Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='sp00ge']I think mine just bit it. I popped in Burnout to play a little bit before the wife gets home. I was just starting and it froze up. I powered it off and back on and now it won't even spin the disc. I've powered off and on several times, switched games, nothing. It says "reading disc" and then "open tray," without so much as spinning the disc.

I guess it's time.... :([/quote]
That's almost exactly what happened to mine.
Woooohooo! UPS called this morning and said it'll be delivered today. I checked the website, and it left the repair center yesterday! Talk about fast shipping.
My 360 has just broke for 6th time I thought I would left everyone know that this system is the worst made thing I ever seen. I most likely will have to make a small claims case to get my money back. I don't recomened anyone to buy this system right now. untill they fix it.
[quote name='Bazz']My 360 has just broke for 6th time I thought I would left everyone know that this system is the worst made thing I ever seen. I most likely will have to make a small claims case to get my money back. I don't recomened anyone to buy this system right now. untill they fix it.[/quote]

yeah the 360 is the worst system ever made in terms of hardware failure. I never had nor heard of so many problems with a system. I mean I love the games, and the way Xbox live is done, but damn does their hardware suck. Hopefully when those new chips come out on the elite, and future premium systems everything will be ok.
[quote name='tenzor']yeah the 360 is the worst system ever made in terms of hardware failure. I never had nor heard of so many problems with a system. I mean I love the games, and the way Xbox live is done, but damn does their hardware suck. Hopefully when those new chips come out on the elite, and future premium systems everything will be ok.[/quote]Exactly , I really love the system in terms of Xbox live and Games , but I treat my system better then myself so I should have no reason for them to break every second.
With much of the 360's problems being heat related, is the Intercooler a good buy? I know there's several variations on the product, but has anyone used one?
[quote name='JJSP']That's almost exactly what happened to mine.[/quote]

I unplugged the power and let it sit for awhile. Then plugged the power back in and started it up and now it's playing fine again.

The drive tray sticks every so often, sometimes requiring a solid tap of the finger to get it to open.
Got my 360 back today, with a free 1 month Live card, no less! Just a quick question, how do I actually use it towards my subscription? :lol:
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Got my 360 back today, with a free 1 month Live card, no less! Just a quick question, how do I actually use it towards my subscription? :lol:[/quote]

Go to XBox Live Marketplace.. under account management.. you'll figure it out from there.
well i think my 2nd 360 ate shit today. started freezes, with some artifacts on the screen every time i tried to play a song on gh2. then it just locked up and the screen went black on gears today. pos.
[quote name='paz9x']well i think my 2nd 360 ate shit today. started freezes, with some artifacts on the screen every time i tried to play a song on gh2. then it just locked up and the screen went black on gears today. pos.[/quote] Thats the same thing that happen to mine on my recent broken 360.
How long did it take you guys to get your first box to send back? Mine died a week ago today, and I still havent gotten it from Microsoft. Should I be worried?
[quote name='coltcannon']All the shipping is UPS 3 day select so...[/quote]

Damnit, I think I should call. I knew I should have been worried when the CSR asked if I still lived in India (um, how can I 'still' live there when I've never even been there), and this was after I gave her my mailing address. Ugh...
My 2nd 360 bought it a month or so ago, finally got around to calling in for a replacement today. The experience this time was a little different, the automated system as much more annoying. After I worked my way through it, there was no hold time for a person. The live person was in India this time, but was more helpful. He did not force me to go through those useless troubleshooting steps as I had to the first time, and got right to the point of getting the information and sending out a box. Last time, they didn't even send a box, this time its free shipping both ways with their box.

My replacement 360 was still under warranty, despite being told it only came with a 90 day warranty when I got it. Its been about 5 months since I got it. Hopefully the new 360 I get back won't be another one made in 05, like my first one and first replacement.
My repaired 360 came back and I was moderately surprised to find it was replaced instead of repaired. I thought the recent change along with free shipping was that they were going to try to return your original xbox instead of replacing it with a refurb.

Not too big a deal I guess since I'm connected to Live all the time. And the replacement box definitely works better than my original box.
[quote name='Number83']Damnit, I think I should call. I knew I should have been worried when the CSR asked if I still lived in India (um, how can I 'still' live there when I've never even been there), and this was after I gave her my mailing address. Ugh...[/quote]

:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Just as I predicted...they haven't sent out the box yet. They 'apologized for the delay' at least 60 times. When I asked why they havent sent it out yet, the apoligized for the delay and said I could call back in 72 hours and they would have a tracking number. They didn't answer me so I asked again...they apoligized again and said I could call back in 72 hours and they would have a tracking number...see where this was going? So I asked to speak to a supervisor...15 minutes later and a supervisor gets on and apoligized for the delay and I could call back in 72 hours and they would have a tracking number.

