PlayStation Move - Launching September 19, 2010 (US)

I heard it was really bad when it came out- but the following week, i heard that it is just a cleverly disguised workout game. It'd be interested in picking it up if that's the case. I could always use a new way to burn calories.
So, are there any games to get? I just got my MOVE soncole bundle. Played around with the EYEPET demo and I realize that Sony truly needs a new camera. Any augmented reality games will be horrible with that outdated hardware. The Move itself was nice tough.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']First review for The Fight. Ok, so I'm posting an IGN review, but they got theirs out first, so it's all I have to go on.

While I'll reserve my opinion until I play a demo or rent it, it's kinda sad since this was one of the titles I was looking forward to the most....[/QUOTE]

I remember reading that review awhile ago and I feel like it's way off.

I bought the game and it's insanely fun and accurate. Dare I say, you'll even get a nice cardio workout going.

At the moment, there isn't any big flaw with the game that I can think of. Great customization options, very responsive, and the learning curve isn't high, you just have to make sure to pay attention to the intro guide 'Machete' guy gives you when you're first try the game out.
Does anyone know if that Epic Mickey game coming out on the Wii this week is also coming out for the Move at some point? It looks like a pretty fun platformer. I'd get it for PS3 as I don't have a Wii.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I remember reading that review awhile ago and I feel like it's way off.

I bought the game and it's insanely fun and accurate. Dare I say, you'll even get a nice cardio workout going.

At the moment, there isn't any big flaw with the game that I can think of. Great customization options, very responsive, and the learning curve isn't high, you just have to make sure to pay attention to the intro guide 'Machete' guy gives you when you're first try the game out.[/QUOTE]

The developers are also going to patch the game so your avatar is transparent.

I'm really curious to try this out, but may wait till the next iteration is released before buying another Move controller.
[quote name='Sinistar']Does anyone know if that Epic Mickey game coming out on the Wii this week is also coming out for the Move at some point? It looks like a pretty fun platformer. I'd get it for PS3 as I don't have a Wii.[/QUOTE]

PS3 port is very likely, it bombed in its UK launch and will likely bomb in the US as well. Having played the game, the camera is pretty bad.
I had no interest in the Move, but the PS3 version of No More Heroes will have optional Move support and... I'm highly considering saving up and getting it just for that. After all, No More Heroes was the only reason I bought a Wii and still more or less the only thing I've played on it. I don't think it'd be right if I simply played with a DualShock 3.

I'm really hoping for a NMH Move bundle, with NMH instead of Sports Champions. Gonna suck I'll have to chunk out an additional $30 for a Navigation controller, tho. I'm not gonna awkwardly hold the DS3 in one hand for navigation. But that looks like $130 right there, which I can't do. Maybe I'll just have to suck it up and use the DS3, and if there is no NMH bundle, then no Move.
I just noticed in the EU store, there's a demo for Funky Lab Rat. It's kinda weird puzzle platformer, with some pretty cool artwork & some time-freeze elements with Move support.

Its pretty cool, but you have to use DS3 to move and the move controller to aim your flashlight and move around items when in "pause" mode.

Looks like it comes to US tomorrow (not sure if there will be a US demo), trailer on the link below:
i misread the box as its in kb instead of GB im guessing its a lil more than a gig haven't popped it in yet so dont know for sure
Speaking of Create, I happend to pick it up today @ Toys R Us when I was doing Christmas shopping.. It was on sale for $22. Not sure if I should keep it for myself or gift it for Xmas. :) How is it? I heard comparisons to LBP, but it kinda reminded me of the Incredible Machine games back on C-64.
As a poor college student who can't afford it, I'd love to see a Move Bundle show up under the Xmas tree this year. I really don't care for motion controls in general, but as an add-on instead of a full console it seems like it could be fun (though the whole "buy the bundle! then buy the nav controller! then buy another wand if you want to play some games how they were meant to be played!" thing is pretty bullshit). I'm not expecting to actually get one but you can always hope for an Xmas Miracle.
If my girlfriend and I were to play it if came out for PS3, we might as well buy a Wii. It'd be nearly as expensive to buy two complete, functional Move sets.

What a joke of a peripheral.
I usually dismiss any reviews that ding a game for it's camera- but the camera in EM is really bad. It's only made worse by the fact that you need to be able to shoot your paint/thinner at a specific place to solve puzzles- and the camera doesn't ever take that into consideration automatically, and it won't let you turn it sometimes if you are too close to a wall, which becomes a huge issue when enemies back you into a corner.

