Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

25xp...damn I'm at 50 right now. I really want to get to 100 but I just can't seem to get there, and KotH matches that I've played don't ever seem to boost. I'd get in on a list with you guys, but I can never plan time to be online, it's always different.
I need horde 20-27 on Allfathers and 20-3x on Memorial. someone set a group and time and I'm in! hopefully I get this before the event starts, I wanna grind seriously by killing boosters...
I'm this close to caving and buying the All Fronts Pack... if there's a healthy group going on here I will probably go over the edge. Why I even care about 100 is beyond me but I just can't refuse a gift horse in the mouth.
I see it has over 26,000 Likes so i'm guessing it's 26xp or will they keep it @ 25xp? either way, alot better than last times event and here's to helping my nephew out to get his lvl 100 finally. glad I have my wings already and can play for bonus xp.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Damn. This is the third time in a row I won't be home during an XP event for Gears 2.:bomb:[/QUOTE]

I feel ya. I was home for the last one but didn't get to play much, and the 2 before that, I was out and missed them.

If possible, I think it would be great to set up a group and time frame on which we could all agree ahead of time so as to have everything planned out to avoid last minute scrambling to put together a party.
[quote name='Richlough']I haven't played this game since the first patch , what is different now ?[/QUOTE]

lol wow uh hard to say. just check out this:

might have to read all since TU2 to TU6 is a big jump.

Matt, do you need the horde achievements for Allfathers or Memorial?

Here are my times (hoping to get these done THIS week) my anyone wanting to party up:

I can be on any day from 11:30 PM to 2/3 am (est).
During the day, it varies depending on the day (some people call up for plans, etc). 6:30 pm-11pm is usually a no go for any day for me. keep in mind my mic hasn't been working for a while but I know my horde! gt is same as CAG name
I'm game as well for horde, might have to put off Fable 2 and Bioshock for a bit, but thats fine. I would like to finish up the deleted scene co-op achievement plus some multiplayer specific achievements like wingman and annex before I jump into horde, but after that I'm good to go.

Oh yeah gt is Ironwilled and I'm usually on throughout the day, so just shoot me an invite or message when you wanna play.
I found several good koth boosting groups randomly in social during the 20x xp. Hopefully I'll have the same luck in this event cause I'm in my 60's (I think) and need to finish it up.
Nice, recently bought all the maps and began playing the game again. Played a lot of it for the first 6 months it was out and it is quite different from then. Going to be playing whenever this XP boost hits.
I sure hope they start the 20+ XP weekend early (like Wednesday night). I'm going to be on the road Saturday, Sunday, and possibly Monday and I really want to take advantage of this.
okay so it took me a bit under 2 hours to finish up the Allfathers achievement. I did waves 20-28 on casual. 20 was by far the hardest, then 27. Had a bit of trouble with 28 but not bad. I still need Memorial (specifically 30-40) so if anyone else needs maybe we can setup a party for that.
[quote name='bhk']Free Flashback map pack. Please quote post and say when code is gone if you use:


Code used by a lurker. Thanks though.
[quote name='reddjoey']FYI: This is the same as the XP+ bonus weekend[/QUOTE]

Wow that sounds fun. Just think of all the torque bows/ammo you can pick up. I love using torque. Might have to play some.
[quote name='KingBroly']There's also the Annex achievement playlist. I'm definitely going to try and get that one.[/QUOTE]

Not familiar with this. What is it?
[quote name='daphatty']Holy Crap! 30,946 followers! That's 13,000 more than when I joined a few days ago! AWESOME![/QUOTE]

Doesn't matter. It's 25x locked
Well that's bullshit. They never announced when they would stop the "contest". Guess the "no cap" twitter statement was complete bullshit.
I guess I was hoping for some really, really, really, easy XP gains since I will only have a limited amount of time to play that weekend.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Wow that sounds fun. Just think of all the torque bows/ammo you can pick up. I love using torque. Might have to play some.[/QUOTE]It makes it harder to get the other weapons and ammo for them as the torque bow isn't the greatest weapon for keeping back the masses on horde. At least not when everyone is using it.
Bumping this just to keep it fresh in people's minds. I still wish Epic would tell us exactly when this is going to start. I don't have the whole weekend to play. :(
[quote name='Gamer SDP']yes gonna be even more fun to get multi kills on boosters! goal is to get an intended double headshot, got a few before still during lag randomly.[/QUOTE]

So you're one of those guys who ruins everyone's boosting sessions by killing people?
[quote name='Matt Young']So you're one of those guys who ruins everyone's boosting sessions by killing people?[/QUOTE]
We had a dude like that once in my boosting session, we had 1 guy do guard duty and just shotgun him.
It just ruins the experience for everybody. That is, unless it's going on in ranked matches (is that even possible to coordinate?)... then shoot away.

So, is anyone ready to set a day/time frame and start coordinating a group?
[quote name='Matt Young']It just ruins the experience for everybody. That is, unless it's going on in ranked matches (is that even possible to coordinate?)... then shoot away.

So, is anyone ready to set a day/time frame and start coordinating a group?[/QUOTE]

I am hopefully getting a full group of 5 myself. Let me know if you can get a group of 5 and hopefully we can get matched up to boost KOTH. I know I have 3 for sure in my group so far. Shouldn't be too hard for me to get 2 more off of my friend's list. :D
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm surprised you're so pumped for this, I mean I guess I'm excited too but did you miss the previous multiple XP bonus weekends?[/QUOTE]

I have missed a few. In fact, I think the last bonus XP weekend I participated in was shortly after E3. I'm also a stones throw away from getting several more achievements. The XP boost would make that process a little less painless. Plus, it is much easier to find games during bonus XP weekends.

If anyone is interested in playing between now and then let me know. I still need to finish some of the silly achievements (Play as Dom in the deleted scene for example).
[quote name='Matt Young']So you're one of those guys who ruins everyone's boosting sessions by killing people?[/QUOTE]

well if they send hate mail I'm sure as hell staying until I get dc'd. even when I did boost, I'd sometimes run into someone messing it up and everyone would go after him or do nothing. A few times even, people would prevent some from boosting for no apparent reason. Now since I'm basically rank 100 (99 but only need about 400k xp) I figure I grind kills for seriously. Oh if there someone away I just kill that guy. One or two times people actually asked me to politely go away so I did :cool:. So if you're a CAG and get tired of some punk messing up the session, let me know your from CAG so I should know to leave

Also isn't horde on security better to boost xp? I hated when a host quit several times in the last round of a koth game wasting nearly an hour of people's time.
Could someone give a quick rundown of how "boosting" works? I don't want to be "that guy" who jumps into a boost session and fucks it up for everyone else.
[quote name='Matt Young']So you're one of those guys who ruins everyone's boosting sessions by killing people?[/QUOTE]

Whoa, somebody trying to play the game for real?
Im down for some horde during the event. If anyone wants to play with me send a friend request. Though i dont usually use a mic.

I usually play around 7-10pm CT, 12-3am CT.
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