PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Exactly, I try and ignore blatantly ignorant posts that make no sense what-so-ever. So, anyone picking up the new PGA game?
Until now, I had no idea they were releasing it so early. Thought it was going to come in September. I like golf video games but have no interest in that one until it drops to $30 or lower.
Gonna try asking this here first but my PS3's 5400RPM 320GB HDD is getting full and I've got a spare 7200RPM 500GB HDD sitting around that I want to use. 

I want to use the back/restore feature to avoid re-installing 50 or so games and redowning another dozen but the PS3 won't recognize my 400GB external HDD. The external is formatted in Fat32 (not exFat), has an external power supply, uses USB 2... but the PS3 won't recognize it. My PC recognizes it fine. 

Any idea as to why this HD isn't being recognized by my PS3? I can plug in two different flash drives in any of ports and those are recognized right away. 

Gonna try asking this here first but my PS3's 5400RPM 320GB HDD is getting full and I've got a spare 7200RPM 500GB HDD sitting around that I want to use.

I want to use the back/restore feature to avoid re-installing 50 or so games and redowning another dozen but the PS3 won't recognize my 400GB external HDD. The external is formatted in Fat32 (not exFat), has an external power supply, uses USB 2... but the PS3 won't recognize it. My PC recognizes it fine.

Any idea as to why this HD isn't being recognized by my PS3? I can plug in two different flash drives in any of ports and those are recognized right away.
Is the external completely clean?
Is the external completely clean?
As in, is it empty/have no other files? Then no.

I didn't really think about that. The external has a few files in it but didn't think it would be a problem since there's more than enough space to back up the PS3.

I should also mention that I swapped my PS4's HD with a 1TB HD and stuck the old 500GB Samsung HD into a USB 3 enclosure (which used to have the 7200RPM drive I plan on sticking in my PS3), formatted that to Fat32, and that wasn't recognized by my PS3 either. That was empty but I was thinking that maybe it didn't work b/c it was USB 3.

As in, is it empty/have no other files? Then no.

I didn't really think about that. The external has a few files in it but didn't think it would be a problem since there's more than enough space to back up the PS3.

I should also mention that I swapped my PS4's HD with a 1TB HD and stuck the old 500GB Samsung HD into a USB 3 enclosure (which used to have the 7200RPM drive I plan on sticking in my PS3), formatted that to Fat32, and that wasn't recognized by my PS3 either. That was empty but I was thinking that maybe it didn't work b/c it was USB 3.
I'm pretty sure the PS3 can only run HDDs at 5400 RPM

As in, is it empty/have no other files? Then no.

I didn't really think about that. The external has a few files in it but didn't think it would be a problem since there's more than enough space to back up the PS3.

I should also mention that I swapped my PS4's HD with a 1TB HD and stuck the old 500GB Samsung HD into a USB 3 enclosure (which used to have the 7200RPM drive I plan on sticking in my PS3), formatted that to Fat32, and that wasn't recognized by my PS3 either. That was empty but I was thinking that maybe it didn't work b/c it was USB 3.
Just put the drive you want to use in the enclosure, backup the data straight to it. Then remove from enclosure and put right in your system? Maybe that'd work?
Just put the drive you want to use in the enclosure, backup the data straight to it. Then remove from enclosure and put right in your system? Maybe that'd work?
That would be the most common sense approach but unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. You can either do a system to system transfer (nice for when you replace/upgrade your console) or a back up and restore. Pretty stupid.

Anyone else excited for Ethan Carter today?
I've been excited about Ethan Carter for 633 days.

I've been excited about Ethan Carter for 633 days.
Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble.....

Sucks this isn't hitting the One, but I guess I can make hard drive space for it on the PS4....

I beat Batman AK last night and I kinda have mixed feelings about it. Graphics aside, I definitely think its the weakest of the trilogy. The Batmobile is cool but it overstays its welcome by the end.

No true boss fights was also a huge letdown.

Also, Im addicted to Rocket League :shock:

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Yeah I'm with you on that. I hated that
part where you have to shoot out the Batman statues at the end


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Yeah I'm with you on that. I hated that
part where you have to shoot out the Batman statues at the end

Yeah, that whole thing was weird. I was hoping for a huge epic sendoff to the series but the game didn't deliver IMO, very disappointed.

Joker was amazing though, and was easily the highlight of the game for me.

I really rather enjoyed the Batmobile sections and never found myself tiring of it... I even completed all the Batmobile-centric side quests.

