PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I really really need a drink now.  Didnt get to go out for lunch due to the potluck and a monsoon that proceeded to flood us again today.  And then I have an employee who doesnt want to listen and do her job.  fuck

I really really need a drink now. Didnt get to go out for lunch due to the potluck and a monsoon that proceeded to flood us again today. And then I have an employee who doesnt want to listen and do her job. fuck
why don't you just keep a flask at your desk? then after you take a swig from it you can chuck it at the woman who won't do her job and it would solve two problems!

Congrats and you'll see why this game is so awesome. If you picked Fedex 3 day I wonder if you'll get it before Pancakes. Let me know what you think of the game after you get it.
I really really need a drink now. Didnt get to go out for lunch due to the potluck and a monsoon that proceeded to flood us again today. And then I have an employee who doesnt want to listen and do her job. fuck
Maybe it is time for "YOUR FIRED!" ala GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump?

Maybe it is time for "YOUR FIRED!" ala GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump?
So I installed a chrome extension that adds a trump quote as a middle name every time his full name is mentioned on the web. Its amazing, but apparently does not work in quotes. I see this as

Maybe its time for "YOUR FIRED!" ala GOP presidential frontrunner Donald "I think I am a nice person" Trump?
Congrats and you'll see why this game is so awesome. If you picked Fedex 3 day I wonder if you'll get it before Pancakes. Let me know what you think of the game after you get it.
Hasn't shipped or anything yet, probably won't until Monday? I forgot its like night time in japan. But yeah, I got the 3 day shipping. ended up at $46 total. Not bad at all for an import + shipping

That IA/VT COLORFUL game looks difficult with the different paths and buttons. Seems cool, though. Might have to pick that up at some point.

What are the rainbow notes that have no button symbol on them? What do you do for those?
The game is really simple. You don't control the circle that moves around. Up, Down, Left and Right goes with each directional input. The Box, Pyramid, Circle and Cross goes with correct face buttons. Sometimes you'll press a direction and face button at the same time but it's usually Ex: right and circle or Down and X. The rainbow notes get you a % when it goes Colorful. Then there's notes that are rainbow with a number. You need to hit the note then press the button that many times. Also the rainbow notes are good to transition to the next set of combo notes. You can use any button to hit a rainbow note. So if you are hitting O O O O (rainbow note) X X X. You can hit O x4 than hit X on rainbow note and be ready for the X button notes.

Pancakes and Sage wI'll be addicted to IA/VT, I'm sure of that.
I'd order that game, but I'm going to be away all next week. Don't want to receive it during that week. And the next option is the slow 2 to 3 weeks. I'm probably better off waiting to order until Wednesday so I get it on the following Monday with 3 day.

And, yeah, some of you clowns should pick up PuyoPuyo Tetris while you're at it. $41 plus shipping is not bad at all!

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Just played that level Wren got #1 on. Impressive, dawg. Do you guys 3 star as you go or just play all the levels until you unlock the shit you wanted?

I'd order that game, but I'm going to be away all next week. Don't want to receive it during that week. And the next option is the slow 2 to 3 weeks. I'm probably better off waiting to order until Wednesday so I get it on the following Monday with 3 day.

And, yeah, some of you clowns should pick up Puyo Puyo Tetris while you're at it. $41 plus shipping is not bad at all!
I'd wait til Wed to order it and if the game interests you than you should enjoy it.
Just played that level Wren got #1 on. Impressive, dawg. Do you guys 3 star as you go or just play all the levels until you unlock the shit you wanted?
A bit of both. I managed to 3-star a few levels at the start, but it wasn't until I unlocked and maxed out the Collect drone that I focused on 3-starring each level before moving on. There were a couple of levels where getting the third star was just out of my reach until I unlocked and maxed out the Turret super, plus a few levels are easier to 3-star with a different drone (e.g., Attack for the more intense levels that aren't too big so you can get Geoms while killing stuff, Ram for the Checkpoint levels to kill each wave faster). For most levels I went with Collect + Turret.

Yo, computer nerds:

I have my SSD in and it's working awesomely. Since it's only 250GB and my old HDD is 300GB, I was going to install that in the second hard drive bay in my case. But after having this SSD in for a few days, I'm really digging the fact that it's super quiet and you can barely tell the computer is on now. With the HDD in it makes a bunch of noise from all the spinning and moving parts.

But anyway.

If I put the HDD in, will it run the entire time the PC is on, or only when I'm accessing/using it directly?

