Official Mario Strikers Charged! Discussion and FCs

[quote name='daroga']oh, sure, io, log off before I could invite you to a match! ;)[/QUOTE]

D'oh! I checked and no one was on according to my friends list!
I could get back on if you want, though I just played a ranked game and am starting to feel the pain now. Seriously, I can't play this game more than 5 or 6 times before it hurts... But if you want I probably have one more in me ;).

I did much better in my ranked match than against Yukine, that's for sure. I was able to get off a couple of megastrikes but also had a few set upon me. I am so hyped up for these online games that I cannot hold the remote steady to block (yet I managed to get half of them anyway). This match was in the crystal canyon place so megastrikes were easier with half the sidekicks missing each time. But the other guy used Birdo and Hammer Bros and got off a ton of skill shots that I could seem to do nothing against. He'd twirl Birdo so I couldn't hit him, then do a skill shot that went in without fail every time. With the Hammer Bros he'd just pound his way up the field, then after I'd inevitably miss, power one in with him as well. Those two chars do seem kind of cheap - like they shouldn't get the great avoidance moves if they have such a powerful shot as well. I was using Toads for the passing, and they don't seem to do much for their dodge move OR skill shot.

I have to say this game plays NOTHING like the original Strikers as far as I'm concerned, and that doesn't come across at all to me in the reviews.
I will be gone Saturday and Sunday, so I think I will close tournament entry period on Sunday night when I get back. Hopefully we'll get a few more interested parties before then. We have ten so far - check the OP and let me know if I have your listing marked appropriately.

I'll set up a bracket once the deadline hits, we'll get it started sometime next week. Any opinions on format? I was thinking about following the Cup format, do x number of qualifying rounds, then just seed baed on qualifying record (depending on number of entrants, everyone from qualifying will move on, or we may eliminate some people). Single or double elimination?

Here's what I've come up with for the OP so far - any suggestions will be considered up until the start of the tournament:
[quote name='botticus']Tournament Info
The first CAG Strikers tournament will begin on a TBA date the week of 8/5. Sign-up will close on the evening of 8/5 so I can begin putting together the schedule. I hope we will be running more tournaments in the future, so don't worry if you miss this deadline.

The tournament will consist of a number of qualifying rounds where each player will play against the others once. There will be no set schedule for the qualifying matches - please complete them as quickly as possible. Seeding and qualifiers will be determined based on the qualifying results and number of entrants respectively.

Matches will consist of the standard best-of-three three-minute games. Stadiums will be limited to those without environmental effects (a list will be compiled of qualifying stadiums). As in the Cup matches, the winner of the each game will receive three points, and the loser will receive zero points - except in the case of a sudden death loss, where they will earn one point.[/quote]
[quote name='io']D'oh! I checked and no one was on according to my friends list!
I could get back on if you want, though I just played a ranked game and am starting to feel the pain now. Seriously, I can't play this game more than 5 or 6 times before it hurts... But if you want I probably have one more in me ;).

I did much better in my ranked match than against Yukine, that's for sure. I was able to get off a couple of megastrikes but also had a few set upon me. I am so hyped up for these online games that I cannot hold the remote steady to block (yet I managed to get half of them anyway). This match was in the crystal canyon place so megastrikes were easier with half the sidekicks missing each time. But the other guy used Birdo and Hammer Bros and got off a ton of skill shots that I could seem to do nothing against. He'd twirl Birdo so I couldn't hit him, then do a skill shot that went in without fail every time. With the Hammer Bros he'd just pound his way up the field, then after I'd inevitably miss, power one in with him as well. Those two chars do seem kind of cheap - like they shouldn't get the great avoidance moves if they have such a powerful shot as well. I was using Toads for the passing, and they don't seem to do much for their dodge move OR skill shot.

I have to say this game plays NOTHING like the original Strikers as far as I'm concerned, and that doesn't come across at all to me in the reviews.[/quote]

As far as Birdo goes, instead of trying to tackle him/her, you can try to position yourself in front of them while they fire off the skill shot. The egg should hit your player and explode (knocking you for a loop), avoiding a goal.

I noticed this when I was using Birdo against the CPU. I was able to get off a lot of Skill Shots, but the CPU was always getting in front of them and killing my scoring chances.

Of course all of this advice is coming from someone who sucks, and it is probably easier said than done.
Might want to consider pushing the tourney back, as I'm sure many people are waiting for their copies to come via mail order.
[quote name='MisterHand']Might want to consider pushing the tourney back, as I'm sure many people are waiting for their copies to come via mail order.[/quote]I'm certainly open to that, unless we're looking at 15+ people signed up by then. Any more than that, we'll probably have to split the field into divisions unless we're gonna have 20 qualifying rounds.