Man are they sticking to the scripts or what...for a minute there I thought that was the only english they spoke. So aggravating. I told them if I didn't have my coffin by next Wednesday that I would be reporting them to the which they apoligized for the delay and said I could call back in 72 hours and they would have a tracking number.

Has anyone else have this kind of 'awesome' customer support? I know they are busy trying to work in the Yahoo deal but, arent I just as important? :roll:
[quote name='Number83']I know they are busy trying to work in the Yahoo deal but, arent I just as important? :roll:[/quote]
No. Go fuck yourself, and in the meantime, please keep giving us money.

Microsoft Customer Support Team

P.S. We apologize for the inconvenience, you can call back in 72 hours and we'll have a tracking number for you.
this bullshit abotu havgin to redownload shit when you inevitably replace your 360 is killing me. i have to sit through 20 minutes to get the stupid halo2 maps again. i had forgotten about this since my last replacement.
honestly ive about had it with ms. they are goddamned morons, they do shit the stupidest possible way everytime, theyre so afraid of pirating they put the ridiculous restrictions on software/dlc. now, i need to once again, fax them a copy of my receipt showing i replaced my 360 so i can get my points /xbla games reimbursed.

This is the shape my coffin arrived in. A pauper's grave, indeed.
mine bit it the other day. manufactured in Dec 2005, i really didn't have any trouble until a few days ago, started locking up, then got graphic glitches, then red lights. MS gets the award for crappiest console manufacturer by far. i've owned everything from an atari 2600 to x360 and pretty much everything in between and never had a problem with a console until now. I bet there would be even more failures if the average x360 owner played their system as much as the average CAG.

oh yeah, what the hell is with requiring signature on an empty box? what is that? I missed the UPS guy today, come on Microsoft can't you get anything right?
[quote name='TheShiz']mine bit it the other day. manufactured in Dec 2005, i really didn't have any trouble until a few days ago, started locking up, then got graphic glitches, then red lights. MS gets the award for crappiest console manufacturer by far. i've owned everything from an atari 2600 to x360 and pretty much everything in between and never had a problem with a console until now. I bet there would be even more failures if the average x360 owner played their system as much as the average CAG.

oh yeah, what the hell is with requiring signature on an empty box? what is that? I missed the UPS guy today, come on Microsoft can't you get anything right?[/QUOTE]
I thought signature was only required when they return the 360 to you.
[quote name='JJSP']I thought signature was only required when they return the 360 to you.[/QUOTE]

that makes sense, but at least for me, they are requiring it on the empty box, UPS usually comes after 5pm when I'm home, I hope they come then on Monday.
Hi All, I just wanted to say, yet again I have gotten the dreaded "red ring of death". This will be my 4th system in 14 months. Yes, that is 1 system every 4.3 months. As usual I contacted Microsoft and they explained that the system I received in November was out of warranty. Apparently it expired in February. As always, I asked to speak with a supervisor and explained to them that this is getting ridiculous. 3 system failures in 14 months. (side note - my system is never moved from its spot and is very well ventilated). They continued to tell me to fix it I would have to pay the $130.00. I again explained that to have 3 systems go out in this amount of time is ridiculous. They then assigned me to a "repair and something" (i have forgotten - sorry) specialist. I was also told that they were not available at this time and that they would return my phone call the next day. Of course this did not happen and I had to call again. After waiting an hour on hold with a customer service supervisor, they again said that a "specialist" will call you back tommorow. Finally this "specialist" called me back. They again tried to get me to pay the full cost. Eventually, I talked them down to getting 75% off the repair cost, a 1 year warranty, and the "specialist" is trying to give 4 months of XBL free. Also, this "specialist" is now assigned specifically to me. They have so many system failures they need to assign a specific person to handle only system failures. If for some reason another system fails, I have a direct line and extension to this "specialist". To make a long story short, do not make it easy for Microsoft to get you to pay the full price for the repair. System failures are obviously a problem MS is concerned (I use that lighlty), being that they extended the warranty to a year and also offer free coffin shipping. I just wanted to share my story ad hope that anyone that has this problem doesn't get manipulated into paying the full cost. Be calm, explain your situation and hopefully good things will come. Happy gaming!!! i'm out. BrandonJaeH
My 360 just died while my mother was playing an xbox live game. 3 ring of death indeed.

I got my system for free from the Mountain Dew contest a few years back, and they never gave me anything for any kind of insurance, so I'm SOL.

