Official Mario Strikers Charged! Discussion and FCs

[quote name='magiic']I didnt credit for either win. I've lost one series and one won series but record shows 2L & 0W[/quote]You should definitely have points for at least the first win, if he disconnected before the second was finalized. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for your stats to update.
[quote name='snipegod']Good series, Spaz. I was afraid you were going to push it to a 5th game.[/quote]

I still can't get past the sucking. I dunno if it's that it doesn't do what I want every button press or that it does, lol. Maybe I push too many damn buttons.

I'm still getting used to the power things, so if you hit the d-pad when you've got the ball you do a power thing that depends on the sidekick and stuff right?

And do I have to officially PM you or anything botticus? I'm not bolded yet, but I said I'd join the tournament even though I suck.
make sure to add me to tourney i didnt see my name bolded but i said i would play before i posted my code

if anyone wants to play im game
mmmm I have a neat idea.
I'd say for all of those w/ accounts to any GTP sites..we (excluding me for now..::cries::) earn points to get Wii Points cards..and make a tournament..and have like.. "First place: 3 Wii points cards!" "Runner up: 1 (maybe 2!) Wii points cards!"

But clearly that would take sometime & discussion for that to happen. I'd be willing to help.. but I need the darn game! LOL
Here is my FC 455373-445771 the user name is js1. I'll add everyone in the OP and I'll try to keep adding people as long as I can. I rented this until monday, but I like it enough to buy it tomorrow.
I'm game for a tournament I just need way more practice.
[quote name='SpazX']I'm still getting used to the power things, so if you hit the d-pad when you've got the ball you do a power thing that depends on the sidekick and stuff right?[/quote]

It's a deke - a move that gets you away from (fakes out) an opposing player. Every one has a different one, although some will do the same thing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe deke more used as a hockey term. Juke is the term for football/football(uk)/soccer/running around with friends :lol:

I believe I added everyone new from the last couple pages. Anyone let me know if I missed them.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe deke more used as a hockey term. Juke is the term for football/football(uk)/soccer/running around with friends :lol:

I believe I added everyone new from the last couple pages. Anyone let me know if I missed them.[/QUOTE]

I LOVE that sig!!! Did you make that ?!
There is a lot of depth to this game. And while that's a good thing, right now it's really frustrating me, because it's clear I have so much more to learn. I'm getting schooled online. I'm getting schooled in the Crystal Cup. Ugh.
[quote name='mpj31']I'd have to say Si is the best player here.[/quote]

Well...I wouldn't go that far but...:D

In all seriousness though there have still been a few players online who have utterly creamed me. I fucking hate the gimmick stages like the Wasteland, and spammers who just lob the ball from person to person until its white and then shoot from their most powerful player.

I played Koopa tonight. It was a good game. I won. Go me lol

Last time I checked I was 187 on the Leaderboard. It sucks though because I have so much work this weekend, I'll be lucky if I get on at all this side of Sunday night.
Yea I'm koopa and I use waluigi and you stole him both times. Thats why I tried to take home team the second time but you wouldnt give. oh well. I played somone right after our second game and it was the most frustrating game I've played. He got two little dinky goals with Boo. And nothing would go my way.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe deke more used as a hockey term. Juke is the term for football/football(uk)/soccer/running around with friends :lol:

They called it a deke in the instruction book and in Strikers for the Cube, FWIW. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Tybee']There is a lot of depth to this game. And while that's a good thing, right now it's really frustrating me, because it's clear I have so much more to learn. I'm getting schooled online. I'm getting schooled in the Crystal Cup. Ugh.[/quote]

We need to play each other soon. It will be EPIC. ;)

I just feel like I haven't got the right mix of sidekicks yet and I'm still not sold on my captains. I will tell you this much - no more Yoshi for me. Everyone and their brother uses Luigi and I have no idea who the fuck I am half the time.
I feel you need at least two good shooters on your team and two good defenders, one preferably with good speed. Hope that helps.

It was Deke in Sega soccer slam as well.
[quote name='lilboo']I LOVE that sig!!! Did you make that ?![/QUOTE]
Yep. I made a 360 one too. But I don't have one yet so it'll just appear blank. Like so. I was considering filling it up with my 360 wishlist because it looks so nice I wanna use it now.

[quote name='EXStrike']They called it a deke in the instruction book and in Strikers for the Cube, FWIW. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]
Ahh I guess you do learn something from reading the booklet then. I've only heard deke in hockey and all the sports games I've played called it jukes and just from football with friends I'm using to saying "I got jukes!". I bet deke is a more elegant term vs jukes are the extreme American way. :D
just got the game tonight, I'm gonna get some games in and see how I like it, and if I'm any good I may get in on the tourney, assuming there are spots left.
[quote name='CouRageouS']
Ahh I guess you do learn something from reading the booklet then. I've only heard deke in hockey and all the sports games I've played called it jukes and just from football with friends I'm using to saying "I got jukes!". I bet deke is a more elegant term vs jukes are the extreme American way. :D[/quote]

I've only heard jukes used when playing football. Can't do it myself, personally. I just like running downfield and legging it out. :D (Deep threat FTW)
[quote name='EXStrike']It's a deke - a move that gets you away from (fakes out) an opposing player. Every one has a different one, although some will do the same thing.[/quote]

Yeah they call it a deke in the manual, but I didn't call it a deke since dekes aren't usually, ya know, chucking a huge hammer at somebody (although that would make many sports more interesting).

Just making sure that that's what the d-pad does: chucks a hammer with the hammer bros, digs in the ground with the groundhog, etc. since a lot of the time it seems like I'm pushing the buttons way faster than the actions on the screen and I do shit and don't know what it was :p.

