Old School Deal at GameCrazy- 3 for $15, ALL classic games 4/28-End of May



We got this memo today, apparently starting thursday (the 28th) ALL our used Product that is older than current generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube, GBA, DS, PSP) Will be 3 for $15. Now I was pretty floored by this, considering gamecrazy doesn't ever do stuff like this. But I read the memo over several times and it mentioned no maximum price for the discount to take place, or any limitations. (although, most stores won't let you use the MVP discount on top of this deal)

It sounds as if you will simply be able to buy any 3 old generation games for $5 each, starting friday.

Now, I've got my hopes up for grabbing the Ogre Battle, Final Fantasy Chronicles, and Vagrant Story we have priced at $29.99 each for a measly $15, but I'm sure there's some catch which wasn't made entirely clear in the memo.

But if it's true.. I am gonna be buying so many PSOne games..

I'll try to keep you guys posted on this, cause if your GameCrazys have any rare/pricier old generation stuff you've been wanting, this could be a great deal.
We'll if any can help me, I'm looking for these titles:

fatal fury (DC) (they had one in GC but it didn't work)
r-type delta (PSone)
M.U.S.H.A. (Gen)
gunstar heroes
Streets of Rage 3
X-com (ps1)
Starcraft 64

I have these for trade:

Paper mario
Kirby 64
Super star soldier
Lunar silver star
rpg maker
sonic cd
super double dragon
Two other things : the guy at the Roosevelt Road store was, quite possibly, the most competent employee I've met in a long time. Helped me out, chatted about the sale, let me check out inventory, and made sure I got the best copies of each game I wanted. You rock, dude.

I had a very simalar experiance at the Apple Valley store in Minnesota. On the off chance they read this, Thanks again!
[quote name='Numsay']I had a very simalar experiance at the Apple Valley store in Minnesota. On the off chance they read this, Thanks again![/QUOTE]

The Eagan one? I don't recall one in AV... I remember the Eagan one is all milked out and the one in Roseville too sort of.. I still need to try Maplewood one.. but eh.. I stil can't find the two games I want the most -.-;;. The one in Mpls is out of it.

edit: Also .. I heard the sale ends May 20 or 22? but till the end of May is nice.
The Eagan one? I don't recall one in AV... I remember the Eagan one is all milked out and the one in Roseville too sort of.. I still need to try Maplewood one.. but eh.. I stil can't find the two games I want the most -.-;;. The one in Mpls is out of it.

edit: Also .. I heard the sale ends May 20 or 22? but till the end of May is nice.

The GC is inside the Hollywood Video on county road 42 and Cedar (southwest block). They had some nice stuff left as of Friday night. What games are you looking for I can probably remember if the had them if it's non PS1.
I have to say that this sale has really brought out some of the best of what CAG has to offer.

A few people that I've spoken to have been willing to send me the extra titles that they picked up for the price they paid. True, I've had a few people that have quoted me "Ebay prices" for the games that they just paid $5 for, but I just wanted to say how great it was that there are still some people out there that are willing to help out, and not price gouge, their fellow CAG'ers.

Thanks again for all of the info on this sale!
[quote name='Scavenger4']I don't have MP2 but I could definately use 2 copies of MP3 if there are any other games you are looking for? I need a copy for myself and a copy for my girlfriend, I could careless the condition as long as they are playable.[/QUOTE]

I'm also looking for these:

Ogre Battle 64
Intelligent Qube
Silent Bomber
Vandal Hearts (@ least w/ case, if not complete)
Legend of Legaia (@ least w/ case, if not complete)
Ogre Battle (PS1)
[quote name='outlawz42']I went to the gamecrazy on sunrise highway in LI...absolutely nothing :/ but I do notice that the MVP is not that bad..but gamestop gives it for 10 bucks..is gamecrazy MVP worth that extra 10 bucks?[/QUOTE]

Where is this one? Somewhere in Nassau? I went to the ones in Selden (on 25/Middle Country Road) and Lake Ronkonkoma (Portion Road). The Lake Ronkonkoma people were rude dickheads who said only games less than $14.99 applied and I wrote corporate a stern e-mail (which I haven't gotten a reply to). However, Selden was incredibly nice and helpful and I got Shining Force and Phantasy Star IV :).

