Official Pokemon Platinum Thread of Metagame, Friendcodes, Battling & Trading!

As someone who has their competitive team in similar nature (mine is rain dance/annoyance team), it looks pretty good. Id personally change the kindras beam into rest and give it a chesto berry (exactly how mine is), and put extremespeed on Dragonite, but those are mostly based on personal preferance. In fact, Im sure your team could out dance mine, as I keep multiple themes (In fact, I keep an EVd Metagross and a Ttar just because I like them.
Kingdra @ Focus Sash
Ability: Swift Swim
Modest nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance
- Dragon Pulse


Autozone (Magnezone) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Magnet Pull
Timid nature
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave

Id trade Thunder with Charge Beam, ups special defense

Luda (Ludicolo) @ Leftovers
Ability: Swift Swim
Bold nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Rain Dance


Note: I struggled between Giga Drain and Energy Ball for the longest time, but ended up sticking with Drain. The longevity at the time was helping me out, but for the next incarnation, I think I'd probably side with EB.

Dragonite @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Inner Focus
Jolly nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Thunderpunch

Stone Edge with Extremespeed
Thnderpunch with thunder, since they all know rain dance

Swampert @ Quick Claw
Ability: Torrent
Quiet Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

Surf with Muddy Water, Brick Break with Stealth Rock

Milotic @ Wide Lens
Ability: Marvel Scale
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Recover
- Hypnosis
- Ice Beam

Trade Recover with Aqua Ring and attach Leftovers.
Why do so many of them know Ice Beam.
Be careful with to much water. A good grass or lighting could do serious damage.

In most cases though, a main in the rain dance part of my team is Lapras, which knows Thunder, Rain Dance, Toxic, and Surf. It manages to keep the bad poison going on the opponent while knocking it down with powered up thunders and Surfs
Also Adriley, themed teams are usually made with well rounded movesets and a few non-focus type guys for maximum coverage (he has Magnezone, Dragonite, and the grass part of Luda to cover him)
[quote name='Filler2001']In most cases though, a main in the rain dance part of my team is Lapras, which knows Thunder, Rain Dance, Toxic, and Surf. It manages to keep the bad poison going on the opponent while knocking it down with powered up thunders and Surfs[/quote]
I think rain dance only powers up surf and increases the accuracy of thunder. correct me if im wrong.
Charge Beam ups Sp. Attack, not defense. >.>

So many of them know Ice Beam because it takes care of Grass types (like you warned about) and Dragons (which Water ain't good against).

And Dragonite is my Physical Sweep, so I gave him T.Punch since it'd do more for him than a Thunder with no "oomph" behind it.

EDIT: Rain Dance makes Thunder's accuracy 100%, and has a 1/3 chance of going through Protect/Detect. It strengthens Water moves, and weakens Fire moves. Doesn't power up Electric moves whatsoever.
While your here, can you comment on my in game emerald team a few posts up (especially on Sceptile)? Id appreciate it greatly :D

Adriley, Ill be on Aim if you want your three guys right now
That is my team so far, I couldnt find anyone Ive wanted to really train so far because, since this is likely my last slow run through in a 3rd gen game, I want to train guys Ive never trained before. Ive been thinking about a Salamance to train right before the Elite four, and I originally debated between Aggron and Flygon, but I decided Flygon was better ultimately. I was wondering if you had any suggestions of a good fire/electric type maybe?
The fire type I used in 3rd Gen was Blaziken, since I was never a big fan of Grovyle. :whistle2:\"

I forgot if it's in 3rd Gen, but nab a Magneton. Man, I forgot what I used to get through 3rd Gen completely, lol.

Other than that, it looks fine, as do the soon-to-be replaced moves.
I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me evolve some pokemon through trade. I don't have any friends who play and I would really like to evolve my Haunter. Thanks in advance.

(We can trade over WiFi right..?)
Here my future team. needs one member
Tell me what you think.
I might add Tyranitar cause he a fav of mine

EV Train-Attack, Special Attack
Moves-Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance,extreme speed, aerial ace

Espeon-Special attack, speed
EV Train-Special Attack-Speed
Moves-Shadow Ball,Psychic,Morning Sun, Signal Beam

Flareon-attack, special defense
EV Train-Attack
Moves-Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Toxic, sunny day

EV Train-special attack, special defense
Moves-Psychic, Seed Bomb, Sunny Day, Solarbeam

EV Train-Special Defense, defense
Moves-Dont know yet
[quote name='adriley313']Here my future team. needs one member
Tell me what you think.
I might add Tyranitar cause he a fav of mine

EV Train-Attack, Special Attack
Moves-Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance,extreme speed, aerial ace

Espeon-Special attack, speed
EV Train-Special Attack-Speed
Moves-Shadow Ball,Psychic,Morning Sun, Signal Beam

Flareon-attack, special defense
EV Train-Attack
Moves-Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Toxic, sunny day

EV Train-special attack, special defense
Moves-Psychic, Seed Bomb, Sunny Day, Solarbeam

EV Train-Special Defense, defense
Moves-Dont know yet

Nice team. as for my suggestions,

If you give dragonite a physical dragon move, you wont have to put any EVs into Sp.Att. speed would be a good place for those sp att EVs. and outrage, dragon rush and dragon claw are good physical dragon atttacks.

