Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Trakan']Whoa, somebody trying to play the game for real?[/QUOTE]

I understand that you like the be argumentative, especially every time you reply to one of my posts about Halo or Gears with your elitist, know-it-all, holier than thou attitude, but if you want to play the game "for real", play ranked. If you join a social session in which everyone has agreed to play one way, and you fuck it up, you're a douche.
[quote name='Matt Young']I understand that you like the be argumentative, especially every time you reply to one of my posts about Halo or Gears with your elitist, know-it-all, holier than thou attitude, but if you want to play the game "for real", play ranked. If you join a social session in which everyone has agreed to play one way, and you fuck it up, you're a douche.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, I may be that way. I do feel the need to correct people when they're wrong. Especially you. Your argument to "go play ranked matches" isn't a good one. There are plenty of people out there who maybe aren't good enough to hang in a ranked match or don't want to take the game super serious but still would like to play the game for real. I'm not getting mad at you for boosting, but you really cannot be mad at someone for wanting to play the game the way it was intended to be played. Just because KOTH turned out to be the best gametype for boosting doesn't mean that boosters own it now and everyone else who wants to play for real is a douche.
Why me, especially? Honestly, the only other incident I can remember was the thing about it taking multiple melee attacks to get kills on a couple occasions in the Reach beta (which I agreed with you that it wasn't supposed to happen, but it did to me a couple times because it was a beta with some bugs and lag could have contributed), but you just kept going on and on about it, so I remembered it when I saw your post in this thread.

Also, you're wrong, not me. My statement was an opinion. An opinion, by definition, is neither wrong nor right. Therefore, by saying my opinion is wrong, you are making an untrue statement.
don't wanna agrue with Trakan or Matt but:

I just want to kill so I will mess up boasting sessions as I please (I will leave if I see people I know or if the people seem like decent members of society and politely ask me to leave/stop). I don't play ranked anymore (my usual group play other games) since going solo you'll get killed by a party that most likely gets host. It also takes a while to connect to match in ranked (this varies since my internet is only decent).

and Matt, if the boosting group really knows what they're doing, they'll be at least one decent player that makes sure (or try) no one messes up the session. actually that's what makes it more fun (for both the booster killer or a booster)
[quote name='Matt Young']Why me, especially? Honestly, the only other incident I can remember was the thing about it taking multiple melee attacks to get kills on a couple occasions in the Reach beta (which I agreed with you that it wasn't supposed to happen, but it did to me a couple times because it was a beta with some bugs and lag could have contributed), but you just kept going on and on about it, so I remembered it when I saw your post in this thread.

Also, you're wrong, not me. My statement was an opinion. An opinion, by definition, is neither wrong nor right. Therefore, by saying my opinion is wrong, you are making an untrue statement.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't an opinion, but whatever. After you saying it took so many beatdowns in Halo and somehow the guy who you were fighting defied the physics of a game, I just knew that you didn't know what the Hell you were talking about. Seems to be the case again here.
"If you join a social session in which everyone has agreed to play one way, and you it up, you're a douche."

Yes, that is an opinion. And as for Halo, like I said, I know it's not supposed to happen. It was probably lag, and I said as much back then.

I'm not taking this seriously, anyway. Just felt like giving a little shit back to you. I understand your need to correct people, since I do it too much, myself- especially as it pertains to spelling. I respect your desire for accuracy.

As for the people who do want to do KOTH boosting, I'll probably get on around 4-5 P.M. Pacific time. Not sure how late I'll stay on; it depends on how well the attempt at boosting goes. If that goes well, I'm good to go all night.
only noobs boost so get out of here with that crap. just like those kids who join matches in mw2 and nuke boost, get a life really. if you really suck that much at gears 2 then go practice until your skills are worthy. I'm tired of seeing people who cheat/boost their way to higher levels. I don't agree with playing horde and getting xp to be added to your rank for it to increase but hey, it's part of the game and it's been implemented and it is better than having people boost/cheat. I earned my level 100 legit and now all I see in social are people screwing around and boosting as well which is why I stick to ranked. It's not about being serious and always winning, but about having fun and also sportsmanship.
[quote name='Matt Young']"If you join a social session in which everyone has agreed to play one way, and you it up, you're a douche."

Yes, that is an opinion. And as for Halo, like I said, I know it's not supposed to happen. It was probably lag, and I said as much back then.

I'm not taking this seriously, anyway. Just felt like giving a little shit back to you. I understand your need to correct people, since I do it too much, myself- especially as it pertains to spelling. I respect your desire for accuracy.

