Official Mario Strikers Charged! Discussion and FCs

[quote name='lyric706']Hey guys! Looking for some CAG friends to play. My Strikers friend code is 176200 462607. Thanks![/QUOTE]


Add me guys, you're still not showing up on my roster. 159020 494287
Anyone figure out if when people turn off their Wii on you, if you still get points? I just played 3 games and EVERY fucker blatantly disconnected. First game in round 2 i got a lead and he quit. Second I was up 3-0 and he quit. Third game I took the first round, second round he quit as soon as I got off a Luigi megashot. I noticed my points went up for the complete games, but I wasn't sure if I got points for the disconnect games where I had a lead.

I think I'm doing alright, my record that shows when I login (the one that includes friend games) has me at 35 W - 17 L. I can't get a grasp on that lobbing magic though.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I hate that stage. You try to round out your team for strategy and it all gets thrown out the window.[/QUOTE]

I didn't even know that the stage does that until I played Courageous...
haha, yea! I beat you and your Monty Mole!
[quote name='CouRageouS']Anyone figure out if when people turn off their Wii on you, if you still get points? I just played 3 games and EVERY fucker blatantly disconnected. First game in round 2 i got a lead and he quit. Second I was up 3-0 and he quit. Third game I took the first round, second round he quit as soon as I got off a Luigi megashot. I noticed my points went up for the complete games, but I wasn't sure if I got points for the disconnect games where I had a lead.

I think I'm doing alright, my record that shows when I login (the one that includes friend games) has me at 35 W - 17 L. I can't get a grasp on that lobbing magic though.[/quote]I don't think you get points for an incomplete game, no. Chances are if he disconnects he loses points, but I'm still not sure how that is determined.

Damn... even CAGs have just killed me on the leaderboards. Now I'm doubly questioning why I'm the one who suggested a tournament. :lol:

Legendaryhedgehog looks like he'll be crushing everyone.

I'm 10-17 overall, for the record.

I wish the dude who was #1 would stop changing his Mii name.
I haven't been doing too badly I guess. So many damned spammers online though. I'm 27-15 last time I checked. I won most of the series' I played

Too many times have I watched untalented players Hammer deke their way across the pitch. They dont seem to realise that Hammer Bros phail against timing. I've had a lot of disconnections from people, and maybe one or two from our wireless signal (which sucked sinc I was winning both times.)

I'm all up for a tourney. Bagsies on Mario if he isn't already taken.

I know you get a win if the other person disconnects, and I think you get some points too, I don't know for sure but I'd say that its a ten point bump at least for the victory let alone the goals.
I sure haven't gotten any wins from disconnects, though I was probably only winning about half the games I've had disconnects in.

Just went 4-0 against two less talented players, time for me to call it a day while I'm 11-11. :D
[quote name='botticus']I sure haven't gotten any wins from disconnects, though I was probably only winning about half the games I've had disconnects in.

Just went 4-0 against two less talented players, time for me to call it a day while I'm 11-11. :D[/QUOTE]

hey botticus... you haven't added me yet... 536977 642786

haha... no one has! = [ ....I only have Courageous, Io, and Lebowsky
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']I haven't been doing too badly I guess. So many damned spammers online though. I'm 27-15 last time I checked. I won most of the series' I played

Too many times have I watched untalented players Hammer deke their way across the pitch. They dont seem to realise that Hammer Bros phail against timing. I've had a lot of disconnections from people, and maybe one or two from our wireless signal (which sucked sinc I was winning both times.)

I'm all up for a tourney. Bagsies on Mario if he isn't already taken.

I know you get a win if the other person disconnects, and I think you get some points too, I don't know for sure but I'd say that its a ten point bump at least for the victory let alone the goals.[/quote]Hey bud,

Did you notice the controller problems I was having during our match? That was obnoxious.

Sorry about that. One of these days we'll play again and you can get your win fair and square ;)
I've added botticus, CouRageous, daroga, io, lebowsky, Legendaryhedgehog06, seanr1221, Tybee, V Man, and yukine.

