Official Pokemon Platinum Thread of Metagame, Friendcodes, Battling & Trading!

[quote name='SL4IN']What does the Everstone do when it comes to breeding?

Edit: Oh Snap! I was never aware of this![/quote]
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
[quote name='SL4IN']What does the Everstone do when it comes to breeding?

Edit: Oh Snap! I was never aware of this![/quote]

Seconded! #-o Oh man... I remember the bad old days of R/S, where you had to breed tons and tons of pokemon to get the right nature/ability. I feel your pain. Nowadays though, there's no excuse. Serious pokenerds all have a box full of Ditto's; one of each nature for Everstone abuse. ;)
[quote name='SL4IN']What does the Everstone do when it comes to breeding?

Edit: Oh Snap! I was never aware of this![/quote]

I'd probably want my breeding hours back too. God, there is so much crap in this series you'd never know about if you didn't have the internet or a guide. Flame body's overworld ability for instance.
[quote name='DQT']I'd probably want my breeding hours back too. God, there is so much crap in this series you'd never know about if you didn't have the internet or a guide. Flame body's overworld ability for instance.[/quote]
I didn't know about Compoundeyes and Synchronize's overworld abilities until a few months ago, either.
No problem! I noticed you were checking my guys out, the only one that was EV trained out of that bunch was the Gyarados.
But Aqua Tail is a vanilla 90/90 move, while Waterfall is an 80/100 move that has a flinch chance. I'd represent TLC on this one.
Mr Beef, I'll take you up on that offer for the Vespiquen if sucko doesn't want it. :cool:

Also, does anyone have the Kanto starters? I might replace my Infernape with a Charizard because everyone and their mother has an Internape. :}
[quote name='Moxio']Mr Beef, I'll take you up on that offer for the Vespiquen if sucko doesn't want it. :cool:

Also, does anyone have the Kanto starters? I might replace my Infernape with a Charizard because everyone and their mother has an Internape. :}[/quote]
Sure thing on the Vespiquen. I've got some shit to do right now, but later on I'll make the trade.
Rash, if you don't mind then. Thank you sirs.

I'll be available later tonight, when you're ready to trade. I'd offer something in return but I honestly don't have much. I could breed some Adamant Elekids with Cross Chop and Ice Punch I think, if you want.
You don't have to give me anything in particular in return, junk Pokemon are fine.

I'll breed you a Charmander really quick, I should be ready for a trade in about an hour.
Enjoy your Vespiquen and Heart Scale. I'll take good care of your precious Wooper, too.

Oh yeah, before I forget: did you want me to give you a Teddiursa Darknessbear, or would you rather I give you its evolved form (Ursariing), and you breed it yourself? It doesn't matter too much on my part, since I transferred the Ursaring over an hour or so ago, but I haven't touched it since.
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Remember there's only 2 days left (Until May 12th) for the Rotom Key Wi-Fi Event!

If you havent done so already, make sure to take care of it.
[quote name='chronodev']Remember there's only 2 days left (Until May 12th) for the Rotom Key Wi-Fi Event!

If you havent done so already, make sure to take care of it.[/quote]

Ugh, I didn't realize you had to get a badge and do some events before you could go in the TV building at Jubilife City. I'm glad I finally started up my game last night so I could realize it while I still had time to take care of all this.

I've played an hour and change so far, and I'm liking it very much. It just isn't quite as addicting as previous games were for me, though, but I'm very early in the game. I'm sure I'll play through it and get into the metagame, but I'm wondering how much time I'll actually spend on it.
[quote name='lilboo']What's the Rotom Key Wi-Fi event? Is it only for Platinum???[/quote]
it gives you a key that unlocks the different forms of Rotom (which are only in Platinum). The key can only be picked up in Platinum as well.

No free pokemon.
frys electronics is selling platinum for 30, im not sure if i should pick this up, i havent played pokemon since red and blue which was like 10 years or so ago. and i still have the ds phat launch so i dont know if there will be a graphical reduction compared to lite or the dsi.
Most likely. Nintendo still printed them up until the end of 2006/early 2007, which is pretty long counting on the fact that they came out back in 2004.

Sealed copies of Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald have been fetching prices in upwards of $90+ for a couple of months now too.
I don't expect them to since they remade them last handheld generation, and the fact that they already have a set of remakes coming out this gen.
Well part of the reason they're re-doing Gold & Silver is because of the loss of GBA functionality in the DSi. By re-doing these games for the DS, they're essentially giving everyone access to the older generations by putting most of those guys into the remakes, the same way they did it with FR/LG by putting most of the Pokemon from R/B/G/S in there for the catching.
Ah, so between G/S and D/P you can catch the original monsters as well? I don't even like Pokemon, I just find the Pokedex and OCD nature of the game cool.
[quote name='SL4IN']Well part of the reason they're re-doing Gold & Silver is because of the loss of GBA functionality in the DSi. By re-doing these games for the DS, they're essentially giving everyone access to the older generations by putting most of those guys into the remakes, the same way they did it with FR/LG by putting most of the Pokemon from R/B/G/S in there for the catching.[/QUOTE]

Never thought of it that way. Makes a ton of sense.

Pokemon is extremely OCD. I've caught 483 of the buggers in my Diamond. If you're into battling, there an incredible amount of minutiae to obsess over as well. This is a really hardcore, stat manipulating RPG.
Man I swear I'm at my breaking point. I've bred Gible's until my fingers hurt and I can't for the life of me get a Jolly Gible with IV's higher than 16 in Attack. I'm so close to trashing it and picking a different Pokemon.

Edit: In an attempt for the game to piss me off, it's given perfect 31 IV's in Special Attack to almost all the Jolly Gible's I've bred.
You planning on playing in Ubers, Sl41n? All the tournaments that are coming up near me aren't, which is why I'm not bothering with Garchomp...for now.

Is anyone on right now? I need to trade over my Kingdra and Ludicolo to my Platinum so I can start the super-fun-time breeding extravaganza.
I'm training a Garchomp for the Nintendo Tournament when they come to Dallas at the end of the month since he isn't banned like normal competitive play (Serebii/Smogon).

If you need to do some trading, I can hop on for a little bit.
bread's done