As for the people who do want to do KOTH boosting, I'll probably get on around 4-5 P.M. Pacific time. Not sure how late I'll stay on; it depends on how well the attempt at boosting goes. If that goes well, I'm good to go all night.[/QUOTE]

You get angry when someone who wants to play the game for real comes in and ruins your boosting session. That's not an opinion. Believe it or not, EPIC didn't add social matches in for you to boost your way to level 100. "GO PLAY RANKED IF YOU WANNA PLAY FOR REAL!!!!" is a "holier than thou" attitude.

Like I said before, I have no problem with you boosting, as EPIC's requirements for level 100 are retarded, but you are dead wrong for getting mad at someone for playing the game the way it's supposed to be played.
[quote name='Matt Young']"If you join a social session in which everyone has agreed to play one way, and you it up, you're a douche."

Yes, that is an opinion. [/QUOTE]

That's a statement.
[quote name='intoxicated662']only noobs boost so get out of here with that crap. just like those kids who join matches in mw2 and nuke boost, get a life really. if you really suck that much at gears 2 then go practice until your skills are worthy. I'm tired of seeing people who cheat/boost their way to higher levels. I don't agree with playing horde and getting xp to be added to your rank for it to increase but hey, it's part of the game and it's been implemented and it is better than having people boost/cheat. I earned my level 100 legit and now all I see in social are people screwing around and boosting as well which is why I stick to ranked. It's not about being serious and always winning, but about having fun and also sportsmanship.[/QUOTE]
so if you're sticking to ranked why do you care if people boost in social? Does it impact you negatively in any way? Is it stopping you from enjoying the game?

I agree with you about boosting in Modern Warfare 2, its pointless and stupid. but most people who boost in Gears 2 do it to just get the rank 100 achievement and then they stop, so I dont get your argument.

also so what if you got your rank 100 legit, do you want a medal or a cookie?
LOL you guys and your opinions and facts. This is good reading. :) Personally i think anyone who calls someone a douche or dickbag for trying to mess up their boosting session needs to look in the mirror. All you guys are doing is boosting to get a rank, an achievement, and you are the ones messing the game up for people who actually want to play it the right way. Sure if you can get a room full of boosters, then it wouldnt effect people who want to play it the right way. But i hate walking into a match with boosters. I remember when the fad was to drop the meatshield over and over and over while other team mates guard, just so they could rack up points. That was very annoying.

It doesnt bother me if people get to 100, and it bothers me less if they actually play the right way during these events. But when they have 25xp, and boost, that just isnt right. Maybe its my love for this game talking, but boosting like this is kind of like telling a woman you love her just to get in bed with her, and once you have sex with her you leave her and move on to another woman. How many of you actually love this game? How many of you wouldnt be playing this game if it wasnt for the 25xp? And how many people wouldnt be playing this even during a 25xp event if there wasnt an easy way to boost your rank?

I dont know why epic is having these crazy events. Is it because they want more people to get the veteran achievement? If so I hope they think twice about making it a little bit easier to get to rank 100 in gears 3. Then we wouldnt have so many people trying to boost in the first place. If they just want more people to play their game, hopefully they work out the lag, then more people would play it.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']LOL you guys and your opinions and facts. This is good reading. :) Personally i think anyone who calls someone a douche or dickbag for trying to mess up their boosting session needs to look in the mirror. All you guys are doing is boosting to get a rank, an achievement, and you are the ones messing the game up for people who actually want to play it the right way. Sure if you can get a room full of boosters, then it wouldnt effect people who want to play it the right way. But i hate walking into a match with boosters. I remember when the fad was to drop the meatshield over and over and over while other team mates guard, just so they could rack up points. That was very annoying.

It doesnt bother me if people get to 100, and it bothers me less if they actually play the right way during these events. But when they have 25xp, and boost, that just isnt right. Maybe its my love for this game talking, but boosting like this is kind of like telling a woman you love her just to get in bed with her, and once you have sex with her you leave her and move on to another woman. How many of you actually love this game? How many of you wouldnt be playing this game if it wasnt for the 25xp? And how many people wouldnt be playing this even during a 25xp event if there wasnt an easy way to boost your rank?