My friendcode is -- snipegod (DannyBoy) - 360883 944618

Haven't had much time to play, but I like what I have.
[quote name='V Man']hey botticus... you haven't added me yet... 536977 642786

haha... no one has! = [ ....I only have Courageous, Io, and Lebowsky[/quote]I added you and everyone else before I played earlier, I should be on your list soon. I think mpj is the only one who snuck in a friend code after I updated my roster.

I should add that I suffered a terrible 1-0 defeat to Waluigi in the first elimination round of the Crystal Cup, I guess I get to restart that one later. Why does it seem unfair that Waluigi can teleport farther and quicker than Boo to get easy goals?
[quote name='daroga']Hey bud,

Did you notice the controller problems I was having during our match? That was obnoxious.

Sorry about that. One of these days we'll play again and you can get your win fair and square ;)[/QUOTE]
I've been getting a lot of lag today too, sadly the lag never works in my favor.

Theres nothing worst than batteries going out though. This one game the other guy just stopped moving. My batteries ran out mid-game too. Turn the volume low on the remote when you play, makes a huge difference in battery life.

And on another note.. I'm getting the hang of this lobbing, I may have to start calling Luigi's team the Green Lobsters ;)
[quote name='botticus']I sure haven't gotten any wins from disconnects, though I was probably only winning about half the games I've had disconnects in.

Just went 4-0 against two less talented players, time for me to call it a day while I'm 11-11. :D[/quote]

0-6 my friend. I haven't played the game that much online or offline, but still. I haven't won a series yet!
[quote name='lebowsky']0-6 my friend. I haven't played the game that much online or offline, but still. I haven't won a series yet![/quote]If it makes you feel any better, I only won one series for the first two days. Did you at least get on the scoreboard?
Maybe I should preserve my perfect record and never play online again :rofl:.

That record would be 1-0 as I won the first game in a series in sudden death before getting disconnected.

Meh, I'll be on later tonight if anyone wants to play.
Hehe, just got the game tonight after someone didn't pick it up at GS. :D

I've added everyone in the OP.

My friend code: 262099 828781

I created a new Mii for this, and its name is the same as my CAG name.

Oh, and I'd be interested in a tournament.
[quote name='botticus']If it makes you feel any better, I only won one series for the first two days. Did you at least get on the scoreboard?[/quote]

Well I got my first online win tonight - finally! I could tell that the guy I was playing was about the same skill level as me so it was a competitive match.I had scored in my previous defeats so at least I had that going for me.

I think the key for me winning a game was to lay off the power tackles somewhat and stick to mostly slide tackles with the d-pad. Most of my points were scored off Skill Shots - as you said before, I think the sidekicks are actually more important than the captain.
Alright, this is annoying. Problem is, I think its on my end, with a DSL connection being split five different ways. I'm trying to get a series done, and I've been doing well (because of lag? I dunno), and my Wii keeps dropping the connection, even after I won a series, but while updating stats. I'm still stuck at 0-0 >_<

Argh... it gave me a loss.. and I didn't lose anything! :bomb:

I'm hoping its just because its a logjam for my connection right now.
man, the CPU is really bugging me. I've won like 2 games in the Crystal cup. I think I need to change my sidekicks. If I start a new cup can I start right at crystal or do I have to start all over agian?
[quote name='daroga']man, the CPU is really bugging me. I've won like 2 games in the Crystal cup. I think I need to change my sidekicks. If I start a new cup can I start right at crystal or do I have to start all over agian?[/quote]I'm guessing you'd start at the beginning, since they seem to treat it all as one tournament.

I changed up my sidekicks for online play, finally... tossed Dry Bones in lieu of Koopa (along with Hammer Bro and Boo). Good passing skill is really beneficial in keeping your time of possession up, which makes things generally less chaotic, albeit no less difficult.