I mean, I kinda understand people's complaints with the tank parts not fitting Batman's MO, but then again I say, why wouldn't he have various attachments? Non-lethal rounds make sense and even the 60mm cannon I could see for blasting through walls and such... I didn't find it quite as far-fetched as others. Besides, look at the Batmobile for TDKR, it had guns and no one complained.

Overall I thought it was a fantastic game, though I think I still prefer Asylum to the rest.

How quick do videos show up on Youtube when uploaded from the Capture Gallery app? I tried twice about 45 minutes ago, never received an error message, but its not showing up.
I really rather enjoyed the Batmobile sections and never found myself tiring of it... I even completed all the Batmobile-centric side quests.

I mean, I kinda understand people's complaints with the tank parts not fitting Batman's MO, but then again I say, why wouldn't he have various attachments? Non-lethal rounds make sense and even the 60mm cannon I could see for blasting through walls and such... I didn't find it quite as far-fetched as others. Besides, look at the Batmobile for TDKR, it had guns and no one complained.

Overall I thought it was a fantastic game, though I think I still prefer Asylum to the rest.
For me it's not the Batmobile not fitting into Batman's MO, because I agree with you that the tank isn't something I couldn't imagine Batman using. My problem with the Batmobile is that it's not fun to play these tank segments, especially towards the end of the game. The tank controls just fine, but the mechanics around it aren't fun or interesting and they get old extremely fast.

Let's get technical baby: Uncharted 4 to push the ps4. I am always in awe when I get to read this stuff:
UC4 will melt peoples minds, cant freakin wait.

For me it's not the Batmobile not fitting into Batman's MO, because I agree with you that the tank isn't something I couldn't imagine Batman using. My problem with the Batmobile is that it's not fun to play these tank segments, especially towards the end of the game. The tank controls just fine, but the mechanics around it aren't fun or interesting and they get old extremely fast.
The cobra battles were the worst, I got so frustrated at one point I turned off the game in a rage lol I enjoyed the gameplay at first but just got so tired of it midway.

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For me it's not the Batmobile not fitting into Batman's MO, because I agree with you that the tank isn't something I couldn't imagine Batman using. My problem with the Batmobile is that it's not fun to play these tank segments, especially towards the end of the game. The tank controls just fine, but the mechanics around it aren't fun or interesting and they get old extremely fast.

I dont disagree with you there, they just never got old to me... Which is probably why I enjoyed it more. I'm also a huge fan of Batman in general, so I didn't mind squeezing out every bit of gameplay I could, be it tank battles or whatever else.

The cobra battles were the worst, I got so frustrated at one point I turned off the game in a rage lol I enjoyed the gameplay at first but just got so tired of it midway.
Those were my least favorite parts as well, though I didn't have as much trouble as you seemed to. They just slowed the pacing down a little too much for me.
If you preordered Street Fighter V at amazon check your inbox for the beta code. You can download it now but it won't be live until 1 more day.

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yea I had to switch a preorder from one store to another because they refused to give me a code at the store I initially preordered at. Shitty survey for Paul incoming.

Really looking forward to this game especially because Ryu and Ken are supposed to be completely different. With Nash coming back I am pretty stoked. Anyone who wants to shoot the shit and play some matches add me up I am pretty crappy  (especially because my new Fightstick hasn't arrived)

Why are they announcing this now? I though MS was still trying to play this off as a full exclusive lol But anyway, a year is more than I thought it would be. Its still a shitty deal for square to do since most of TR fans are on PlayStation, I'll probably wait till it gets cheap and buy it used.

That probably means the FFVII remake will probably be a 1 year exclusive to the PS4 and PC too. Each situation sucks if you want to play it during the first release date.

Ok it is FINALLY OFFICIAL.... Tomb raider will be on PC early 2016, and PS4 will be getting it next holiday season... so one year wait for PS4 owners.

Tomb Raider to PC and PS4
With such a long time frame for exclusivity, wouldn't it have made more sense for Microsoft to just pony up the money and not let it be released outside of the Xbox? Either way, sucks for PS4 only players. I, myself, will be buying it day one on the One

At least we'll still get to play it, plus its not like this holiday lineup isn't stacked anyway, and honestly after seeing UC4 in action my TR hype has died down a bit.

I will say this though, Square better have got a shit ton of money from MS, releasing this game the same day as Fallout and one year later on the platform they sell the most on is dumb as fuck. They pretty much just doomed their game.

Yeah I don't know why they are releasing Tomb Raider the same day as Fallout 4. That is definitely going to hurt the sales of Tomb Raider.

