Playstation Vita 3G with Free 8GB Memory Card and More at Amazon, Elsewhere




PS Vita w/ Wifi + 3G
8GB Memory Card
Dataconnect session pass
1 Playstation Network game


We'd like to provide an update for customers who have pre-ordered the "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" handheld console. All customers who pre-order this item before its February 22, 2012 release date will be automatically upgraded to the "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" at no additional charge. The "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" will include an 8GB Memory Card, AT&T DataConnect Session Pass, and Free PlayStation Network Game. More details can be found in this item's product description section here: PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle

This upgrade will be extended to all existing "PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi" pre-orders. Please note that due to limited quantities, we can't guarantee the availability of "PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Launch Bundle" after the pre-order window has ended.

We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy your new handheld console.

- Amazon Video Game Editors
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[quote name='shiftymcneely']No sir, I believe it only costs Sony around $160 to make each vita. I'm sure someone knows the actual amount. They will profit on hardware and software. Good way to cover their butts if it gets hacked right away since they can still make money per system sold.[/QUOTE]

You're forgetting R&D, Q&A, Marketing, Production, Employee costs, and so on. Even the 3DS is selling at a loss right now. Nintendo hasn't sold a hardware at a loss since the (I believe) Gameboy original.
[quote name='djricekcn']If that's the case, Sony is loosing money per hardware, gain on per software (and accessories) so...[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how Sony potentially losing money on the Vita applies to my comment, but ok. Even if they are losing money on the Vita they're making money off game and accessory licenses from third parties along with their own games and accessories.

The ultimate goal will be to get the Vita to profitability if it's not already there. We'll never know until Sony says as much because as you pointed out there is more to the cost then just the basic raw materials. In the mean time they'll have these other means to offset the potential hardware losses to keep the PlayStation profitable.
Even if Sony is taking a loss on each Vita sold, it is still gouging us with the memory card prices. I would bet that the proportion it is losing per Vita sold is dwarfed by the proportion it is pocketing per memory card sold.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']This thread makes me weep for humanity[/QUOTE]

Why? People are excited about something and enjoy discussing it with others.

Sure, some of the arguing is petty, but this thread serves the basic purpose of all internet messaging boards: bringing people with a common interest together.
Goddamn Gizmo you need a hobby. I looked back through the past few pages and like half the comments are you spouting bullshit about how the Vita will fail on a Vita-centric thread.

To you and the other haters: You're not enlightening anyone. We all know that there are these things called smartphones, and that the Vita will be facing an uphill battle for the first year or so until it gains a foothold and everyone realizes that Sony will be supporting it for the next few years regardless of its immediate sales performance. I don't care if there is a price drop later or if the 3DS sells 3x more, or if the iphone gets you into heaven, I still want a Vita goddammit! Trolling not required.

Can't effin wait till 2/22.
[quote name='omyard']I'm not sure how Sony potentially losing money on the Vita applies to my comment, but ok. Even if they are losing money on the Vita they're making money off game and accessory licenses from third parties along with their own games and accessories.

The ultimate goal will be to get the Vita to profitability if it's not already there. We'll never know until Sony says as much because as you pointed out there is more to the cost then just the basic raw materials. In the mean time they'll have these other means to offset the potential hardware losses to keep the PlayStation profitable.[/QUOTE]

sorry, i was commenting with you, not at you

[quote name='HELLRAZR_28']Even if Sony is taking a loss on each Vita sold, it is still gouging us with the memory card prices. I would bet that the proportion it is losing per Vita sold is dwarfed by the proportion it is pocketing per memory card sold.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with you on that, hence the they make their money of softwares and accessories portion kicks in
[quote name='lassiterb']Goddamn Gizmo you need a hobby. I looked back through the past few pages and like half the comments are you spouting bullshit about how the Vita will fail on a Vita-centric thread.

To you and the other haters: You're not enlightening anyone. We all know that there are these things called smartphones, and that the Vita will be facing an uphill battle for the first year or so until it gains a foothold and everyone realizes that Sony will be supporting it for the next few years regardless of its immediate sales performance. I don't care if there is a price drop later or if the 3DS sells 3x more, or if the iphone gets you into heaven, I still want a Vita goddammit! Trolling not required.

