Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

Not open for further replies. least that's what they told me...I think they said 29 for one year, 50 for least somewhere around there. Extends the 90-day warranty on the one you get back.
Ok, my 360 died in March after watching the Prestige.

I took the nearly year-old system back (thankfully, I bought the gamestop PRP), and got a new system. They would not let me keep my HD; according to GS, all parts must be brought in for an exchange. At the time I bought a new PRP; they went up to $50. I guess from the amount of defects.

Well, that 360 gave me problems right away; If I unplugged the HD everything worked fine. So I exchnaged the system again.

Now, this last system would not turn on last week. The light on the power brick was off. I took that system into GS, and the system wouldn't even turn on with another working power brick.

So new system this week, fingers crossed.
Dude, I've heard about Gamestop selling 360s with very little quality control, and they might be swapping back to you units that had been returned used and did not work when they were brought in. I've heard of people trading in past-warranty, defective 360s to Gamestop before, so . . .

Anyway, that really sucks. I will never buy a console from a place like Gamestop, because everything they do is so shady.
Yes, Gamestop is shady, but I don't think they are that bad.

All units were in the original box with the seals still intact. I just think I got a bad run of products from a manufacter with a shaky record.
[quote name='alexjs2913']Does M$ give you the option to buy a 2 year extended warranty after they repair your console?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the supervisor I spoke with told me I could add on the 1 or 2 year extended warranty any time while my current warranty is still valid.

So for me, since I got mine repaired outside of the warranty (paid $104) I will get a new 1 year warranty on my repaired 360. This repair come with a 1 year warranty starting from when I receive my repaired 360. At that point, I can add on the extended 1 or 2 year warranty any time before the current 1 year warranty expires.

In short, as long as you are still covered by an existing warranty (from the original purchase or from a repair), you should be able to add on the exteded warranty.

Well after getting a 360 at launch my 360 has finaly just $hit the bed for the first time. No red ring of death, just some static sound, then what looks like a giant checker board on my screen then lockup. Funny thing is, it was working perfectly yesterday but today I downloaded the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance content...and poof. Called the 800 number and of course, I am out of warranty since it is a launch console. I ponied up the 139 dollars to have it fixed, and was reassured that I would be getting my console back repaired...I won't hold my breath on that. And they threw in a month of XBOX live, and I'll have an additional 1 year warranty.

NumberEighty3 XBOX 360

Born: 10-15-2005
Died: 04-26-2007


No red lights, but it won't read 360 games. It'll play DVD's no problem, but Viva Pinata doesn't read (just get the "open tray" option), and Marvel: UA loads but goes to a "Please play this disc in an Xbox 360 Console" screen.

Any ideas?

EDIT - Won't read shit now. Time to call the coroner.
[quote name='memsg']got the red lights again. This is xbox #3.[/quote]Do you have it plugged straight into the wall or are you on a surge protector?
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Do you have it plugged straight into the wall or are you on a surge protector?[/QUOTE]
its plugged into a surge protector. is that interferring?
I've officially joined the club, as the coffin is on the way. I must say, although the customer service seems borderline incompetent, the dude was extremely polite.

MFR date - 7/31/06
Purchase - 10/1/06
Death - 4/27/07

Lucky me, it's under the 1 year warranty. Let's see what happens.
[quote name='memsg']its plugged into a surge protector. is that interferring?[/quote]When I talked to a MS CSR, he told me to have the system plugged straight into the wall. I guess having it in a surge protector does something with the power intake of the system. He also said the power brick works as a surge protector anyway. I haven't had troubles since I've had mine plugged in a wall.
well just got off the phone with customer service. they wanted me to pay $139 to get it repaired. I asked to speak with a supervisor and he waived the fee, he's also giving me a 1 month card to xbox live for my interrupted service.
[quote name='memsg']well just got off the phone with customer service. they wanted me to pay $139 to get it repaired. I asked to speak with a supervisor and he waived the fee, he's also giving me a 1 month card to xbox live for my interrupted service.[/quote]

The supervisor waived the fee for me too, but I didn't get a free month (not like I needed it, my live doesnt expire till dec 09)
I suppose that I'm the newest member of this group.

I have near-launch system (manufactured 12-05, purchased 1-06) that bit the dust when I moved it from a vertical position on top of my desk to a inside a TV stand in a horizontal position. I knew the 360 had cooling problems, but I had no clue they were that bad; I'd figured people with problems just had dud systems, and that if mine had lasted this long I'd be good for the long run. Guess not.

Since I'm out of warranty, I'd opened my XBOX, replaced the thermal compound, did the heat gun trick, and still can't get it to boot and work reliably. I've also tried the towel trick, but have had even less success with that.

Now that I've seen you guys get your fees waived, I want to try that, but I'm afraid if I send in the system they'll just send it back, as you can obviously tell its been opened from the marks my tools left when I popped open the case. Has anyone sent in a previously-opened system before? Did they fix it or send it back? Any info is appreciated, thanks.
My second (four month old) xbox 360 is now getting a 0103 error every other boot, the other half it plays for 5 minutes.
Arrived in TX repair center on Sat. Do they use the same tracking number to return it? I cant remember when I had the first one returned.
[quote name='brainmunch']I suppose that I'm the newest member of this group.