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Yeah I don't know why they are releasing Tomb Raider the same day as Fallout 4. That is definitely going to hurt the sales of Tomb Raider.
Or could TR hurt the sales of FO? But truthfully, I'm expecting a Fallout 4 delay anyway. What AAA game these days has been known to be announced and actually come out on their original announced release date? My guess is that come mid October, Betheda will confirm that Fallout 4 will be delayed until sometime 2016. No way it gets announced for the first time ever at E3 and comes out just 5 months later. No AAA game has ever done that

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Or could TR hurt the sales of FO? But truthfully, I'm expecting a Fallout 4 delay anyway. What AAA game these days has been known to be announced and actually come out on their original announced release date? My guess is that come mid October, Betheda will confirm that Fallout 4 will be delayed until sometime 2016. No way it gets announced for the first time ever at E3 and comes out just 5 months later. No AAA game has ever done that
Fallout 4 has been in development for years. Plus threannouncement wasnt just some small teaser with no game play. It was a huge in game showing that shows a lot of the work is done.
Tomb raider won't hurt fallout 4. People have been waiting years for fallout and fallout will be much more hyped than tomb raider.
Or could TR hurt the sales of FO? But truthfully, I'm expecting a Fallout 4 delay anyway. What AAA game these days has been known to be announced and actually come out on their original announced release date? My guess is that come mid October, Betheda will confirm that Fallout 4 will be delayed until sometime 2016. No way it gets announced for the first time ever at E3 and comes out just 5 months later. No AAA game has ever done that
I believe the last year was a huge wake up call to developers. They realized that rather than announce a game early and leave people waiting for it, then delaying it is not good business. Fallout has been in development for nearly 4 years, it is nearly done and they only showed it because it was nearly done. It is why a lot of Sony first party studios still have yet to announce some of their games, they have learned enough from other delays.

Several AAA games have done it, Little Big Planet 3 did it just last year. There are others but I don't want to search.

Tomb raider will be hurt by this, and the fact that it is coming to Xbox only and not even PC on release. It will be hard pressed to sell a million copies. Mark my words, the number sold on release for Xbox will be less then a year later on PS4.

Mark my words, the number sold on release for Xbox will be less then a year later on PS4.
id honestly be shocked if that happened. im sure a decent amount of ps4 players will just buy used out of spite. haha. TR has always been on my "buy used at gamestop, return for full refund in 7 days" list. id also be shocked is TR hit 1 million sales before it hits pc/ps4

id honestly be shocked if that happened. im sure a decent amount of ps4 players will just buy used out of spite. haha. TR has always been on my "buy used at gamestop, return for full refund in 7 days" list. id also be shocked is TR hit 1 million sales before it hits pc/ps4
my point exactly... which is why I think it will sell more than Xbox even a year later. Square made out like bandits in this I am sure. get paid big bucks to hold off for a year, then probably make as much a year later on PS4!

Sounds like wishful thinking considering the last one sold 8.5 in like 2 years. Did the PS3 or even the PS4 version outsell the Xbox counterparts?

2 million sounds about right, maybe 3 if lucky. MS can always bundle it for Holiday 2016 as well to scrap up any potential buyer holding out for the PS4 release.
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Sounds like wishful thinking considering the last one sold 8.5 in like 2 years. Did the PS3 or even the PS4 version outsell the Xbox counterparts? 2 million sounds about right, maybe 3 if lucky. MS can always bundle it for Holiday 2016 as well to scrap up any potential buyer holding out for the PS4 release.
Yup, PS4 outsold Xbox one

Tomb raider outsells on PS4

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Where are you getting 8.5 million. It's close to 6 and that's counting the game getting re-released on ps4 and x1.

3.4 mil is what it sold at launch. If 50% was 360 sales that leaves it at around 1.7 mil copies for 360.

Its possible it will sell 1mil on x1 but the install base is much smaller then the 360 and tomb raider released in march which didnt have much competition.

Rise of the tomb raider has to deal with fall out the same day and battle front a week later

No way it sells 2 million and you're dreaming that it hits 3.
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To Deader, Google Tomb Raider sales and two of the first three results state 8.5 million sales.

Last comment was towards Bestkeeper and pretty sure 360>PS3.
To Deader, Google Tomb Raider sales and two of the first three results state 8.5 million sales. Last comment was towards Bestkeeper and pretty sure 360>PS3.
yes 360 was, 50% to 47% with the other 3% being PC.... then definitive killed on PS4

bread's done