Can't effin wait till 2/22.[/QUOTE]

This is a Vita discussion thread? I thought this was the Video Game deals forum? Why are we not discussing how great MSRP is?

Think of it this way - every time I respond, this thread gets bumped. Thats like free advertising for Sony! Which they need, because I don't think I've seen a single Vita commercial. Do they even plan on airing them or is the new guy in charge of Sony not very thrilled with this?
[quote name='GizmoGC']This is a Vita discussion thread? I thought this was the Video Game deals forum? Why are we not discussing how great MSRP is?

Think of it this way - every time I respond, this thread gets bumped. Thats like free advertising for Sony! Which they need, because I don't think I've seen a single Vita commercial. Do they even plan on airing them or is the new guy in charge of Sony not very thrilled with this?[/QUOTE]

Need to stop talking man...


I kind of think Sony is doing a somewhat soft launch. They'll most likely promote this thing more during the holidays, especially if the PS4 or whatever is announced at E3 in addition to other titles announced for the Vita.
Hey guys!

Please explain to me how much this launch bundle will be? 249.99 or 349.99. Amazon said they were upgrading everyone to the launch bundle. Break it down for me!
I see this thread more as a convince me to buy/not buy a Vita thread. And as such, it's very useful. If you have no desire to buy a Vita then probably just ignore it. Otherwise welcome to the fold.
Amazon upgrading everyone to launch bundle = 3G (none FEB ver. the 299 one) wil get a free 8gb memory card + 1 month / 250mb subscriptions *restrictions apply + 1 free PSN game *restrictions apply
[quote name='djricekcn']Amazon upgrading everyone to launch bundle = 3G (none FEB ver. the 299 one) wil get a free 8gb memory card + 1 month / 250mb subscriptions *restrictions apply + 1 free PSN game *restrictions apply[/QUOTE]

I see. This isn't the 1st edition bundle that will ship in the next two days. Right?
[quote name='shadylane']I see. This isn't the 1st edition bundle that will ship in the next two days. Right?[/QUOTE]

Right. They're 2 different bundles.
[quote name='GizmoGC']This is a Vita discussion thread? I thought this was the Video Game deals forum? Why are we not discussing how great MSRP is?

Think of it this way - every time I respond, this thread gets bumped. Thats like free advertising for Sony! Which they need, because I don't think I've seen a single Vita commercial. Do they even plan on airing them or is the new guy in charge of Sony not very thrilled with this?[/QUOTE]

You really need to stop trolling this thread.
[quote name='confoosious']But I don't CARE about those people. I just want to know about this system and that's what a reviewer should tell me. You're missing the point of the criticism.

yet Today, 06:08 PM

Your definition of a long time ago must be different from everyone elses. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Seriously, if you think that's bombing it out, you're a bit sensitive. If I "bombed it out" you'd have heard about the long list of failures; I only mention it in passing. Don't get your panties in a bunch! :lol:
[quote name='shadylane']Hey guys!

Please explain to me how much this launch bundle will be? 249.99 or 349.99. Amazon said they were upgrading everyone to the launch bundle. Break it down for me![/QUOTE]

2/15 - First Edition Bundle for 350. Includes Little Deviant, 4GB Stick, the data pass and the $10 PSN title.
2/22 - 3G Launch Bundle for 300. Includes an 8GB Stick, data pass and the $10 PSN title. This is sold on NewEgg also and will be produce until April. So all 3G model will include the extra stuff until April.
2/22 - WiFi Model for 250.
[quote name='UltimateIdiot911']2/15 - First Edition Bundle for 350. Includes Little Deviant, 4GB Stick, the data pass and the $10 PSN title.
2/22 - 3G Launch Bundle for 300. Includes an 8GB Stick, data pass and the $10 PSN title. This is sold on NewEgg also and will be produce until April. So all 3G model will include the extra stuff until April.
2/22 - WiFi Model for 250.[/QUOTE]

From what I understand it's:

2/15 - First Edition Bundle @ $350 - 3G/WiFi Vita, Little Deviants, 4GB Memory Card, First-edition Case
2/22 - 3G/WiFi Bundle @ $300 - 3G/WiFi Vita, 8GB Memory Card, 1 Month of 3G @ 250mb, 1 Free ($10?) PSN Game after purchasing your first month of 3G service
2/22 - WiFi Model @ $250 - WiFi Vita
[quote name='Link2999']From what I understand it's:

2/15 - First Edition Bundle @ $350 - Little Deviants, 4GB Memory Card, First-edition Case
2/22 - 3G/WiFi Bundle @ $300 - 8GB Memory Card, 1 Month of 3G @ 250mb, 1 Free ($10?) PSN Game after purchasing your first month of 3G service
2/22 - WiFi Model @ $200 - WiFi Vita[/QUOTE]
the wifi model is $250
I don't get why you guys think the Vita will fail. I'll tell you why I think it will succeed. Developers will no longer have to create a game specifically for a handheld now. All they have to do is downscale the graphics a bit and it's playable on the Vita. This means we'll be getting all of the AAA titles down the line because it will be so easy for them to make the game. Gravity Rush was originally a PS3 game now been downscaled to play on Vita. Mortal Kombat is a 360/Ps3 game downscaled to play on Vita. MLB The Show, Fifa. In October we are going to see all of the big games come out for Vita.
[quote name='Turkletont']I don't get why you guys think the Vita will fail. I'll tell you why I think it will succeed. Developers will no longer have to create a game specifically for a handheld now. All they have to do is downscale the graphics a bit and it's playable on the Vita. This means we'll be getting all of the AAA titles down the line because it will be so easy for them to make the game. Gravity Rush was originally a PS3 game now been downscaled to play on Vita. Mortal Kombat is a 360/Ps3 game downscaled to play on Vita. MLB The Show, Fifa. In October we are going to see all of the big games come out for Vita.[/QUOTE]

That is an important part of this equation that is often overlooked. Sony has intentionally made it ridiculously easy to quickly port from PS3 to Vita and as a result this could significantly expand the Vita's library in a very quick fashion. Sadly it does beg the question of why own both a PS3 and a Vita if they'll largely have the same releases but I'll be damned if I'm not foaming at the mouth for some portable Mortal Kombat goodness...
[quote name='Turkletont']I don't get why you guys think the Vita will fail. I'll tell you why I think it will succeed. Developers will no longer have to create a game specifically for a handheld now. All they have to do is downscale the graphics a bit and it's playable on the Vita. This means we'll be getting all of the AAA titles down the line because it will be so easy for them to make the game. Gravity Rush was originally a PS3 game now been downscaled to play on Vita. Mortal Kombat is a 360/Ps3 game downscaled to play on Vita. MLB The Show, Fifa. In October we are going to see all of the big games come out for Vita.[/QUOTE]

Currently the Vita is failing to the point that it's worrysome to third parties. 3DS did bad when it first came out too but the Vita is doing worse than that currently. To reach their launch goal, it took them a full month, which is extremely bad forecast to the stock holders.

I personally think this will be fixed by one or all of the following. Lower the damn memory card prices, come up with a better 3G plan/partnership, need more games released in a shorter time frame.

I personally love my Vita as stated before, but I do see the realism in this as well. Currently, it's sort of seeing the original PS3 phase issue, but at a worse situation. I'm sure Sony will pick it up somehow, but I hope they do it ASAP so that we don't need to wait a long time for good games to come out.
[quote name='Turkletont']I don't get why you guys think the Vita will fail. I'll tell you why I think it will succeed. Developers will no longer have to create a game specifically for a handheld now. All they have to do is downscale the graphics a bit and it's playable on the Vita. This means we'll be getting all of the AAA titles down the line because it will be so easy for them to make the game. Gravity Rush was originally a PS3 game now been downscaled to play on Vita. Mortal Kombat is a 360/Ps3 game downscaled to play on Vita. MLB The Show, Fifa. In October we are going to see all of the big games come out for Vita.[/QUOTE]
The majority think the price point of the games (not the system) will be the main reason why it fails. Apple has ingrained in people's head that games should be $1, whether that is good or not. Hardcore gamers will buy Vita games but companies could care less what Hardcore gamers buy, it's what the majority of people will buy (incl. "casual" gamers). Sony really needs to release cheap games and not use highly priced portable games. Saying that I just pre-ordered the Wi-Fi Vita and 16gb memory card from Amazon. I signed up for the Trial Prime Membership, just so I could get release day shipping for free. I also had ordered several Hori accessory and changed those to free 2 day shipping.
If it does fail, I hope it waits until after Gravity Rush and Dragon's Crown come out.Though the former is already complete and (I assume) just needs to be localized.
Since this isn't a deal thread anymore. (was it ever?)

