~~~Official dv8mad Lowball Sale Repository~~~ New location starting August first

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I found a few minutes to update the lowball sale and got things rolling. There are still a few things to add, but for now I've got 80 items (although some really shouldn't be counted individually).

I'd appreciate your input/feedback and eventual stamp of approval when you get an opportunity! :D

EDIT: 85 items. Now if I can just find out where I put all of those old figures and things...
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updated with new links.

[quote name='DaddyBoJangles']do you have any legend of zelda pixel art[/quote]

Coming very soon!
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Hey, I'm planning on having a lowball sale soon, and would like to have it dv8mad tagged.

I can send you a tentative item list if you'd like.
Just meet the requirements and LMK when you have everything set up and I'll have a look fizzy.

Everyone else - added some new updates to my haves.
[quote name='dv8mad']I have awoken.[/quote]

This is just a dream, go back to bed.

My nose bled for 2.5 hours straight today. I feel kind of funny.
[quote name='georox']This is just a dream, go back to bed.

My nose bled for 2.5 hours straight today. I feel kind of funny.[/quote]
When you die, I claim your stuff!
So dv8, you know Mighty Muggs are becoming Toys R Us/Online exclusives, right? My Target no longer carries any Marvel ones, and most places in town won't be getting more... same goes for Transformers. Nowhere is getting Wave 2 here. :( No Starscream it looks like from me.... or for me... >_>

You need to collect something new, like Marvel Universe figures.
Oh, right, still waiting on grand total owed bump =P

Can't go buying a crossbow til I know what is owed to whom...

Uh.. I mean.. I'm not buying a crossbow... *cough*
geo - working on that total for you tonight. I'm not positive, but we haven't received anything for you in a couple of days, so we may have everything. I think we are at 10 DVDs and a book at the moment.
I can't count so...

Do remember to tally the random bits I sent previously.

Edit - Seriously, I lost track of stuff.

Double edit - Thunderbird was set to automatically clear sent emails...


Mental Note: Start paying more attention. (Don't ask how I'm surviving college. I honestly don't know.)
Hey dv8,

From your wants I have the following:

Journey to the Center of the Earth
No Country for Old Men
Saints Row

My girlfriend is partial to Journey (she has a Brenden Fraiser thing :lol:) so the other two would be better.
Thanks lolwut?
I posted in your thread again. Hopefully we can work something out!

Everyone else - Really, where the hell are all the old Xbox games? I find it strange that every tradelist I go to has none on it, or, if they have some, they have like 4 of them. Was there some kind of recall I don't know about?

Also, you don't have to buy or trade for the pixel art, but if some of you could have a look at it and tell me what you think, that would be awesome. Ai and I are having a lot of fun making them and we plan to possibly offer them up at a flea market stall (with a ton of other crap) sometime this summer.
1. I actually started collecting vintage Xbox games that I like, instead of having *cough cough* versions of them.

2. The pixel art is pretty cool, but I swear I had those bead things here that you iron together when I was a kid. Man, now I want to go buy some of the giant squares and make some myself... College is about to hit summer break and I'll have spare time, just 6 weeks of summer courses.
Hey, DV. Do you want a rental copy of Panzer Dragoon: Orta? I know it's not on your list, but I can send it your way.

I'll also look around for Starscream for you. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you though.

I think I'll be going to Comic Con this year, though.
[quote name='Shady3011']Hey, DV. Do you want a rental copy of Panzer Dragoon: Orta? I know it's not on your list, but I can send it your way.

I'll also look around for Starscream for you. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you though.

I think I'll be going to Comic Con this year, though.[/quote]

Hey Shady - Actually, I have all of your stuff packed up and ready to go to you for all the items we had previously agreed on plus the items you bought/won. I will get it out to you tomorrow, so if you want to get things packed up as well, that would be great.
It does seem that if I hold out for Starscream that I am in for a long wait and I really want to fill out the MM shelf that I got specifically for them a few months back.
As for PD:O, I have to pass although I did like the game. All the Xbox games I have listed are region free and will play on a JPbox.

Thanks though!