Flareon has one of the highest attack stats in the game. flamethrower is a special attack. so if you could find another move that'd be cool .

Exeggutor has seed bomb which doesnt really make use of his good Sp Att stat. grass knot, energy ball, or leaf storm would pack more of a punch.

blissey should know seismic toss,[status move],softboiled,and [other attack].

also if sunny day is a big part of your team, tyranitar's sand stream might get in the way.

I havent been battling for too long, but i think most, if not, all my suggestions are good.
Putting Tyranitar in a Sunny Day team isn't a bad idea. I mean, if you have to bring in Tyranitar, I don't think you're going to be concerned about the weather at that point.
So, I read that Platinum is the same thing as Pearl and Diamond... so I'm glad I didn't ditch Pearl for it. But, I'm 5 badges into Pearl and I have only seen a few regular Pokemon (ones from Red and Blue). Are they all in there? I really want Charmander...
Off the top of my head, I think about half of the Red/Blue generation is in Diamond/Pearl. And if you want the starters, you have to get FireRed/LeafGreen and transfer them into D/P after you beat the Elite Four.
SL4IN i need you to help transfering some pokemon from diamond to platinum
or anyone else that can help?
Im trading but not until i switch 6 of my fav pokemon
I've been playing platinum since release and for the past weeks I've been soft reseting for a shiny Giratina I think I did this for two weeks or so when I had the time to do it. Today at 9:32pm I finally got my shiny I almost couldn't believe it that I finally got a shiny besides the red gyarados on G/S/C and the shiny zigzagoon from gamestop so I'm pretty happy. It's Nature is Modest I'm thinking of trying to soft reset for Azelf and Uxie, but I'll probably stop after awhile or maybe not..

So far platinum is really great I've been enjoying the new things also I really wish I had a better internet so I could use the wifi stuff. :cry:
Just got my Rotom key yesterday morning, I chose mowtom because I like how cool he looks and Leaf Storm seems like the best move for me to have. Journal/Notebook were kind of interesting too.

On another note, thanks to the Emerald cloning glitch, I now have unlimited masterballs, Flygons, female Sceptiles, TMs, Rayquazas, and Regi Trio to trade away. I want to hunt down a light ball now, as well as soft resetting one of the regis, unsure which though....
Alright guys, so for once, I'm asking for a few suggestions. I'm beginning to build my Competitive team, and I need a 6th spot. The five I have in the lineup are:


I need a 6th Pokemon to stick in the team. I don't really want anything from a type that I already have in the team, I've got it pretty well balanced out to where no one type will wipe through my team, and there aren't any 4x type weaknesses in the team, along with resistances to a good number of types.

Any suggestions?
What are the jobs youre putting on Mismagius and Umbreon? If they're both annoyers (which I suspect they are), might I suggest something like another wall? Unless Umbreon is meant to fill those shoes of course (wish I saw movesets.......). Honestly, I think you are in pretty good shape, and my suggestion for something for your sixth spot (at least to hold you over until a more permanent solution comes around) is that BPing, Stat Boosting, Subbing EVd Ninjask of yours. It could pass the speed to someone slow, like Umbreon. I am suggesting this after your Ninjask took a STAB hit from my EVd Metagross w/ Quick Claw and lived to tell the tale
Try early to mid AMs is my guess.

I have a Timid (Best Latias Nature IMO) Latias holding a Masterball level 40 UT. Looking for shinies, PM if interested
[quote name='Filler2001']What are the jobs youre putting on Mismagius and Umbreon? If they're both annoyers (which I suspect they are), might I suggest something like another wall? Unless Umbreon is meant to fill those shoes of course (wish I saw movesets.......). Honestly, I think you are in pretty good shape, and my suggestion for something for your sixth spot (at least to hold you over until a more permanent solution comes around) is that BPing, Stat Boosting, Subbing EVd Ninjask of yours. It could pass the speed to someone slow, like Umbreon. I am suggesting this after your Ninjask took a STAB hit from my EVd Metagross w/ Quick Claw and lived to tell the tale[/quote]

Mismagius is most certainly going to be an annoyer, while Umbreon is going to be a special wall/wish passer. I though about putting Ninjask in, but he's got 4x weakness to fire, which I have no clue how common that is going to be, and I'd only be passing to either Snorlax or Gallade, which I feel if I'm going to baton pass speed and attack, I would want it to be to a power house. Maybe it's just me overthinking.........
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Ninjask is x2 to fire, not x4. *cough*

Marowak is a fine target for Ninjask to Pass to. You like Marowak?[/quote]

Yeah......I meant that he has a 4x to rock, which stealth rock/stone edge like to be pretty popular in competitive play.

