Official Pokemon Platinum Thread of Metagame, Friendcodes, Battling & Trading!

Quick question for those who play competitive:

So I've read a lot concerning EV training (I think a lot)..and plan on trying a competitive team after I beat the game.

The EV stats that are mentioned: Let's say I used dusknoir and use 252 on def and spec. def and 4 on HP..these are only the additional stats correct? So when I reach level 100..all of the base stats will still be there..(like 200 hp, 130 attack, etc.) only def and spec. def will be boosted by 252/4 = 63? So when people mention their poke and say where the EV's are..they do that only because those are the only differential stats from a normal poke?

Maybe all I need is a confirmation...or someone to call me a freakin idiot and tell me how far I'm really off.:cool:

EVs are basically "additional" stat boosts, to say it simply. Your stats will still rise as you level, but the EVs you placed will make those particular stats better, and it won't hamper any of the normal growth your Pokemon would get on a level-up.
[quote name='mis0']I've been playing Platinum on my M3 Real and I'm really regretting not getting the actual game now. I have about 30 hours on it but I'm getting enticed by this whole competitive aspect of the game I've never even heard about until recently. I've always wanted to be a pokemon master.. should I just man up, throw away the 30 hours legit hours invested on my M3 Real and start over on an actual cartridge. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

I love putting idiots on ignore.
[quote name='blackjaw']I love putting idiots on ignore.[/quote]
Why so mean? :whistle2:#

[quote name='adriley313']Yes get the real game
its well worth it[/quote]
Yeah, I do have to get it now.. I'm too sucked in. Ordering it on Amazon. :)

[quote name='Nohbdy']30 hours is just beating the Elite 4 for the first time. You've done nothing.[/quote]
I only have 5 gym badges at the 30 hour mark.. I've been going around catching two of everything due to my OCD. :cry:
[quote name='Nohbdy']30 hours is just beating the Elite 4 for the first time. You've done nothing.[/quote]

I'm at 50 hours and I haven't gotten to the 8th trainer yet.

Question: So is Palkia worth keeping in my six? What did you guys do when you received em?
Using a Legendary on your way to the E4 is the easy way out.

Also, you've probably never reset your game to get one with good IVs.
The only legend i use but will change before i start victory road is Darkrai, love that Hypnosis and special abiltity. sweet

im 15 hrs in 7 badges, dont get to play to much as i work to damn much.
And so the competitive team training for the Pokemon Tournament next month begins.

For the sake of letting everyone know, I my main DS, and I will no long be using it for Wi-Fi. After I post this, I will be updated my Wi-Fi codes in the OP, since I'm having to re-assign new codes to both copies of Platinum and my copy of Diamond.
I, uh...
flashed the firmware on my ds
and I don't want to risk anything buy using online stuff on it, especially with the Pokemon tournament coming up to which I'll be using one of my other DS'.

Also, I didn't get a chance to update the OP with my new Wi-Fi codes since my wireless internet is acting up. Hopefully within the next few days I'll be able to get it updated.
[quote name='SL4IN']I, uh...
flashed the firmware on my ds
and I don't want to risk anything buy using online stuff on it, especially with the Pokemon tournament coming up to which I'll be using one of my other DS'.

Also, I didn't get a chance to update the OP with my new Wi-Fi codes since my wireless internet is acting up. Hopefully within the next few days I'll be able to get it updated.[/QUOTE]

What a douchebag.
So, due to my nice little 3 day break from this place, I think I've finally decided on my team for the VG Championships at the end of this month. I completely scrapped the old team and started anew, and I think training is going to begin today.
[quote name='Nohbdy']30 hours is just beating the Elite 4 for the first time. You've done nothing.[/quote]

[quote name='Nohbdy']Using a Legendary on your way to the E4 is the easy way out.

Also, you've probably never reset your game to get one with good IVs.[/quote]

What a snob.
Actually, I'm quite impressed with anyone who can get beyond 15 battles in battle tower.

Otherwise, I'm telling it like it is.
Hey what is your guys advice on HM's? I have like, 10(?) HM's currently and it friggen takes away all my pokemons skills. And it seems like you need to have all of them as well especially - strength, surf, rock smash, rock climb, waterfall. And those can only be put on a few of mine so it is a pain in the ass waisting skills.
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Catch stinky Pokemon like Bidoof and make them HM Slaves (Pokemon you only bring with you to use HM moves because they can learn most/all the HMs). In the parts of the game where you need 6-8 of the HMs, I usually have 3 or 4 serious Pokemon in the party while the rest have all the necessary HMs.

Don't use HMs on Pokemon you want to be competitive with (unless we're talking about Surf or Waterfall, because those are really good moves).
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Catch stinky Pokemon like Bidoof and make them HM Slaves (Pokemon you only bring with you to use HM moves because they can learn most/all the HMs). In the parts of the game where you need 6-8 of the HMs, I usually have 3 or 4 serious Pokemon in the party while the rest have all the necessary HMs.

Don't use HMs on Pokemon you want to be competitive with (unless we're talking about Surf or Waterfall, because those are really good moves).[/quote]

Ah great advice. Thanks!