I guess I'm starting to get the hang of all this extra stuff, it does make the game a lot more interesting than the original strikers, but also a lot more frustrating.
[quote name='mpj31']I just played lakkerz for like 12 minutes on one game.[/quote]

longest fucking OT in the history of Strikers right there lol
I added my code to my signature. I have not read much of this thread and I was curious how I should compile the friend codes from thsi thread?

Mario Strikers Charged Code: 386653 745677
My friend is bringing me a copy tonight (renting) and so I will definitely add all of you.

Won't be playing in your tourney, but I will definitely want to get games in with you all.
Wait, you guys have been able to play tonight? I fucking gave up because I kept getting connect errors - either "check your Internet" or "Data Transfer Failure" or some such nonsense. More often then not it was connecting but then failing when getting the stats (so it wasn't my local connection). I got on one time and started to enter friends codes and right in the fucking middle of that it gave me the same error and kicked me out to the main screen. I wanted to get on with my son and try some 2-player. So we gave up and tried to play the Crystal Cup instead. Damn that is hard... We can barely get shots off let alone win anything. Overall it was a very frustrating Strikers session. I'm really starting to like this game less and less the more I play (especially in comparison with the last game). We gave up and fired up the 360 to play Bomberman - what do you know, no connection issues whatsoever and a rock solid connection while we hosted several matches. Nintendo needs to make this wifi crap more robust, that's all I can say...

I also noticed one huge difference between playing local tonight and playing online. I tried the lobbing strategy against the CPU. I couldn't do it too much because my sons (both were playing) didn't cooperate, but I noticed that if I made a single lob pass it would go to the next guy and stay there. When I was doing that online I thought it was impossible because every time I clicked for one pass it would go right to that guy and he would kick it AGAIN right to the next one - so I couldn't line up any shots because the guy who was supposed to shoot would pass. Now I'm figuring it was an online connection glitch. I understand lag, but I totally don't get duplicate commands. I swear, it was 2 passes for every one I tried to make. It was very frustrating. The control in the local game was MUCH crisper, though still impossible to win ;).
IVe gotten a lot of errors as well. A lot of the game is who you pick. If you have more than 1 slow person your pretty much screwed.
Looks like I won't be able to make the first tournament. Because my copy is in the mail. Hopefully there will be a new tournament in ten days. Right Guys ... Right :)
[quote name='io']I also noticed one huge difference between playing local tonight and playing online. I tried the lobbing strategy against the CPU. I couldn't do it too much because my sons (both were playing) didn't cooperate, but I noticed that if I made a single lob pass it would go to the next guy and stay there. When I was doing that online I thought it was impossible because every time I clicked for one pass it would go right to that guy and he would kick it AGAIN right to the next one - so I couldn't line up any shots because the guy who was supposed to shoot would pass. Now I'm figuring it was an online connection glitch. I understand lag, but I totally don't get duplicate commands. I swear, it was 2 passes for every one I tried to make. It was very frustrating. The control in the local game was MUCH crisper, though still impossible to win ;).[/QUOTE]
When the ball is in the air during a lob pass, if you press A against it will automatically pass again. Pressing A too fast with passes will make you pass it more times than intended. Lobbing takes a lot of good timing to work. What I do is hold B down between passes so if I have room to breathe, it charges it a bit, then pass > juke > pass > whatever > release B for a nicely charged shot.

Don't forget the header off the ricochet of a block too. While the balls still white, you've got to fight!
I hate how I keep matching against people in the top 500 ranks and Im ranked about 10000. The lag is also really starting to bug me. Toad jumping my goalie is also getting lame
Can't wait for the tournament, I'll do pretty poorly though since I'm going to be busy for the next two weeks and can't get too many games in for practice. Oh well, it's all in good fun anyway.
[quote name='CouRageouS']When the ball is in the air during a lob pass, if you press A against it will automatically pass again. Pressing A too fast with passes will make you pass it more times than intended. Lobbing takes a lot of good timing to work. What I do is hold B down between passes so if I have room to breathe, it charges it a bit, then pass > juke > pass > whatever > release B for a nicely charged shot.

Don't forget the header off the ricochet of a block too. While the balls still white, you've got to fight![/QUOTE]

OK, I guess. But I just noticed a huge difference between how it reacted in online play and then vs the CPU. I had no problems controlling the passes against the CPU, but it nearly always double-passed during online play. It could be that there is some lag and I'm pressing it twice because it doesn't happen right away - then I get 2 passes :roll:.

I did not know you could hold B while doing all the rest of this. Though I have a tough enough time trying to press the D-pad, pass, and hold Z. I don't think I can pay attention to yet another button. So much for simplistic Wii controls! :lol: This game is one of the tougher ones to master I have ever seen. I hope the PS3 and 360 people are paying attention to this - most probably think this is some kiddie game.
[quote name='magiic']I hate how I keep matching against people in the top 500 ranks and Im ranked about 10000. The lag is also really starting to bug me. Toad jumping my goalie is also getting lame[/QUOTE]
The Toad jumping takes a lot more timing than you'd think. I think I can nail it 3/5 tries now.
[quote name='CouRageouS']The Toad jumping takes a lot more timing than you'd think. I think I can nail it 3/5 tries now.[/QUOTE]

'splain please? Is it just using Toad's juke to skip past the goalie, or is there more to it (and I realize that would be hard - I wouldn't have thought it possible but that's all I can think of to make him "jump").
I give up. My last three games were played at about 5fps. It's just unplayable online right now for me. I hope Nintendo gets it together
Just played two games online with my friend, and it was great. I think we only saw two very small lag hiccups, that didn't affect the gameplay.

And I added everyone in the OP.
bread's done