Figure I just have to put a tentative date out there so people will get moving.
[quote name='botticus']I'm certainly open to that, unless we're looking at 15+ people signed up by then. Any more than that, we'll probably have to split the field into divisions unless we're gonna have 20 qualifying rounds.

Figure I just have to put a tentative date out there so people will get moving.[/quote]Just a heads up, I'm moving on the 14th and will probably have a few days on either side of that where internet and games will be not available to me at all. If that's going to cause giant problems, I'll bow out of the tournie, or if it shouldn't be an issue I'd love to still be in it.

Anyone up for some matches with a guest today? My friend is coming up to spend the night at our place nad we plan on playing a lot of Strikers :)
[quote name='daroga']Just a heads up, I'm moving on the 14th and will probably have a few days on either side of that where internet and games will be not available to me at all. If that's going to cause giant problems, I'll bow out of the tournie, or if it shouldn't be an issue I'd love to still be in it.

Anyone up for some matches with a guest today? My friend is coming up to spend the night at our place nad we plan on playing a lot of Strikers :)[/quote]

I've been trying to convince my wife to play so I will be checking the forums tonight. If I can convince her, it will probably be 9:30 pm EST or later.
Ugh. If Family Video is being slow as hell, I'll put the tournament deadline a few days, since I figure a lot of people got it from that deal.
Bought mine from I got a shippment confirmation yesterday, so i should have it by maybe friday or saturday (monday the latest).
[quote name='botticus']Ugh. If Family Video is being slow as hell, I'll put the tournament deadline a few days, since I figure a lot of people got it from that deal.[/quote]We could have a little mini tournament too. Just a thought. If it could finish this week, that'd be alright :)
[quote name='io']I have to say this game plays NOTHING like the original Strikers as far as I'm concerned, and that doesn't come across at all to me in the reviews.[/quote]
I thought the exact same thing. I didn't play the original that much, but I went through 2 cups I think and played some random stuff and everything I learned was pretty much useless. What worked for me in the original strikers was basically quick passes and then a quick shot at the net and you've got a goal, but that doesn't really work anymore unless you pass enough to charge it up.

It's all about the charging now, you have to charge, skillshot, or mega strike to get a goal.

I'll join in on the tournament, I'm taking 2 weeks off before school starts again so I'll be good any time next week.
[quote name='daroga']We could have a little mini tournament too. Just a thought. If it could finish this week, that'd be alright :)[/quote]True, we could just do a quick random-seeded bracket with the 10 people in right now, or however many are signed up by the 5th. That should probably give enough time, it'd only be three or four rounds.

I would play a guest match, but I don't think my wife will have much interest in learning the game tonight.
botticus you can bold my name in the OP for the tourney. bold and green so people will be aware of the green lightning on the way, via the "oh no its too sexy" Luigi ;)
add me to the list my XBL is blackmagiic and I will post my friend code momentarily

My friend code is: 197675-379899

PM me your friend code if you add me :)

Im down for the tournament
We need to call it a Luigi Cup then! Winner gets right to dibbs on Luigi. The catch? No one can play as him! I'm content as Mario though, its pretty much I like his music so damn much.

So I just played two games and they had the worst lag I've ever experienced. I was playing against a guy who didn't know what he was doing at all and I got off 2 Megashots but it didn't register my B presses. And then for a time, it seemed like the analog was stuck going right cause I couldn't move left. It ruined my timing for everything so I sadly had to resort on a couple Hammer Bros shots. Then the second game I played, dude got a megashot on me and IT LAGGED AS THE BALLS CAME AT ME. It didn't register my A presses, the balls came slow as fuck, then then it said connection lost. Its a Thursday morning! I could only imagine how the lag will be come the weekend.
[quote name='CouRageouS']We need to call it a Luigi Cup then! Winner gets right to dibbs on Luigi. The catch? No one can play as him! I'm content as Mario though, its pretty much I like his music so damn much.

