Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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I also agree that paying for any extended warranty is a bunch of crap. I have never bought an extended warranty on anything except my TV. But having this many problems and the fact that M$ is only willing to go so far scares your average consumer into insuring their product. Also a bunch of bull crap. If your going to put out a product that has a failure rate such as the 360, their needs to be something done for the consumer to remedy this. It's kind of a double edged sword. If the M$ were to recall all the crappy systems, they would lose a ton of dinero. But again, to us the consumer, we deserve a product that works consistently at whatever cost to M$. Ways to ensure you are not getting completely screwed over are to stand your ground and demand that they repair or replace a dead system w/o having to pay the $130.00.

[quote name='Sarang01']My point is if there's that much of a problem THEY should pay, it's on them for making an unreliable product. Also even if the product has a low failure rate, if it breaks down a year or less they should replace or repair it as part of good customer service plus it's still on them breaking down that early. Past that it's still smart as you have high customer retention rates and add to that further on good word of mouth.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely, but im not willing to be the guy who's SOL to show them. thats another reason I chose the bb prp versus the MS warranty, theyre not seeing my $ (though some may argue which is the greater evil)
truthfully if people in california were to follow through with the implied merchants warranty, the retialer would be legally responsible to repair or replace the item not giving the use a reasonable person would expect.
Its just a pain in the ass.
saying it makes you sick or calling people who've purchased it geeks is just unintelligent. Though imposing ones, "elite" status seems to be the trend with a portion of CAGs.
I'm on my second and I am just starting to get the lower right red ring and my friend is on his fourth, both since launch date.

:bomb:This is getting crazy are these things have hardware failures so often.:bomb:
Lowered expectations...

= The people who put up with this crap.

*Whistles and waits for Microsoft to put in the new 65mm chipset before I even begin to consider the console*
[quote name='omgu8myrice']am i the only person whose 360 hasnt broke?

ill still be getting the extended m$ warranty when mineis about to expire, just to be safe[/quote]

No, I got mine on release day and I've used it quite a bit. I've not had any problems with it.

I hear stories of people who have had 3-4 systems in 12 months and they think its the system to blame. That's complete shit. If you buy something and it breaks, consider it bad luck. If you do it 3-4 more times, then I'd want to know what the hell you are doing to it?

I know that M$ had problems with the initial systems, but if you broke one and got a new one last week (especially with PRP from BB), it shouldn't have those same manufacturing problems. But, if you are doing something stupid with the box, the likely you are repeating it with the second box.

Bottom line, people who are on their 3rd of 4th box should take a good look at what they are doing to them. How do you use it, where do you keep it, is it ventilated, is your power supply ventilated, have you hacked it, etc. There may be problems with manufacturing, but it can't account for the stupidity of people. Its a $400 video game system with a lot of "guts" in it. You can't handle it like its indestructible.

Is there a page online where you can extend your warranty with Microsoft? I wouldn't mind tacking on a year beyond my 1 year purchase.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']No, I got mine on release day and I've used it quite a bit. I've not had any problems with it.

I hear stories of people who have had 3-4 systems in 12 months and they think its the system to blame. That's complete shit. If you buy something and it breaks, consider it bad luck. If you do it 3-4 more times, then I'd want to know what the hell you are doing to it?

I know that M$ had problems with the initial systems, but if you broke one and got a new one last week (especially with PRP from BB), it shouldn't have those same manufacturing problems. But, if you are doing something stupid with the box, the likely you are repeating it with the second box.

Bottom line, people who are on their 3rd of 4th box should take a good look at what they are doing to them. How do you use it, where do you keep it, is it ventilated, is your power supply ventilated, have you hacked it, etc. There may be problems with manufacturing, but it can't account for the stupidity of people. Its a $400 video game system with a lot of "guts" in it. You can't handle it like its indestructible.

With all due respect, what if they are handling the consoles carefully and properly and the consoles are still crapping out? Your post comes across as pointing the blame at the consumers rather than Microsoft. The fact is that even at places like IGN, the failure rate on their Xbox 360 consoles is over 60%, so the odds are that people are handling these expensive consoles carefully and respectfully and the consoles are still crapping out on then.

