2 seems to be working fine now (played 3 or 4 songs without any freezing).

What the hell is going on with my 360?! I'm not even sure if its sitll under warranty (I got it last March I believe)
[quote name='fieldkillah']Well my 2nd 360 died. I'm close to the 90 days since I got it back from MS. With my luck it'll be like 92 days and they'll want me to pay the money to fix it (With over 60 retail games and around 39 XBLA games, the HD DVD drive, the vision camera, the wireless headset, 4 wireless controllers, and my live subscription doesn't run out till dec 2009, not to mention 2 original xboxes and over 120 games for that, I think I've spend enough money so fuck them if they try and make me pay).[/quote]

i think new policy is oine year from when your last 360 was sent out.. thats what happenned with me
[quote name='Michaellvortega']If you never registered your 360 you "could" register it today and have the warranty start today.[/quote]

Holy shit is that true? I just now registered my console. I wonder if I can call in and be under warranty.....hmmmm?!
[quote name='dastly75']Holy shit is that true? I just now registered my console. I wonder if I can call in and be under warranty.....hmmmm?![/quote]
If I'm not mistaken, when you purchase the console MS is notified that console with XXXXXX serial number has been purchased. All is done during checkout when they scann the barcode on the system through the little window in the box.
It's been a month since I've been without my console.

My console had been freezing on occasion but no red lights or anything for a few months so I figured, as with computers, an occasional freeze up is normal. Finally one night, my 360 froze twice in a relatively short period of time, and that is when I decided to call MS.

A week after calling, I recieved my shipping box only to find that the the box had been crushed, the instructions inside were in spanish, and there was no return shipping label. I promptly called MS and explained my situation and they told me that they would have to send me a new box.

A week after I recieved the first box, I still hadn't received the second box so I called MS and they told me that it appears that since this second box is still tied to my original service incident, it appears to be tied up and will take a while to ship. Then I was told that my previous service request was cancelled and a new on opened in hopes of expediting the shipment of of the box.

Finally, a week later I recieved my box, crushed, but with a return shipping label and english instructions this time. I have since shipped my xbox 360 back and will hopefully have it back within a week.

This is the second 360 that I've had freezing problems with. The first 360 I had began freezing the second night I had it, and by the third night, wouldn't boot to the dashboard. So I guess I'm lucky this time since this 360 has lasted me over a year, and luckily I have the 2 year extended contract to keep me safe.

Being without my 360 for this long has been hard, I've been searching for the 360 Elite in stock every time I go to the store in hopes of getting one early. If I don't have my 360 back by the launch of the Elite, I will probably end up purchasing one and selling my current 360 when I get it back from being repaired.

[quote name='carp3n0ct3m']
Being without my 360 for this long has been hard, I've been searching for the 360 Elite in stock every time I go to the store in hopes of getting one early. If I don't have my 360 back by the launch of the Elite, I will probably end up purchasing one and selling my current 360 when I get it back from being repaired.


Tell me about it, I sat down and hit the Guide button on the controller, then was like DURRRR NO 360 DUMBASS, then slapped myself upside the head.
[quote name='guyver2077']i think new policy is oine year from when your last 360 was sent out.. thats what happenned with me[/quote]

It's only 90 days, I almost found out the hard way. When I called the guy on the phone told me my warranty expired today and I'd have to pay. I asked to speak to a supervisor who told me he wasn't going to have me pay 140 dollars for one day out of warranty. I'm happy to say the least. I think I might just bite on the extra 1 year warranty for 29.
I got desperate enough to try the towel trick today. It didnt work the first time, but the second time worked like a charm (this time I took the hard drive out and wrapped the towel really tight). I did the system maintenance thing (removes all patches but not the game saves) and GH2 seems to be running fine now (I played about 9 or 10 songs without any freezing). I'm going to stay away from the GH2 patch for now.

God I hope this thing lasts.

