PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Also, I was playing the devil's advocate thinking about what's the worst that can happen when using a phone on the toilet because I have in the past to check emails, play some games, look at CAG, etc.

And now I found this reddit thread and lost my shit.

If any you haven't seen the movie Lawless, it's a pretty decent flick.  Watched it on Netflix after it was recommended by a friend.  This is the first time in a loooong time that I've had time to myself and chose to watch something over playing video games.

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DS4 20th Anniversary

If I could get in on the special gamestop tiv for one of my existing DS4s I'd probably trade my rubber falling off one for a preorder of the 20th anniversary one.
I had a tiny little cut on one of the stick grips and they told me they wouldn't accept it unless I bought some fuckin' $8 replacement grips.

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If any you haven't seen the movie Lawless, it's a pretty decent flick. Watched it on Netflix after it was recommended by a friend. This is the first time in a loooong time that I've had time to myself and chose to watch something over playing video games.
When I saw Shia LeBouf was in it I thought I would pass. Then I saw Jessica Chastain was in it too, so I'll check it out when I get a chance.

Vig what are your thoughts on Akiba's Trip?
I really, really liked it--my personal rating for the Vita version (can't speak for the other versions; I have the PS3 version to eventually run through again for its plat) is a 4.5/5.

This joke is getting tiresome. When did I ever refer to Metacritic regarding anything? I also liked Akiba's Trip much more than that page indicates.

I post review links for things here every now and then, but that doesn't mean I only buy things that scored high. Deadly Premonition, one of my favorite games, has a 68 metascore on 360 and 70 on PS3.

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after my time with the old blood I've officially decided to swear off fps games.  that means the bioshock series is finally getting crossed off my video game bucket list.

after my time with the old blood I've officially decided to swear off fps games. that means the bioshock series is finally getting crossed off my video game bucket list.
You should get PvZ: Garden Warfare 2, tho. EDIT: It's a 3rd person shooter.

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after my time with the old blood I've officially decided to swear off fps games. that means the bioshock series is finally getting crossed off my video game bucket list.
I was originally excited for the new Star Wars Battlefront game, but then I remembered that I suck at FPSs. I still find myself tempted by it because of the theme, but I know it's a bad idea.

after my time with the old blood I've officially decided to swear off fps games. that means the bioshock series is finally getting crossed off my video game bucket list.
I didn't swear off FPS entirely after Wolfenstein, I did have to quit it though. It gave me massive headaches. Gonna guess the old blood didn't change the FOV much.

after my time with the old blood I've officially decided to swear off fps games. that means the bioshock series is finally getting crossed off my video game bucket list.
I was originally excited for the new Star Wars Battlefront game, but then I remembered that I suck at FPSs. I still find myself tempted by it because of the theme, but I know it's a bad idea.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I hate 1st Person stuff. However I love Portal. I guess that could be an FPP though. I might have to make an exception for Battlefront....cause that game looks :drool:

I also use to think oh no I'm missing out, but at this point if I have less games to try to keep up with I'm ok with that.

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I am not very good at FPS and I thoroughly prefer third person as first person can be disorienting sometimes but I really like FPS games since they are all about big set pieces and quick gameplay.  I know you all think I am crazy but I really enjoy the dumb SP "stories" of the COD, Battlefield and Wolfenstein's of the world.  I need to get back to Old Blood tonight if Rocket League doesnt suck me back in.

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I'm pretty much in the same boat. I hate 1st Person stuff. However I love Portal. I guess that could be an FPP though. I might have to make an exception for Battlefront....cause that game looks :drool:

I also use to think oh no I'm missing out, but at this point if I have less games to try to keep up with I'm ok with that.
Oh, I loved portal and portal 2 and didn't have a problem with them much at all. Those are in a different category.

Bioshock 1 was great.  I stopped playing 2 because I got stuck on one of the bosses and wasnt feeling the game anyway.  Infinite was a good game and I finished it but it wasnt anything special to me.

Hmm, I don't know about this one, hopefully it just opens kind of slow. Finished the first chapter and I don't really feel like I have much insight into the characters (a lot of them just feel like caricatures) and some of the mechanics feels like they are tacked on to make it more gamey and separate it more from the Ace Attorney series. I was doing pretty well and hadn't made any mistakes, then they inexplicably threw in a rhythm game at the end of it and didn't explain it very well, so now I have to do the entire trial all over again for the no damage trophy or try to get it on one of the later, harder trials.

Hmm, I don't know about this one, hopefully it just opens kind of slow. Finished the first chapter and I don't really feel like I have much insight into the characters (a lot of them just feel like caricatures) and some of the mechanics feels like they are tacked on to make it more gamey and separate it more from the Ace Attorney series. I was doing pretty well and hadn't made any mistakes, then they inexplicably threw in a rhythm game at the end of it and didn't explain it very well, so now I have to do the entire trial all over again for the no damage trophy or try to get it on one of the later, harder trials.
It gets way better. And if you disagree, you're a horrible person. Danganronpa is so good.

Hmm, I don't know about this one, hopefully it just opens kind of slow. Finished the first chapter and I don't really feel like I have much insight into the characters (a lot of them just feel like caricatures) and some of the mechanics feels like they are tacked on to make it more gamey and separate it more from the Ace Attorney series. I was doing pretty well and hadn't made any mistakes, then they inexplicably threw in a rhythm game at the end of it and didn't explain it very well, so now I have to do the entire trial all over again for the no damage trophy or try to get it on one of the later, harder trials.
The rhythm game part sucks, but it's easy enough to get the no damage trophy without really trying later.

fuck Steelers fans!  Every year about this time they start talking shit about, 'This is the year we get No. 7!'.  One of the Steelers fans at work today just had to show me this (spoilered for size):


I responded by finding this for his viewing pleasure:


Edit: I know it doesn't include 2011-2014, but who cares about the Giants, Ravens, Seahawks or Patriots.

