Official Mario Strikers Charged! Discussion and FCs

I actually won, awesome, it was a little skippy there sometimes though, perhaps that worked to my advantage...

I think I'll play the single some more before I go online again :p
[quote name='botticus']They really need to give Yoshi a hat or something... having Luigi and him on the same stage always makes it very confusing.[/QUOTE]

I have the same problem with Mario and Dry Bones even on my own stikin team
Hey, since FCs are Mii-specific, has anyone tried bringing it over to a friend's Wii? I'm guessing it won't quite work, but I'm curious.

I'm grabbing this tomorrow when I go trade it some stuff at EB. I wanna get in on the action.
[quote name='lebowsky']It has been confirmed that players who disconnect receive penalties (I think negative points). There are "seasons" which run each week and the points you earn during your online matches rank you on the current season's leaderboard.

Each week, the season resets, and everyone starts back at zero again.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the explanation! I like the idea of the short season and subsequent reset.

I should have this tomorrow but I'm debating whether to get online immediately or not as I've never played the first Strikers, only Sega Soccer Slam (I thought I heard they shared some of the same developers/programmers). I certainly don't want to be handed six-shot goals every minute.

I'll try to add everyone who posted their FC on this thread to my friend's list tomorrow when I get it.
[quote name='wjhard63']Thanks for the explanation! I like the idea of the short season and subsequent reset.

I should have this tomorrow but I'm debating whether to get online immediately or not as I've never played the first Strikers, only Sega Soccer Slam (I thought I heard they shared some of the same developers/programmers). I certainly don't want to be handed six-shot goals every minute.

I'll try to add everyone who posted their FC on this thread to my friend's list tomorrow when I get it.[/quote]What I like about the online scoring system here is that you don't get "hurt" by being crappy. You get one point for a loss (versus 10 for a win) plus one point for each goal you score. So sure your record will be terrible if it takes you a dozen games to get a hang of the game, but it's not as if you'll be at -500 points with no way of being competitive. But I think once you go through the ten tutorial lessons and maybe the 8-game Fire Cup, you'll have the hang of things.

They also keep track of your overall record (which includes unranked friend matches, and won't be reset every week), visible only to you when you log in.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Anyone read the instructions? Theres a "Mega Shakedown" nunchuck thing.[/QUOTE]

Yea I've used it, it's nice but they still get a Mega Strike off it's just not as effective. Which as we've seen doesn't matter, usually getting one off is just enough!
And is it just me or does it take forever to log in at "Getting Statistics"

Just wondering if it's my system or in general

I also just got an error getting stats for the first time...:cry:
[quote name='CombatCraig']And is it just me or does it take forever to log in at "Getting Statistics"

Just wondering if it's my system or in general

I also just got an error getting stats for the first time...:cry:[/quote]It took about a second yesterday, long time today. Factor of either the amount of statistics to gather or the general load on the servers.
[quote name='botticus']What I like about the online scoring system here is that you don't get "hurt" by being crappy. You get one point for a loss (versus 10 for a win) plus one point for each goal you score. So sure your record will be terrible if it takes you a dozen games to get a hang of the game, but it's not as if you'll be at -500 points with no way of being competitive. But I think once you go through the ten tutorial lessons and maybe the 8-game Fire Cup, you'll have the hang of things.

They also keep track of your overall record (which includes unranked friend matches, and won't be reset every week), visible only to you when you log in.[/QUOTE]

Wow - the record/stat keeping systems sounds nice! Thanks for the advice, Botticus! I was going to play Soccer Slam as a warm-up before I pick up the game tomorrow, but I may just try to complete a couple levels in Spartan Total Warrior tonight and work on the tutorial and the first or second cup tomorrow night.

Does anyone know if the single player game allows for 2-person co-op? I was hoping my wife and I could play through the first or second cup together before going online.
The getting statistics thing takes a while for me too, and I've also had errors at that point.

I just went through the 101 so watch out everybody I might kinda know what I'm doing!
Bleh, I should have preordered this game at Family Video. Everyone's going to be experts by the time I get this game :(

I could always get it at retail... bah...
I keep getting disconnected after games. I don't know if these guys are quiting and its making me log out completely or what. But I keep having to log back in but then I played a couple with a friend and it didn't log me out.
Got the game, and just beat some kid who had a 0-7 record. :lol:

My friend code is: 167610 457825.

Can we get the OP updated soon, so that it goes CAGname (Mii Name)? I changed my Mii name to "yukine" for now so you guys know it's me.
Do you guy think this is worth a buy if you plan to play mostly single player? Keep in mind I never played this on GC...

I just don't know if I'd play online that much - I'm really not that great of a gamer and I think I'd be too embarrassed... but at least there's no chat, so I couldn't hear the people making fun of me :p Hmm...
dude that last game was intense! I was getting nervous. I was trying to IM you but for some reason iChat won't let me add you to my buddylist. Heres my SN - johnathanv1
just got the game....
FC: 536977 642786 V Man

add please, I'll add all of you too...
starting to get used to the game... it was probably a bad idea to have my first game ever against Courageous online....
Yo, I'm in!

Here's my FC: 451078 309357 (Io of course, but Odibee for XBL chat)

I'll add everyone in the OP and the last page or so.

I haven't played online but logged in to get my FC and see what's up. I can't believe that leader guy has a record of 145-27 or some such. I couldn't imagine playing that many games over the entire time I own this thing, let alone in however long he's had it (maybe a few weeks at the most?).

I'll have to try a random match tonight.