People at CAG aren't stupid. They've researched the things they buy, and although I may not agree with their decision to buy the console at this point, I respect it. I'm sure the vast majority of the posters practice caution in how they use these consoles and don't treat them like they're indestructable. Your post almost sounds patronizing in tone (as I'm sure my prior post was, but I wasn't pointing blame), but if that's how you want carry yourself, so be it. I'd just like to point out that there is more than enough proof gathered up through various forums and sites across the internet that the failure rate on the Xbox 360 is atrocious.

In all honesty, you're the kind of individual that perpetuates the 'lowered expectation' tag that I mentioned before. It's complete shit and bad luck? The fact is that your assertion is wrong and in all likelihood, biased. There is more than enough proof to back everyone's claims up. People should have a level of standard that their hard earned money is going towards a purchase that is not going to crap out a few months later, especially a $400 investment.

It's not bad luck. It's bad business and disrespectful towards consumers, and it's akin to nothing more than meeting someone from the internet to buy a Xbox 360 and after paying the guy and getting home, you find out that the box had nothing but rocks inside.
[quote name='Sarang01']You people make me SICK! Paying for that warranty is tantamount to saying it's ok to shittily make systems which is ridiculous given the good track record of most consoles in the past, excluding Sony. Even then my PS2 was fixed when I got a lens cleaner to work on it. I also only ran into issues with my PS, NON PSOne, when I first played Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. I had NO problems playing the first remake.
edit: I'd like to add I'm sick of Americans shutting up and taking it when most products have TERRIBLE afterservice when they break down 6 months to a year afterwards. Koreans don't take this shit and these companies have good afterservice expected of them. I'd like to hope most other countries work the same way, unlike the US.[/QUOTE]

I pretty much agree with you. I'm not sure what makes it acceptable for MS to have a system with such shitty reliability. The consensus on CAG seems to be "Well, I'm on my 3rd system, but uhm. It's okay, I like the system anyway and it's not too bad waiting two weeks." Which is fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if the majority of CAGs are just morons (well, okay, I am sure of that) or if I'm overestimating the importance of things like functional hardware.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']No, I got mine on release day and I've used it quite a bit. I've not had any problems with it.

I hear stories of people who have had 3-4 systems in 12 months and they think its the system to blame. That's complete shit. If you buy something and it breaks, consider it bad luck. If you do it 3-4 more times, then I'd want to know what the hell you are doing to it?[/QUOTE]
The system I sent in is only the 2nd that failed on me, got the first one at launch. Replacement system was also an 05 model, which predictably failed in the same manner as the first.

The newer systems seem to be OK, but those 2005 models are definitely failure prone. I'm hoping this next replacement is a more recent model.
To those who've had systems replaced:

Are you supposed to write the 10 digit reference number that customer support tech's gives you on the outside of the box? I'm pretty sure that's what they said to do, but I just wanted to double check that there wasn't a different number that I forgot to jot down.
[quote name='brainmunch']To those who've had systems replaced:

Are you supposed to write the 10 digit reference number that customer support tech's gives you on the outside of the box? I'm pretty sure that's what they said to do, but I just wanted to double check that there wasn't a different number that I forgot to jot down.[/QUOTE]

yes you are and you are supposed to write in on a piece of paper taped to the console itself
[quote name='alexjs2913']yes you are and you are supposed to write in on a piece of paper taped to the console itself[/quote]Thank you, I KNEW there was something I was forgetting. Good looks :)
I take the hardrive out and it works. I hope i didn't damage the disk trying to fix it ( lawl :| ). It turns out it's a problem with the save file, so now I have to get a memory card and put the save file over onto the memory card, delate the save file on the hard drive, then switch it back.

Lets recap. 400 dollar 360. 60 Dollar Game. 30 dollar memory card, 60 warranty that i will most likely buy.

Microsoft 1 Consumer 0.
I've had my 360 since last summer. I started out with only one game and got a significant number of disc read errors but chalked it up to a mildly bad disc. Now, however, I find that i get disc read errors every hour or two of play on most/all of my 360 games, all are brand new with no scratches. This does not destroy my enjoyment of the console by any stretch, but it does suck when you can never be positive you'll make it to that next save point ...