If anybody sees Shining Force II, Phantasy Star III, FF Chronicles and/or Sonic Adventure 2 (DC version), I'll gladly reimburse you the intial $5 per title + another $1-2 per title + $5 for shipping

EDIT: Whoops, I checked. It's in Lindenhurst. I didn't even know there was one there.
[quote name='mprice']Gotta say thanks to the Caggers out there for this deal. I filled in a bunch of holes in my collection for a great price. I didn't get to the Frisco, TX store until late Friday morning, but I still managed to pick up:

Super Smash Brother
Blast Corps
Paper Mario
Mario Tennis
Star Fox 64
Mario Kart 64

Legend of Zelda - Link to the past
Super Metroid
Super Punch Out

Star Wars - Masters of Teras Kasi
Wipeout XL

Dr. Mario[/QUOTE]

Your lucky the only Cagger that hit the place on Thursday already had those games :)

you've got plenty of time, but the games prob don't have plenty of time

I know my store just got a shipment of GB and GBC games in on Friday. Plus, you never know if someone will come in and trade in something.

I'm going to keep hitting my store for the next few weeks just to see what might sneak in.
[quote name='Engineer_J']Your lucky the only Cagger that hit the place on Thursday already had those games :)

Are you talking about me? :) I hit that store on Thursday after work, but I already had those SNES games.
Ah I spent way more than I wanted today. Between gas and the games I spent about 65 bucks which when you only make 6 an hour is kinda hard to swallow. I made out with a few good games I've been looking for though. Seems someone ran through and got the really good games when it started like two copies of Tales of Destiny 2 and some other RPGs but I had to wait until today. Ah well.

I grabbed:
Tail Concerto (Complete, mint) Been wanting this game forever. Loved the demo.
Brave Fencer Mushashi (Disc Only with some cheap printed cover) Love Threads of Fate and it's based off this engine so yeah.
and a mint in box complete Starfox 64.

Second store didn't have much but I got:
Discworld II (Complete) Loved it and the first when I rented long ago.
Grandia II (Has the cover which was cut off the book for some reason and the back insert)
and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
The worker at this store was all into Dreamcast games so he picked most of it clean. There were a few rare things like Tokyo Highway Challenge 2 or something like that and some King of Fighters game.

Last store:
Evolution for DC (Complete, mint) It was only three bucks so I bought it extra.
Blazing Dragons (Complete, near mint) I love this game so much.
Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask
and a perfect complete copy of Skies of Arcadia for DC.
They had Seaman with mic but the guy at the second store had them send it just yesterday :cry: They had tons of Sonic Adventure 2s(4 of which were complete, but I don't really like Sonic that much anymore), a couple Mario Party 3s, a few Soul Caliburs and a Power Stone but for some reason I was too stupid to just buy it seperate because I didn't have enough left for another 3 for $15. It's an hour away so there's no way I'm going back.

Don't know what I'm going to do with the Starfox though since I don't really even like Starfox. Mint in box was just too good to pass up.

I wish they had just set everything to $5 if you bought more than three or something like that. I would have bought so many more games. I just didn't want to spend that extra money on a damned filler game.
My adventures with GC continue on. This deal is going to make me go broke. Today I found Devil Dice, Dragon Warrior 7 and Tail Concerto. Devil Dice came complete and DW 7 only came with the box, and Tail Concerto came disc only. They also had one Power Stone 2 disc only, Capcom vs. SNK (DC) disc only, and one Marvel vs. Capcom 1 (DC) disc only. My question to you guys out there is it worth it for me to go back for all of these disc only games. I mean the only one out of the the three that I listed that I really wanted is Power Stone 2. The others I either own different versions of or am just kind of so-so interested in. not too mention my wallet has been taking a definite hurt at this point.

