Official NHL 12 CAG Team - We're Back Baby!!! WifeBeaterz on Parole!

Same as Alan, I've been going to sleep early every night and I have been working through my backlog. I am almost always up for switching if someone asks, though. Sometimes you have to make the first move. I'm a classy lady.
Brandon, Alan, and I talked about trying to finish up our playoff run tonight for those who are going to be around. I think the time that was talked about was 7 PM MST (9 PM EST). We're 3 games short of another title. Obviously, everybody is going to want to be done before all the new year's festivities. But for those of us who are able to be there, hopefully we can bring home another title.

Maybe yous can be like me. 5 tine goal master of the year, 7 tine bes wood nominee.

It's God given.
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That's cool. Closer to Rob's time anyway. The only thing to think about is we've got (at most) 3 games to play in a two hour window. That SHOULD be plenty of time, but considering how long it takes to find playoff opponents and the fact that it's New Year's Eve, not really sure what we're going to get. I guess we'll just have to roll with it though. As long as we actually find amateur teams to play we should be all right.
CAG team brought home another banner tonight! We're back at "Amatuer", but winning is winning. Ended up outscoring our opponents 23-3 over the four game stretch.

There's a new patch out. Here's what it fixes.

Fixes for Winnipeg Jets and *. John’s Jerseys
Added helmet numbers to front of helmet for all NHL teams
Exploit where a user is able to skate wide and use vision control to take a slap shot and score while the goalie is out of position
Exploit where when the goalie is covering the puck, a diving player could sometimes knock the puck loose
Situation where the game would sometimes, but very rarely crash during instant replay
Situation where a stick check would sometimes crash the game
Hockey Ultimate Team
Hockey Ultimate Team fix where a user is able to exceed the trade pile’s 30 card limit by adding cards from the Edit Lineup screen. Fixing this key issue, fixes multiple other issues within HUT that were triggered by this.
Game Modes
Fixed an issue with Game Modes tuner set files not loading correctly.
Awesome job, guys! Wish I could have been there. The baby just kicked my ass yesterday, lol. Ironically enough, it put me back on a somewhat "normal" sleep schedule, as I slept through the wee morning hours when she did, and woke up this morning feeling almost like a regular human being. I'm sure that won't last...haha.
Nice job guys!

Well...obviously, we have a rapist team, in EASHL,
their climbing up your ranks,
their snatching those wins up
Tryna rape em so y'all need to
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
Hide your kids, Hide your wife
and hide your Goalie
Cuz they're rapin errbody out here
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[quote name='DarkTower80']Don't most Kings fans do that already? j/k ;)[/QUOTE]

I propose that Matt dresses up as Joe Dirt for the picture. It's not enough to have the wifebeater. I want the mullet too.
If it makes you guys feel better, I get to test out 2013 hockey prototypes this week and in July, the 2014 prototypes in Mass with a few un named hockey legends. :p
[quote name='DarkTower80']Anyone going to be around tonight? I am planning on watching the UFC on FX tonight but will play if others are.[/QUOTE]

I wish I could be at the UFC tonight. It's in Nashville and they've been doing stuff around town since like Wednesday. But sadly, the most fun I have these days is when I get to sleep or take a shower, lol.
I couldn't procure a mullet wig, but I had a great time at the game last night. Got our picture taken on the ice, had a pre-game chalk talk with Jim Fox, and I got to meet and shake the hand of the almighty Luc Robitaille.

Tonight and tomorrow, Brandon's hometown Colorado Eagles will be playing here in Ontario while the Kings and Avalanche also square off tomorrow evening.
bread's done