Has anyone tried to exchange a unit with this type of problem? Is Microsoft willing to take them back even though the problem may not be easily duplicated?
[quote name='Chacrana']I pretty much agree with you. I'm not sure what makes it acceptable for MS to have a system with such shitty reliability. The consensus on CAG seems to be "Well, I'm on my 3rd system, but uhm. It's okay, I like the system anyway and it's not too bad waiting two weeks." Which is fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if the majority of CAGs are just morons (well, okay, I am sure of that) or if I'm overestimating the importance of things like functional hardware.[/QUOTE]

It's ridiculous but the other 2 consoles are pretty much game-less. I'm personally not too upset because MS has already reimbursed me for my troubles with a net profit on my end. For the most part I don't find it acceptable at all, but for some people, the Xbox 360 is the best game console suited for them, despite the breakdowns.
[quote name='Chacrana']I pretty much agree with you. I'm not sure what makes it acceptable for MS to have a system with such shitty reliability. The consensus on CAG seems to be "Well, I'm on my 3rd system, but uhm. It's okay, I like the system anyway and it's not too bad waiting two weeks." Which is fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if the majority of CAGs are just morons (well, okay, I am sure of that) or if I'm overestimating the importance of things like functional hardware.[/QUOTE]

It's ridiculous but the other 2 consoles are pretty much game-less. I'm personally not too upset because MS has already reimbursed me for my troubles with a net profit on my end. For the most part I don't find it acceptable at all, but for some people, the Xbox 360 is the best game console suited for them, despite the breakdowns.

Calling people morons just because they don't buy things suited to your preference is an awfully ignorant statement. To some people buying a Wii or a PS3 is a waste of money in their opinions... How about PCs that end up costing 1000-2000? Shame shame =/
[quote name='Zoglog']It's ridiculous but the other 2 consoles are pretty much game-less. I'm personally not too upset because MS has already reimbursed me for my troubles with a net profit on my end. For the most part I don't find it acceptable at all, but for some people, the Xbox 360 is the best game console suited for them, despite the breakdowns.

Calling people morons just because they don't buy things suited to your preference is an awfully ignorant statement. To some people buying a Wii or a PS3 is a waste of money in their opinions... How about PCs that end up costing 1000-2000? Shame shame =/[/QUOTE]

I'm not calling anyone a moron because they have different preferences than me... that would be ignorant. I'm calling people morons for trying to defend MS' shitty, unreliable hardware and acting like it's no big deal that they're on their third system.
Clearly the repairs are forced by microsoft on people who don't take those 15 minute breaks every hour. Play 6 months without doing that and then bam! Red lights, and you get put in the penalty box! :)

In other news, mine arrived in Texas today, I find it somewhat humorous that the town the repair center is in is a border town...
[quote name='Chacrana']I'm not calling anyone a moron because they have different preferences than me... that would be ignorant. I'm calling people morons for trying to defend MS' shitty, unreliable hardware and acting like it's no big deal that they're on their third system.[/QUOTE]
actually you stated he majority of CAG's are morons, no you are backpedaling.
I dont see much defending, i see a lot of people dealing with it.
what should they do throw it in the garbage and walk away?
Got the call that someone has to be home tomorrow for a package. Not a bad turnaround, I was expecting early next week at the earliest.

:edit: just checked the tracking number they gave me and it's 8lb package, finally I'll get it back, I bought a ps3 out of boredom.
Has anyone else had this porblem?

I called MS 3 weeks ago, because my 360 is no longer reading discs. They said 2-4 business days for the coffin. About a week later, a box does indeed show up, with NO RETURN LABEL. I call up MS, and they say they will send another box.

One week later, no box. I call them up, and am told to call back in 72 hours to gt a tracking number. I call on Monday, and they have no record of a box being sent. They send out another box. By now I am very frustrated.

One week later, today actually, box gets here... NO fuckING RETURN LABEL! I call them up, and guess what? ANOTHER fuckING BOX!

Anybody want to buy a kinda broken 360? I'll trade for a Wii straight up.
[quote name='masked lemon']Has anyone else had this porblem?

I called MS 3 weeks ago, because my 360 is no longer reading discs. They said 2-4 business days for the coffin. About a week later, a box does indeed show up, with NO RETURN LABEL. I call up MS, and they say they will send another box.

