PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Not sure why I am even slightly tempted by this but what games support it? Or is it only for twitch?

I have the coupon and either $5 or $10 BB Space bucks. Just don't think I would ever use it. Unless there was some cool game that utilized it.
Just Dance 2014
The Playroom
Just Dance 2015

Have Features
Alien: Isolation
Angry Birds: Star Wars
LittleBigPlanet 3
NBA 2K15
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show
Surgeon Simulator
War Thunder

I'm thinking if you're interested in Project Morpheus, this would be a good price to grab this at as I think the camera is going to be used for it.
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Trimmed the games I'm considering in this sale by about 50%. There was a lot of crap in there that I'd probably consider in a dollar sale but not more than that.

Definitely buying:

Tiny Brains

OMG HD Zobmies

Gravity Crash Ultra

Maybe buying:

Jet Car Stunts

The Last Tinker
White Night
Frozen Synapse Prime
Munch's Oddyssee
I redeemed some of my Power Up Rewards points to get $6 PSN money to get The Last Tinker. That way, if it sucks, it was free anyway.

Oh boy, a new Fantastic Four Nightmare on Elm Street movie. I can't wait to find out how they all got their powers.
Wasnt there ine where people did have powers? Maybe I was thinking Friday the 13th, because I know there is one where some bitch with telekenesis beats the shit ou of Jason.
Just Dance 2014
The Playroom
Just Dance 2015

Have Features
Alien: Isolation
Angry Birds: Star Wars
LittleBigPlanet 3
NBA 2K15
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show
Surgeon Simulator
War Thunder

I'm thinking if you're interested in Project Morpheus, this would be a good price to grab this at as I think the camera is going to be used for it.
Even for $25 minus $5 or $10 I don't think it is worth it to me. If you need the coupon you can have mine.

Turns out the subway here on center has those special lays chips. I tried the NY Rueben chips the other day. They weren't bad. Still need to try the other two.

EDIT: actually 3 more, but they didn't have the truffle ones.

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Maybe buying:

Jet Car Stunts
definitely get jet car stunts. I think someone in here really liked it.
I played it on mobile and didn't dislike it as much as Zimm. Seems like with actual controls it could be decent to me.
Pretty sure jet car stunts is the prequel to rocket league. Everyone should pick this up!
Goddamnit people.




Rope Launcher in Assassin’s Creed Batman?
That's been known for a while. I remember seeing it in a gameplay video for Syndicate over a month ago, and the video wasn't even new.

I'll check it out, thanks. If it starts to annoy me, I'll just buy one of those enclosures on Amazon and turn it into an external. I got a couple for some old desktop HDDs and they work pretty well.
The drive should spin up on boot and then settle down shortly afterwards except for when you're accessing data on it. If the drive is always noisy then I'd run diagnostics on the thing. It might have a problem.

Oh man, I hope this isn't the end of you talking about your SSD. It's really been enthralling, probably the best story in here since my fridge. Please continue to provide weekly updates on your SSD.
How's your fridge doing, anyway? Is it in the top 7000 for fridges?

Welp, you sold me on it!

Make sure you actually die by running in to a boss or a red wall block. Those are the ones I missed. Other favorites are the mine droppers on pacifism. I can't remember if the giant shapes count.
Thanks. I'm not sure what was missing, but I got the trophy after dying to random things in Endurance (the 10-minute-long level).

Now all I have for the plat is co-op (and Gatherer, but I'll just do the trick posted earlier for that), and my brother isn't half-bad at the game--we already 3-starred the first three levels.

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So Galak Z has 5 "seasons" or levels and the fifth one isnt even released yet. Which means 100% isnt obtainable. HAHA what a joke.

I'm gonna stream it here in a few hours, along with Submerged.

I know Friday night is a shitty night to stream, but last couple days have been consumed with Rocket League.

Zimm, its like talking to a wall right?

Owl and his posts about Matt Hazard were driving me up a wall too.
It's not like I'm actively ignoring his advice. I've played the game before and didn't hate it. The only think I really didn't like is that it didn't work well with touch controls.

Finally tried these yesterday. Tastes like a creamier sour cream and onion to me, wouldn't eat again. Winner still goes to the Reuben hands down for me.

Awesome. Just checked BB and apparently my gliched shopping cart is now fixed. Now I just need to load it up with stuff in case they mess up the site again tonight.

It's not like I'm actively ignoring his advice. I've played the game before and didn't hate it. The only think I really didn't like is that it didn't work well with touch controls.
Regular controls don't work well either, Sparkles.
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Finally tried these yesterday. Tastes like a creamier sour cream and onion to me, wouldn't eat again. Winner still goes to the Reuben hands down for me.
I've only tried the Reuben ones so far. They weren't bad at all. Will save the biscuit and gravy ones for when the wife comes home.

There's zero point in trying the "West Coast Truffle Fries" flavor. I get truffle fries every couple weeks from the place right down the street from work.

No death sentence for that batman movie theater shooter. Grow some balls Colorado jury.
They probably think OJ is innocent.

I wouldn't even care what the crime was. If I got stuck on jury duty for 8 months I would vote for the death penalty even if all the guy did was jaywalk.

I don't think I'd have the balls to sentence someone to death either. I think life in prison is a substantially worse punishment anyhow, but karmically I just don't want to participate in killing another person unless someone else is in immediate danger.
I'm definitely taking the night off from work... gonna try to catch a few more Zs but after that it's gaming all night long.

More exciting than sex!
No it's not.

I had gnoicci for dinner. Kids made do with just linguine.

Should finish off chapter 4 for Hyperdimension Neptun tonight then I'll be about halfway through the game.

Unfinished Swan isn't that bad but could use a little more variety...and some sort of soundtrack.

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