PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Man, Maxim sucks now since they went in this GQ/Esquire direction thanks to some new woman editor. All I wanted was something to flip through looking at scantily clad women while taking a dump. Is that too much to ask?
There already is something like that. It's called "Internet on your phone".

You should probably spoiler that magazine cover. You might scare someone to death.

I never thought Alicia Silverstone was hot. She always looks like she just smelled something bad.
I agree. On the other hand, I always had a thing for Stacey Dash. She still looks hot to me.


Edit: And fuck, I keep missing out on these Rocket League nights.

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There already is something like that. It's called "Internet on your phone".
Takes too long - by the time I figure out what to google and entered it on the virtual keypad, I'll have already flushed. And then there's the risk of somehow getting poop on the phone or dropping it in the toilet. So much easier to just open a magazine and BLAM! titties.

I agree. On the other hand, I always had a thing for Stacey Dash. She still looks hot to me.

I've still never watched Clueless, but she was hot in Renaissance Man. She's had quite a bit of work done and she looks like a completely different person nowadays. Still hot, but not as much, I think.

Takes too long - by the time I figure out what to google and entered it on the virtual keypad, I'll have already flushed. And then there's the risk of somehow getting poop on the phone or dropping it in the toilet. So much easier to just open a magazine and BLAM! titties.
Why google? B00bcritic dot commercial. Bam. Done.

And how are you dropping it in the water and/or getting poop on it when you're sitting down? Do you have a wide stance or poop in a swimming pool?

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In case anyone forgot how much of a GODAMN MAN Eddie Lacy was over the offseason, I present to you Eddie Lacy the GODDAMN LUMBERJACK:

I just saw an old dude walking on the streets of downtown Minneapolis holding a sign that said "I'm not ashamed/afraid to be white".
Okay in my cart for Vita now:

  • Starlight Inception (I'll probably find the space combat too hard)
  • Kung Fu Rabbit (it was cheap)
  • Men's Room Mayhem (even cheaper)
  • Disgaea Infinite (visual novel. no trophies, but probably still fun)

I wouldn't mind getting one of those Darganopa games, or D4 but $16 still seems to be a little steep; and I already have three or four rpgs in the backlog.

16 minutes of off-screen Dark Souls III gameplay:

Boss battle, also off-screen:

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is it short or have you been playing it quasi-obsessively?
Game is short if you just try to beat the game so no worries. Also new game plus gives you extra money and ability points so it helps speed the process even more.

I have been playing every day though but not at a consistent pace.

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When Tyler decided to grace us with his presence, I looked to see if you were online so you could even up the teams since you always talk about playing with us.
Thanks for looking out for me. I blame last night on my inability to stop playing Destiny. I was up until 2a Tuesday morning finishing off Iron Banner bounties, and then I ended up working until 7:30p last night. By the time I got home and put the kids to bed, I was zonked; fell asleep on the couch around 9:30p. I did wake up about 5a this morning, and knocked out a few more MW3 trophies, though.

Thanks for looking out for me. I blame last night on my inability to stop playing Destiny. I was up until 2a Tuesday morning finishing off Iron Banner bounties, and then I ended up working until 7:30p last night. By the time I got home and put the kids to bed, I was zonked; fell asleep on the couch around 9:30p. I did wake up about 5a this morning, and knocked out a few more MW3 trophies, though.
5a you say? hmmmmm

Poor subway by my work had to put up a "support local business, we're a franchise" sign. Jared scandal must be doing a number on the franchises around here. 

Really? That was one of the "I'm removing this from my Gamefly Q since it has to be awful and I am burned out on awful" games. Of course it being a FPS with my general dislike for the genre helped a bit too.
Yeah you wouldnt like it since it is FPS. But I had a lot of fun with it. Its very campy (which is good in this case) and the graphics werent very good even 4 or 5 years ago but killing dinos is usually fun.

I hate not finishing a game, it makes me nuts.  I'm only on the 3rd chapter of the old blood, a game I think I can safely say I'm not totally enjoying, and it still irks me that I won't at least finish the campaign before having to return it to the library Friday.

Having put some more hours in and after watching a video of someone doing uber runs of the challenge maps I thought I'd give it another go.  Still can't survive the first map let alone get the necessary score.  

Why google? B00bcritic dot commercial. Bam. Done.

And how are you dropping it in the water and/or getting poop on it when you're sitting down? Do you have a wide stance or poop in a swimming pool?
Theres always an opening and murphys law says if you drop your phone while taking a dump, it will inevitably fall through that space and into the toilet.
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Theres always an opening and murphys law says if you drop your phone while taking a dump, it will inevitably fall through that space and into the toilet.
you know I would've said that this is a ridiculous and unsubstantiated concern a month ago but last week I dropped my toilet sandwich right in the commode while I was on lunch. I could not have been more furious.

Anyone have the Blue DS4?  I am going to order a new controller from Amazon and can't decide if I want the classic black, or white or Blue.  Ruled out Red.  It is either an import or $64.99 prime eligible.  Also not interested in the cameo and don't see the 20th Anniversary one for pre order anymore (And wouldn't pay a premium for it anyway).

Anyone have the Blue DS4? I am going to order a new controller from Amazon and can't decide if I want the classic black, or white or Blue. Ruled out Red. It is either an import or $64.99 prime eligible. Also not interested in the cameo and don't see the 20th Anniversary one for pre order anymore (And wouldn't pay a premium for it anyway).
DS4 20th Anniversary

If I could get in on the special gamestop tiv for one of my existing DS4s I'd probably trade my rubber falling off one for a preorder of the 20th anniversary one.

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Anyone have the Blue DS4? I am going to order a new controller from Amazon and can't decide if I want the classic black, or white or Blue. Ruled out Red. It is either an import or $64.99 prime eligible. Also not interested in the cameo and don't see the 20th Anniversary one for pre order anymore (And wouldn't pay a premium for it anyway).
I have the blue one. I like it a lot. But I like blue a lot. And if you have a Ps4 from the original shipments I think the color controllers are a little better built. Better sticks maybe?

DS4 20th Anniversary

If I could get in on the special gamestop tiv for one of my existing DS4s I'd probably trade my rubber falling off one for a preorder of the 20th anniversary one.
Thanks not paying $64.99 though. I have one of the original Black DS4s that the L1 sticks a bit. Cleaned it today. Otherwise looks and works fine. Will trade it to Game Stop for $35. Would buy a new controller from them but cheaper from Amazon. So will just pick up some Kindle cards.

I have the blue one. I like it a lot. But I like blue a lot. And if you have a Ps4 from the original shipments I think the color controllers are a little better built. Better sticks maybe?
Yeah this is either the original PS4 controller that came with my launch PS4 or the one I got shortly after that from Amazon (for free) to replace the crappy one the sticking button issue. I should have no problem trading it to GS week after next for $35. I think this is the second controller as I think the original's R1 was the one that stuck.

Blue is in my cart. Along with another set of those kontrol freek analog stick extenders I bought on Kilik's recommendation when the other controllers analog stick rubber tore.

I still have one of my 2008 DS3 controllers and it is better condition then 2 year old DS4s.

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you know I would've said that this is a ridiculous and unsubstantiated concern a month ago but last week I dropped my toilet sandwich right in the commode while I was on lunch. I could not have been more furious.
WTF is a toilet sandwich? Is that like a shit sandwich?

I would rather have Dominos.

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