Instead of getting a 360 core, I'll just go get a Wii and sell my 360 games.
No, fortunately I have never had any problems with any systems. I still have a working Dreamcast, PSOne, japanese PSOne, japanese DC, PS2. I didn't think I would have this many problems. I wanted to also state that each time (2 previous) my system has failed I have received a replacement system from Microsoft for no fees or charges, except for this most recent one. I will definetely be purchasing the extended warranties now. Cool pic by the way.
im on system 3 in 7 months.
im VERY glad i got bb's prp. it breaks, i take it into bb and swap it out, no waiting. id be furious if i had to ship it and wait 2 weeks each time.
My first 360 that I had for four months died about a week ago, I had a EB warranty so I got a new one. Now this one if fucking freezing on me, I had bought another warranty with EB when I got the new one so now I'm about to go in for my third 360. If this one fails on me then I'm selling it and my games and getting a Wii or PS3.
[quote name='King']My first 360 that I had for four months died about a week ago, I had a EB warranty so I got a new one. Now this one if fucking freezing on me, I had bought another warranty with EB when I got the new one so now I'm about to go in for my third 360. If this one fails on me then I'm selling it and my games and getting a Wii or PS3.[/quote]

I sure hope they don't make you claim on that warranty if you've only had the replacement for a week and it's already acting up.
[quote name='magiic']I think my friend has the record. His 360 died in less a week.[/QUOTE]

My 1st one was broken after 45 minutes of Dead Rising.

That being said, I
Yeah, but with the BB warranty... I assume they take the HDD from the console you're returning?

It'd be more of a hassle having to replay games because of lost saves.
You people make me SICK! Paying for that warranty is tantamount to saying it's ok to shittily make systems which is ridiculous given the good track record of most consoles in the past, excluding Sony. Even then my PS2 was fixed when I got a lens cleaner to work on it. I also only ran into issues with my PS, NON PSOne, when I first played Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. I had NO problems playing the first remake.
edit: I'd like to add I'm sick of Americans shutting up and taking it when most products have TERRIBLE afterservice when they break down 6 months to a year afterwards. Koreans don't take this shit and these companies have good afterservice expected of them. I'd like to hope most other countries work the same way, unlike the US.
I can't agree more with the above poster. F M$ and F these geeks saying you should buy extended warranties. You are 100% right.
M$ is doing a really great job at pissing off their most loyal customers.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']I can't agree more with the above poster. F M$ and F these geeks saying you should buy extended warranties. You are 100% right.
M$ is doing a really great job at pissing off their most loyal customers.[/QUOTE]

Systems are almost going to bleed in the future considering what we'll need to run some things. I'm talking when we get to film res. and 60 FPS in gaming I wonder how ANY system will pull that off short of a miracle. I'm looking at a dualcore 10 GHz if not higher in that respect. Six layered HVD's will be able to carry the data but processing will be a problem.
By this time we should be at the point of Quantum computers or Organic molecular one's.
edit: P.S. Even with that space quality textures will eat it up like a motherfucker.

Oh and idiotic to make systems with such a common failure rate as you push people away, limiting sales and costing profit on the main end, software. Shit this takes away in accessory cost as well.
its far smarter to not buy a warranty when many people have a problem.
boy id sure have been smarter if Id forgone the warranty. that $50 was stupid, I dont know why i spent that instead of buying more replacement 360's.
Also, I hate how it takes me 15 minutes to exchange it at bb instead of 2 weeks to mail and receive with MS. fuck me, I really am a jackass.

and to whomever mentioned it, no bb does not recquire you to give them your hdd, if they tell you that, tell them to stfu and just give you the console.
I don't know, something is not accurate here. I received a replacement 360 in December, which recently failed. I called yesterday and I'm still under warranty. I believe they extended warranties to one year.

I would ask them why your system is not still under warranty.
[quote name='paz9x']its far smarter to not buy a warranty when many people have a problem.
boy id sure have been smarter if Id forgone the warranty. that $50 was stupid, I dont know why i spent that instead of buying more replacement 360's.
Also, I hate how it takes me 15 minutes to exchange it at bb instead of 2 weeks to mail and receive with MS. fuck me, I really am a jackass.

and to whomever mentioned it, no bb does not recquire you to give them your hdd, if they tell you that, tell them to stfu and just give you the console.[/QUOTE]

My point is if there's that much of a problem THEY should pay, it's on them for making an unreliable product. Also even if the product has a low failure rate, if it breaks down a year or less they should replace or repair it as part of good customer service plus it's still on them breaking down that early. Past that it's still smart as you have high customer retention rates and add to that further on good word of mouth.
I just got my 360 around maybe 2 months ago. Now gears gives me DREs. This SUCKS. Gears is my reason for the 360. I can't fucking afford a new gears, so I'll never know if it's gears or the 360. So i might as well cash in for that warranty, becuase I fucking see where this bullshit is going.

Gee thanks, Microsoft. For some reason, I belived in you.
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