Official Pokemon Platinum Thread of Metagame, Friendcodes, Battling & Trading!

After many long (and I stress many) breeding sessions I have finally come up with a Gible that has perfect IV's in HP and and Attack. The only striking problem now is the lackluster IV's for speed (3! FML) but I'm afraid it will have to do. The bright side to IV's I suppose is you don't truly notice a massive difference in stats until said Pokemon is at level 100, as to which the tournament will be only allowing level 50's. I guess if I'm dissatisfied with him in the long run, I'll scrap and start over but right now, he's the best I've got.
I'm interested in the tournaments but never participated. I heard that Milotic and Tyranitar were banned, is this true because that would suck since Tyranitar is my favorite.
[quote name='Nohbdy']I believe official Nintendo tournaments allow anything but legendaries.[/QUOTE]
Anything but legendaries? wow, so that would mean you can use wobuffet.
This is the list of Nintendo bans:

Mewtwo, Mew, Tyranitar, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Rotom (yes really), Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai & Shaymin
[quote name='SL4IN']This is the list of Nintendo bans:

Mewtwo, Mew, Tyranitar, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Rotom (yes really), Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai & Shaymin[/QUOTE]

So it's O.K. to use Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf even though they are legendary? Odd.
[quote name='Moxio']Tyranitar is banned but Garchomp isn't? And why isn't Arceus on there?[/QUOTE]

Tyranitar is banned because this is a level 50 tournament and Pupitar doesn't evolve until level 55. Also banned but not mentioned is Dragonite because of this ruling.

Arceus isn't on there because he doesn't even exist yet according to Nintendo. He's never been released to either Japan or the U.S., so he is not to be bothered with.
Been wanting to play this game worth getting via trading in a Diamond and or Pearl?
Like.. I get it's the SAME GAME..but would anyone say it's worth re-playing this version?
I'd say it's a "better" version of D/P...for lack of a better term. The new Wi-Fi Plaza has mini-games you can play, the E4 level up after you beat them (only once, but that's more than enough), and you can fight Gym Leaders more than once (after beating the E4).
I got a shiny Id been hunting down for quite some time, and I had to trade my Birth Island Deoxys for it: An UT male hasty legit level 1 Eevee, and Im thinking of what to do with it. I might trade for something better (if there is better), I might remake my Umbreon to EV it better and give it the same moveset (Toxic, Mean Look, Dark Pulse, Confuse Ray), I might make a new Umbreon alltogether, OR I might make it a different Eeveelution (This thing is going on my team no matter what)
Hey guys, I was breeding a Timide Eevee to be a Jolteon in my team for the tournament and I have some leftovers, and they're all free to whoever claims them. They're all Timid nature, at level 1, and have varying IV's. I'm offering up the ones with the best IV's that I'm not using, and all are good for making sweeping Jolteons. I do of course have a ton of Eevee's of varying natures if anyone wants 'em. Anyway, these are the good Eevee's:

Eevee 1
Sp.A 31
Spe 21

Eevee 2
Sp.A 28
Spe 21

Eevee 3
Sp.A 23
Spe 26
HP type: Ice

Eevee 4
Sp.A 23
Spe 23
Ok I'll pull it off for you. I won't be available for trading until late Saturday due to going out of town tomorrow and won't have internet access.
I'll take any which isn't claimed.

I breed eevees into Umbreons and Espeons for GTS trading quite a bit, they mindless riding around with them is kinda calming and distracting (good for me right now) and they're pretty popular. Anyone who wants one, lemme know. I like trading just for the different Original Trainer numbers.
I have an EVd Dragonair level 45 SHINY legit that I dont need since I just found an Adamant low leveled Shiny Dratini UT today. I DO need other shinies for it though, as Im remaking my team, and mixing it up with having 6 shinies on my team. Im also trying to hunt down a shiny horsea to replace my regular kingdra. I also have 2 kings rocks and a soul dew if anyone has any decent TMs to trade
I don't think I have an extra dragon scale, I'll check though.

To those that wanted the Eevee's, I can trade tonight and I'll be available as soon as 7 PM Central time. PM me or contact me on here if you're on/can trade.
Slain, I'll PM you. But for the record, my friend code is 3437 8288 5992.

If it matters, thats my Pearl code, which is the game I do my trading from. I noticed that some of the trades from GTS were of basic, low end pokies sent over in master balls... one even was of a Treeko "caught at level 2" or something like that in a MasterBall, so clearly there are hacked/gamesharked pokies around. Ugh, whats the point of trading, if you're gonna cheat anyway? But once I noticed that, I decided to only trade from Pearl. Diamond was almost exclusively pokies from my own games of ruby/sapphire/fire red/leaf green/colosseum & XD, so I know they're all legit. And Platinum I'm just putzing around with.
Did you want both the left over Eevee's Gwen or just one?

Edit: Also, I'm getting on for people that can trade now. I'll also be using my Diamond for everyone trading with me.
I added you, but i'm not seeing anyone. I'll try the numbers again. I have dyscalcia and get my numbers all screwed up. in game name; DAWN.

got it fixed, obviously. Thanks for the eevee, slain!

[quote name='SL4IN']Yeah I heard you chuckle. It made it easier for me to distinguish which Eevee goes to who.[/QUOTE]Oh, I want one of those headsets now...
Alright. All that's left is you Mox, just let me know when you'll be on and I can hop on anytime since I'm free for the rest of the night.
[quote name='SL4IN']Yeah I heard you chuckle. It made it easier for me to distinguish which Eevee goes to who.[/QUOTE]
I forgot voice chat was on. :lol:
bread's done