One other question, should I keep Devil Dice or not if I already own Bombastic? I remember reading that the game is supposedly rare on PSone, but is there really any difference between it and Bombastic.
I just wanted to say this, but all the others out there that haven't gotten in on this deal don't really need to feel discouaraged as there are still plenty of stores out there with either good games to great games at stores still waiting to be found and bought.

I found just a store like this that I had thought that the employees had boughten most of the good stuff, but they left plenty actually.
[quote name='Zennousha']
Grandia II (Has the cover which was cut off the book for some reason and the back insert)

I wish they had just set everything to $5 if you bought more than three or something like that. I would have bought so many more games. I just didn't want to spend that extra money on a damned filler game.[/QUOTE]

That was probably a rental from Hollywood, the psone games at my store had the covers of the manuals cut off to be used for the art on the rental cases.

Did you ask if they would let you buy as many after 3 for 5$ each? At Hollywood, when we have a 4 for 20 sale we always let people buy as many as they want after the initial qualification is met. After all, these sales are meant to clear stock.
[quote name='starman9000']That was probably a rental from Hollywood, the psone games at my store had the covers of the manuals cut off to be used for the art on the rental cases.

Did you ask if they would let you buy as many after 3 for 5$ each? At Hollywood, when we have a 4 for 20 sale we always let people buy as many as they want after the initial qualification is met. After all, these sales are meant to clear stock.[/QUOTE]

I tried doing that today after meeting the initial qualification for the 3 for $15 on Power Stone 2. The employees said that they would except that when they put in the coupon code for the deal, it has to be in multiples of 3.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I tried doing that today after meeting the initial qualification for the 3 for $15 on Power Stone 2. The employees said that they would except that when they put in the coupon code for the deal, it has to be in multiples of 3.[/QUOTE]

Thats too bad, I guess they have a totally different system than hollywood, which is good because ours run on some crappy early 90's software. We have to scan in a bar code for deals each time.
[quote name='outlawz42']I went to the gamecrazy on sunrise highway in LI...absolutely nothing :/ but I do notice that the MVP is not that bad..but gamestop gives it for 10 bucks..is gamecrazy MVP worth that extra 10 bucks?[/QUOTE]

Was it the one past Lindenhurst? That was the one I got to. Terrible if you want PS1 games, but when I left, there were still some N64 and SNES games to be had. I got there on thursday though, so I can imagine the selection got worse by the end of the weekend. You should try the one off of exit 29s on southern state. I went there on Saturday and picked up Tetris Attack, Mario Party 3, but there were some other good games.

On the other hand, for those discouraged by lack of good choices, check out ebay. As it goes for other sales, there tend to be plenty more auctions for certain games that will drive the price down across the board. I caught a Paper Mario auction with 4 hours left thats going for 7 plus shipping. It might not work for the rare PS1 games, but its worth looking at.
[quote name='redline']Are you talking about me? :) I hit that store on Thursday after work, but I already had those SNES games.[/QUOTE]

That is funny, I was there Thursday at 5:00 PM, picked up 27 games :), but I too had those SNES titles so I didn't feel the need to be greedy, besides, how much could you actually get on ebay?
[quote name='vgamergirl']Ok, i can confirm both the El Monte, CA and Alhambra, CA locations are pretty cleaned out.


NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to go to the El Monte one today..........oh well.........
Well......i found out some kind of good news today. well for me anyways.

Me and my mom have a shared bank account. And whenever I took money out of it shed get real upset. But I found out today my mom made our accounts 2 seperate accounts because of some money issues.

So.....I could take a bit out of my account now,a nd she woudlnt know since our accounts arent joined. :)

Might take out like $30 or $60. But i dunno......

I just don't know. What would you guys do?
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Well......i found out some kind of good news today. well for me anyways.