To top it off, I also showed him:


That really put a frown on his face.

fuck Steelers fans! Every year about this time they start talking shit about, 'This is the year we get No. 7!'. One of the Steelers fans at work today just had to show me this (spoilered for size):


I responded by finding this for his viewing pleasure:


Edit: I know it doesn't include 2011-2014, but who cares about the Giants, Ravens, Seahawks or Patriots.

To top it off, I also showed him:


That really put a frown on his face.
Keep fighting the good fight, brotherman.
I find people bragging about that stuff funny. I dunno, maybe other people are older or something, but I don't see how championships won in like the 60's or earlier are relevant at all, especially to the point that they're being bragged about. And it happens all the time.

"Yeah my team won it all in '54! It was amazing! Three-quarters of the team is now dead and I wasn't born until 23 years later, but man what an amazing year!"

There are a lot of fans of every fuck ing team here in Tampa.  And there are a surprising number of Steelers fans too so I know how you feel.  They even have a bar somewhere in the bay area that is a "steelers bar" since the owner is from Pittsburgh or something.  Ugh.

Still, I hate all of you equally.

I find people bragging about that stuff funny. I dunno, maybe other people are older or something, but I don't see how championships won in like the 60's or earlier are relevant at all, especially to the point that they're being bragged about. And it happens all the time.

"Yeah my team won it all in '54! It was amazing! Three-quarters of the team is now dead and I wasn't born until 23 years later, but man what an amazing year!"
It's fun to bring it up old championships when talking to Viking fans up there because of their giant empty trophy case. Then they tell me to stop living in the past. Then I point to the standings from the last five years. Then I lolololololololololz.

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There are a lot of fans of every fuck ing team here in Tampa. And there are a surprising number of Steelers fans too so I know how you feel. They even have a bar somewhere in the bay area that is a "steelers bar" since the owner is from Pittsburgh or something. Ugh.

Still, I hate all of you equally.
Every major city has at least one bar for each NFL city that takes it over every Sunday. Same goes for college teams for major cities in the south. There are at least 2 for UF in the Atlanta. One near me in the burbs and another in the city.

I find people bragging about that stuff funny. I dunno, maybe other people are older or something, but I don't see how championships won in like the 60's or earlier are relevant at all, especially to the point that they're being bragged about. And it happens all the time.

"Yeah my team won it all in '54! It was amazing! Three-quarters of the team is now dead and I wasn't born until 23 years later, but man what an amazing year!"
This used to be how you could make Alabama fans angry mentioning how it was all ancient history. Then that Nick Saban asshole went there.

I find people bragging about that stuff funny. I dunno, maybe other people are older or something, but I don't see how championships won in like the 60's or earlier are relevant at all, especially to the point that they're being bragged about. And it happens all the time.

"Yeah my team won it all in '54! It was amazing! Three-quarters of the team is now dead and I wasn't born until 23 years later, but man what an amazing year!"
You completely ruined your argument as soon as you tried making it sound like bragging about current sports is any more legitimate than bragging about ancient sports. Anybody that has ever said "The team that lives in the same place I live is the best, yeah!" is guilty no matter what time period they're talking about.

Every major city has at least one bar for each NFL city that takes it over every Sunday.
Even for the Cardinals? Or the Chargers. Even people in San Diego don't like them that much. They used to have to give away tickets all the time. I don't think people care as much about those warm weather teams. I'd be shocked to find a Panthers bar in Chicago, for example.

Or the Titans. No one gives a shit about the Titans.

Edit: Or the Jaguars! Holy shit, I hope there isn't a Jaguars bar outside of Jacksonville. Poor people.

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I find bragging about "your" team annoying in general.  Its fun to talk shit about an upcoming or recent game, but jesus christ give it a rest.   People getting into actual fights over this stuff is defiantly stupid.

the fun stuff Zimm posts is all you need to do.  no need to get serious about it like a lot of jackasses do.

You completely ruined your argument as soon as you tried making it sound like bragging about current sports is any more legitimate than bragging about ancient sports. Anybody that has ever said "The team that lives in the same place I live is the best, yeah!" is guilty no matter what time period they're talking about.
Unless they literally just won the title. Like people in Oakland and Chicago can legitimately say their team is the best because they're the reigning champs.

I excluded New England since the new season has entered pre-season mode.

You completely ruined your argument as soon as you tried making it sound like bragging about current sports is any more legitimate than bragging about ancient sports. Anybody that has ever said "The team that lives in the same place I live is the best, yeah!" is guilty no matter what time period they're talking about.
Yeah, sometimes I remind myself of that when I get too wound up in sports. Like if my team loses a big game.

"Well, a bunch of random guys that don't know or care that I exist just lost a game. Big picture, this changes absolutely nothing about the trajectory of my life except that I won't be buying that 20XX Champion T-Shirt and won't get a few pats on the back from my friends for a couple days."

It's pretty cynical, but it does work and it is true. And sports serve a lot more of a purpose than just winning or losing, it can be a great reason to be social, make new friends, be a talking point, and generally create a lot of fun. But at the core, it can make extreme sports fandom look a bit weird.

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