PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I don't think so. Every time I try to talk to gator about games, he just goes on and on about how much he love beach buggy racing. I mean he still plays it almost every day.
I do like the game, but I only continue to play it due to my OCD issues. That grind is for real. Over 45 hours and at 70% and 61% on the 2 grind trophies. :(

ETA: There are daily challenges, so I do in fact play it every day (or manipulate the clock so it thinks I played it every day at least).

Element4l is definitely the better game, but both are definitely worth the sale prices unless you want the plat in BBR. It isn't worth it.

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Colbert completely surpassed and outshined Stewart for me.
Okay, I can understand saying John Oliver is better than Stewart, because he is, but Colbert?


I don't have cable TV and have never bothered to watch anything online but the occasional clip of John Stewart's show. He is funny, but I just don't watch much TV any more. I saw the show some when it was that other guy as the host (and I had cable). The Five Questions guy. I thought he was pretty funny. Craig Kilborne or some name like that?

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Yeah Craig Kilborne. He's part of this parade of correspondents going on right now. It was like the new SNL. I don't know a lot of them though.

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You do know most of us have a mom and a dad right? And you know how that all works right?
Yep. I was curious as to whether you meant your wife and kid, though. Living together implies a certain amount of amicability, but your comment about family wasn't clear as to whether they were included.

Also, hey, somewhat nsfw:

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I have to say I am a bit surprised by the UK contingent talking shit to the UT guy about football.  I expect both teams to be much improved this year.  I wish I could say the same for mine.  

Only reason I have any hope for the UT game is because it is in Gainesville.  I am afraid that won't even matter.  I expect our OL to be hot garbage.  

I am concerned that this might be the year we finally are unable to out depth chart UK too.  I always have a hard time wrapping my head around a 28 year winning streak.

I am worried that the entire state of Florida will suck at football this year.  Miami might be improved, it depends on their young QB and FSU is stacked talent wise but I am not sure they have a real QB yet this year either.

That Daily Show finale was ok. Just a bunch of people that used to be on the show coming out for 15 minutes and Jon saying "omg it's you?!" to all of them. The Colbert "unscripted" part was cool. Not sure why the monologue was so hyped up though. Is it because he said bullshit a bunch of times?
I am worried that the entire state of Florida will suck at football this year. Miami might be improved, it depends on their young QB and FSU is stacked talent wise but I am not sure they have a real QB yet this year either.
They got that kid that cheated at ND. He will fit right in. The other one they had was the one that got kicked off for hitting that girl in the bar. I am sure he would still be around if there wasn't video of it.

That Daily Show finale was ok. Just a bunch of people that used to be on the show coming out for 15 minutes and Jon saying "omg it's you?!" to all of them. The Colbert "unscripted" part was cool. Not sure why the monologue was so hyped up though. Is it because he said bullshit a bunch of times?
I skipped most of the first person camera thing, though I lauged at Beardy McPlaid.

Yeah monologue didn't do much for me either. Still have one segment to watch. Falling into that personal politic thing I complained about earlier too, unsurprisingly.

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I have to say I am a bit surprised by the UK contingent talking shit to the UT guy about football. I expect both teams to be much improved this year. I wish I could say the same for mine.

Only reason I have any hope for the UT game is because it is in Gainesville. I am afraid that won't even matter. I expect our OL to be hot garbage.

I am concerned that this might be the year we finally are unable to out depth chart UK too. I always have a hard time wrapping my head around a 28 year winning streak.
UK has a football team?

Oh yea, we play that sport that kills time until Midnight Madness kicks off the only season we care about.

Hey now, they have butch davis and hes really going to turn it around there...

Did they actually hire Butch Davis? Did you mean Butch Jones? I would not be laughing about him turning it around. He seems to be. I hate that their QB is from where I live. It makes me want to kind of pull for them if they aren't playing UF. That is just all kinds of wrong...

They got that kid that cheated at ND. He will fit right in. The other one they had was the one that got kicked off for hitting that girl in the bar. I am sure he would still be around if there wasn't video of it.
Yeah, well if your team was any good you would have a bunch of problem football players too. Good thing the Gators suck so bad huh?

