old EBGames morning update thread 6/30-8/10

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39 (100%)
Instead of editing the first post, I'm just going to put the finds at the end of the thread with everyone else. Here, I'll post the interesting links that I have, in case you're looking for something.

Playstation used sorted by price, high to low

Dreamcast used sorted by price, high to low

Super Nintendo used sorted by price, high to low

Sega Genesis used sorted by price, high to low

NES used sorted by price, high to low

Xbox used sorted by price, high to low

PS2 used sorted by price, high to low

GC used sorted by price, high to low

Gameboy Color RPGs

New (as in sealed) Xbox, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) PS2, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) GC, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) all products by price, low to high

All preplayed products by price, high to low

All preplayed products by price, low to high

Accessories sorted by price, low to high

(These aren't from today, they're just here so you can find them)



Persona 2

Rival Schools

Suikoden II

Valkyrie Profile



Sol Divide

Tales of Destiny

Threads of Fate




Gunbird 2

Power Stone 2

Project Justice

Mars Matrix



Robot Alchemic Drive


Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner


Gitaroo Man

Component AV Cable (only 99 cents)


Arx Fatalis


Herzog Zwei

Shining Force 2

Phantasy Star 4



Super Nintendo

Secret of Mana


Mario RPG

Chrono Trigger

Ogre Battle

Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
They're only screwing themselves with the max discounts. That means we'll place multiple orders with SAVER, and cost them more in shipping.
[quote name='mkelehan']They're only screwing themselves with the max discounts. That means we'll place multiple orders with SAVER, and cost them more in shipping.[/QUOTE]

I think they have something more sinister in mind. Gamestop corporate has apparently gotten their filthy hands on the way EB's codes work and are altering them. I wouldn't be surprised to see SAVER suddenly dissappear soon.
[quote name='Joe Fongul']I ordered Ghosthunter as well, just for the fact that I will not see it at the $9.99 price level (due to Namco not overprinting the game when released).[/QUOTE]

Call me optimistic, but I'm still waiting for $12.99.

Sometimes patience pays off. Other times it eats you from behind.
[quote name='escapekey']Call me optimistic, but I'm still waiting for $12.99.

Sometimes patience pays off. Other times it eats you from behind.[/QUOTE]

I love this game, as do I love the studio who created it. However I am waiting for a drop as well. Go figure.
ebgames knwos about the lunar 2 glitch. they just havent done anything about it.

It almost seems like a scam. I wonder how many people fill out an order with additional games (to save on shipping) only to get the order cancelled.

I think I'll write a letter if (and when) it gets cancelled.
[quote name='escapekey']Call me optimistic, but I'm still waiting for $12.99.

Sometimes patience pays off. Other times it eats you from behind.[/QUOTE]

I'd say its 50/50 but Ghosthunter is almost certain to drop after the PS3 comes out :)

Ultimately almost everything drops. And you might see it at a rummage sale for $2!
[quote name='psiufoxx2']This is a crazy good deal. They have 5 copies in stock:

Silhouette Mirage

It's a Working Designs shooter.. Very Japanese and cutesy, very much a Saturn port.

'Bout $5 a/c. Happy ordering![/QUOTE]

Thanks for mentioning it! Just snagged a copy.
[quote name='Scythe']Is Einhander usually in?


Sadly, yup. I think it's only because of how high they put it at and people's fears of not getting a complete copy and of people just not knowing how great of a shmup it is. Oh yaeh, I see I've missed a ton of stuff. I haven't been following this thread for what, a week if that much and it's just ballooned like crazy. I think it gets something like 100-150 posts minimum a day now.
You guys have basically cleaned out the site of anything remotely good/hard to find/rare/obscure at this point.

