~~~Official dv8mad Lowball Sale Repository~~~ New location starting August first

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mer - No, I certainly didn't lose money, but I didn't end up with as much as I had hoped. Basically, I am back where I always seem to end up. Thinking that I can make it for about a month, but will the next be ok?

rmb - Where do you think it went? Why didn't you come to my last sale? ;)

hero - I had a closet FULL of stuff. As of now, it's about 95% empty. Unfortunately, that means if I go about another sale, it's going to be things that I had not planned to sell. I did that once beofre and people felt bad because they were bidding on things I was not finished with. I think I may have to do it again, but I hope people feel good about it because I am really thinking it over this time and if I do it, it's for the best.

Frosty - Will get your auction linked as soon as I get done responding here.

DBJ - rmb has it and he can ship it to you.

geo - Wow! Now you can setup the worst porn server ever!
[quote name='dv8mad']mer - No, I certainly didn't lose money, but I didn't end up with as much as I had hoped. Basically, I am back where I always seem to end up. Thinking that I can make it for about a month, but will the next be ok?

rmb - Where do you think it went? Why didn't you come to my last sale? ;)

hero - I had a closet FULL of stuff. As of now, it's about 95% empty. Unfortunately, that means if I go about another sale, it's going to be things that I had not planned to sell. I did that once beofre and people felt bad because they were bidding on things I was not finished with. I think I may have to do it again, but I hope people feel good about it because I am really thinking it over this time and if I do it, it's for the best.

Frosty - Will get your auction linked as soon as I get done responding here.

DBJ - rmb has it and he can ship it to you.

geo - Wow! Now you can setup the worst porn server ever![/quote]

I know! Get that camera and goat head I sent you yet for it? People are into that I hear.
[quote name='refusedchaos']how much do you need dv8?[/quote]

That's the problem actually. We never seem to know how much we will need. It's all guesswork.

Since I am no longer a manager, I don't have a regular salary. That means that, if I teach a lot of lessons, I get enough money. If people do not come in often enough, I don't get enough money.
The past couple of months we have been making just enough to cover bills and stuff, but not enough to buy things like food and diapers. That's where the lowball sale came in.
I keep hoping things will pick up, but it's the same here as everywhere else, people are spending less and less, so we don't have as many people signing up for lessons anymore.

The good news is that it seems (we are hoping it is true) that my wife's sister will come back from her working holiday in Canada sometime in July. If that's the case, then we will have a "free" babysitter and Ai will get a part time job to help make ends meet.

Anyway, I have decided that I will have one more lowball.

I will be listing everything I can live without. Basically, what I honestly think I may never have enough time to play. So, this will be 2 things.
#1 - It will not be 201 items big like the last one, but it will probably have some of the best stuff and not 50 Japanese PS1 games.
#2 - It will certainly be the last dv8mad lowball sale ever held by me. So, if you want to be a part of history :lol: feel free to come in and bid everyone.

I will be getting the list up within the next couple of days and bidding will commence!
ummm... best of luck dude. I don't know things are still that bad there.

I don't know about Jap cultures, but is it bad to ask for help from father in law?
[quote name='dinobot']ummm... best of luck dude. I don't know things are still that bad there.

I don't know about Jap cultures, but is it bad to ask for help from father in law?[/quote]

Believe it or not, the drama of my life continues... :roll: There is a father-in-law story as well.

I'm going to blog this when I get home tonight and get the entire situation out there.
I'll also be working on getting the items typed up for the most part.
Sorry dv8mad for advertising, but:

My leave will begin starting 5/3-5/7 anywhere between then.

I will be quitting CAG trading after this sale is over... I decided that I should move on to more important things in life... I will miss you guys and hope to have a great return in a few months... Please buy these items immediately so I won't have to wait much longer. I hope when I return from my extended break, that I will see many familiar faces, as well as some new ones... I should be back in around a year or so ... Thanks and goodbye!

Please check out my list here:

Wow man, I'm sorry to hear things are so rough. I'm in a weird situation myself with switching jobs (I've been calling out of my old job since I technically work there until Tuesday) and once the dust clears on this Poker Tournament I'm dealing in (tomorrow is the last day) it's up in the air how many hours I'll have. The money is good right now though and I think I'll be able to make more money overall, but it sucks when you don't know your financial future clearly. I feel your pain.