I have near-launch system (manufactured 12-05, purchased 1-06) that bit the dust when I moved it from a vertical position on top of my desk to a inside a TV stand in a horizontal position. I knew the 360 had cooling problems, but I had no clue they were that bad; I'd figured people with problems just had dud systems, and that if mine had lasted this long I'd be good for the long run. Guess not.

Since I'm out of warranty, I'd opened my XBOX, replaced the thermal compound, did the heat gun trick, and still can't get it to boot and work reliably. I've also tried the towel trick, but have had even less success with that.

Now that I've seen you guys get your fees waived, I want to try that, but I'm afraid if I send in the system they'll just send it back, as you can obviously tell its been opened from the marks my tools left when I popped open the case. Has anyone sent in a previously-opened system before? Did they fix it or send it back? Any info is appreciated, thanks.[/QUOTE]
The guy on the phone I talked to said if they found evidence of tampering (basically, DIY fixes), they'll send your system back to you in the condition they got it. Whether or not that's a scare tactic or not, I couldn't tell you - but you may be out of luck.

If all else fails, tell them you're considering buying a PS3.
Just got mine back Friday after getting ROD. To my surprise it was a completely different one with a HD. nice surprise.

Now I just have to call up M$ and get my extended warranty. Wonder if I should go one year or two...b/c if it dies before the two, I'll have to get another warranty, seeing as it'll be a completely new system.
[quote name='spartan789']Just got mine back Friday after getting ROD. To my surprise it was a completely different one with a HD. nice surprise.

Now I just have to call up M$ and get my extended warranty. Wonder if I should go one year or two...b/c if it dies before the two, I'll have to get another warranty, seeing as it'll be a completely new system.[/QUOTE]
They sent you an HD? Odd. The guy I talked to told me not to send my hard drive.
[quote name='JJSP']They sent you an HD? Odd. The guy I talked to told me not to send my hard drive.[/quote]

That's what they told me too. Seems whoever sent it before me sent in a HD with it accidently. haha.
[quote name='spartan789']That's what they told me too. Seems whoever sent it before me sent in a HD with it accidently. haha.[/QUOTE]
That's awesome. Hopefully I get that lucky.

Actually, I'm just crossing my fingers for a BenQ drive. They're showing up in the Elites and some of the newer Premiums.
[quote name='coltcannon']Arrived in TX repair center on Sat. Do they use the same tracking number to return it? I cant remember when I had the first one returned.[/QUOTE]


Well at least they're putting in 1 month xbox live gold cards now in order to make up for the lost time on the membership.
What Do I Do?

So I haven't played my 360 in a couple weeks, and decide I'm going to play some 2K7. I put in the game, it gets to the point where the screen starts moving towards the stadium, I flick the stick to bring the menu up, it freezes.

Knowing 2K7 has some glitches, I think nothing of it, restart and try again. This time, it only gets to the loading screen, and freezes after it tells me it loaded the rosters.

So I try again, and only get the upclose view of the the 360 logo, so again and I try and get the three red lights. I also tried a different game

So I try troubleshooting it myself via MS website.

Checked the PS ligh, unplugged, plugged it back in, took off the hard drive, took out the memory card. Still does the same thing.

So I call MS, they're sending me a box to send it in. I get off the phone, turn the 360 on one more time, it comes up just fine. I try it again, just fine, again just fine.

Do I take a chance and keep it? or would you send it in to be on the safe side? It's under warranty so I'm not paying anything.

Ironic thing is, I just got the extended contract in the mail today

Also, if I do send it in, my warranty on it doesnt expire untill July 08, will that still be good?
[quote name='JJSP']The guy on the phone I talked to said if they found evidence of tampering (basically, DIY fixes), they'll send your system back to you in the condition they got it. Whether or not that's a scare tactic or not, I couldn't tell you - but you may be out of luck.

If all else fails, tell them you're considering buying a PS3.[/quote]I played the "bought lots of 360 Games and XBLA games, 2 yr XBL subscriber" card along with the fact that last year, M$'s billing error screwed me out of my XBL account, forcing me to register a new XBL account. I got the free repair, the box is being sent to me this week.

Now I just have to hope that they are just trying to scare you when they say they refuse open boxes. If they do say that its opened I'll just tell them I bought it new at EBGames and refuse any part in opening it. I know firsthand how shady GS/EB is with selling used systems as New, so I will fight this repair to the death. I will not give up until I have a working system.
I have a question that I asked earlier, but I'm not sure if it was answered or not. Actually, I have a few:

1) If I send my system off to Microsoft to get repaired, and they end up sending me a completely different one, will that cause my warranty at Microcenter to not be legit since it's a completely different system (I bought a one yr. warranty that doesn't even activate until the Microsoft warranty goes away)?

2) During the warranty period, do I get unlimited repair services? Like say, if once my system comes back there's another problem that occurs within the warranty. Does it still qualify or does the warranty get used up?

3) Do I have to include my sales receipt in the "coffin" along with the reference number the customer service rep gave me over the phone?