I dont know why epic is having these crazy events. Is it because they want more people to get the veteran achievement? If so I hope they think twice about making it a little bit easier to get to rank 100 in gears 3. Then we wouldnt have so many people trying to boost in the first place. If they just want more people to play their game, hopefully they work out the lag, then more people would play it.[/QUOTE]

^^ All of this.. except the part about telling a woman you love her just so you can bang her and then leave. I'm ok with that.
Gears 2 was terrible. No I don't love the game. Why are they doing this? Gears 2 wasn't even in the top 20 one of these past weeks. They also realized what a ridiculous amount of experience they made it to make it to 100.
[quote name='Trakan']Gears 2 was terrible. No I don't love the game. Why are they doing this? Gears 2 wasn't even in the top 20 one of these past weeks. They also realized what a ridiculous amount of experience they made it to make it to 100.[/QUOTE]

This to a T. Gears 1 was so much better for the multiplayer aspect that 2.

Also to those complaining about us calling people douchebags and dickbags... what is the fun for said dickbag going in and killing people standing still? Cuz you know that requires so much skill... :roll:
If you guys are going to debate the merits/shortfalls of this game then you need to keep it civil. If you can't be civil then don't post. Consider this a public warning.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Got a bit of boosting done this morning. Got to level 35. There was a dickbag killing people but my team shredded his ass until he quit. :D[/QUOTE]

a boosted level 35 calling someone a dickbag for killing people :cool:

[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Also to those complaining about us calling people douchebags and dickbags... what is the fun for said dickbag going in and killing people standing still? Cuz you know that requires so much skill... :roll:[/QUOTE]

well for me, don't know about these douchebags and dickbags you speak of, I find it fun to get kills. now if boosters find it fun standing/moving in a circle for about 15 minutes that's their opinion and have nothing against it. just get ready to dodge any frags, boomshot, or mortar!

[quote name='daphatty']If you guys are going to debate the merits/shortfalls of this game then you need to keep it civil. If you can't be civil then don't post. Consider this a public warning. [/QUOTE]

and consider this a civil example!
[quote name='Gamer SDP']a boosted level 35 calling someone a dickbag for killing people :cool: [/QUOTE]

Yep. I said it. Had Epic not made the XP required for Level 100 re-fucking-diculous I would take the time to do it legit. As is I dont want to spend anymore time than I have to playing a broke multiplayer game. I just want all the achievements and then I wont have to play Gears 2 online ever again (the campaign & horde are amazing though) and it will be back to Gears 1 and getting all those achievements in a legit fashion.

And was I complaining? Nope :D As stated, my team shredded him and ganged up on him until he quit. He was a minor inconvenience and was dealt with just like anyone else who tries to when I am boosting. Cuz contrary to popular belief... some of us who boost are actually good at the game. What a shocker! :roll:
L-O-L @ this debate.

Soooooo glad I don't fuck with this game anymore.

I just hope some of you realize your only alternative (in most cases) to boosting in these events is dealing with half-decent to slightly above average host bridging teams in droves on Ranked playlists doing essentially the same thing you may despise minus breaking a circle in unison and sharing the XP with you. Not to mention unfairly boosting their K/D in the process while ruining yours and offering less than a 10% chance of your lagging team actually winning the game legitimately.

Some of you guys crack me up.

If you enjoy the game the way it is then more power to you, but damn. This game from the rooftop to the foundation honestly is a f*cking catastrophe and anyone who doesn't want to play it legitimately in these events without lag switching or host bridging for achievements doesn't exactly qualify as a lazy noob or complete jackass.

And no, I'm not missing the point because I actually agree (for the most part) with Trak. Boosting parties aren't special nor helpless but neither are the randoms who can drop the f*ck out to find another game or easily switch to Ranked where boosting is nearly nonexistent.

My actual point is both sides have more than enough options to not be bitching about each other in the first place.
I will say this argument is a great case in point for why achievements should be limited to single player modes. They've just totally fucked too many online games with all the boasting and shit by people who care about raising their nerd score.

Oh well, haven't played this in ages. Will probably check it out this weekend, but just for Horde mode with the torque bow craziness. Never liked the competitive multiplayer in the Gears games.
Well I just got from 91 - 96, but wow what a struggle this is trying to find a competent boosting team. First off we had a jackass who kept killing everyone on the opposite team, and wouldn't take a hint about what we were doing.

Second when we finally got into a groove, all hell broke loose and people started killing each other left and right and the host quit.