Keep you guys in prayer :) You'll work something out!
Wow that sucks. Life always has to throw curve balls but I have faith in the end you will come out on top. Well i will definitley try and contribute again in your last lowball. I hope everything bodes well in the near future.
Your last sale I was about to bid but didn't, I would try to get my bids in on your next, apparently last lowball sale ever. I imagine your sale has done so much for the CAG community.
[quote name='johnnyrocker360']hmmmm last one forever? guess i better take a peek at what you have to offer when the list comes up.[/quote]

Yep! Forever.
I won't have enough stuff leftover afterward to hold a decent lowball again and I can't imagine having the monetary resources to ever build up such a big collection in the future.
Through my lowballs so far, I have sold over 650 items. No way can I ever get that pile of stuff back again!
After this lowball, I will actually have to beat my old games in order to trade them for others.
[quote name='dsheinem']wow you got tired of those PS3 games I sent you pretty fast (did you even play them?)[/quote]
No, he wants to sell them to tune up the bicycle. :bouncy:

Awww, I miss being a godly CAG. I wished I got some discounts.
Last one ever? I can't believe it....say it isn't so! I will definitely do my part in bidding on this one for you man. This could be the end of an era :(
Well, I have the list mostly done. I doubt anything else decent is going to go up there although I am still going to be adding a few small things that are lying around.
I would have had more to sell, but since I have a Japanese 360, there are lots of Asian version games I have that will only play on a JP system and I'm sure those wouldn't fetch much at all, so I'm not listing them.
[quote name='thelonepig']Can you not return the Advent Children BD for your purchase cost (assuming that's the sealed one)?[/quote]
I think that's his personal copy actually
Sorry to hear about the troubles--I will bid actively in your lowball! Also--if you put up a donation-type link, I'd be happy to contribute as well.
Well dv8mad the good news is that with your final lowball preview I see several items that I must have so expect some decent bids from me
tlp - I ended up preordering one under my name, my wife's name and even one for Ryu. Can't return them. Anyway, I payed for them a couple months back, so I won't really feel any loss at all. It is not my copy, it's a sealed one as stated.

ethwang - I appreciate the offer, but I'm trying to avoid donations if at all possible. I think there are needier people than me.
If you want to bid generously though, feel free! ;)

kube - Yah! Thanks!

rmb, I told you I would not be adding any dolls to this sale. I know you are still sorting through that huge Barbie collection you picked up on Craigslist. :D

dinobot - Communication is imminent.
[quote name='georox']I may have to randomly send you pennys...[/quote]

Let us destroy PayPal through microtransactions!

If every CAG sends dv8 a penny, he'd be set for the month! I wonder what PayPal'd think...

EDIT: Also, there are some terrific lowball sales going on right now. What a time to be forced to save money!
I have to leave for work soon. After I get home tonight, I plan to start taking pictures of the items. I am off on Sunday and Monday, so I will spend some time scouring the apartment to see if I can find anything else to add to the list. I expect the sale to start within 3 or 4 days.
[quote name='dv8mad']I have to leave for work soon. After I get home tonight, I plan to start taking pictures of the items. I am off on Sunday and Monday, so I will spend some time scouring the apartment to see if I can find anything else to add to the list. I expect the sale to start within 3 or 4 days.[/quote]

Drop me an amount I owe sometime man!
Sale is up dv8; thanks for the help and be sure to bid on a few things ;)

Oh, and I forgot you also wanted Dinosaur, would you like me to include that with Saints Row and Bedtime Stories? LMK
geo - Unfortunately it's Golden Week, so you and Link get the shaft since all JP post offices are closed.
However, as soon and Golden Week is over I will be shipping both of your packages and getting you a total.


[quote name='georox']Aaah, alright. Before you said the next day, and I wasn't sure if you forgot to tell me an amount or something. I know you need your money, and I know that you know that....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sorry about that Golden Week screws me over every year. You'd think that I'd be used to it by now, but I still can't wrap my head around half the city shutting down for an entire week.
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[quote name='dv8mad']geo - Unfortunately it's Golden Week, so you and Link get the shaft since all JP post offices are closed.
However, as soon and Golden Week is over I will be shipping both of your packages and getting you a total.[/quote]

I learned about Golden Week from Persona 3. :D

Who says games aren't educational!
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