Me and my mom have a shared bank account. And whenever I took money out of it shed get real upset. But I found out today my mom made our accounts 2 seperate accounts because of some money issues.

So.....I could take a bit out of my account now,a nd she woudlnt know since our accounts arent joined. :)

Might take out like $30 or $60. But i dunno......

I just don't know. What would you guys do?[/QUOTE]

I would not do anything like that. Dude if you need money then go work for some. Do odd jobs in your neighborhood or get an actual job. Get an allowance. I would not try to sneak money out of an account, even if it is one that my mom split with my money.

It's not worth getting your mom angry about over some games. And besides, it's Mom's Day coming up. Hell hath no rath like a mom angry on Mother's Day, or really on any day but that's beside the point.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Well......i found out some kind of good news today. well for me anyways.

Me and my mom have a shared bank account. And whenever I took money out of it shed get real upset. But I found out today my mom made our accounts 2 seperate accounts because of some money issues.

So.....I could take a bit out of my account now,a nd she woudlnt know since our accounts arent joined. :)

Might take out like $30 or $60. But i dunno......

I just don't know. What would you guys do?[/QUOTE]

6 games for 30 dollars is still very good, and who knows if youll still be able to find 12 good games this late in the sale.

EDIT: Yeah, having a job would also be a good idea. That way, mom would be less so on your case about spending.
[quote name='chargeup45']6 games for 30 dollars is still very good, and who knows if youll still be able to find 12 good games this late in the sale.

EDIT: Yeah, having a job would also be a good idea. That way, mom would be less so on your case about spending.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about 12 good games for this sale, but there are still places where you can find the cheap good games. Since all of these games are last gen not too many people are really paying attention to the sale IMO. Found one store where the employees didn't care and it was barely touched.
I do have a job. But my next check is going toward my credit card bill. :(

19.9 % interest rate isnt a good thing. So I'm paying the thing off before I have to pay interest.

And by next week....there will be nothing left. Therea ll reasy running out of good stuff. Only the Gameboy games and gameboy color games have been left unscathed.

Which is what i wanted to pick up.

Yah...I dunno.

I got $1,000 in my account at the moment.

wonder if $30 would be a big deal.....


Iv''e also been thinking of taking in like 30 dvds into EB. But I might regret that later.

Man, this sucks.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']I do have a job. But my next check is going toward my credit card bill. :(

19.9 % interest rate isnt a good thing. So I'm paying the thing off before I have to pay interest.

And by next week....there will be nothing left. Therea ll reasy running out of good stuff. Only the Gameboy games and gameboy color games have been left unscathed.

Which is what i wanted to pick up.

Yah...I dunno.

I got $1,000 in my account at the moment.

wonder if $30 would be a big deal.....


Iv''e also been thinking of taking in like 30 dvds into EB. But I might regret that later.

Man, this sucks.[/QUOTE]

For the DVDs wate for a trade 2 get an extra $10. You should definitely first pay off that credit bill before it becomes any higher. How'd you get it so high in the first place if you don't mind my asking? If you think that there are games that you really really want than go for it.
I didnt get it that high. Thats what the interst rate is to begin with. i just got the card like a month or 2 ago. And yah 19.9% is relaly bad.

But if you pay it off within the first month, you don't owe interest.

I only got this card because its a Meijers store only Credit card. And they were having a credit card deal. You automatically save 10% your first purchase by signing up. Than if you sign up on an official Meijer Credit Card day you save an additional 15% your purchase. Than on top of that I work at Meijers and I get 10% off all general merchadise.

So I bought a PSP

Normally $249.99

Cost me about $169.99 after all the savings

Pretty good deal. I am a CAG after all. lol

But CAG's do make stupid decisions sometimes. And I'm not gonna do that by not paying off my credit card bill. If I dont pay it off this week ill be charged the extra 19.9%

There ain't no way I'm doing that.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']I didnt get it that high. Thats what the interst rate is to begin with. i just got the card like a month or 2 ago. And yah 19.9% is relaly bad.