So I just played two games and they had the worst lag I've ever experienced. I was playing against a guy who didn't know what he was doing at all and I got off 2 Megashots but it didn't register my B presses. And then for a time, it seemed like the analog was stuck going right cause I couldn't move left. It ruined my timing for everything so I sadly had to resort on a couple Hammer Bros shots. Then the second game I played, dude got a megashot on me and IT LAGGED AS THE BALLS CAME AT ME. It didn't register my A presses, the balls came slow as fuck, then then it said connection lost. Its a Thursday morning! I could only imagine how the lag will be come the weekend.[/quote]

It's probably going to be a week or so before the network stuff gets worked out. I think the UK players had over a week of flakiness before everything smoothed out.
yes...another tourney would be great. a friend of mine and myself took a vacation to play all day yesterday. and it was glorious. the entire game is fantastic.

i thought that the lack of voice communication wouldn't be a problem...but i was wrong. it is a problem...and least a very big annoyance. i've read some rumors that voice recognition/audio in capabilities could be implemented into the current wii remote [or as a headset] sometime in the future. how likely would this be and how much noise would all of us need to make to get this to happen?
[quote name='lilboo']So why is everyone Luigi? I'm only gonna go for my homegirl, Peach :) (since I tend to be her in WAY too many games)[/quote]Well, he's balanced which makes him a good choice for beginners... and once you hear his Mexican theme music, you can't go anywhere else.
[quote name='lilboo']So why is everyone Luigi? I'm only gonna go for my homegirl, Peach :) (since I tend to be her in WAY too many games)[/quote]

Luigi is an all around good player. He is identical to Mario except that people like his intro music more ;). I've been playing with Peach since she is really fast. Her shooting sucks and her special isn't all that great either...why am I playing as Peach again? Anyway, at least she is pink so I can tell her from the other players.
Luigi is the Antonio Banderas of Mario Strikers. On his off days he enjoys a mimosa on the beach wearing his carelessly unbuttoned floral shirt, stroking his mustache at the beautiful ladies, basking under the heat of the Italian sun.

Mr. Romance needs a spinoff game now, solely based around his theme song. The other theme songs seem to tell their own stories as well. Wario is apparently Russian and is in cahoots with Zangief. Diddy was once Aladdin's monkey. Waluigi is a hick. And generic rock music is abundant in the Mushroom Kingdom.
I recommend using this character model along with the music in this proposed spinoff:


Maybe give him a rapier.
Finally got around to adding the codes from the OP last night, so if I could get some adds, it'd be appreciated. :D

I'm glad to hear that the lag problem is an overreaching thing and not just me. I tried playing about an hour ago, and it was almost unplayable (especially the megashot blocking).

I'd be in for the tournament, but A) I'm fairly awful, and B) I can never really guarentee when I'll be able to play. Ah well, maybe next time.
[quote name='carthitup']Finally got around to adding the codes from the OP last night, so if I could get some adds, it'd be appreciated. :D

I'm glad to hear that the lag problem is an overreaching thing and not just me. I tried playing about an hour ago, and it was almost unplayable (especially the megashot blocking).

I'd be in for the tournament, but A) I'm fairly awful, and B) I can never really guarentee when I'll be able to play. Ah well, maybe next time.[/quote]The way I'm hoping the tournament will work is that at least in the qualifying, you won't need to play at a set time, just whenever you can play the people you need to. If it takes a month for you to do so, that might be tough, but it shouldn't be that bad.

The playoff rounds will need more rigidity since the next round can't start until the previous round has been completed.
I just played my first online match. I won 2-1 then 1-0 in SD. The guy started being a bitch in the second round and just spammed hammer bros over and over and over but he still didn't score.

Got knocked out of the Crystal Cup last night but will be attempting it again in a moment. I got destroyed my first 2 matches in CC but then ended the season 7-3 and in the first seed. It isn't so difficult that it makes me quit, it just really forces you to perfect timing and technique very quickly.

Love this game so far. i was very on the fence but also really wanted something I could pick up and play without spending 10 hours on it a night. The gameplay feels more like hockey and it's just outright fun.

My Friend Code is 068826-355040. I'm going to add everyone in the OP.
For the tourney, say cut if off at 16-20 people so it relatively quicker to get all the games played. I'd say go for a simple single elimination, then next one maybe we can go round robin or something more technical. Do random matchups, but for each matchup have a pre-determined stadium. Also a coinflip for home/away, since home team gets first pick on characters.
[quote name='hohez']I just played my first online match. I won 2-1 then 1-0 in SD. The guy started being a bitch in the second round and just spammed hammer bros over and over and over but he still didn't score.