Sorry if these seem like dumb questions. I just want to be totally sure before I send it off for repairs tomorrow.
[quote name='TheOne06']Do I take a chance and keep it? or would you send it in to be on the safe side? It's under warranty so I'm not paying anything.[/quote]

Put this in human terms.. you're exhibiting early signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Do you go to the hospital now, or wait until you're having a full fledged heart attack to get treatment?
[quote name='Scorch']Put this in human terms.. you're exhibiting early signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Do you go to the hospital now, or wait until you're having a full fledged heart attack to get treatment?[/quote]

It's still freezing, im just going to send it in.. like the analogy tho :lol:

what about the warranty, will it go to the "new" one i recieve
[quote name='spartan789']they giving out cards to everyone or just if the CSR likes you?[/QUOTE]

everyone I guess, since the thought never occured to me to ask. But it does make sense.
just got a 360, could you guys give me some first time owner tips. I'm worried about the heating... MS should have give the 360 a large metal back plate so tha the heat would just gather there, like it does w/ the plastic.
[quote name='Thomas96']just got a 360, could you guys give me some first time owner tips. I'm worried about the heating... MS should have give the 360 a large metal back plate so tha the heat would just gather there, like it does w/ the plastic.[/quote]

Leave the 360 laying down. Don't move the system when a game is inside.
[quote name='deathweasel']I have a question that I asked earlier, but I'm not sure if it was answered or not. Actually, I have a few:

1) If I send my system off to Microsoft to get repaired, and they end up sending me a completely different one, will that cause my warranty at Microcenter to not be legit since it's a completely different system (I bought a one yr. warranty that doesn't even activate until the Microsoft warranty goes away)?

2) During the warranty period, do I get unlimited repair services? Like say, if once my system comes back there's another problem that occurs within the warranty. Does it still qualify or does the warranty get used up?

3) Do I have to include my sales receipt in the "coffin" along with the reference number the customer service rep gave me over the phone?

Sorry if these seem like dumb questions. I just want to be totally sure before I send it off for repairs tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

1) Not sure. If it's screwed up, I'd say take it to Microcenter, they may just give you a brand new box.

2) People have been getting their broken 'boxes exchanged for refurbs from Microsoft three or four times. Chances are they're not paying for them - I don't know anyone willing to spend $130 each time.

3) My coffin is en route to me, and I was only told to send my box. No power brick, no hard drive, no receipt. Just told to write the ref number on the inside and outside of the box.

Hope that helps. :)
[quote name='Thomas96']just got a 360, could you guys give me some first time owner tips. I'm worried about the heating... MS should have give the 360 a large metal back plate so tha the heat would just gather there, like it does w/ the plastic.[/quote]Keep it out in the open. If you have the spare change, get the extended warranty so you don't have to bitch and fuss to CSRs to get them to fix their faulty product once it dies out of warranty.
I called mine in today. I hope I get it back by may 16 (unlikely), I should get some time with halo 3 beta. Right?
[quote name='kipz']I called mine in today. I hope I get it back by may 16 (unlikely), I should get some time with halo 3 beta. Right?[/quote]

The beta ends the first week of June, so yeah, you'll have time to play it.
got home last night ready to fire up some Gears. And the strangest thing happened. No whirl of the disc spinning, "unplayable disc" message.

No red ring of death. But, my 3rd coffin is on the way.
[quote name='JJSP']1) Not sure. If it's screwed up, I'd say take it to Microcenter, they may just give you a brand new box.

2) People have been getting their broken 'boxes exchanged for refurbs from Microsoft three or four times. Chances are they're not paying for them - I don't know anyone willing to spend $130 each time.

3) My coffin is en route to me, and I was only told to send my box. No power brick, no hard drive, no receipt. Just told to write the ref number on the inside and outside of the box.

Hope that helps. :)[/QUOTE]

I do appreciate it, thanks! I hope the thing comes back before the beta is released...
[quote name='Zoglog']everyone I guess, since the thought never occured to me to ask. But it does make sense.[/quote]

Really? I just got mine last Friday and I didn't get a card. that sux.
I think mine just bit it. I popped in Burnout to play a little bit before the wife gets home. I was just starting and it froze up. I powered it off and back on and now it won't even spin the disc. I've powered off and on several times, switched games, nothing. It says "reading disc" and then "open tray," without so much as spinning the disc.

I guess it's time.... :(
I really wish mainstream news would read this thread and make a big fuss for us. /wishful thinking
[quote name='kipz']I called mine in today. I hope I get it back by may 16 (unlikely), I should get some time with halo 3 beta. Right?[/quote]There's a chance. I have a friend whose 360 was knocked over at a party. Total repair time from the day they called, 13 days. Granted, it really depends on when you call, weekends and blackoutdates for shipping can add substantially to shipping time.
add me to the list...just got the red ring of death last is shipping my coffin...should arrive soon...i hope i get it fixed by the 16th...otherwise microsoft is gonna hear from me and give my money back for crackdown...
just literally got my system back..

not lucky this time as manufactured dat is now 06/07/2006. hitachi drive

fuck i got an older system now
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