But if you pay it off within the first month, you don't owe interest.

I only got this card because its a Meijers store only Credit card. And they were having a credit card deal. You automatically save 10% your first purchase by signing up. Than if you sign up on an official Meijer Credit Card day you save an additional 15% your purchase. Than on top of that I work at Meijers and I get 10% off all general merchadise.

So I bought a PSP

Normally $249.99

Cost me about $169.99 after all the savings

Pretty good deal. I am a CAG after all. lol

But CAG's do make stupid decisions sometimes. And I'm not gonna do that by not paying off my credit card bill. If I dont pay it off this week ill be charged the extra 19.9%

There ain't no way I'm doing that.[/QUOTE]

So how about this, make sure there is enough money in your account, go buy the few games you want and then pay off the card. Oh yaeh, excellent deal on the PSP.
I just got back and I got
DC- Grandia II (Everything but the case)
DC- Resident Evil: Code Veronica (disc only)
N64- Supercross 2000 (cart only)

My GC is officially cleaned out now.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I don't know about 12 good games for this sale, but there are still places where you can find the cheap good games. Since all of these games are last gen not too many people are really paying attention to the sale IMO. Found one store where the employees didn't care and it was barely touched.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. There were a bunch of high school kids at the second GC who probably thought I was nuts to be cashing in on this sale. I would say this rivals the 5 dollar CC sale for me though. My CC's didnt have all that much during that sale, and I got some games to try that I probably wouldnt have gone for before. Thus, tetris attack owns my soul right now.

Flamed: you might want to try selling some of your DVDs here. EB might be less of a hassle than shipping them out, but you would get cash instead of credit and the credit you get at EB might not be that great. Personally, I wouldnt sell them unless you wanted to clear space and get some cash out of it, because in the long run, the money you get from that wont go that far. Just keep saving up and be patient with your purchases.
Well would you consider any of these good dvds?

The Sure Thing
Tromeo And Juliet
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
Going Overboard
Exorcist 2
Exorcist 3
Elvira's Haunted Hills
Elvira Mistress Of The Dark/Transylvania 6-5000
Dr. StrangeGlove
Die Another Day
American Splendor
Body Heat
Money For Nothing
Color Of Night
The Hole
The Sweetest Thing

The ones most will consider keeping out of that list are probally:

Dr. StrangeGlove
American Splendor
Die Another Day
Tromeo And Juliet

If I could get like $45 for all that and scope out on like 9 great games at the GameCrazy sale, I think its well worth it.

What say you?

And I also might trade in The Suffering and Breakdown for XBox. But I dunno what that would get me.

Also, I doubt it..but does GameCrazy let you trade in dvds?
so far:

mario 64
mario tennis
super smash bros
phantasy star iv (gen)
super mario kart (snes)
kirby 64

in the Rosemead, CA. they still got alot of stuff, but nothing fancy.
Actually, standalone GameCrazy's do take DVD's for trade in. There aren't many standalone GameCrazy's, but if you're in Southern California, they have one in Lake Forest
[quote name='ramprider0']I just got back and I got
DC- Grandia II (Everything but the case)
DC- Resident Evil: Code Veronica (disc only)
N64- Supercross 2000 (cart only)

My GC is officially cleaned out now.[/QUOTE]

Good lord, why would you get RE: CV on DC as part of the sale? My local GameCrazy sells that for 2.99, you'd actually be paying more to buy it in the sale!
[quote name='Scorch']Good lord, why would you get RE: CV on DC as part of the sale? My local GameCrazy sells that for 2.99, you'd actually be paying more to buy it in the sale![/QUOTE]

I made the same mistake but didn't know it until it was too late. Oh well, I scored mightily on everything else so it doesn't bother me.
Didn't find anything too exciting from four Game Crazys around the San Diego area, but for $60 I'm pretty happy...