Also, they have several other QBs but you are right. If the ND kid plays well FSU may be in the hunt for the NC again this year. While the Gators lose to KY. It will be funny but that will be an awful day.

Yeah, well if your team was any good you would have a bunch of problem football players too. Good thing the Gators suck so bad huh?

Also, they have several other QBs but you are right. If the ND kid plays well FSU may be in the hunt for the NC again this year. While the Gators lose to KY. It will be funny but that will be an awful day.
I am sure we still have our share of problem players even while we suck. Hopefully no more murderers though. I wonder if Urban has recruited a couple more of those to OSU though.

I am not certain we will lose to KY, but it would not surprise me.

I am sure we still have our share of problem players even while we suck. Hopefully no more murderers though. I wonder if Urban has recruited a couple more of those to OSU though.

I am not certain we will lose to KY, but it would not surprise me.
Yeah, all teams have the problem players. My point is that only the good teams have them highlighted. I am surprised we havent heard more from OSU yet, but I bet that comes during the season.

Did they actually hire Butch Davis? Did you mean Butch Jones? I would not be laughing about him turning it around. He seems to be. I hate that their QB is from where I live. It makes me want to kind of pull for them if they aren't playing UF. That is just all kinds of wrong...
Its someone named Butch. All I know.

They have really missed Fulmer these past years, dooley was a great coach for them.

That Daily Show finale was ok. Just a bunch of people that used to be on the show coming out for 15 minutes and Jon saying "omg it's you?!" to all of them. The Colbert "unscripted" part was cool. Not sure why the monologue was so hyped up though. Is it because he said bullshit a bunch of times?
Because of the message. It wasn't overtly political. Just telling people to not be so complacent.


I had someone at work tell me "Oh I thought you were our age!" as in a couple of people who are about 8-10 years younger than me. I'm not sure if I should be happy that I look youthful or sad that I'm in that "you're how old?" category. 

I had someone at work tell me "Oh I thought you were our age!" as in a couple of people who are about 8-10 years younger than me. I'm not sure if I should be happy that I look youthful or sad that I'm in that "you're how old?" category. 

Gamestop dropped the WWE 2K15 Hulkamania editions to $30, sold out online but you can check to see if any are in stores and put a hold on a copy. The game is meh but the extras are probably worth it at that price.,28zu0

WWE 2K15 Hulkamania Edition Includes:
Exclusive premium packaging
Exclusive collectible art card personally autographed by Hulk Hogan
Exclusive Funko "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan vinyl figure
Exclusive piece of authentic ring canvas from Hulk Hogan's Monday Night Raw appearance on March 10, 2014 in Memphis, TN.
Two exclusive playable characters: Hulk Hogan and "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan
Access to WWE 2K15 global pre-order offer: Sting playable characters pack
Copy of WWE 2K15 video game.

That exclusive funko pop figure apparently goes for a lot of money on ebay. Kinda wish BB would clearance this out because they have a ton of copies for x1 at my store just sitting in a corner.
I had someone at work tell me "Oh I thought you were our age!" as in a couple of people who are about 8-10 years younger than me. I'm not sure if I should be happy that I look youthful or sad that I'm in that "you're how old?" category.
You should be happy.

My wife went grey pretty early. I've yet to get a single grey hair and am 35. My mocking days are numbered, but I'm enjoying them while they last.

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I had someone at work tell me "Oh I thought you were our age!" as in a couple of people who are about 8-10 years younger than me. I'm not sure if I should be happy that I look youthful or sad that I'm in that "you're how old?" category.
Enjoy it. I'm almost 40 and look at least 10 years younger. Probably because I'm not married and don't have kids.

Never understood why people cared if they had grey hairs or not but I've also been going grey since I was 16. Had to make peace with the probability of full blown salt and pepper by 35 real quick lol. 

GW3: After 50+ tries I finally 3-starred the final Adventure boss and got all of the Adventure Mode stars. Now to tackle co-op...

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Pete, I have the Vita at work today to start working on the 24 hour create mode trophy in LBP Vita.  No playing with the foot needed.  Start up one of the tutorials, rubber band the left stick to the right so Sackboy is constantly pushing up against the right wall of the "level", and sit back and wait for the minutes to tick by.