Just played that level Wren got #1 on. Impressive, dawg. Do you guys 3 star as you go or just play all the levels until you unlock the shit you wanted?
I was going for 3 stars every time at first until the guys said you had to unlock the helpers or whatever they are called. Then I just went through and beat every level with at least one star and now I am going back through for 3 stars before moving to the next level.

I just got lucky on that level as it took a thousand tries to 3 star it and that #1 score was my first and only 3 star on that level.

Those amiibos I ordered from amiami shipped last Friday and arrived yesterday. Even with shipping and conversion fees they came out to around $14 each (or MSRP + tax here). Pancakes is right, this is a great time to import from Japan.

Yo, computer nerds:

I have my SSD in and it's working awesomely. Since it's only 250GB and my old HDD is 300GB, I was going to install that in the second hard drive bay in my case. But after having this SSD in for a few days, I'm really digging the fact that it's super quiet and you can barely tell the computer is on now. With the HDD in it makes a bunch of noise from all the spinning and moving parts.

But anyway.

If I put the HDD in, will it run the entire time the PC is on, or only when I'm accessing/using it directly?
The whole time the computer is on it will run. I believe you can probably set it to power down in the power options in control panel but I haven't really messed with that.

The whole time the computer is on it will run. I believe you can probably set it to power down in the power options in control panel but I haven't really messed with that.
I'll check it out, thanks. If it starts to annoy me, I'll just buy one of those enclosures on Amazon and turn it into an external. I got a couple for some old desktop HDDs and they work pretty well.

Gator, I saw this on Twitter. I'm not sure if you've heard anything about it, but probably.

Thanks. I heard about this a while back, but since it is like some of the other fests here and will not even post what breweries are showing up much less what beers I just cant bring myself to get a ticket. It feels like a complete gamble.

What does that mean? When it goes "colorful"?
You'll understand when you play it. Basically those rainbow notes when you correctly hit them will boost your Colorful. There will be different % on how well you do between sections. You need to try to hit 100% to get Gold SSS on each level. It's a blast to play.
Even after following the list here, I still don't know what enemy/enemies I have left for the Dying Time trophy in GW3. I'm pretty sure I've died to everything in that list. :whistle2:k
Make sure you actually die by running in to a boss or a red wall block. Those are the ones I missed. Other favorites are the mine droppers on pacifism. I can't remember if the giant shapes count.
Yo, computer nerds:

I have my SSD in and it's working awesomely. Since it's only 250GB and my old HDD is 300GB, I was going to install that in the second hard drive bay in my case. But after having this SSD in for a few days, I'm really digging the fact that it's super quiet and you can barely tell the computer is on now. With the HDD in it makes a bunch of noise from all the spinning and moving parts.

But anyway.

If I put the HDD in, will it run the entire time the PC is on, or only when I'm accessing/using it directly?
Oh man, I hope this isn't the end of you talking about your SSD. It's really been enthralling, probably the best story in here since my fridge. Please continue to provide weekly updates on your SSD.

Trans-galactic tournament isn't too bad for a console moba. You def need to play a few rounds and upgrade before you stand a chance, but already I have most of the trophies cept the grindy ones.

Trimmed the games I'm considering in this sale by about 50%. There was a lot of crap in there that I'd probably consider in a dollar sale but not more than that. 

Definitely buying:

Tiny Brains

OMG HD Zobmies

Gravity Crash Ultra
Maybe buying:
Jet Car Stunts

The Last Tinker
White Night
Frozen Synapse Prime
Munch's Oddyssee
Oh man, I hope this isn't the end of you talking about your SSD. It's really been enthralling, probably the best story in here since my fridge. Please continue to provide weekly updates on your SSD.
Would you like to hear the one about how my windshield has a growing crack in it and I'm hoping to make it until Tuesday in 100 plus degree weather when it's supposed to get replaced?

So Galak Z has 5 "seasons" or levels and the fifth one isnt even released yet.  Which means 100% isnt obtainable.  HAHA what a joke. 


Best Buy has the PS4 camera for $25 if you have a $15 coupon from a Best Buy email from July 21 with the subject Add more awesome to your PS4.

You'd had to have bought your PS4 from Best Buy. You can beg for a code here.
Not sure why I am even slightly tempted by this but what games support it? Or is it only for twitch?

I have the coupon and either $5 or $10 BB Space bucks. Just don't think I would ever use it. Unless there was some cool game that utilized it.

FWIW, I didn't buy either of my PS4s from BB though. Original was Amazon and the replacement was from GS.

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