PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Don't know how to imbed that. Oh well.
You can't. It's not an image and CAG isn't set up to be compatible with webm embedding.

I got all the non-DLC trophies on Phantom Breaker and I still only got a "B" ranking on the game on PSN Profiles. That ranking is pretty meaningless, but it's weird that DLC counts in that ranking and that I can't even get an "A" ranking without purchasing the DLC.
Yeah, PSNP is strictly figured from completion percentage of all trophies. TT only counts DLC trophies if you've started the DLC, though.

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Heh, GameInformer took the duplicates out of this backwards-compatibility lineup image:


To get this one:


You guys might want to take a look at this Mafia 3 gameplay:

There's an awful lot of downvotes on the Youtube page.

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Heh, GameInformer took the duplicates out of this backwards-compatibility lineup image:
It's funny how much they're hyping something that doesn't come out for months yet and is still going to be so limited. Granted it's not the same at all, but with cross-buy it'll probably be years before the backwards compatibility MS is advertising reaches the number of cross-buy titles that PSN already has (if MS ever manages that.)

You guys might want to take a look at this Mafia 3 gameplay:

There's an awful lot of downvotes on the Youtube page.
The comments indicate it's not like Mafia 2 at all. I've not played Mafia before, though, so I'm not sure why--what's different?

You guys might want to take a look at this Mafia 3 gameplay:

There's an awful lot of downvotes on the Youtube page.
I dont understand. The game looks nice and the gameplay looks like typical GTA/Uncharted fair. Whats the issue?

Shipwreck seems to be claiming on twitter there is going to be a retail release of the Megaman Legacy Collection, but not until 2016 and at 2x the price of the digital release. Doing a google search I can't find anything backing up this claim. Maybe I'm just bad at searching.

The comments indicate it's not like Mafia 2 at all. I've not played Mafia before, though, so I'm not sure why--what's different?
I dont understand. The game looks nice and the gameplay looks like typical GTA/Uncharted fair. Whats the issue?
It seems like the major complaint is that there's too many explosions and it looks too much like GTA. One commenter describes it as "more like a sequel to The Godfather games with a little bit of Just Cause thrown in it", which actually makes it sound better to me.

It seems like the major complaint is that there's too many explosions and it looks too much like GTA. One commenter describes it as "more like a sequel to The Godfather games with a little bit of Just Cause thrown in it", which actually makes it sound better to me.
Yeah loved The Godfather games. Tried to play Mafia 2 (And I think 1 but not sure) and couldn't stand the horrible driving. If the cars handle/drive a bit more like GTA V I might actually have to check out 3.

It seems like the major complaint is that there's too many explosions and it looks too much like GTA. One commenter describes it as "more like a sequel to The Godfather games with a little bit of Just Cause thrown in it", which actually makes it sound better to me.
Yeah, the game looks like a day 1 buy for me and based on that description it sounds like a blast.

Because it is in German?
I didnt even listen to it since I am at work and didnt have my ear buds around. But that makes sense. Germans are dumb.

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Dear Diary,

While playing Rocket League last night I learned about a thing called a Pokemon Ball.  I had no idea there was such a tool for capturing and "storing" your Pokemon because I was 16 when Pokemon first released.  I have never played a Pokemon game and never will.  Cause duhhh.

Dear Diary,

While playing Rocket League last night I learned about a thing called a Pokemon Ball. I had no idea there was such a tool for capturing and "storing" your Pokemon because I was 16 when Pokemon first released. I have never played a Pokemon game and never will. Cause duhhh.
I was older when it came out. I have never played any version of it and neither have either of my kids. I still knew what a Pokeball was. Did you never play Smash Bros either?

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Dear Diary,

While playing Rocket League last night I learned about a thing called a Pokemon Ball. I had no idea there was such a tool for capturing and "storing" your Pokemon because I was 16 when Pokemon first released. I have never played a Pokemon game and never will. Cause duhhh.
It's called a Pokeball, you tool.

Dear Diary,

While playing Rocket League last night I learned about a thing called a Pokemon Ball. I had no idea there was such a tool for capturing and "storing" your Pokemon because I was 16 when Pokemon first released. I have never played a Pokemon game and never will. Cause duhhh.
the ball is their prison!

Dear Diary,
While playing Rocket League last night I learned about a thing called a Pokemon Ball. I had no idea there was such a tool for capturing and "storing" your Pokemon because I was 16 when Pokemon first released. I have never played a Pokemon game and never will. Cause duhhh.
Doesn't know what a Pokeball is, but he can recite Clueless quotes at the drop of a hat.

He watched Clueless because Alicia Silverstone was hot. Ok, most of us did. But we didn't keep watching it enough to memorize the dialogue.
Pharm had a shitty childhood confirmed.
At 16 your a god damn man, not a child! Or thats what I told myself anyway.

I was older when it came out. I have never played any version of it and neither have either of my kids. I still knew what a Pokeball was. Did you never play Smash Bros either?
Nope, never played Smash Bros. Havent owned a Nintendo console since SNES. And my friends only had Playstation or other consoles.

the ball is their prison!
Serves those critters right!

I did google the pokeball (thanks Vig) and after seeing pics I know I have seen it before, but I never really paid any attention to what it was since....its pokemon. Why would I give a shit?

Doesn't know what a Pokeball is, but he can recite Clueless quotes at the drop of a hat.

He watched Clueless because Alicia Silverstone was hot. Ok, most of us did. But we didn't keep watching it enough to memorize the dialogue.
One quote/scene asshole! ONE! And it is a classic!