Here's some info regarding the marketing campaign that is due to start this week apparently.

Select quotes:

The cost of the marketing campaign at $50 million is “the largest platform launch in terms of marketing investment we’ve ever had,” Mr. Koller said.
The commercials for the campaign were shot in three days in Buenos Aires and were meant to show how the Vita “affects you socially,” Mr. Elm said. In one spot, the male character is using his Vita to continue playing a game during his commute that he started before leaving for work. Another spot highlights the augmented reality features of the console with a narrator explaining how “the world is your next battleground,” while a third spot shows a man playing games against other people he sees in the street.
To reach its core consumer, the company will show the commercials during television programs like “The Simpsons,” “South Park” and “Tosh.0,” the popular Comedy Central show, and during N.B.A and N.C.A.A. basketball games.

Online users will see banner ads across 26 Web sites like Yahoo, ESPN, CNN and YouTube. Billboards and wallscapes will be seen in cities like New York, Chicago and San Francisco and radio ads for the Vita will be broadcast on the Howard Stern show on Sirius Radio during March Madness.
[quote name='ryne candy']The majority think the price point of the games (not the system) will be the main reason why it fails. Apple has ingrained in people's head that games should be $1, whether that is good or not. Hardcore gamers will buy Vita games but companies could care less what Hardcore gamers buy, it's what the majority of people will buy (incl. "casual" gamers). Sony really needs to release cheap games and not use highly priced portable games. Saying that I just pre-ordered the Wi-Fi Vita and 16gb memory card from Amazon. I signed up for the Trial Prime Membership, just so I could get release day shipping for free. I also had ordered several Hori accessory and changed those to free 2 day shipping.[/QUOTE]

People aren't willing to spend $50 on crappy handheld games there's no doubt about that. But once people realize that the Vita is producing the same games as seen on 360/PS3 I don't think it will be a problem. I bought a PSP and I thought it was a complete waste of money. I've never taken handheld games seriously, a lot of them are just outsourced pieces of crap only released on the PSP because they want to release it for every console possible. The reason I'm so excited for the Vita is because it looks like that has changed. I'm going to get real games on a real console now, and that makes me excited.

And are the games even that expensive? It's looking like a lot will be $30 and up to $40 and a select few $50
[quote name='RedvsBlue']That is an important part of this equation that is often overlooked. Sony has intentionally made it ridiculously easy to quickly port from PS3 to Vita and as a result this could significantly expand the Vita's library in a very quick fashion. Sadly it does beg the question of why own both a PS3 and a Vita if they'll largely have the same releases but I'll be damned if I'm not foaming at the mouth for some portable Mortal Kombat goodness...[/QUOTE]

For me that's easy to answer. I prefer to play on handhelds over my PS3, but there are certain games that I like to play on the PS3. If I could get a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game on my Vita I would probably spend far more time on it then the PS3 version. A game like Mass Effect is great on the PS3, but if I could lay in bed and play it on the Vita at times too I'd love that. These are the types of games I'd be willing to buy on both. Most titles would probably just be purchased on one or the other. If I had known a Vita version of Mortal Kombat was coming I probably would've skipped on the PS3 version.
I'm not sure how this works.

If I preorder the wifi bundle for $249.99 before the launch date, do I get automatically get upgraded to the bundle deal with the memory card and etc?
[quote name='Slade']I'm not sure how this works.