If this comes to Move I really hope they fix all of that.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']If my girlfriend and I were to play it if came out for PS3, we might as well buy a Wii. It'd be nearly as expensive to buy two complete, functional Move sets.

What a joke of a peripheral.[/QUOTE]


Its a single player game. 1 move + dual shock 3 would be fine.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Oh, so I only need to pay $100+ to buy a complete Move set, plus the cost of the game.

In for 20![/QUOTE]
This is CAG if your paying retail your doing something wrong!
[quote name='m_d_amore']This is CAG if your paying retail your doing something wrong![/QUOTE]

Hell, let's say I could get the cost of two Move wands and a navi controller and the possible Epic Mickey port for $50 (in 2018, maybe).

I could still easily get five games for that price.

Aside from being a lame control mechanism (subjective) and a conduit for third rate games (less subjective), it's an expensive peripheral (objective).
I don't understand the argument here... It's like saying "Halo is coming out on the xbox." and then being upset that it would cost you $300+ to get a set-up that will allow you to play it...

If you are already invested in Move stuff- then you may get to play Epic Mickey with it. That's good news.
Not a good analogy. I already have the console that the supposed port would be coming to; I would need to pay a large sum of money so I could simply play the game (Move is not the standard control mechanism for the console, can't be expected for everyone to have it).

If Epic Mickey were to end up receiving a more traditional control scheme, my point would be moot.
Yea- but Sony, Microsoft, and Wii (with the Balance Board) have a new mentality that consider these accessories to be "consoles" in and of themselves.

Eitherway, it's a "to each his own" situation. As someone who invested in the controls at launch (for Sports Champions), I'm happy to see anything and everything that gets released with support.
Sports Champions. The Fight if you have 2 controllers for sure. Mag is cheap now and is ok but i think it would benefit if you have a Nav controller. Im about to try Heavy Rain with the move but i hear its a great game regardless.The Shoot demo was interesting havent tried RE5Gold or Time Crisis heard those were fun as well. Heard good things about Beat Sketcher. TV superstars was an ok demo but ill wait for it to get cheap

Theres really not that many games out for it and the ones that do use it have a demo mostly.
[quote name='doubledown']So, what are THE games to get so far for the MOVE? Any recommendations?[/QUOTE]

Sports Champions is the pack in game so that should be a given. The Fight is good if you like Punch Out or a good beat-em-up boxer. The Shoot or Time Crisis are for the gun nuts.

Heavy Rain is the first significant motion game to seep into the AA-AAA mass market. It's insanely atmospheric if you play it at night with headphones. Also IGN's PS3 GOTY.

Killzone 3 looks to be the post-release first killer app (February 2011).
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011. Surprisingly fun if you have the gun peripheral. Waiting for Time Crisis to drop in price, will give that a go when it does :)
Couple of short reviews for the Move games I've played...

Tumble (Excellent) - Tumble is an excellent game with casual and hardcore puzzle appeal. It makes a great party game due to its accessibility and depth, while also having a high skill factor, plenty of content, and challenging levels. It's the best 10 dollars I've ever spent on PSN by far. The only problem is that the controls aren't always perfect, though they don't screw you in frustrating ways, just turning objects how you want them to be before placing them can be irritating at times and cause wrist-pain after extended sessions.

The Shoot Demo (Slightly above average) - This is about what you would expect from a light-gun game. The visuals are nicely stylized, the themes are funny, but there's not a whole lot of unexpected features here.

MAG (good game, not sure about the move support, but MAG 2.0+ has been greatly improved from launch) - If you used to play mag and liked it but found it lacking in a few small ways, you should pick it up again. Right now it's only 15 bucks from gamestop and it's worth every penny. They recently released a bunch of updates which improve customization, greatly reduce queue times, and add a load of other new features. The shooting still doesn't quite reach Call of Duty levels of excellence, but the team dynamics are better than ever with the latest DLC release of 3-faction maps. Zipper is still aggressively supporting this game.

Auditorium HD (excellent) -- This game works with the dual shock, but has Move support as well. I'm not sure which I like more, DS3 or Move controls, but either way, the move support is integrated really well. Move basically works like a mouse for this title; its almost an unintended proof of concept given that the same principle would translate way to RTS games.