As far as tackles vs steals, it seems to depend on how your opponent is playing. Though I tend to get caught up in doing one or the other - my end stats show I either had 20 hits and zero steals or 10 steals and zero hits.
I got to the final game of crystal cup and lost like 3-0 both times. Gets tough. And online has been giving me problems lately.
I'll join in on the retarded tournament. I got through the fire cup (didn't score much, but only lost once to waluigi) and the mario and luigi challenges (crazy easy) tonight. I was thinking of getting online, but I should go to sleep.

So I'll probably get online and play with some people tomorrow after work, 7 or 8ish EST if anybody else wants to add a win to their record.
Just had an exciting one. First round I went 9 - 3. I thought dude was gonna quit after I got 4/6 mega on him to open. Thankfully he didn't. Then second round he came back fast and angry. It was the fastest exchange I've had. Whoever had possession scored without the other guy touching it. 5- 5 minute left, Toad FTW! Times like this I wish you could add strangers to your friendlist. I would really like to play that guy again because we matched up so well.

So who's getting sick of Hammer Bros? I use one because everyone else does and when its used on me I feel like I have to return the favor. Right now I'm loving Toad, loss my love for Monty Mole, and liking Boo and Shy Guy a lot more.
[quote name='mpj31']i will play now[/quote]
Cool. What's the Mii name?


Wow, Mega Strike right there? You bastard. ;)
1 more to settle the score? Thats the first time Ive seen my goalie trip. And you did it twice.

Yea he tripped whenever you llobbed it over his head.
If it wasnt for that one megastrike... usually I try to hold the control with two hands. I was suprised I blocked that many of yours, especially on high speed. Was a first. Good game.
I dunno, I used one hand, but I guess I'll use two from now on, to keep it more steady.

I wonder how much error do you have?
Finally got this today - Game City took forever to get this in.

I was able to finish the tutorial and beat Fire Cup with a decent margin on each match, but I'm a little hesitant for Crystal, looking at everyone's comments so far.

I'd definitely be down to a CAG tourney, but should most likely be in the semi-retarded bracket.

Please add my FC - I created a new Mii to coincide with my name on this board wjhard 017286 705150. I'm in the process of adding everyone on the OP right now.

[quote name='CouRageouS']
So who's getting sick of Hammer Bros? I use one because everyone else does and when its used on me I feel like I have to return the favor. Right now I'm loving Toad, loss my love for Monty Mole, and liking Boo and Shy Guy a lot more.[/quote]Dude, I've been sick of the Hammer Bros. two pages ago. :lol:

I've added everyone who has posted their friend code thus far, return the favor fools
good game yukine, you were the third Luigi I played in a row.

we gotta play again, but I gotta go to sleep now, i've been playing for way too long!
[quote name='bardiya27']good game yukine, you were the third Luigi I played in a row.

we gotta play again, but I gotta go to sleep now, i've been playing for way too long![/quote]

Yeah, they were damn close games.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, they were damn close games.[/QUOTE]

Ha, ours weren't that close, but at least I didn't let you get any megastrikes :lol:.

Edit - d'oh! Our second match was better (for me) except I did let you get a megastrike off - and that was totally unlike in single player when I could block everything. It was over while I blinked!
[quote name='io']Ha, ours weren't that close, but at least I didn't let you get any megastrikes :lol:.

Edit - d'oh! Our second match was better (for me) except I did let you get a megastrike off - and that was totally unlike in single player when I could block everything. It was over while I blinked![/quote]

Thanks for the games, I could see your fury in Game 3. :lol:

I'm going to hit the sack.
[quote name='yukine']Thanks for the games, I could see your fury in Game 3. :lol:

I'm going to hit the sack.[/QUOTE]

Hehe, at least I finally scored a goal and won a game (1 of the 3 that is). Man, I wish I had known all those tricks when I played my one ranked game the other day - I would have destroyed that guy. You were much better. Maybe I'll jump in a ranked game now and see what happens. If only I could remember to lay off Z when I shoot #-o.
bread's done