So how do you stop the Hammer Bros spamming? I can't seem to tackle someone doing that, and then they just score at will. I might have stopped him a few times, anyway. I mean, the random guy I played last night didn't score every time using it. I just have no idea how and need a consistent method if this is going to be widespread. Birdo I kind of figured getting in front worked as I did that by accident once or twice. It's just my gut instinct to tackle like hell when I see someone going for a power shot ;).

Daroga, I could try a 2-on-2 with my son, but you'll probably win even easier that way. We could give it a shot though. Botticus - as of late last night I'm still not showing you on my FL (along with several other CAGs). Nintendo needs to work on getting the FL's to sync up faster if they are going to make us enter all these codes!
Hammer Bros is all timing. If you just charge at his jukes as I like to call it, then you'll get hit each time. You need to wait till you see his animation starting, then you go at him with a tackle. Same thing when using him. You have to wait till they're coming at you then you hit the dpad and knock them out the way.

Birdo is becoming annoying now too. All the other characters take a little bit more timing/luck to score instantly with their charge shot.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Hammer Bros is all timing. If you just charge at his jukes as I like to call it, then you'll get hit each time. You need to wait till you see his animation starting, then you go at him with a tackle. Same thing when using him. You have to wait till they're coming at you then you hit the dpad and knock them out the way.

Birdo is becoming annoying now too. All the other characters take a little bit more timing/luck to score instantly with their charge shot.[/QUOTE]

Gotcha. It ws obviously this guys "thing" to use a Hammer Bros and Birdo as his forwards and spam spam spam. Fortunately the Crystal stadium negated much of that as those two often got knocked out. If I had an effective method of countering both of those I would have destroyed him. As it was, I still managed to win one game and lost another in SD, and that was with all his cheap Birdo and HB shots. Mine were all megastrikes and pass/pass/pass/pass/pass/shots ;).
Hmm... I forget... Do you get an item if you get hit by the Hammer Bros deke? Sure, you could get hit by it once but sending a red shell, or even a few banannas in his way would end the spam pretty quick.
I just won my first online series. Guy disconnected at the end and I didnt get credit for the wins. Color me pissed off.
[quote name='io']Gotcha. It ws obviously this guys "thing" to use a Hammer Bros and Birdo as his forwards and spam spam spam. Fortunately the Crystal stadium negated much of that as those two often got knocked out. If I had an effective method of countering both of those I would have destroyed him. As it was, I still managed to win one game and lost another in SD, and that was with all his cheap Birdo and HB shots. Mine were all megastrikes and pass/pass/pass/pass/pass/shots ;).[/QUOTE]
Hammer Bro abusers never see Toad coming. Boo is good at taking them out too. I think its better to play against harder opponents instead of what seems like kids who don't know whats what. You see better strageties and such to learn from. I just wish more people mixed it up instead of the constant 2-3 Hammer teams I've been seeing.

Anyone try the Classic game mode? It takes off the special shots from the sidekicks.
[quote name='magiic']I just won my first online series. Guy disconnected at the end and I didnt get credit for the wins. Color me pissed off.[/QUOTE]

You should get credit for any games you won that were completed in the series (which should be at least 1 if you won the series). I had a 1-0 record since I got disconnected in game 2 the first time I played. I got the full 10 points for the win + more for the goals.
[quote name='io']You should get credit for any games you won that were completed in the series (which should be at least 1 if you won the series). I had a 1-0 record since I got disconnected in game 2 the first time I played. I got the full 10 points for the win + more for the goals.[/quote]

The game ends your single player cup run if you reset during a knockout match. I wish it could tell if someones disconnecting during online and kept a tally for that also.

It's not like you lose points if you lose, you just don't gain as much.
[quote name='magiic']I didnt credit for either win. I've lost one series and one won series but record shows 2L & 0W[/QUOTE]

That's wierd because you get your point tally at the end of each game in the series and those points should stick no matter what happens in the next game.
ya it gives the tally I dont think you actually get said points though until the end of the series. I imagine to stop people from dropping after winning just the one game maybe?
I played konicki today online. Naturally I won:cool: lol j/k. We had some pretty close matches but I ended up winning the four series' we played. Anyone else up for a game in an hour or so? I can't say for definite what time I'll be on but it'll be some point tonight.

Todays other online experiences include some guy who's only tactic was Peach and a team of Toads who all tried and ultimately failed to jump over my keeper and score. Its cute and all but...y'know...what with the internet being made of lulz and phail and all...
I've added every friendcode listed in the original post + magiic (he's not on there).

Only Vman, Si, Daroga, and Johnathan (all Mii names) are officially listed as my friends; has everyone else not added me or is there something else causing that?
bread's done