I do have to say from playing the first cup I'm disappointed in one aspect and I haven't seen this mentioned. It seems MUCH harder to score regular goals in this game but the megastrike makes the game easier overall (against the CPU in the first cup, anyway). But I dunno, it just seems a cheap way to score to me. I had goal scoring down to an art in the last game and I can't seem to do it at all in this one. My sons and I played through the first cup and I think we scored 1 or 2 regular goals and 15 or so off megastrikes. It is a little harder for me to judge the goal scoring when they are playing as they don't necessarily cooperate but it seems we were able to take the ball down one side, pass to the middle and score much easier in the GC version. We only got one of those this time.

It seems like online matches will consist of nothing but keeping the other guy from pulling off megastrikes. I'll have to see how it goes.
[quote name='io']Yo, I'm in!

Here's my FC: 451078 309357 (Io of course, but Odibee for XBL chat)


Got you added Io.... see you on the battlefield.... er, grass...
[quote name='io']Yo, I'm in!

Here's my FC: 451078 309357 (Io of course, but Odibee for XBL chat)

I'll add everyone in the OP and the last page or so.

I haven't played online but logged in to get my FC and see what's up. I can't believe that leader guy has a record of 145-27 or some such. I couldn't imagine playing that many games over the entire time I own this thing, let alone in however long he's had it (maybe a few weeks at the most?).

I'll have to try a random match tonight.

I do have to say from playing the first cup I'm disappointed in one aspect and I haven't seen this mentioned. It seems MUCH harder to score regular goals in this game but the megastrike makes the game easier overall (against the CPU in the first cup, anyway). But I dunno, it just seems a cheap way to score to me. I had goal scoring down to an art in the last game and I can't seem to do it at all in this one. My sons and I played through the first cup and I think we scored 1 or 2 regular goals and 15 or so off megastrikes. It is a little harder for me to judge the goal scoring when they are playing as they don't necessarily cooperate but it seems we were able to take the ball down one side, pass to the middle and score much easier in the GC version. We only got one of those this time.

It seems like online matches will consist of nothing but keeping the other guy from pulling off megastrikes. I'll have to see how it goes.[/quote]Actually he's only had the game for two days. He scored some 900 points the last I saw yesterday (he was the daily leader, obviously), and I'm pretty sure his daily points from Monday were equal to his weekly.

Good luck trying to score by megastrikers in the online game (or even further into the single player) - it takes a big screw up by the other team to get open long enough to pull one off, unless you play against me and you get Super Mario or Super Luigi, then you can do them at all.

yukine, I've added different Mii names whenever they've been brought up, that's about the best I can do. As long as the Mii name is some form of their CAG name (i.e. seanr1221 is Sean), it's not a big deal, unless you just want that added for everyone regardless.
[quote name='PleasantOne']Do you guy think this is worth a buy if you plan to play mostly single player? Keep in mind I never played this on GC...

I just don't know if I'd play online that much - I'm really not that great of a gamer and I think I'd be too embarrassed... but at least there's no chat, so I couldn't hear the people making fun of me :p Hmm...[/quote]Single player is a lot of fun, but the CPU gets pretty hard pretty fast. I dominated the Fire Cup (1st one) and am getting crushed in the Crystal Cup (2nd one).

io, the computer doesn't really let you do mega strikes after the Fire Cup ;)
[quote name='daroga']Single player is a lot of fun, but the CPU gets pretty hard pretty fast. I dominated the Fire Cup (1st one) and am getting crushed in the Crystal Cup (2nd one).

io, the computer doesn't really let you do mega strikes after the Fire Cup ;)[/quote]Did you get through the Crystal Cup yet? I managed to get second place in the qualifying (lost to Mario in the last game so he has me by a point) and won the brick wall award for fewest goals, but I have no idea how that happened, felt like I lucked into any wins. I'm not optimistic about my chances in two rounds of single elimination.
[quote name='botticus']Did you get through the Crystal Cup yet? I managed to get second place in the qualifying (lost to Mario in the last game so he has me by a point) and won the brick wall award for fewest goals, but I have no idea how that happened, felt like I lucked into any wins. I'm not optimistic about my chances in two rounds of single elimination.[/quote]I haven't finished it yet. I was playing some online rounds to kill my ego more last night.

If / when you lose, can you restart at Crystal or do you have to play through Fire again?

Is there a site up yet for online stat-tracking for the game? Just a simple W/L record would be great.
[quote name='daroga']I haven't finished it yet. I was playing some online rounds to kill my ego more last night.

If / when you lose, can you restart at Crystal or do you have to play through Fire again?

Is there a site up yet for online stat-tracking for the game? Just a simple W/L record would be great.[/quote]For some reason I recall some review saying it's unforgiving, but I don't remember if they said you had to start all the way over, or just replay the Cup. I'll have to look it up. doesn't have this game added yet, so I don't know what if anything they'll make available when it has a hub.
Iz people playing this online? If yes I might go get it. Blaine messaged me on the Wii about it and I forgot to respond.

I played a random dude last night (lost 0-2 but didn't do too awful), and then I played Courageous - omg.

My only shining moment was when I blocked all 6 of his 6-shot megastrike. We were playing Lava Pit (or whatever) and he managed to wedge Luigi right behind a pool of lava. There was absolutely no way I could get to him and I totally forgot about shaking the nunchuk to mess up his Megastrike meter.

This is a fun game - but I suck.
[quote name='Zen Davis']So guys. Nintendo Online. How is it? Reviews?[/quote]

I've only played two matches online and the first one was pretty laggy. The second one, against a CAG, was pretty smooth and a fun game. It is taking quite a while to log into the service right now and some people are complaining about disconnects (possibly network related), but the UK Strikers launch had similar problems during the first week.

I think once the network load starts to stabilize, it will be much more consistent. It is a pretty barebones online experience, but it is still very fun.
bread's done