Official Mario Strikers Charged! Discussion and FCs

I'm loving the game right now. Online kicks ass. Im playing through single player to unlock everything though too. If you want to play me add my Wii code on the left.
I ordered mine from FamilyVideo so it'll be a few days. Can somebody explain 2-on-2? Does each person control a captain and one teammate or how does it work?
[quote name='konicki465']I'm loving the game right now. Online kicks ass. Im playing through single player to unlock everything though too. If you want to play me add my Wii code on the left.[/QUOTE]Wii code is different from your Strikers friend code.
Just picked this up ... won my first ever ranked online match. Pretty fun!

My friendcode is: 360883 944618 -- the Mii I'm using is named DannyBoy.

I've added Daroga, Botticus, and Lebowsky to my friend roster.

[quote name='konicki465']I'm loving the game right now. Online kicks ass. Im playing through single player to unlock everything though too. If you want to play me add my Wii code on the left.[/QUOTE]

I had troubled finding my Strikers FriendCode at first, too; it's located at the very top of the screen when you go into "Friend Roster" once you've connected to Nintendo Wifi in-game.
I could be really stupid, but was it posted that it's $44.99 at CC? I was pretty sure that the ads said $49, but mine just rang up at the $45 price. If this is known already, please disregard my stupidity. :lol:

As soon as I crack it open, a FC will be forthcoming.
[quote name='yukine']Kind of sucks that it goes by your Mii name... perhaps instead of the 360 gamertag it should be CAGname (Mii Name)[/quote]Yeah, I should probably add that in there since some people won't have Miis named the same. snipegod is the first one that I know of. I changed mine from my name just for consistency.
I swung by Target while running some errands today and said what the fuck and bought it. I went straight into 3 online matches and won the first in a sweep then got handed 2 losses. The system doesn't try to put new players against other new players does it? I kept playing against guys ranked in the 100-300s.

Anyway, my code is 159020 494287, mii is Johnathan.

I'll start adding people after I grab a bite to eat.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I swung by Target while running some errands today and said what the fuck and bought it. I went straight into 3 online matches and won the first in a sweep then got handed 2 losses. The system doesn't try to put new players against other new players does it? I kept playing against guys ranked in the 100-300s.

Anyway, my code is 159020 494287, mii is Johnathan.

I'll start adding people after I grab a bite to eat.[/quote]Unfortunately for those of us who suck, playing against similarly matched people would skew the rankings.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I swung by Target while running some errands today and said what the fuck and bought it. I went straight into 3 online matches and won the first in a sweep then got handed 2 losses. The system doesn't try to put new players against other new players does it? I kept playing against guys ranked in the 100-300s.

Anyway, my code is 159020 494287, mii is Johnathan.

I'll start adding people after I grab a bite to eat.[/QUOTE]

Nice, the more CAGs the better
So do we assume that disconnects so far are just network problems? Seems like whenever I get matched up against someone I can play with competitively (i.e. win the first game), I get disconnected. Rather frustrating. But hey, at least I'm 4-9 now!
[quote name='seanr1221']Oh, and why in my one match were 2 of my teammates struck with lightening before we started playing?[/quote]I think in Crystal Valley or something, it eliminate 1 or 2 of your team members each round. Kinda odd ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Oh, and why in my one match were 2 of my teammates struck with lightening before we started playing?[/quote]About half of the fields have environment effects. One has wind blowing across that can knock people off, one has fire balls that create lava filled craters, and another has the lightning bolts that take out two or three people from each team at the beginning.