I want all the zelda pixel art!!! and i need some final fantasy 6 pixel art aka kefka, locke, shadow. Get to work! Ill think of something for a trade also my local gs has a ton of old xbox games for extra cheap ill check them out for you.
Umm, old xbox titles? If they are just to play I could probably scrounge those up at gamestop or off craigslist. I'm sure gamestop will have a coupon for them soon enough.
[quote name='dv8mad']Everyone else - Really, where the hell are all the old Xbox games? [/quote]

I dunno about everyone else, but I sold off my entire Xbox game collection (as well as PS2, Gamecube, and a bunch of other systems), and haven't really gone back to rebuying anything as of yet. I'm always on the lookout for Dynasty Warriors 4 though :D

Bedtime Stories is the Adam Sandler movie, and I don't think my girlfriend is gonna give up Journey any time soon :lol:

I didn't see anything else on your list, and as for finding things there, I don't have a whole lot I'm looking for. I might be interested in some PS3 exclusives like Initial D (I pmed you about this before I think) or Afrika. I dunno if the Asian versions have English text in those games, but I'd probably need it.

Let me know if you can find either of those for ~$45. If not, we can work something out :cool:
Well fuck, lol. You're right on Initial D only being available in Japanese, but there is a version of Afrika that is in English (I knew there was!) called Hakuna Matata which is the Chinese version I guess. I'm sure that's not really available there however, so if that's out of the question, I understand.

I'll try to find out how import friendly Intial D is and I'll let you know if I still want it or not.

I'll put Bedtime Stories on hold for you; the rest aren't on my tradelist so no worries there.
[quote name='lolwut?']Well fuck, lol. You're right on Initial D only being available in Japanese, but there is a version of Afrika that is in English (I knew there was!) called Hakuna Matata which is the Chinese version I guess. I'm sure that's not really available there however, so if that's out of the question, I understand.

I'll try to find out how import friendly Intial D is and I'll let you know if I still want it or not.

I'll put Bedtime Stories on hold for you; the rest aren't on my tradelist so no worries there.[/quote]

Yeah, I can't get Hakuna Matata. The game was really crap, so no one imported it to Japan from China. LOL
Hmmm... For the people that have the "shipping tomorrow" note; I forgot today was a holiday, so I will be shipping on a different tomorrow. ;)
Tomorrow rocks for me. College is selling off old PCs, $5 each. Tower + Monitor. Only a few years old too. Plan on buying a *fuckton* to network together for... non-hacking related research...
Just so you guys know, I don't really have the spare cash to buy the Xbox games since i have some other purchases pending at the moment. I know the trade list is fairly sparse at the moment, but I hope to get some more things up there sometime. So, if you have some, I would rather trade.
dv8mad I would like your blessing to have a dv8mad approved auction.
I've made my page almost ready to go for when it starts tonight. Just taking pictures and hoping for your approval.

These things are REQUIRED if you want me to link you from this page.
#1 - Post in my thread and let me know you are having a lowball sale.
dv8mad, I would like your blessing for a dv8mad approved auction.

#2 - Have more than 10 items in your sale.
I have approx. 16 games and many many guides.

#3 - Have no minimum starting prices. ( I mean, of course $1 is fine, we have to start somewhere, but $10 is crap.)
All items start at $1.00.

#4 - Don't remove items from your list toward the end if you are not "getting as much as you want for it".
Would not dream of it.

#5 - Have the items available in the auction very near the top of your list so people can easily check it out.
They're under all the in spoiler rules.

#6 - Post a clear ending date. (time is optional)
Ends sometime late on May 6th.

#7 - DO NOT end things early if you get a "great offer". Giving everyone a chance to beat it is fair for all CAGs.
I do have a set end time and will not end early.

#8 - Mention me! ;) "dv8mad lowball sale" in the title is preferred. (Link to this thread for bonus cool points.):bouncy:
You're already in my title and top of the page.
How does your valkryia chronicles ship from the US??? Im interested in that if you wanna work out a trade. Ive never shipped to Japan before so youd have to give me a little walkthrough.
dv8mad, I don't really have no idea how you do it.
I've already got people bidding and the very first line says
"If you are reading this, my auction is not up and running. Think of this as a preview"
There are already 3 bidders...
Seems if the first line wasn't read what about the rest.
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bread's done