Sounds like fun!
Being at work is never fun and neither are ridiculous trophies like that. However, letting the clock watching at work help toward one without needing to baby sit it works for me. At least this way my coworkers wont come into my office and wonder why I have my shoes off with my foot resting on my Vita.

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That exclusive funko pop figure apparently goes for a lot of money on ebay. Kinda wish BB would clearance this out because they have a ton of copies for x1 at my store just sitting in a corner.
last night there were 7 stores locally that had these. this morning? poof, all gone.

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Being at work is never fun and neither are ridiculous trophies like that. However, letting the clock watching at work help toward one without needing to baby sit it works for me. At least this way my coworkers wont come into my office and wonder why I have my shoes off with my foot resting on my Vita.
I wasnt joiking. It is fun "earning" trophies while being at work, but not really working cause your drinking at a bar...wait...

I've haven't slept good all week.

Been in and out of the bathroom for a good part of the morning.

Got the heads up that a few people are gonna be call-ins tonight so work will suck.

Looking like that list of call-ins is gonna be one more deep.
that sucks man but I liked this for making the call-in list one more deep. Stick it to the man!
Never understood why people cared if they had grey hairs or not but I've also been going grey since I was 16. Had to make peace with the probability of full blown salt and pepper by 35 real quick lol.
I don't care if I go grey but I do like having hair. Honestly though if I was bald or balding I'd just shave my head and call it a day. The last time I got a haircut I saw 2 guys who both were grasping on to the few hairs they had like nobody's buisness. I don't get that. Why pay for the haircut?

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Pete, I have the Vita at work today to start working on the 24 hour create mode trophy in LBP Vita. No playing with the foot needed. Start up one of the tutorials, rubber band the left stick to the right so Sackboy is constantly pushing up against the right wall of the "level", and sit back and wait for the minutes to tick by.
why do I always do this shit before someone figures out an easier way. I spent so much time on geometry wars also when I could've just been patient while people figured out ways to rubber band farm geoms.

at least I didn't get that 24 hour create trophy legit so I'm still a really big winner. having played a number of community levels I'm not sure what kind of person spends 24 hours making them.

speaking of rubber banding, I finally got a setup to take care of the distance trophy in rocket league and the power company came by to let us know they were disconnecting and swapping the power pole that we're connected to today.  at least I took the old blood back to the library and you guys won't have to hear about that again for a long time.

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why do I always do this shit before someone figures out an easier way. I spent so much time on geometry wars also when I could've just been patient while people figured out ways to rubber band farm geoms.

at least I didn't get that 24 hour create trophy legit so I'm still a really big winner. having played a number of community levels I'm not sure what kind of person spends 24 hours making them.
I kind of figured this out an odd way. When I was working to get the play all the tutorial trophy, before I could finish them all the 10 minutes in create mode popped. So I went digging to see if you could use it for the 24 hour one and a couple people did mention it, but it does not seem to be prominent in any of the normal locations you would expect tips.

Other people mentioned using a peach on the screen, I am betting a banana would as well since I have seen where that works for other things. If this didn't work I likely would have gone with one of those.

Submerged Review

Ended up sounding a lot more like that Destructoid review than I expected. Great setting but the gameplay is just not that fun. Imagine they took the Assassin's Creed viewpoint tower climbing and turned that into a 4-5 hour game.
Bummer. I do like the idea of AC-style exploration and climbing, but without combat the climbing should have gone into more detail. As you mentioned in the review, there should be more varied pathing for how to get to a specific location and the puzzle aspect of climbing should have been more enhanced to provide a sense of accomplishment for getting to the top of a building. If the scaling aspect doesn't get difficult in some way then yeah I can see how it would just feel like a waste of time.

Oh well. I still want to give it a try, but I can't imagine it'll take long to hit a flash sale or PS+.

Pete, I have the Vita at work today to start working on the 24 hour create mode trophy in LBP Vita. No playing with the foot needed. Start up one of the tutorials, rubber band the left stick to the right so Sackboy is constantly pushing up against the right wall of the "level", and sit back and wait for the minutes to tick by.
Not that I don't appreciate the ingenuity, but this is why some trophies are just dumb.

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