Sports Champions (if you have Move, why don't you have this game?) - Excellent. Worth every penny. More depth than the crappy Wii Sports pack in. I love it.

What I really want to know is how R.U.S.E. shapes up with the move controller. I love RTS games, and I can't wait to see some come out that use Move extensively as a 3d mouse.
I got the bundle and a game for Xmas, so I'll share a few thoughts as welll:

The hardware itself -- Works fine. I'm having some trouble keeping the Eye on my TV, but that's more to blame on the gargantuan SDTV and huge length between the TV/PS3 than anything. The Move controller feels good in your hand and the light-up ball on the end is way cooler and brighter than I expected.

Sports Champions -- Bocce Ball is a lot of fun even though I'd never played the game before, and is a fun pass-the-controller multiplayer game like Wii Bowling/Wii Golf from Wii Sports. Table Tennis was fun, not quite as fun as Wii Tennis, though. Volleyball seems really shitty--maybe I just wasn't doing it right, but when I played, every time it was the same thing--serve in the same direction, they hit it back, do a bump, your partner sets, do a spike (or vice-versa)--really dull. The most fun, though, was definitely the gladiator game, which really worked and actually felt like a "game" rather than just a Wii Sports-ish thing. I haven't tried Archery or Disc Gold. I also like that the game has different challenges and difficulties for every sport--hopefully that will give it more longevity.

Time Crisis - I've only played Time Crisis 4 (the disc also has Razing Storm and Dreadstorm Pirates), but TC4 worked great with the Move. It's been a while since i played a traditional lightgun game and I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it'd probably be even better with one of the many gun peripherals they have out for the Move.

Heavy Rain - I've played through the game with standard controls, but I gave it a shot with Move. It didn't work at all--I could barely tell what the Move-specific gestures on screen were, and even when I could they wouldn't work at all for me. The only time I got Ethan to do anything at all was when I randomly swung the wand in frustration. Other than that, I was completely stuck and couldn't get him to do a thing. Holding the DS3 in my other hand was much more comfortable than I expected, though, so at least there's that.

EyePet demo - Wanted to try this out because it looked cute, but I couldn't--it demanded I play on the floor, and even after moving the Eye to look at the floor, I still couldn't get it to move past the "touch the controller to the floor" part of the set-up.
We got this for Christmas and all I can say at this point is I feel VERY sorry for the people that live below us lol.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']

Sports Champions -- Bocce Ball is a lot of fun even though I'd never played the game before, and is a fun pass-the-controller multiplayer game like Wii Bowling/Wii Golf from Wii Sports. [/QUOTE]

All my Move time goes to Bocce Ball.
One can only hope.

Obviously Kinect isn't Move (or Sony), but I played the Track and Field stuff and a couple other sports minigames with my cousins on Christmas... that thing is a disaster. Looks and controls EXACTLY like Wii.

I hope all motion control goes away.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Just read that Epic Mickey is coming to PS3 with Move support. Supposedly an official announcement is coming 1/3.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I'll be a happy kid.
[quote name='Das_Regal']In other news, Echocrome II is fantastic. It just might beat out Tumble for "best move game" currently.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear.. I loved the demo, but reluctant to pick it up for the $15 price point.. debating between that and Kung-Fu Live...
Anyone try Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 with Move? Got it on Friday from Netflix and it's pretty fun. Played a but of the story mode (that one requires the dual shock/nav) and also a couple of rounds of the gallery/vs modes with my friend (that is basically a time crisis/house of the dead type shooter game on rails).
[quote name='m_d_amore']Netflix does games now?[/QUOTE] Oh no I meant gamefly, not sure why I said netflix lol
[quote name='Saint Noir']Just read that Epic Mickey is coming to PS3 with Move support. Supposedly an official announcement is coming 1/3.[/QUOTE]

Let's hope not. Epic Mickey is a failed game on many other levels besides the camera. The Move needs new, better games and not a port from the Wii.
[quote name='bmulligan']Let's hope not. Epic Mickey is a failed game on many other levels besides the camera. The Move needs new, better games and not a port from the Wii.[/QUOTE]

PSN later updated its site to say that Dec. 28 is the Spanish equivalent of April Fools' day. The story was just a joke, and there is no truth to the report, the site said.
bread's done