I can't wait to put this behind me today and just concentrate on the horde achievements.
I've been fairly lucky. I've only had a handful of bad groups. I leave negative feedback on the people who purposely disrupt boosting groups. That way, the matchmaking system won't pair us up again. It's a win-win if you think about it. I don't have to deal with people who don't want to boost and non-boosters don't have to deal with me.
[quote name='daphatty']I've been fairly lucky. I've only had a handful of bad groups. I leave negative feedback on the people who purposely disrupt boosting groups. That way, the matchmaking system won't pair us up again. It's a win-win if you think about it. I don't have to deal with people who don't want to boost and non-boosters don't have to deal with me.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the advice, I think I'm gonna have to start doing that from now on. I mean when I usually find a good group there is always that one person that has to mess it up for everyone.
[quote name='whiptcracker']That's a statement.[/QUOTE]

Yes. A statement can be a fact. A statement can be an opinion. I was stating an opinion.
Thats nice, give someone negative feedback for playing the game right. LOL Of course there is worse ways to get negative feedback, like when i get negative feedback for language when i dont even use a mic, or send hate messages to anyone.
@Linkin - You're doing it wrong. :p

@7th - It isn't so much negative feedback, rather a player I would like to avoid. Clearly that player wants to avoid me too. I'm simply using the system as it was meant to be used.
Been playing for a couple of hours and cannot get a good horde game going. Before the 5th wave at least one person leaves. Wish this thing was jump in.
@ eliter1 I'll send you a F/R man, I was playing some horde earlier and a bunch of people left on me as well. It sucks when youre so close to finishing.

@ theredworm Let us know how far you make it man, on the last exp weekend I went from a 50 - 91 in 8 hours, so its a long grind to say the least.
For reference, I've made it from lvl 44 to 97 in about 8 hours playing in two hour increments. I haven't had much trouble finding Koth boosting groups. With any luck I should hit 100 in the next two games.
[quote name='JohnBoy1280']@ eliter1 I'll send you a F/R man, I was playing some horde earlier and a bunch of people left on me as well. It sucks when youre so close to finishing.

@ theredworm Let us know how far you make it man, on the last exp weekend I went from a 50 - 91 in 8 hours, so its a long grind to say the least.[/QUOTE]

I think I am done for today but if you want to play tomorrow just send me an invite is you see me on. Depending on the time of the day I might or might not have my headset tho.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I guess, but ive given someone negative feedback, only to be matched up with them again a few days later. In gears of war 2 no less.[/QUOTE]

Last time I played Gears and chose "avoid player", I got matched up with them in the very next game, and again 2 games later.
[quote name='daphatty']Scratch that. I went from 97 to 100 in one level. :D[/QUOTE]

So KOTH get you more than Horde? Horde seems to work better for me. I don't know if I am just not that good or if I am doing something wrong.
Koth gets you more XP if you are in a boosting party. You can get close to 90,000 XP out of a full three round Koth boosting session. Tac on the 25x XP bonus and you'll have your insane levels of XP.
[quote name='JohnBoy1280']so if you're sticking to ranked why do you care if people boost in social? Does it impact you negatively in any way? Is it stopping you from enjoying the game?

I agree with you about boosting in Modern Warfare 2, its pointless and stupid. but most people who boost in Gears 2 do it to just get the rank 100 achievement and then they stop, so I dont get your argument.

also so what if you got your rank 100 legit, do you want a medal or a cookie?[/QUOTE]

so what if I got my level 100 legit you ask? well it matters to me because obviously, that is what most of you are trying to get...level 100 but with boosting. it takes no skill to do the boosting part and only time alot of people play this game is when there's an xp event like there is currently. don't try to spin this around because bottom line, it's cheating. yes, the xp level they require to rank up is insane. what do you care what I care about anyways as well? social or ranked, don't matter either way what you're doing isn't the right thing to do. It does impact me negatively in a way yes, because when I finally get those level 100's on my team in ranked matches they usually suck really and I don't like to have to be carrying the team. Hope you all have some skill to keep up in public matches when you play, otherwise you'll be called a fake level 100.
Is Horde mode really limited to like 12.5x or something? I dont have All Fronts so I can only use Horde mode to get some XP (I'm loling at getting to level 12 just from 2 waves on Insane)

edit: Ok it is 25x regular XP. So it is normal. You only get like 6050XP for 1 wave on Insane
[quote name='eliter1']I think I am done for today but if you want to play tomorrow just send me an invite is you see me on. Depending on the time of the day I might or might not have my headset tho.[/QUOTE]
yeah no problemo, and no worries about the mic sometimes I have it off as well.

@ intoxicated I can't stand competitive matchmaking in Gears 2 therefore I really dont care if someone calls me a fake 100, because we all know rank dont mean shit in a videogame. The requirements for rank 100 is crazy, therefore I'm ok with boosting, haven't done in any other game cept this one.

If you're so good at Gears 2 it seems to me you shouldn't have any trouble carrying even a really crappy team. I know I've carried my team a lot in Modern Warfare 2 it happens.
bread's done