EDIT: Nope. Froze twice while playing GH2. EDF seems to be working great though...
Well, sure enough, two days after calling MS, my 360 gets the rings of death. But I thought all warranties were extended a year when you get a repair back? Hmm.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Well, sure enough, two days after calling MS, my 360 gets the rings of death. But I thought all warranties were extended a year when you get a repair back? Hmm.[/quote]
Thats only if you paid for the repair. If it was free than you only get 90 days, but you can extend your warranty to a year for 29.
if you removed the factory seal you had better let the phone rep know about it. I sent mine in without the seal and they sent it right back without repairing it with a note about tampering. had to fight them to actually get it repaired.
looks like i may need to send mine in now... i just had 3 games freeze on me today multiple times. Lost Planet (played maybe 4-5 times total), GRAW 2 (only the third time playing it today), and Rainbow Six: Vegas (which i have played tons, but i have 2 copies from it freezing). I got mine March 2006, not sure if I should open it up or just send it in, any suggestions?
just got aroudn to packaging my seems that they are cheaping out on the shipping boxes a lil... the last box i had seemed more sturdy,...
[quote name='fieldkillah']Thats only if you paid for the repair. If it was free than you only get 90 days, but you can extend your warranty to a year for 29.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see. Well, I'll probably shell out the 30 bucks to have a year. Thanks.
Okay, I have a question. My 360 broke this weekend. Now, when I bought it I got the extended warranty at Best Buy. If I went to use that, would I have to turn in my hard drive too, with all my saves? Or is there someway I'd be able to keep my hard drive and give them the new one back? Cause if I had to turn in my hard drive, that'd really suck since I'd lose all my saves and frankly, that's not really worth it. But if I can keep my hard drive, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to go to Best Buy and just use my extended warranty than waiting for Microsoft to fix mine.
[quote name='karsh']Okay, I have a question. My 360 broke this weekend. Now, when I bought it I got the extended warranty at Best Buy. If I went to use that, would I have to turn in my hard drive too, with all my saves? Or is there someway I'd be able to keep my hard drive and give them the new one back? Cause if I had to turn in my hard drive, that'd really suck since I'd lose all my saves and frankly, that's not really worth it. But if I can keep my hard drive, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to go to Best Buy and just use my extended warranty than waiting for Microsoft to fix mine.[/quote] You should be able to, just tell them your situation about your game saves.
[quote name='tenzor']You should be able to, just tell them your situation about your game saves.[/QUOTE]

I have a very similiar question as well - don't know whether its been commented on before. I too possess the extended warranty from Best Buy. As a former employee there, one of the aspects of the "Performance Service Plan" we were to push is the ability to upgrade if your original equipment goes out. My 360, purchased in Nov 05, freezes everytime I play it - no matter the game. You think they will transfer the saves to an Elite if you turn it in? Or do you think they will be disgusted by (and anticipating) these shenanigans and not allow you to do this? My 360 is definitely on the way out, just trying to make the most of it. Thanks!

-Dr. Ugly-
[quote name='alexjs2913']if you removed the factory seal you had better let the phone rep know about it. I sent mine in without the seal and they sent it right back without repairing it with a note about tampering. had to fight them to actually get it repaired.[/QUOTE]

Were you paying full price for the repair? Or were you trying to get it repaired under warranty?
well they finally got my Unit in. I wonder how long it's gonna be till they ship out the replacement.

Good thing it broke this month instead of next. It'd be annoying to miss out on the halo 3 beta since it's only 3 weeks long.

The first time I had to do this repair was when I got saints row and 99 nights in. Pissed the hell out of me ;)
[quote name='cyberlian']Were you paying full price for the repair? Or were you trying to get it repaired under warranty?[/QUOTE]

i was paying for mine and that is what my argument with M$ was about. they are repairing it but I had to send it in twice. Should get it back tomorrow.
My 360 is no longer under warranty, so I'm thinking of just getting a core system and installing my old 360's hard drive. Will that work, or do I have to do anything on the old 360?
Called in for repairs on my second premium. The disc drive sometimes stays closed when I tell it to open. It makes noises like it tried to open but doesn't. I really wish I had area enough to lay it horizontal. Hopefully they will give me one with the new drive at least.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Got my coffin yesterday, dropped it off at UPS this morning. What's the usual turn around time from this point?[/QUOTE]

For you it should be no time since the repair center is right outside Dallas.