Only thing I could find that I know people were after is this one for $6


And this for $25


Oh and they also have Goemon back in for $10


and this one is in for $8 and of couse, guaranteed to be complete:

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Sadly, yup. I think it's only because of how high they put it at and people's fears of not getting a complete copy and of people just not knowing how great of a shmup it is. Oh yaeh, I see I've missed a ton of stuff. I haven't been following this thread for what, a week if that much and it's just ballooned like crazy. I think it gets something like 100-150 posts minimum a day now.[/QUOTE]

Einhander hasn't been talked about on this thread since we last had the big thing over it... my opinion has been there are better shooters for a much better cost than this game... and the no guarentee its complete doesn't warrent the 20 price tag. but yeah.. i think EVERYONE on this board now talks on this thread.. crazy.. if i didn't just find a Persona yesterday (at a GS for 15) i would have gotten in on some today..

and is there a "new" lunar 2 glitch? or just the old one where the new one will show up randomly? i was kinda confused someone talking about it.. because there were a ton of Lunar 2s in the other day. and to my knowledge they were all used copies.
[quote name='urzishra14']
and is there a "new" lunar 2 glitch? or just the old one where the new one will show up randomly? i was kinda confused someone talking about it.. because there were a ton of Lunar 2s in the other day. and to my knowledge they were all used copies.[/QUOTE]

I managed to order a new copy of Lunar 2 for $44.95 yesterday. Someone mentioned it is just a glitch. I'm just annoyed because I probably wouldn't have bought the other games I order (average price), but I figured since I'm not paying shipping on it... The other games have shipped already, the order is now cancelable.

Who knows, maybe it will ship but from the word from other posts is that it will not :p
I really hope there's a Dreamcast left for me tomorrow. Don't have enough $$ in my bank account today. There's 16 left right now. Crosses fingers...


1:29am Friday and only one left. O well. =)
[quote name='psiufoxx2']This is a crazy good deal. They have 5 copies in stock:

Silhouette Mirage

It's a Working Designs shooter.. Very Japanese and cutesy, very much a Saturn port.

'Bout $5 a/c. Happy ordering![/QUOTE]

oh man, forgot all about this game. I'll have to look for it next update. thanks
[quote name='Sarang01']Is Goemon even reasonable for $10?[/QUOTE]

Well, it's pretty fun, and about as quirky as you'll find on the system. I preferred Goemon's Great Adventure (2.5D action!). $10 is probably the most I'd spend on it.
[quote name='urzishra14']Einhander hasn't been talked about on this thread since we last had the big thing over it... my opinion has been there are better shooters for a much better cost than this game... and the no guarentee its complete doesn't warrent the 20 price tag. but yeah.. i think EVERYONE on this board now talks on this thread.. crazy.. if i didn't just find a Persona yesterday (at a GS for 15) i would have gotten in on some today..

and is there a "new" lunar 2 glitch? or just the old one where the new one will show up randomly? i was kinda confused someone talking about it.. because there were a ton of Lunar 2s in the other day. and to my knowledge they were all used copies.[/QUOTE]

To me, there are very few shmups that are better than einhander. One that comes to mind is Ikaruga, which is also slightly rare/hard to find in its own right. If it were to be guaranteed to come complete at $23 A/C, then I'd totally be all over it. On Ebay they tend to go in the high $20 to mid $30 for a complete copy.

Edit: And yaeh this thread has totally blown up. Now it's nearly impossible to get in on something good. that's part of the reason why I took a break. I got too frustrated that I could never get a Dragon Warrior III even when I was up earlier. That and my cable was out, got cut, other problems etc.
Hopefully it was a good decision to pick up Magic Pengel...

I found a mint/complete Disaster Report at my local EB and put it on hold until the weekend. Any arguments on if it would be wise to pick up?
[quote name='rywateska']Hopefully it was a good decision to pick up Magic Pengel...

I found a mint/complete Disaster Report at my local EB and put it on hold until the weekend. Any arguments on if it would be wise to pick up?[/QUOTE]

Disaster Report is a unique adventure game. It is almost impossible to die in the game unless you have an "instant death" situation (which will catch you the first time and can be avoided the next), so it's mainly a puzzle-solving adventure. The framerate is quite low, but it's not a huge deal.

There are also multiple paths/endings, so even though the game is fairly short (I think around 6-7 hours), you can go back through it and at least play one other major path, or a couple of minor ones.

If you like games in this genre (Shadow of Destiny, etc.) where it's almost all exploration and puzzle solving, then I would recommend it. For under $10.
[quote name='slidecage']Very lame update. Im s ure that gitaroo man is a glitch if its just saying for a second just liek lunar 2[/QUOTE]

I'm not seeing much of a relationship to Lunar 2 with it, though. It's not showing up every day, the last time it showed up somebody had theirs ship (Lucky!), and it was up long enough that somebody rushing could have checked out, so...
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