Incredible Crisis
Resident Evil 3
Crash Team Racing
Ace Combat 2
Panzer Front
Wipeout 3
Heart of Darkness
Armored Core
Megaman X4
Megaman X6
Megaman Legends

All are complete w/ original packaging (no greatest hits). I saw many more games but didn't pick up because they weren't complete including Parasite Eve, Wild Arms, Grandia, Vagrant Story, Legend of Mana...so for anyone interested in incomplete games around SDSU should take a look...

Lastly, for collectors out there I recommend going to sleevetown.com to find replacements for PS1 multi-disc cases (following the advice of dafoomie's thread). I ordered some a couple weeks ago and proved to be perfect to replace the beaten up ones from GC.

All in all, a wonderful sale especially for collectors like myself, a big thanks to the OP.
[quote name='bboynujen']
Armored Core
All are complete w/ original packaging (no greatest hits). I saw many more games but didn't pick up because they weren't complete including Parasite Eve, Wild Arms, Grandia, Vagrant Story, Legend of Mana...so for anyone interested in incomplete games around SDSU should take a look...[/QUOTE]
Ah man I'm so jealous. I'm a huge AC freak. I need to find the original and Master of Arena complete though to complete the collection. One of my GCs had all three for PSX but sadly disc only. I found most of those same games disc only as well. Vagrant Story was in every one I went to.

Can someone tell me why GameCrazy has all the Pokemon Statium 2s marked at $30? Two of the stores I went to had more than five copies each. It can't be that rare if they can pile up like that.
[quote name='Scorch']Good lord, why would you get RE: CV on DC as part of the sale? My local GameCrazy sells that for 2.99, you'd actually be paying more to buy it in the sale![/QUOTE]
No actually at my GC everything is really overpriced for example Jeremy Mcgrath's supercross 2000 for DC was 23.00$, which is insane considering the game sucks and we're living in 2005 now lol.
[quote name='ramprider0']No actually at my GC everything is really overpriced for example Jeremy Mcgrath's supercross 2000 for DC was 23.00$, which is insane considering the game sucks and we're living in 2005 now lol.[/QUOTE]
They probably just had it labeled wrong. Every GC I went to had it as 2.99 and it seems their prices for all the games I remember are across the board. RE:CV used to be like 12.99 or something in the teens I can't remember exactly but one of the ones I saw had one of those huge MVP stickers stickered over with a tiny 2.99 tag. It's only a few bucks so unless you grabbed it instead of Nemesis or something it doesn't matter.
Well I finally got around to checking out my Gamecrazy. They still had some stuff left but alas, they sold the copies of FF Chronicles and anthology that were there before the sale started.

Anywho I managed to get Front Mission 3, Alundra and FF8, all were CD only :(

My cousin on the other hand, scored mightly with his uber mint MvsC2, CvsSNK and Soul caliber (all DC).

Overall, not a bad pull.
[quote name='Zennousha']Ah man I'm so jealous. I'm a huge AC freak. I need to find the original and Master of Arena complete though to complete the collection. One of my GCs had all three for PSX but sadly disc only. I found most of those same games disc only as well. Vagrant Story was in every one I went to.

Can someone tell me why GameCrazy has all the Pokemon Statium 2s marked at $30? Two of the stores I went to had more than five copies each. It can't be that rare if they can pile up like that.[/QUOTE]

You're falling into the trap that so many do...price has little to do with rarity.
Demand is king.
Just make sure you don't buy a game because of its initial price in GameCrazy. You can usually get the same on eBay for cheaper, including the case and instructions.
[quote name='Satoshi-kun']Just make sure you don't buy a game because of its initial price in GameCrazy. You can usually get the same on eBay for cheaper, including the case and instructions.[/QUOTE]

True... but don't let yourself be chased away from a game just because it's incomplete.
[quote name='JSweeney']True... but don't let yourself be chased away from a game just because it's incomplete.[/QUOTE]

Very good point Sweeney. I found both LUnar 1 and 2, but sadly they were disc only, but for $5 you have to be kidding me that I wouldn't pick them up. And these I have really been wanting to play.
bread's done