One week later, no box. I call them up, and am told to call back in 72 hours to gt a tracking number. I call on Monday, and they have no record of a box being sent. They send out another box. By now I am very frustrated.

One week later, today actually, box gets here... NO fuckING RETURN LABEL! I call them up, and guess what? ANOTHER fuckING BOX!

Anybody want to buy a kinda broken 360? I'll trade for a Wii straight up.[/QUOTE]

Any time you deal with any customer service, you have to write down who you talked to, when, and reference numbers/ ticket numbers. Call back one more time explain the problem and be firm that you want a shipping label overnighted to you.
I am picking my 360 up today from UPS. It broke last Monday and I got it back in a litttle less than two weeks. Thats not too bad. Anyways; I know I should have gotten the BB warranty when I bought it from them last fall, but I was a cheapass. Now, I was wondering if I can get the Microsoft Extended Warranty even after I sent the thing in for a repair already. I will be super-pissed if they don't let me but I figure you guys are better at giving a fast response. Anyone had any luck with this? Also, how much is the warranty? Thanks.
[quote name='jughead']I am picking my 360 up today from UPS. It broke last Monday and I got it back in a litttle less than two weeks. Thats not too bad. Anyways; I know I should have gotten the BB warranty when I bought it from them last fall, but I was a cheapass. Now, I was wondering if I can get the Microsoft Extended Warranty even after I sent the thing in for a repair already. I will be super-pissed if they don't let me but I figure you guys are better at giving a fast response. Anyone had any luck with this? Also, how much is the warranty? Thanks.[/quote]

Any time you are under warranty from microsoft you can get an extended warranty. If you got a free repair you get a 90 day warranty which you can extend to 1 year for 29 dollars anytime before those 90 days are up. If you paid for repair then you get a 1 year warranty with it.
[quote name='fieldkillah']Any time you are under warranty from microsoft you can get an extended warranty. If you got a free repair you get a 90 day warranty which you can extend to 1 year for 29 dollars anytime before those 90 days are up. If you paid for repair then you get a 1 year warranty with it.[/QUOTE]

Thank you sir. I was hoping to get a warranty that would carry me through until the 720 comes out, but I guess thats not going to happen.
[quote name='jughead']Thank you sir. I was hoping to get a warranty that would carry me through until the 720 comes out, but I guess thats not going to happen.[/quote]

I believe you can get a 2 year warranty for around 50. Dunno if that helps.
[quote name='masked lemon']Has anyone else had this porblem?

I called MS 3 weeks ago, because my 360 is no longer reading discs. They said 2-4 business days for the coffin. About a week later, a box does indeed show up, with NO RETURN LABEL. I call up MS, and they say they will send another box.

One week later, no box. I call them up, and am told to call back in 72 hours to gt a tracking number. I call on Monday, and they have no record of a box being sent. They send out another box. By now I am very frustrated.

One week later, today actually, box gets here... NO fuckING RETURN LABEL! I call them up, and guess what? ANOTHER fuckING BOX!

Anybody want to buy a kinda broken 360? I'll trade for a Wii straight up.[/quote]

Two weeks ago I called, paid 139 dollars and told I'd have a box within 3 days. A week goes by, no box. Called again last week, apologized for the delay profusely by Microsoft, told to call back in 3-4 days for my tracking. Another week goes by, no box. Called again Tuesday, they asked ME what was the return tracking lable number on the box I NEVER RECEIVED so they could track it...Asked to speak to supervisor, they apologized another 1187 times, gave me a new reference number a 25% discount on my original 139 dollars and said a new box would be delivered in 4-5 days...I'm not holding my breath.

Got mine back today with a 1 month card. I've never had a problem with the customer service, actually it's some of the best I've dealt with.
man... i got a replacement console yesterday instead of a repaired one. TESIV: Oblvion runs the outdoors environments way smoother than my old 360 did. I also had a lot of slowdown with Splinter Cell and RS:V. I think there was something wrong with my old 360 right out of the box. Anyone experience anything similar?