Also (anyone that could lend some advice!), what is a good team to get together for the Elite Four?? As of now I have:
lvl43Staraptor, 47Infernape, 47Pachirisu, 47Mismagius, 46Golduck, 46Steelix(which has crap moves and HM's)

Any suggestions?
Although it's time-consuming, drop the Steelix and raise yourself a Rhydon. It'll do more for you (IMO) for about half of the E4 than Steelix.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Although it's time-consuming, drop the Steelix and raise yourself a Rhydon. It'll do more for you (IMO) for about half of the E4 than Steelix.[/quote]
Ah great, sounds good. Also, I was thinking of dropping my pachirisu for a Lucario for the elite four. Since there aren't any air or water pokemon in the four.

*can't get rhydon says its Routes 227 and 228, Stark Mountain" which I cant get to yet
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ah great, sounds good. Also, I was thinking of dropping my pachirisu for a Lucario for the elite four. Since there aren't any air or water pokemon in the four.[/QUOTE]

Be wary of Cynthia's Togekiss, which is a powerhouse.
[quote name='Moxio']Be wary of Cynthia's Togekiss, which is a powerhouse.[/quote]
That's only in Platinum I believe, I have pearl. Yea - I'm a little behind. But I don't see a Diamond and Pearl thread and they are pretty much identical.
Oh, that explains it. In that case, a Lucario probably would be better for you. The thing I like about him is that if you want to rely mainly on special attacks, he learns 3 of the better ones just by leveling.

And I've never seen or heard of anyone sticking with Pachirisu for that long...
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Oh, that explains it. In that case, a Lucario probably would be better for you. The thing I like about him is that if you want to rely mainly on special attacks, he learns 3 of the better ones just by leveling.

And I've never seen or heard of anyone sticking with Pachirisu for that long...

Haha, what's wrong with Pachirisu!? He has Thunder which kicks ass... and I love him... :)
Heh, I started EV training a Metagross just for fun and now it's got like 300 attack at lvl 75 and now I want to make it part of my team. :| Problem is I already have a steel type in Scizor and a Psychic type in Starmie. Dang. :lol:
The thing about Metagross is that he's never really used for psychic attacks, especially since he has such a puny special attack stat. Personally, if you wanted to choose between Scizor and Metagross, it depends on what moves you wanted to teach them, since Metagross has a movepool with stronger attacks. Scizor with the Technician ability, however, has the benefit of getting moves with better accuracy that get powered up by Technician (a Bullet Punch that hits for 90 power instead of 40, for example).
K so I got my Lucario he is level 20 now. 1. What skills should he keep/be given 2. What is the fastest way to level up? So tedious fighting random pokemon.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']K so I got my Lucario he is level 20 now. 1. What skills should he keep/be given 2. What is the fastest way to level up? So tedious fighting random pokemon.

Thanks![/quote]The move set I had when I used a Lucario was Psychic/Dark Pulse/Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse. Psychic is a TM, but Lucario naturally learns Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse. You can use a Heart Scale to get him to relearn Dark Pulse, as well.

[quote name='suko_32']I think I may get back into this game. Time to pick up Platinum? :)[/quote]
Do it, mang.

Oh, and here are my friend codes for Pearl/Platinum, SL41N.
Pearl: 1418-3179-9407
Plat: 3695-6670-9605
I'll update your FC's in the OP Beef.

Suko, you should get back in with Platinum. We need to face off again!

Also, due to my massive breeding to get the Pokemon I need, I've been left with an overabundace of eggs. If anyone wants any of the following Pokemon, let me know and their yours.

Gible lvl 1 moveset: Tackle, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dragon Claw
Scyther lvl 1 moveset: Leer, Night Slash, Roost, Swords Dance
Eevee lvl 1 moveset: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Rain Dance

There's also tons of Misdrevious, but I don't remember it's moveset, but all are level 1.

Edit: As an added bonus, all come readily infected with PokeRus as well.
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That's what I'm trying for :(

I do have 1 Adamant Scyther though that I'm not going to use since it has the "Bug Swarm" ability and I need one with Technician. It's yours if you want it though, I haven't checked IV's on it.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']The move set I had when I used a Lucario was Psychic/Dark Pulse/Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse. Psychic is a TM, but Lucario naturally learns Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse. You can use a Heart Scale to get him to relearn Dark Pulse, as well.
K great, thank you. Any leveling tips? =)

Also @SL4IN- I want Eevee!
[quote name='SL4IN']That's what I'm trying for :(

I do have 1 Adamant Scyther though that I'm not going to use since it has the "Bug Swarm" ability and I need one with Technician. It's yours if you want it though, I haven't checked IV's on it.[/quote]
Bug Swarm? Pfft, might as well dump it in a trash can. I want Technician, too. :nottalking:

EDIT: The best leveling tips I can give is to find an area where your Pokemon is a level or two higher than everyone else, then clean house. Use the Vs. Seeker as well, since many trainers level-up as you do.
Ok. If I come across another Adamant Scyther with Technician, he's yours, Beef.

Darknessbear, I'll be on later tonight if that works good with you.
Oh, I almost forgot! If you have a pokemon with the Compoundeyes ability, put it in the lead position, and try to hunt for some Chanseys. You'll have a better chance at nabbing a Lucky Egg if you do.
[quote name='SL4IN']Ok. If I come across another Adamant Scyther with Technician, he's yours, Beef.[/quote]
It isn't that hard, is it? The Everstone is your friend. ;) Half an hour worth of breeding should give you a few, no?
bread's done