I like Marowak, but who I drop from the party to fit Marowak in? The only problem I have with Marowak, is the last time I tried to breed a competitive one, I spent hours trying to breed one with the right nature AND rock head ability and it never came to fruition. I gave up and worked on a rain dance team which turned out pretty good.
To bump the thread, I think I should post my refined TL that Im working on at Serebii:
Legit UT Timid Latias w/ Master Ball level 40
TRU Regigigas Modest
Every starter ever eggs
Shiny hacked Charmander
Shiny hacked Magikarp
Hacked Surfing Pikachu
UT Kyogre Serious 45
Flygon Quiet level 62 w/ Master Ball (Made Specifically for E4, EV trained too, completely swept Emerald Steven)
Legit Shiny Crobat level 55 Mild, EVd in Atk and Sp Def, barely touched

Legit Shinies lowish leveled
PBR Surfing Pikachu UT
JEREMY event pokes UT (Ekans wanted most)
Shiny Wingull Legit UT
Shiny Zubat Legit UT
Shaymin (Gracidea compatible)
Shiny Trapinch UT legit or almost UT

All other offers welcome.....clones are fine with me as long as I dont know its cloned

So I think I decided that my last Pokemon is going to be a Physical Raichu....unless anyone has any other suggestions. I don't have a special sweeper on the team, so that could be dangerous if I run into a team with a solid physical wall.
Hey, I just got Platinum on Tuesday. So I'm wondering if anyone has a Ditto to trade, or any starters from any regions they aren't needing. Also, would anyone be willing to help me evolve a few pokemon (and trade them back to me)? Thanks, friend code is 3652 6965 8138, send me a pm if you can help me.
I discovered what a Teddiursa is, and I really want one. They are awesome. As you can see I changed my avatar... I got sad that it only comes out if you have emerald. So I went to GStop to find it and it was there used . . . for 40 bucks. What the heck?

@my life - I'm on my GF's laptop looking up pokemon tips, while her little sister is telling me her work out regiment and sports training. I'm 8 years older than her... I think I am a loser.
I don't have it on me, but I believe I have a spare Ursaring (Teddiursa's evolution) that I wouldn't mind getting rid of. Check back with me tomorrow, if you still want it.

Question: What is the point of switching out your pokemon? I mean, if you catch a good bunch at low levels and leveled them with you throughout the whole game, is there a need to change them with other ones? Like, what would make a Pikachu better then a Pachirisu or a Luxaray?
People tend to like Pika in competitive play because of the hold item "Light Ball," since it doubles Pika's Special Attack stat. Typically, who you use in completing the story doesn't matter too much, as it's a matter of preference and proper typing.

Although I had a Starly at the beginning that lasted me all the way into the Post-Elite Four story. Staraptor is way too good.
Well, base stats go into it too. Nobody is going to be using say, Pachirisu, when there are Electric types with better moves and stats. But as I mentioned, Story mode and competitive play are two different beasts.

Make sure you keep Close Combat on Staraptor! Way too good!

PS: I didn't mean to offend any Pachirisu fans just now, but it was the only example I could think of. :]
Ahwww... I just took Close Combat off and replaced it with Agility - which I never used. Damn! I still have Close Combat on my Infernape though. . .
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ahwww... I just took Close Combat off and replaced it with Agility - which I never used. Damn! I still have Close Combat on my Infernape though. . .[/quote]

How far along are you in the story? If you find a "Heart Scale" item, you can get your birdy to re-learn Close Combat.
I've been playing Platinum on my M3 Real and I'm really regretting not getting the actual game now. I have about 30 hours on it but I'm getting enticed by this whole competitive aspect of the game I've never even heard about until recently. I've always wanted to be a pokemon master.. should I just man up, throw away the 30 hours legit hours invested on my M3 Real and start over on an actual cartridge. Any suggestions?
Suggestions for a competitive team? It all depends on what kind of playstyle you want. You wanna rushdown? Play tricks? Stall your opponent out? There's tons of different options. Best advice I can give is to go to and check out some of the movelists they compiled for each Pokemon.
bread's done