The chick said her doctor didnt want balls flying at her face! Funny as fuck!

EDIT: And I didnt even get the quote exactly right so I dont remember shit. I am old after all.

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Shipwreck seems to be claiming on twitter there is going to be a retail release of the Megaman Legacy Collection, but not until 2016 and at 2x the price of the digital release. Doing a google search I can't find anything backing up this claim. Maybe I'm just bad at searching.
He says he got it in some press release. He thinks it'll include the other games as DLC but it wouldn't surprise me if they just added some trinket instead.

Shipwreck seems to be claiming on twitter there is going to be a retail release of the Megaman Legacy Collection, but not until 2016 and at 2x the price of the digital release. Doing a google search I can't find anything backing up this claim. Maybe I'm just bad at searching.
If you still haven't found it.

I'm all for more games as DLC! But it's not unusual for retail versions to cost a lot more than digital versions. Shovel Knight and Mighty No 9 are like that.

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If you still haven't found it.

I'm all for more games as DLC! But it's not unusual for retail versions to cost a lot more than digital versions. Shovel Knight and Mighty No 9 are like that.
I'm actually looking forward to this even though I suck at MM. It's a fantastic price for a fantastic compilation IMO. Even though it's not on Vita which is dumb as hell.

Also I forget who was pointing it out yesterday, but the different version prices for cross-buy stuff in the sale is fixed now. Gracie Chen posted that Duke 3d, Crimsonland, and King Oddball prices should now be the same for all versions.

If you still haven't found it.

I'm all for more games as DLC! But it's not unusual for retail versions to cost a lot more than digital versions. Shovel Knight and Mighty No 9 are like that.
same strategy as re:rev 2 - digital was at that $25 price point, the physical was $40 but included two extra chapters and raid mode dlc (characters and stuff) plus a shiny disc you can show your friends and relatives.

If you still haven't found it.

I'm all for more games as DLC! But it's not unusual for retail versions to cost a lot more than digital versions. Shovel Knight and Mighty No 9 are like that.
I absolutely expect Capcom to milk the series for all its worth and release 18 different volumes and one Extreme Mega Rock Solid edition with everything and an exclusive figure.

I hate the 3DS. I put it to sleep yesterday near the end of a Luigi's Mansion 2 mission and it was already dead by the morning. I'm sure I had around 25% battery. fuck you Nintendo! 

So no physical version of Shovel Knight on Vita, no Mega Man Collection on Vita, when are people going to wake the fuck up?


I hate the 3DS. I put it to sleep yesterday near the end of a Luigi's Mansion 2 mission and it was already dead by the morning. I'm sure I had around 25% battery. fuck you Nintendo!
Yeah, the battery life on those things is pretty crappy. Last time I used mine, I closed it during a kid icarus level, and it was dead within 2 days. Haven't turned it back on since.

Vita would never betray me like that.

Yeah, the battery life on those things is pretty crappy. Last time I used mine, I closed it during a kid icarus level, and it was dead within 2 days. Haven't turned it back on since.

Vita would never betray me like that.
Even when the Vita shuts off, it usually suspends your state if you can get it to a charger within a reasonable amount of time. So annoying. I guess it also sucks you can't seem to save mid-mission in Luigi's Mansion 2. There are seriously days why I question why I am bothering with the 3DS at this point. I know there are some great games I still want to play but overall it's a big fuck ing meh.

[quote name="jkam" post="12849473" timestamp="1438790582"]I hate the 3DS. I put it to sleep yesterday near the end of a Luigi's Mansion 2 mission and it was already dead by the morning. I'm sure I had around 25% battery. fuck you Nintendo! [/quote]

Had that happen to me several times on other games on my 2ds. Their power management sucks.
Doesn't streetpass suck down the battery while "asleep"? Can you turn that off?
Yeah and people say to turn off wi-fi when not in use but it doesn't really solve the problem. The battery management is nowhere close to as good as it is on the Vita.

Yeah and people say to turn off wi-fi when not in use but it doesn't really solve the problem. The battery management is nowhere close to as good as it is on the Vita.
Remember how obscenely good the battery was on the ds/dsi/XL before the 3ds? I had a ds I could play for what seemed like 2 or 3 weeks without charging, it made no sense.
I never thought Alicia Silverstone was hot. She always looks like she just smelled something bad.


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Remember how obscenely good the battery was on the ds/dsi/XL before the 3ds? I had a ds I could play for what seemed like 2 or 3 weeks without charging, it made no sense.
Yeah, it was always Nintendo's MO to have good battery life and fast menus. That seems to have gone out the window with the Wii U and 3DS. I'm not a Nintendo doomseeker but I'm really starting to favor the idea of Nintendo as a software maker and not a hardware one. I know something has to be said for innovation like the DS and Wii but the Wii U is what happens with too many controller choices. I'm hoping the NX is a return to form somehow. I won't mind if they keep it simple which they kept talking about anyway. They really need to up their game in terms of the built in system software.

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I didn't realize that the Mega Man Legacy Collection was coming to 3DS.  That's completely fucking stupid since all those games are already on the 3DS VC.  Granted without all the extra challenge and artwork crap, but who cares about that for the most part.  All those 3DS version resources should have been used for a Vita version.  Da faq Capcom you bastardizing bastards!



Man, Maxim sucks now since they went in this GQ/Esquire direction thanks to some new woman editor.  All I wanted was something to flip through looking at scantily clad women while taking a dump.  Is that too much to ask?

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