For me it was like 3 weeks total.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Got my coffin yesterday, dropped it off at UPS this morning. What's the usual turn around time from this point?[/QUOTE]

For me, it was a week, I'm in FL.

I also paid for shipping and used Priority Mail, MS got my 360 in two days.
[quote name='d00k']Whoo!

The stork just delivered me a brand new baby 360! Imma go play it.[/QUOTE]

Actually it's a refurbished unit which will probably die within a year. Welcome to the vicious cycle.
[quote name='Zoglog']Actually it's a refurbished unit which will probably die within a year. Welcome to the vicious cycle.[/quote]
Oh yeah, I forgot. That really sucks. Is there a year long warrenty on the refurbs they send?
[quote name='d00k']Oh yeah, I forgot. That really sucks. Is there a year long warrenty on the refurbs they send?[/quote]

If you paid then you get a year. If it was a free repair then you get 90 days. You also can get a year warranty from MS for 29.
My friends 360 got the red lights when I was over there playing GHII today, about 2 hours ago.

The look on his face was priceless :lol:

Luckily he's under warranty, or I wouldn't have laughed as much as I did at him.
Oh shit, I just realized I didn't write down the tracking # and I didn't get a receipt when I dropped it off. fuck. If something goes wrong, is there anything I can do?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Oh shit, I just realized I didn't write down the tracking # and I didn't get a receipt when I dropped it off. fuck. If something goes wrong, is there anything I can do?[/QUOTE]

if you have your reference # when you called in that should expedite things to get your tracking #. U'll just have to deal with the stupid customer support again.
Mine returned today and is working pretty good too.

It was mine too, one of the Japanese ones they brought back over and reprogrammed. got it at Micro Center
[quote name='Zoglog']if you have your reference # when you called in that should expedite things to get your tracking #. U'll just have to deal with the stupid customer support again.[/QUOTE]

Ah, cool deal. Thanks.
So, when I send my 360 to Microsoft for repairs, they send me back a refurb unit instead of fixing MY unit?

The reason I'm asking is that I have an additional year long warranty from Microcenter that allows me to bring it in and get a gift card for the amount I paid to do with as I please. This warranty doesn't begin until the Microsoft one runs out. If I have a refurb unit, would Microcenter accept it being a different unit than the one I bought from them?

Also, does anyone know if the effect the "towel trick" has on a 360 causes the warranty to be void? I'm waiting for my coffin to arrive and I really want to play in the meantime (just received Double Agent from a trade), but not enough to risk not getting a free repair.
Add me to the list of people with a dead 360. 1 month after my warranty expired, I noticed certain games would not play (Crackdown, Viva Pinata, BulletWitch). 2 months after my warranty expired, I get the red ring of death and it will not start up.

Called support, asked to speak to a supervisor, and argued enough to get him to bring the repair price down to $100. So my 360 is now on it's way to Texas in a cardboard box. Glad they just added the free shipping and 1 year warranty on repairs. But since my 360 lasted a bit longer than a year, I guess I'll be adding the Microsoft extended warranty once my year is up.
Got my repair box in awful condition, will be shipping it out tomorrow. Gotta get some GH2 loving in before its gone for who knows how long.
[quote name='Roufuss']Is there any sort of document they give you that shows you have a new 90 day warranty?

I'm selling my 360 the day it comes back from the repair place, and knowing for sure it's got some kind of 90 day warranty on it I can prove will make it an easier sell.[/QUOTE]OMG, you sold your 360. :( :(

My 360 seems to be mostly fine now, but the only thing worrying me is the dash seems to load and move slower and slower. :(
Getting mine back today. Had the ROD. Took about 2.5 weeks total. Probably going to have to pony up for the M$ warranty extension. I think it's 50 for 2 years. Well worth it IMO.
I was able to return mine to Target, and they even let me keep my old hard drive. So, you can always try exchanging the system with the retailer. Usually retailers carry warranties for at least several months on defective merchandise.
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