Called them yesterday, spoke to supervisor, told him all I wanted was a return label, they can't do that, they have to send the whle box. The guy blamed it on UPS, I told him that both boxes I recieved were in perfect, untampered condition, and that it had to be a problem on their end, not UPS.

I asked if I could send the box out myself and get refunded, nope. Can't do that.

I was told to call back on Monday for a tracking number, I'm not holding my breath either. I told the supervisor that if the box is not e in 4-5 business days, I'm selling the system and buying a PS3. I have no intentions of buying the PS3, but it shut the guy up real fast.
I've had a 360 since like August 2006.. The build date on my unit is June 2006.
I don't play my 360 every day, maybe every other day after work and for a couple of hours each session..

Anyway, I didn't have any problems whatsoever with my 360 until April 3rd, when I got the 3 red rings - basically the 360 would not boot anymore (logo froze during bootup).

OK so I called MS, they sent me a box via UPS, it arrived on 4/10, I shipped it out same day, they shipped it back to me and I got it back on the 19th (got smae fixed unit, not replacement)..

So I boot it up, then I get some weird system error.. I'm like "Oh crap".. I then turn it off and on again, didnt get that error agin, and I thought it was a one time thing or it happens when you first bot up a 360 after plugging in a hard drive or something..

So I start to use it normally for a week, no problems... Then last Saturday I start getting disk these read errors "To play this disc, put it in an xbox 360 console" with any of my 360 games - but DVD movies seem to play fine.

So I call on Sunday, May 6th and report it broken again. The call agent was very helpful and apologized and said he would ship out a UPS box to ship back for reapir, and I should get it on Wed or Thursday.. Well now it's Friday, so I call MS back and talked to the agent and he said he the other agent never did a workorder for repair... I'm like.. WTF, I got a generic email from you guys on the 6th saying that" Please prepare your console and follow the instructions provided by our customer service department"

Anyways, the new agent assured me that he would send me out a new box for repair this time, but we'll see...
well i just called customer support for my repair status and they said they just shipped it...
the good news:
1)sent back MY console not some refurbished crap
2)including a free game
the bad news:
1)it'll take 8-10 business days which takes away from my Halo 3 beta
2)they wont reimburse me for the lost time on XBOX LIVE
3)sending me some bs microsoft title(most likely fusion frenzy 2)

what a hastle......................................................................................
You got a free game? Awesome.

Mine was received on Wednesday (5/9), and according to the guy I called, repaired on Friday (5/11). Yesterday, I got an email with tracking numbers saying it'd been shipped. Thing is, it was picked up at 7:30 AM Friday morning by UPS - unless they fixed it really early Friday, me thinks I'm getting a replacement (refurb).

We'll see what happens.
my xbox just died today! shit, 3 percent failure rate my ass. we need to get a head count of cags who have gotten the 3 rings.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I got a phonecall from UPS today saying a package would be delivered tommorow. Yay, I think.[/quote]

yep me 2
[quote name='MrDemonicAngel']well i just called customer support for my repair status and they said they just shipped it...
the good news:
1)sent back MY console not some refurbished crap
2)including a free game
the bad news:
1)it'll take 8-10 business days which takes away from my Halo 3 beta
2)they wont reimburse me for the lost time on XBOX LIVE
3)sending me some bs microsoft title(most likely fusion frenzy 2)

what a hastle......................................................................................[/quote]just got off the phone with customer service and i'll be getting a 1 month xbox live card. didn't get a game or anything, just wanted my coffin to be shipped.

[quote name='drbutchevil']My XBOX arrived today, refurbished one, no BenQ drive, bah.[/quote]i thought they started shipping back the original consoles, instead of refurb ones.
At least you guys are getting a free month's of service or a free game, I got nothing.

The "refurbished" 360 that I got back has been playing games just fine, but it won't play burned CD's or DVD's. A fairly large inconvienence, but i'm thinking that this 360 will die within the warranty period so i'll just wait until that happens to send it off.
Just so everyone knows I been through 7 consoles already and they won't agree to refund my money back I finally busted enough balls to get a brand new one mailed to me though. Which should be here at the end of the week. This system is the most faulty system I've ever seen I can write a story about my experinces with this garbage system already. I love how I can't recommend a system not because bad games , but a faulty system that always breaks.
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