There might be more, that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.
Ah ok, I thought it was network problems or something (like to prevent lag ;) )

So is there anyway to chose what kind of game you're going to play if it's with someone random? Or do Nintendo's servers determine the gametype at random?
I think I just played against someone who's batteries went out during a match. At least I hope thats what happened, because if they let me get a 21-0 sweep on them, they need to return the game. :lol:
[quote name='MisterHand']Wii code is different from your Strikers friend code.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, didn't know that, my Strikers code is 000106 684951. Hope to see some of you online soon.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I think I just played against someone who's batteries went out during a match. At least I hope thats what happened, because if they let me get a 21-0 sweep on them, they need to return the game. :lol:[/quote]Wow, that's like half my total points so far :shock:

I'm gonna give another ranked match a go, then I'll send an invite to whoever happens to be on my list right now. So far only Sean has gotten validated, still waiting on the rest of the people in the OP.

Network is definitely getting hammered, getting errors when I connect now, as I got them when trying to find an opponent before. I have a feeling this game is going to top Pokemon as far as online activity goes for next week.
This game is awesome just like the gamecube version was, however, online versus an experienced player sucks. Nothing like getting tackled as soon as you get the ball. I may have gotten off about 2 shots in my last versus match. Guess I'll stick to the single player mode for now and practice.

On a positive note, after seeing it in action, I have high hopes for wi-fi on the Wii. Really smooth response with no lag or drops.

Quick question, where is the friend code located? Thanks.
Played two good rounds with Sean. I'm starting to learn some more techniques a little better. It's fun improving in a game like this. :)
[quote name='screwkick']This game is awesome just like the gamecube version was, however, online versus an experienced player sucks. Nothing like getting tackled as soon as you get the ball. I may have gotten off about 2 shots in my last versus match. No way to quit mid-game either. Guess I'll stick to the single player mode.[/quote]I found the Crystal Cup (second cup) to be just about as difficult as the online competition, with slightly worse AI.

Got disconnected again, bah.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I think me and Seanr just played a game getting matched up randomly.

I added everyone in the OP so far. Please add me too guys.[/QUOTE]

Unless you jumped in the game with me and Daroga, it must have been an impostor ;)
:lol: I thought the Sean mii looked famililar from when I got that BBA message from you. I guess you do have a twin!

The entrance themes for the characters are awesome. I'm really digging Luigi's. The music in general is great really! Someone rip the soundtrack!
Well I suck so consider me an easy win. Oh well that's why I bought the Wii - to have fun and not be a hardcore insane-o- gamer

I'm always up for a random match!

210560 109267
I really need to figure out how I get rocked in possession time every match... seems like every time I try to pass it around, bam! intercepted, but then the other guy can just flip the ball aroud all day.

One of these days, I'll win a best of 3!
At first when I played the computer and I kept getting easy megakicks I thought the game was stupid. Then it get competitive and.....

Anyone else think this game kicks ass? I'll probably add my code a little later on. First game I played online I had no problems with. Went real smooth. And I dominated.
That was insane. I thought for sure we were going into three and then you had to be mad cause you just let me slip by with a Hammer Bro
[quote name='CouRageouS']That was insane. I thought for sure we were going into three and then you had to be mad cause you just let me slip by with a Hammer Bro[/quote]I just forget any skills besides pass and shoot, so I am pretty much doomed 90% of the time.
[quote name='botticus']Woo, won my first series! That poor newbie didn't know what hit him... in sudden death... twice. :lol:[/quote]DOMINATED!
[quote name='daroga']DOMINATED![/quote]Hey, smart guy, you'd better get back in there or you're gonna lose your top spot on CAG. Only 9 points till you're mine! I don't care if it has taken me 10 more games played!
I can't connect online for some reason, they must be having a lot of online traffic with the game right now. Im loving every minute of this game though. Luigi is my main man for the job.
They really need to give Yoshi a hat or something... having Luigi and him on the same stage always makes it very confusing.

I'm going to give that first game to my goalie, Spaz, you outshot me like crazy.
[quote name='botticus']They really need to give Yoshi a hat or something... having Luigi and him on the same stage always makes it very confusing.
Serious. I kept thinking Yoshi was one of my guys cause I keep picking Luigi. His song is just so great!
bread's done