If I preorder the wifi bundle for $249.99 before the launch date, do I get automatically get upgraded to the bundle deal with the memory card and etc?[/QUOTE]

No There is no Wifi Bundle, there is the launch bundle for $299 comes with 8 gig mem card and free PSN game. Plus Free month of data plan. This bundle comes with the 3G/Wifi version which used to be 299 by itself, those who ordered that model get upgraded to this new bundle because they don't sell it by itself anymore at least during the launch window.
[quote name='tightclaws']Are people getting the games and stuff they bought off Lockerz?[/QUOTE]

Ill find out soon, my stuff was street dated like the games so I have to wait and see tomorrow or the next day if they ship.

300 is not bad for the 3g launch bundle, screen protectors, UC and Dynasty Warriors
[quote name='djricekcn']Gravity Daze is already complete and been out for 5 days. Great game, lots of fun[/QUOTE]
Yeah but if the Vita does as badly as some seem to think it may, then they may give up localization halfway through an chuck their computers out the window...
[quote name='tightclaws']Are people getting the games and stuff they bought off Lockerz?[/QUOTE]

People have had their memory cards shipped and delivered, but most of the games aren't out yet.
[quote name='Bioterror']People have had their memory cards shipped and delivered, but most of the games aren't out yet.[/QUOTE]

Yea the memory cards were not street dated at all so they could ship as soon as people ordered them. Im still debating whether 8gigs will be enough for me for now or if I should just bit on the 32.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']Yeah but if the Vita does as badly as some seem to think it may, then they may give up localization halfway through an chuck their computers out the window...[/QUOTE]
Somehow I don't see that happening, the first few years PSP did awful in Japan, now and for the last year or two it's done great. So Launch in Japan is really iffy when it's not during holiday times. I think we will see pretty decent sales when this things goes worldwide next week.
[quote name='tightclaws']No There is no Wifi Bundle, there is the launch bundle for $299 comes with 8 gig mem card and free PSN game. Plus Free month of data plan. This bundle comes with the 3G/Wifi version which used to be 299 by itself, those who ordered that model get upgraded to this new bundle because they don't sell it by itself anymore at least during the launch window.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the clarification.

I have no need or want for the 3G version but at the same time, if I just get the wifi model I'd have to pay $50 for the memory card anyway so... it feels like they're forcing my hand to get the model I don't actually want.

Too bad, I was kind of thinking about buying something at launch for a change if they offered the bundle with the 249.99 price point.

I think I'll just wait as I previously intended till the handheld has a library of games I want to play and pick it up when and if that happens.
[quote name='Slade']Thanks for the clarification.

I have no need or want for the 3G version but at the same time, if I just get the wifi model I'd have to pay $50 for the memory card anyway so... it feels like they're forcing my hand to get the model I don't actually want.

Too bad, I was kind of thinking about buying something at launch for a change if they offered the bundle with the 249.99 price point.

I think I'll just wait as I previously intended till the handheld has a library of games I want to play and pick it up when and if that happens.[/QUOTE]

I just think of it in the way that i would rather have the 3g and not use it than not having it and wanting it later. The bundle makes it worth it over the standalone wifi IMO.
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[quote name='tightclaws']Wow even asking a ? or mentioning that unnamable site with points gets deleted pretty fast.[/QUOTE]

There's supposedly no money to be made from the website that must not be named so its banned here. Great deals to be had there though. Also, it's Kinda lame considering that the deal from Radio Shack was up longer even though the bundle was not even for this country and almost everyone knew it would get canceled.
[quote name='ral1121']IS the 3G model superior to that of the Wi-Fi?

If you are not a paying customer of 3G, would there be any use for it gaming wise?[/QUOTE]

3g apparently has GPS which wifi doesnt, though this isn't set in stone I believe. More so something people have seen referenced a lot only on the 3G and not the wifi. Additionally some games like Disgaea I believe have GPS functions so it MAY come into play.
[quote name='whoknows']I just think of it in the way that i would rather have the 3g and not use it than not having it and wanting it later. The bundle makes it worth it over the standalstandalone wifi IMO.[/QUOTE]

A matter of perspective.

I was looking at it strictly from a better deal perspective.

249.99 with the bonus would've been the deal I would gone for, not 299.99 with the bonus + a functional I have no desire to have.

But like I said, I know where you're coming from.
bread's done